HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-10-04, Page 5ZURICH 'ONTARIO 110 Tr. ...._=,,,,11•••••••••noto it,00.970,ed XS see,ond class mail, J w. i-e....A, ,,-• . —1 1 On I i NF WS zuR.IcH i-ra-,RLD ,,,...„.. ,...._ ._________,.., Woo In (xtrald. Gingerleh's store. • ALVIN WALPER Mr, Earl YU!ngblut wecompanied friende up north on a fishing trip. . Pet Oe Department, Ottawa. Mr 'and Mrs. Dam ;Millee of London PRovINciA.1.. were visitors in town one day last, leimeeseti 2-metioneer . week. Mr and Mi•s. Ed. •Dears ana Yles. vor rm. FIATI. 'hYttP:e (07: em.all; CourtD .- Ed. atlIv9 Sr., werw e eek -end visit - mew and Efficien, t .Service at au ors de. "Kieohener, times• phDAsliwooD Mrs. He Mi Mousseau is melte 111 at r l pren eent iSouth Huron Hospaal, at, one 67 2, _____------------ Exeter. eMr and (Mrs Chris Haist attended: . RONALD "C.e. rM6CAN the funerid !Of Mrs, Chas; Fahnet, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT1 ! 'day. Phones,: 561 Office Royal Raoh.Bldg. in Greditore on Mon Mx ard Mrs. Chris Heist spent; 455 Res. :R,atenbury S.t Sunday in Brodlhagen visiting with CLINTON - tONTARIO lele and 1.11s. Harry Regele. Mrs. Anna TuerleheAlm spent a vac, ation at ;, I' 6. 'borne lurf her, daughtere ...----•—e----. 0 at Toronto. MOBILE DISP SAL Ethel Gabel has taken a pos- CONTRACTING Mrs. Keith Thiel and .01iiildren vts • ited at the home of the lormertelper„ . .... • Septiic Tank Cleaning , Repeters on • e.nts •,,, !.•Iast week. • Drains Watermains, Etc. Finkbeiner of 'New Instalatoinsi on 'Cement "Septic town werviitene relativem De- ‘,.pirr•en and Mrs. ji.ld Ma 0 S WEL d of 'Tanks, Dra,inage. 'Tile and 'Drains T Meet 'TOUT Requirement . troit over Che eve.f.ik-cd. e e!s 1205. Grand 'Bend Drs. COX011& LEITCH VE'rERINARY SURGEONS •daij- treet. has been a pat- ient in St, Joseph's itio.spital, Londen, the:past w•cek in the intereet of his health. Mies Arlene Haberer of Victoria tl§teue with Residence, Main Hospital, London, event several days • Ooneeite Drug Store teith.lier peteete, bore ,over the week - Moe 96 ZURICH end, . -• ;MS., Grant •Case Lueknow is Waterloo Cattle Breedin., spendlifig the week with hex mothele Mrs. Herb Mous:seam at Exeter Hos- Association. For •ar'dificial insemination %for; petal atel eelto is ill. Mr eed G. Mailiers, of Los mation service from all .loreecis California -visited this week tattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Arzeles, 'Breeding Aesociatiohl at. Clinton Nem tee. -iereyeeee; Aster Mrs. Chris 2-3441 between 7:80 and 9:30 eimst and Hat. Mr and 14frs Bert Klapp and dau.• A.M..We have all. breeds available - O quality at low- cost. ghter Mary, enoitored to Toronto for -ilp the week -end to visit (with their ZURICH! HERM") G. A. WEBB, D.C. *Doctor of Ctdrepreetlie ' 438 mitira STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wed• Tues. & Timers, Evenings 7-9 Illor Appointments - Phone '696 - G. B. CLANCY • ghter, Mr and Mrs. Haywood and Optometrist — Optician grandchild. (Sueeessor to the late A. L. Dr. and Mrs. Hoetettler and ,fara- • Cole, optometrist) day of Lenclon, and Mae Walter Hos- ' For appointments phone 33, tettler of :New Ilamheee were recent •Goderich - Ont. visitors at the Iherne of Mr and Mrs r"-- 'ARTHUR FRASER John rown. . . Mrs. T. Hartman and sons, Ray, Income Tax Reports mond land Robett of Goshen South, Bookkeeping Service, Etc. and 'Mr and !Mr -7. Greg Flemming EXETER , Mrs. Ed. Haetenan !