HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-10-04, Page 1Established 1900 ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. Samuel RoPp of Zurich wishes to announce the engagement of his -dau,ghter Ina 11Vlarie, to Mr. Ward Neel), son if the late Mr and Mrs. -Alex% Neeb, of •R.R. 3, Dashwood. The wedding twill take plate the atter part of October. 'Card of Thanks eviSh t thank all my 4•eilativ'es., friends and .neighbours for Ithe carat, flowers, treats, gifts and visits during my illness at Vittoria ,Oospital, London, and since return- ing hone. The special visits which Aare vezy muth appreciated. — Mrs. Wm. Deelleen. • ZURICH, OTiO LDAY illORATINfl OCTOBER 4. 1956 NOTICE OF LOCAL ASSISTANTS To Guides and Brownies A meeting of all Guide and Brownie Mothers will be 'held on Thursday eve., October 4th, at 9 o'clock, immediately following. the Guide meeting. All mothers are asked to be present to help the org anization and to show thd Guides you are interested in the Work they are doing. 2tc Card of Thanks 1 wish to greatly thank all :my neighbours and friends for the many kindness shown during my igniess at the hospital and at home, for flower cards, good twishes and treats. And special thanks to Dr. .Goddard, and Miss Sinclair of gibe .Clinton Hospital. f---Mns. Mary iStephan, Zurich. THANKSGIVING •ti.310141E THA.NKSGIVING, devout families flock to churches aeross the country. And. Denny Vaughan ris no exception; here he and his charming wife, Helen,. attend Toronto's beau- iful Timothy Eaton iitlernorial .0hurch: .4.101..09 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• 4 • • • 4* 46. ,e • **••••••••• 144 HOFFMAN'S • • To Or From Out -Of -Town -Points • * • * T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME Funeral and Ambulance Service • no 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W •4** •,* . • • • *0 •164••••••••••rv•re : * • 0* • IP 400.40 Arrange Funeral Service • • • • Mums • Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- 4. ada, the United States or other points of the globe, flioffman's, as members of local and national funeral &rector's associations, can 4 handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- ciency of Hoffman's service. • SAVE At THIEL'S Superior Market SPECIALS — Thursday, Friday, Saturday AYLMER PUMPKIN,. 28 -or. TIN 16c GREEN GIANT NIBLETS. 2, 14 -oz. TINS 33c ; HEINZ KETCHUP„ 11. -ex. BOTTLE 23c CHEERY MORN COFFE,E,,, 1-1b. BAG •.99c NOTIC'E! We have recently installed a new Self Serve Dairy Case, to keep our Cheese, Butter, Eggs, Meats, under Refrigeration. We trust this will be an advantage to our Shoppers. Your Patron- age will be Apireciated! Phone 140 C. H. THIEL - Zurich Come cald Hear ! d .44 t !:f1Jipr • REV, .ALLAN SHIRK, BII-IAR, INDJA. of •--e.eee Zurich Mennonite Church On THURSDAY EVE., OCT. 4th' 8 p.en.e Huron Crop Report Sept. 28th, 1956 With no rain and fine weather the week of September 24th 29th, the harvesting a the spring gram crop is now almost completed. During the rweek considerable pnoixress viras made rwith the .cutting and storing of secoird cut ha.y, pulling an.d thres- hing of the white bean crop, se'eding of fall wheat and a start 'was mute with silo •filling. Because of this the six fall 'fairs held in the ,Gorunty were poorly attended, except the Hayfield Hair where a good crowd were on liand ion .the 'Center/14a/ programme. • Is At Hospital Mrs. Leavy O'Brien is a patientat the Clanton Public Hospital anld is progressing very f!avolurably. Next .Monda,y, October 8th, has Canada, known as Thanksgiving Day, then. declared a National holiday in Our Next Holiday W.e all have anany things to be thankful for. Perhaps some of LIS have not been faVoured as we like to be owing to the freaky wea- ther coniditions this summer, while 'others have been more fortunate and their barns' are laden with the album_ dance of God's blessing. However, we all have one thing in common, namely, that we are living in a land not involved in a war at present, and that our leaders .are doling theirut- Most to keep dt that way. So we tapPeal to one and all to observe this holiday in a thankful mood and we twill he doing lour bit to make this even a better world to live in. Farmers Are Busy f With about the best week' weath- Huron Temperance Notes er last week, of the summers farm- , A Dry Wisecrack eip, lost no time in salvaging in their crimps still out, .and had it not been Reeve Jlohn Graham of Goderich, for the rain on 'Tuesday, they would hit the headlines recently. At a meet - be just as busy this week. Beans are in.g of the Goderioh Town Council he