Zurich Herald, 1956-10-04, Page 42U1UH NTARti AC -AS" IN IN •FIRST PLACE the past 12 months 'Me B o M. has won top rating for Canada lin all Pint place lin 'Canadian bane adv out one of the 1st 11 years, and in 'ertistvg has again been won by the two years .., 1191416 and 1954 - it rank - ay& aVliointreal in the "13ank Ad d Are' for the 'continent reeedving alalavws" continuing Study of financial \ Seeratee High Award for Worth Am- etaiveatising in Nerth Amerlea during erica. T. Hu' NORTH AMERICAN A Mutual Company Phone 70-W Guaranteed Life Income WITH ASSURANCE MEANS THIS TO YOU —It creates an immediate cash estate guarantees a monthly life income —It provides freedom from invest- ment worries. —It guarantees the privilege of re - firings when you want to. North American Life's Penelou Flan guarantees the largest possible secure income at the time it is needed, ow- ing to loss of health, disability, pre- mature death ar oldd age. IT Koffman LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY — All Profits for Policyholders Dashwood, Ont • H641171 COMireff ECONOMY This modern furnace with automatically con. trolled heat provides humid. Med, filtered, evenly warmed and circulated air for health and corn* fort no stale fumes or odours in the house when you own a Clare. And it's so economical to buy and operate! Come in and see this beautiful new furnace for yourself. tl. Healthful -Air is filtered, humidified, evenly warmed and circulated. • Carefree -Automatic thermostatic controls. • Cfeon-Filters remove dust and dirt from air. • Dependable -Built with finest ma- terial an d guaranteed by Clare Bros. • Economical -Delivers maximum heat from fuel used. STADE & WEIDO Exclusive Dealers Phone 92 Zurich, Ont. 'ft• aaai 4 4 • .:••• Ng. • • ;$ • , • • • 3ff.A444,51".f::,,Ay r.:ft,'".fiff*S4 ,S4fraefffia f.• eiaaaagaaaMaiaaaaaaee • Let us install a new Duro Water System and get all the water you want, instantly, at the torn of a tap. It costs you only about le per 1,000 gallons. ONLY 10% DOWN U.'? TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and our instaidation charge Our all-inclusive EMCO BUDGET PLAN covers your complete system—pump, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all your buildings and the cost of installa- time You can enjoy the comfort, savings, leieure and safety of water while you pay for it. , . 0 We will be glad to give you a free estimate of the cost of labour and materials. Phone ar come into our shop and see how really inexpensive running water the DURO way can llgo. STADE &WEIDO Zurich Ontario Arifitpiree Moss Mfg. 0o. Limiter* D.1.Ss RoV ZURICH HERALD A.. V.} --WES ADDRESS* Tie following address was given by Wilitiarrn Dinnitn 11, in the Zurich .Community Centre, Fa* Night Sept. 25th'' The St. Lawrence SeawuY Four hunared years ago Jacques 'Care -tier explored the Sa. Lawrence Rivier. He 'was disappointed to And that it was not a paasage-way lead- inig through the Werth American ,clori- talent to the Pacific Ocean. Later ex- plorers found that it did extend to the middle of the eontinent, and when locks were aohstructed at,Sault 'Ste. Mamie and at Welland, lake fre- ightees could ply to the head cif Le Supenior. • New, in the twentieth eaentury, modern 'engineering peesnits teacon- struction tof new leanaile.and locks so that ,oicean-going vessels ,cau reach the heart cif the icontinent. The St. Lawrence -Great Lakes waterway sy- stem is 2;200 tridlee long. Most of it is easily navigable, butt there are places where rapids and srhanow wat er snake looks and canals necessary The 'Governments of Canada) Unit ed States, Ontario, and New York awe now building the long -planned Seaway and Pewee. Project, In 19,52, lby International Agree, ment, 'Canada and the United States arranged for a power development in the international Rapids section. .0anada ageeed to build all:Jacks and canals from Montrealto Lake