&' 13,Taterloo. "OFFICE - Corner Ann, William Sts. Mrs. 111,11arcelline •Corrieeae awl Phone Exeter 504 Gordoe, !Mr '9nd .7%11e, 7et:, .,etee (l). riveau atterded tle, i7.1p.. - _ T were &wily vielters with Mr and rady - Cleaners & Laundeteria Ltd. - Exeter Complete Sanitone Cleaning Laundry and Storage Service Pick up Mon., back on Thurs. Pick up Thurs., back on Monday. (Local Agent) EARL OESCH Barber Shop Zurich r N. L. MARTIN -- OPTOMETRIST Main Street ENeter Open Every Week Day Exf.ept Wednesday BELL & LAUGHTON ' BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC " ELMER. D. BETL, Q.C. • EXETER — PHONE 4 C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.B. Wednesday, 2 to 5 p_m. at Zurich 4 At Tovirnship Mlles Office ZURICH'S POPULAR MEAT MA13,ET, • '04' LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY CHOICE OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS, SAUSAGE.q ' . arg• 4040.- a:4 AIL: WA -1'P . HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MODERN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION YIJINIGBLUT OS O'Brien's 'Produce famine wedding I •ee. Settee d s il :Salesman Wanted Available at once — Good Rawleigh business. Selling experience helpful but not required. Oar necessary. Write et once for particulars. --- Rewleigh'e Dept. J -468 -TT, Montreal P. Q. FOP SAI.E Choice quality Cabitages,ICauljiloweee beets suitable for •canning. Apply, to Wilfred Measseau, R.R. 2, . Hen- sail, Highway S4, 2% finales, west of Hensall. Phone 92e2, Zurith, FOR QUiCK • A man's dar brown winter ovetcoat good condition. Anply Ph. 85 r 17, Zurich. FOR SALE APPLES - Limited quantity of Mackiintosh apples for .sale. Apply Ted. Steinbach, Zurich. 2t* WANTED Aii old barn to be torn down, or removed. Apply to M. Vela -Duet, R. R. A Zurich, Phone 93 r 2. 2t5 —FAM1LE X— - • Start a permanent year round bus - been. lion begin .earning goo money the first day. IStrietly your own boss. Openings, in your ear- roundinge. ".-:"1.11LEX, Dept. A. 'Station • C., :Montreal, Can. d Mr ap'I yr,:m 1.7 r!,1 (yr _hum. report was given by ay. eteeit e0., Tee, yeiw„, - •••••ell Geiger, was mead, an •ere easl. , „, (17 The , to Elrnville for October 10 ver , eTr. eeited. The meeting closed •eee Queen. Delicious refresh_ ister, Tcoir.1.:Pfra who i •• served by the committee. Fee" . e -d ..-•••.-II'I`DTION GROUP DISBAND t A READ 911 the table o 0o0 Your H ardware i, 0 • Ti • •eurede;e, •October 44• 1th 195.6 the meal is ready! Be Your Menu Maker YOUR BAKER not •only suppries delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal!' Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Buns for heeakfast.. luscious fruit-fille4 treats for luncheon..piping• hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Breal in Vaxiet§, too, for snacks any tim• of day or night. SO" don't get wrink. les worrying about variety in meals— let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tray today! TatsT-M3 P7,1rery •• 'PHONE 100 ZIJRICH FISH & CHIP ond LIGHT LUNCHES. Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 2% Gallons C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK. • 8 4 Plumbing SALES & SERVICE • Rader & - EMI 7‘.,T 7.1cd Phone Zurich jszav Property for Sale Six-year-old House, large living room, dining room and one bedroom 'with closet and hardwood floors in each room; 3-plece bath and modern large kitchen with double sinks on main floor: two large bedrooms up - stirs with lots of closet space„ Com- plete basement with hot and cold Water; fruit room and coal room. Breezeway and adjoining garage,with nice lawn and garden. Apply only on .Saturday and Sunday to Donald H Arm Telephone 79 Zurich. Mrs. ,Rosi t 11'1 ' a n. er spending sonic vir'‘ 1'1- ireeting (of the executive of -- hter in Detroit. Mr and Mrs. T en i, of the Midwestern Ontario For Appointment, Rau and son have also returned to i.evelonment Association in the 'town DadliWOOd . 27 r 13 Highest Cash Prices%Paid for CREAM- EGGS - and POULTRY LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 — ZURICH •-r• Lula Cre277 Your Home Mweket, HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVEED CREAM. • W E ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS ..Chas. Minshall,. Proprietol, Cream, Eggs and Poultry their home here from spending the summer :at Gra-nd Bend. 111/r and Mrs. J. J. Swartz . of De- troit have Plat reretil•ly reture ti from. an extended teen Ferriee From this peeintthey tre.Nthe pion and visited the island of Cuba. most enjoyalble trip was enjoyed. Mr. Jack Haberer has 1 Durham, North Carolina Clinton, the two-year-old Huron wes•, 41 Coi .1.4! olved , A balance of . $63 J. NORMAN COWAN e,, Industrial Promotion Dowd. remf,Alied in the. treasury is to be Bookkeeping and • Income Tax Service tu•In1 over te the directors of Zone I Asiiociation dor use as needed. R. 1. Jermyee ipresident of the Zone 1 sociation, was ,chairman for the eft fc".• ineeteg, which heard a number of 0 attend industrial promotion men. Duke Privereity, following ins course in studies of Eceinoreics, We wish this !brilliant ettidept eVeVY: SI.J.cce°S 1-1r.INSAIS„ Returns from Hospitel MTS. :Mar; Steplum ee-i••••••••4.1 home ,from •Clinton .I'.•.4'"•• al whera she has been a (patient a few weeks a;s• a result ,of a fall in- jury. Mrs. Hooper id Exeter, its in attendance. We ,wititthe patient con- tinued recovery. 'MS ;Contintiefl Venture ol !studies. Attended Funeral Mir Mand Male •Conrad Siemon, Mr and Mrs. Hugh Thiel and Mrs. Fred Sieneon of the Blue Water Highevay elit:idea tale funeral of the former's •daughter, (Nellie-) Mrs. Miller, of Kitchener. `Sarepta' Hay P. 0. NOTICE COURT OF REVISION Mr and Mrs. H. Oook and Garj, TOWNSHIP OF HAY Pyr 1 holidaying at Lions Head! • .••... . 1 fe Armstrong is vacation- I Netice is hereby given that a ieg ,(1 G ee i rend. rourt of Revision on the 195'7 Aa - Miss Kay Platt ,and Mr. Wayne eessment Roll will be held on Thurs- Corlett of Leamington, were ...reek day, October 4th, 1956 at 8.00 pan. end guests with Mr and Mrs. N. Cook M the Hay Township Hall, Zurich, FraCtures Arm— . Ontario, for the purpose of hearing 1 • Appeals to be dealt with will be 1957 ASSESSMENT ROLL WE HAVE THE.MOST MODERN IN: Bathroom Fixtures Electrical ApT9liances Automatic Heating Air Conditioning Beatty and Pedlar Products Glidden, Spread Satin and C. V. Paints Super Kern Tone and Kem Glo. WE DO .SPRAY PAINTING— See Us For Your Hardware Needs: Heating - Tinsrnithing ziglErMSIOW • e a a 4$ • ip a a • • 1 Mrs. R. Vanstone had the milder- any appeals against the assessnients. • 0 a 51 51 • Phone Hensall 115. • Beer Seized at Hensall Chargee ander the Canada Temp- erance Act 't'll'e pending against a IIIrr•-•••e'l . -iwing a police raid ell 0. s I i ei• ,• , :,., el 1' Sunday morning, Six e••e;;el peli.!e confiscated a Ilaree eteie.i.,.: • et' beer %?. 1. liquor. CR.'":•, '7 . ' : ,-' .ME Ouet Lady o 2... (e•e• !. e. ,1 C1l1.rc1( with the Rev. Fitt er ,t. Iii,•el,, ca. lath*, was the setting for tee wed- ding of Delaine .Antin Lenevanie, da- ughter of Mr and. ,3irs. 14,11m,ed.. . 