Erie. United ,States agaeed to build lolcks and canals in the International Rae- als section on the U.S. side. In 1954 tears were planned by both 'countri- es at Beenhart Island and Iroquois. Viaitors are permitted to travel close to the building operations. Yon 'can view the work from several "look -out" points' specially provided on the American side. Iluge dredges using bucket or sacal .1 pipe are ;busy deepening 'chair's -le Bulldozers build dykes. Burildie are sleeved from areas to be flooded and are plated on higher eroserri. Hundred e men are engaged in this tremendous pro- ject. The distance hem .1Monareal to Lake Ontario is 183 stales. Natural 'barriers interfere with navigation at S011112,1",30,3, International Rapids and the 'Theueand Islands. The seaway will allow the passage of ocean freighters 500 feet long, 75 feet wide, and of 25 -foot draft.These freighters may carry five times the load of a lake bleat. The Seaway has (wonderful possib- ilities for the development of electr- ie power. .Flowing from Lake' Super- ior to MoIntreal harbour, the arater falls about '600 feet. Power snay be developed at several giant steps — the St. Mary's River, St. Clair river, Detroit River, the International Rap ids, the .Soulanges• and Latc.hine Rap- ids. Two-thirds ,of (the possible eleven million heasepower will bong to Canaria. It is estimated that the Seaway and Power Project will cost a 'billion dollars. Canada will pay the larger share of this east. The Seaway will braeiron ore from Quelbee and Labador indus- trial ,centree along the la'eee more easily and at leas cost. It will reauce the cost eastbound carve& It will mean more and cheaper pewee' for industry. Cities la -e Chicago', Detroit, ane Toronto wfll have direct shi,pp'u links with Liverpool and liambure.1 New ports will devellea. The St. Lawrence .Seaway will ave about 30 million dollars 'annually n transportation costs. Larger vess- els carry goods mere 'cheaply. Less loading and unloading will be need - d. The 10 -million tons moving on t. Lawrence canals tide year will he tepped up to 30-millien tons when e zeasway is completed. Thurrelay, .0etalber 4th, 19 Industry nvili •expand along the seaway, New power will result in lower prices for geode, mare purchae- lug power, Mae husiness; and snore traffic 'of every kind. Irt,conclusion, the +Seaway will bring a better way of life to the people of Canada and the United States. Lama and The Queen brought the meeting to a 'close. Mr and Mrs Ralph Krotz and boys and Mr and ,Mra Alex. 'Wolfe and Ruby from Listlewel were 'Sunday visitors with Rev, W. P. Itrotz. Mr and Mrs Marshall Gillmoee and Marsalaof Derides spent the week- end et the home of Mr and Mrs. C. P. Pfile. ' (Mrs. Wilfred Travis, Gary and DASHW000 Brenda of Winnipeg are spending a few weeks at the home of her Par- ents, Mr and Mrs A. Kuntz. Dashwood W. 1. Dashwood W. L .started their fell meetings Tuesday, September 25th, 'with a health Meeting. •Ialothers of young &Wren were .guests and a/lies Coney, health nurse, was guest spe- aker and showed two , interesting films "The Terrible Twos, and The Tan -sating Threes," followed by die. cussion. Mee. E. Koehler presided for the program. The roll call, a cure tar the blues proved interesting. Misses Marie and Buth Salmon • ac- eicanpenied • ay eaae 7.17( one Kellerman favoured with clar:net and ,cornet - duets. Mrs. Floyd Wein gave a read- . ing 'A Quick Cereal, Mrs. Mervyn .a Tiernan disreeeed the motto ,"The nation is as strong as the health of its people." A tray for a sick room was on exhibition. s e th Mrs Letta Taylor 2nd viceepres., presided for the business. Mrs. Ken McCrae was appointed as delegate to the 'convention in London. Mrs. Chas 'Snell, Mrs. :Sid Baker, Mrs. Wallace Wein, and Mrs, Ernest Koehler were appointed leaders for the hememak- I ing Chb. atIrs. A. V. Tiernan, Mrs Harold Rade:, Mrs. Stuart Wolfe and Mos: Floyd Wein 'We77:',' appointed , „e Th'l Institute 'decided to bey a flag and harness for the Dashwod Band. Mr a,nd, Mae Stanley .Bryant of London spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs, C. Mr and Mrs Ivan Taylor and. boys and Mr and Mos Garnet Weiberg and family all of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Elgin Rader and boys. Mr and Mrs. Jim Poland of Sud- bury and Rev, and ars. %lace See- beck of Hanover were visitore with Mrs. Cora Geiger. FARMERS' UNION MEET Gordon Hill, Venlig, who is west: dont oa the Varna Local of the Ont- ario Farmer's .Union was named president of the Buren 'County zione of the Farmers' Union. The annul meeting of 'the County group Ava.-• ;held in the agricultural office board room at 'Melton, Thursday last. As- eisting Mr. Hill will be Bob Taylor, Varna, president la the Hohneeville Local, acting fas, sukdirector. Lady director is Mrs. Jack Armstrong, of Belgrave and secreary is Mrs. Ann Nesbitt of Blyth. Reports at the me- eting on the federation Convention of the Union held last month in • Seaketooln were Mrs. Aavastrong awl 1 liit the past preeidenti Harold Carter, ot /Natal" Guest speaker at the. meet.. .ifis,,r attended by about .do eyacin Oda/ supporters', was A. V. Corniack ipresident of the provincial group* who reviewed. the.work of the OFt; Ildnring the past year. Many prone :bent mayors reeves and pablie mine 1ded peesoeellf 'were in' attendance. MUNICIPALITIES SHOULD • After ItenOm.l!aGnAtil-.7.11.c71-..aign. to eat the traffic toll in 1,11.18 province At. torney Gen. A. lc„,elan Rtherts could report some coneldeeahlte protottS$ recently. Faatalitiee on provincial highways were reduced during this period by 14 pee feent as eotnpared valibh the' same reeled in 1955. This is sulbsteeeial ariteernent, bei as the Atternev Generall,'himself, pointed out, the deata toll is still high. Nearly twe persons axe killed every day ion provincial highways; another dies on the. roadway of city or tolwn. in the ,savne Iseriod'. "On. the average lone able 'bodied person dies on the roads of Ontadol br vioamt means _every eight hour "see*. iiif,. sixiift,'! he said. °llama() has 970 rounicipalitiets, cables, (towns and villages where traf... fie eafqty is le concern. 'We would, get at the root 'of this safety proh- I .," Alt . t .. .. e . o e se ."If •every solitary inueezipality or. ' amazed a safety coenail, putuelt ita, head a responailele eilazen aware of the erobiems,,and ,determined to solve. them at the local level" The Bank of Montreal has open a branch at an airforce base in Ger- many, and Mr, E ug ;.ne Forester of London, foimerly on the staff of thee Bank of Montreal in Hansen, has,. them appointed as manager Ci -DA EsTal •st a most valuable food o and would you believe it—there are Cheese is d more than 40 kinds of cheese made in Canada. October is Cheese Festival Month and what a wonderful variety awaits you right now at your food store! A free set of Marie Fraser's Cheese Recipe Booklets .4* is yours for the asking. Write today. DAIRY FO o DS SERVJCS BUREAU TAY Use and • Encourage the Use of our Home Can- adian Dairy Products and patronize the following: O'BRIEN'S PRODUCE, Zurich ,- Phone 101 ZURICH CREAMERY Phone 160 ZURICH DAIRY — Phone 164 ro fq.e.:$ 47: tee e ty • ft,f,AA; t(teim e “3 kff.*:4 ‘„rf:i • f.fff..4 iY TANIft TO 2 AVM mown DOWN PAYMENT OP $2.5:."1 k.A. A $50,00 BOND, $5,00 FOR A aaaa).00 BOND, erc.-0,41Awt, L. . .2.013Y mstrituams OVER A YEAR. MY YOUR aONDS rODAY. for cash or 4,,v l'it.a4Nents at you, ocishboirrhod of branch • el4r4oto!'4 ?ow Veite4 WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK Or LIFE SINCE 1017 ANK 0 MONTREAL Zurich Blench: JOHN BANNISTER, Manager Hensall Branch: ' KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager Crediton I3ratich: CLARE IRWIN, Manager (Open Tuesday and Thursday) Dashwood (Suh.Agency): Open Mono Wed. & Fri.