11 0111 1 r, 0 Of naSh ti,` 0 0.1, -and Joseph Gerard Cronin, son of Alre Crealin of Dublin, and the Tete Joseph Cronin. Autumn tonedghelteli adorned the elee ..71. peel rieleeel, provided 'od- d..',.. ;-i71.'!11lte krA O..;%•1= I:An i e ;I the so - l{,4 Atiee 14Thi ol: Duldin. tune to fracture her right wriet w i 'cranking a car at her home on Sat- those received on or before AUgub urday night. X-rays taken at South 26th, 1956, Huron Hospital, Exeter, revealed the H. W. Brokenshire, fracture, her wrist is in a .oast up to , Clerk, Treasuver, Hay Twp. the elbow. Ales. Vanstone is the ' V. L. Becker, Reeve. 2to mother of ttheee children. Western Failure.' Weather insurnm eeesemenuiesseen=e...•=evenee.. • ..-aa-erre-es..., e•eree.e. ere:me . 0 c3 51 0 0 0 0 51 Binder 11\ ‘11 Jt THE TWINE SEASON IS . HER7., AGA1V SEE US FOR BALER AND BINDI7t TWINE SEE US FOR GRAIN IN TRUCK LOTS TRY OUR CHICK STARTER1 Hogs Shipped Tuesday and Thursday Cattle on Saturday Hensall District Cc IT I institute The ''hh Wniui Institute .net lin the ttoll Tuftzday evening. fint meeting with the • f le fall mason and was .OF WOODS'InCt , w;11 attended. Mrs, Res°, 0112 LARGEST RESERVE, BAT, gINCE OE ,ANY CANADIAN MUT- ' SAL COMPANY -DOING BUSINESS • e OF THIS KIND TN ONTARIO .. the president, opened. the ineetme with song and praying ',Me Lord's prayer. A short sing song was en- joyed. Miss Gail Siebert renaered a piano eolch This was well given, Re - RATES ON A_PPLICATION 1 L•elutions were taken up mirth Splen - L F. KLOPP - ZURICH i id ideals. The. Wee, Siebert gave a AGENT i Very 1 ovil demonstration on flame 411.10 DEALER IN LICIT-ITN/NC This al -op NV:1 g the value reOr ladies 'BOBS AND ALL KINDS OF FY e to elle- .4 ' ' ,s• meetings. Busimeet ANSURANCE and a new meet. .e.e^ bene; recet. ed. Nursing and hed making for iihe sick • 1:* The Fabulous Noises Oft heard but rarely seen together are the fabulcus Noiei Brothers. Among them they play virtually every majorIband instrument and .appear, one or the other .of them, in ipractic: ally every 0130 .orchestra in Toronto. At the left is the guy 'who is not a Naosi at all but a iMacDoegal, Who is regarded as ariuthority ,o -n, music nd who supplies the three brothers with the tin horns that he ,claims they always blow. Johnny plays every percussion instrument in the books. Joe plays string base tuba, bees horn, nnd every 'other hese instrument around. Bert is aerometer, leader, trumpeter, flutist, trontbonitt, ne 0, tona nd erra27-"I=AZIMF. 4't 0 00 as) 51 51 0 • 0 Et. Cie? 4. V Fail Foorcive,::.!F THEY ARE HERE NOW! Plastic Overshoes for Women and Girls— • -Girl's sizes 13 to 3. Including smoke shaded for Women. Men's Rubber Boots, priced from .... 3.95 to 6.75 We also have a good supply of Orient Nylons in 30, 60 and 90 gauge at 99c. Oesch Shoe St Phone, Res. 130. sgeMasimmilsw.„,--1-mem=romaktwe=t. • _ .• •. s • PAINT WITH T E. ',... „...., : SCARF'S'' .''• ,15.. .11. 4 v • ALKYD PAINT • 1 0, •.JELLIED • • et • • • • o be used • • • • • • • • It Doesen't Drip It Doesen't Run Never Needs Stirring T t e Store 82 on Wood, Old • 1„.•,ri:s nd, Cement. In a choice of in-, . 7 Comes in Flat, Serni GlorV„ird..•,,„r You can do your painting THIX. It needs no thinning or stirvInt:,,i.. for your next paint job. TI-IIX goes farther easier. Available at OUR AIM—To Serve and &Ivy. 913 Datars' Phone • 15 Main St, Hardware Store 8601titt6;•.. 51 51 51 5) 0 0