being harv.ested arid still quite a few gave his views on the Canada Teanp- to be pulled. The tremendous crop erance Act. The possibility of gett- ing a vote in Goderich or Huron Oo-l'a "r4 is it'ening altogetner too unty with a. view to repeal, was under discussion. .1-,) rpen, but the ear or kernat is not ""iV[y opinion," said the Reeve, "is nett -tired, arid so it may be a big dis- that if the town voted, it would go appoint to the fanner who has tgur- wet, but alf the whole ,county votedf ed on many bushels of corn, not as it would stay dry, as it is now. Ot many as was anticipated. However, ,course," he added, "'that's not yeti the farmer with a good Ibig silo, when he gets it filled will have a let dry." of fine .feed. • Reeve Graham is probably tarred.. in his 'prediction, but his laugh lireV is ridiculous. Actually Huron .Coun4i., is very dry coreparedi.-with;4nost. • rin - .At the Supper Meeting in the at - not all the other Counties in Ontario, tractive dining room a the Daman. - 114 proof lies in Alcoholics Statist- ion House Monday evening, a 'fairly .ics released by the Alcoholism gesea- good attendance was present to par- 'rch Foundation of Ontario not long take of the bounteous meal, as well since. In a list of seven 'Counties as the nice social time that always given,• Middlesex leads Iwiith 34160 in evidence 'when good Lions get popuation. Huron County is lowest together. Mr. Ronnie Klopp acted as with 750 alcoholics per 100,00'0. On„ pianist in the absence of the regular ly Huron, .of the counties listed, is lady, Mrs. H. G. Hess. Ronnie also under the C.T.A. Far less liquor favoured with a few piano solos flows here, for we have no legalized which 'were well played and much liquor !outlets. — Advt. - applauded. The Secretary, Lion Mil- - I fred Sahithe gave the report of the ila.st, meeting at Lion Ed. 'Gascho's rapidly, as the frost nipped moat of it recently, which ,causes the stalks Lions Club News 1"ri 4. • Cottage, at Shadeview grove. A mot- !. jeon was passed to •igive $25.00 to the Blind fun. Negotations are un- der way to hold a wrestling match in Zurich in the near future. The new members of the Club for the fall drive are: Clare Geiger, Ken- neth Parke, Don. O'Brien, Wm. Yung- blut and Loug. O'Brien. An inrvitat- ion was read from the Exeter Club for Zurich tO come as a boay for their next regular meeting and at- tend the zone rally in the near fut- ure. This was accepted.. In the ab- sence of the president, Lion Earl Yiungblut, the vice pres., Lion Bob McKinley presided in the chair. The Exeter meeting will be on October 22nd, where Lion Dudley L. Simme, second vice president of Lions Int_ ernational -will be the speaker. HYMENEAL GRAND BEND Friday Saturday Oct. 5th, 6th I Was A Male War Bride Featuring Cary Grant and Ann Sheridan in their Most Laughable. Role COMIC STRIP ANI) SHORTS Admission 25 cts., and 50 ets. TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY 7.30 and 0.15. BROWN E'S .7,111:124 CLINTON - ONTARIO Next to Community Park Thurs., Friday Oct. 4 - 5. The Seven Little Foys (Color) Bob Hope &filly Vitale • (Twit, Cartoons) Sat'y Monday Oett. 6 and stii. Siege At Powder River (Colour) ' Rory Calhoun Corrinne Calvet (TM) Cartoons) - Tues. 'Wednesday . Oct 9 • 10 City of Bad Men (Colour) (Two Carboojnes)a11416 Dale Robertson Oraii ?Noy Tuesday Night is $ $ $ Nite, $1.00 Admits a Carload 111444.44-44+++++++++44401.+44t4 Willert - Willard Mary (Margaret Willard and Ca* Edmund Willlerb 'were united in mar- riage in a ceremony performed by the Rev. A. Rapson on Saturday, Sept. 212nd in lMain Street United Church, Exeter. The ,bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. A. Y. Willard, Exe- ter and Mr and (Mrs. Percy Willert ,of Zurich are parents •a the groom. The bride was given tn marriage by her father and her attendants were Mrs. Norman Whiting of Exet- er as matroaof honer and brides- maids Mrs, Ron. 'Clank, London and Mrs. John Taylor, Exeter. Patricia Moffatt !of London was flower girl. Edgar !Willett, of Zuri•ch, !brother of the , groom was best 'num. Ronald Clark of London, and 'Norman Whit- ing, Exeter, were ushers and Grant Jones, Kippen was ring bearer. G. Cochrane presfded at the ,organ and accompanied the solo- ist Miss Ruby Hessel of Lamei who saw). the wedding Prayer and Thro- ugh' the Years. A Wedding reception followed th the church parlors, with the couple's mothers receiving. The wechltng trip was arranged for Ken. tu,cloy On their return Mr and Mrs Carl Willert will reside near Zun'eh. Guest were from Licncion,, Sarnia, Mt: Hope, Zurich and Dashwood, NORIYIA'S BEAUTY SHOPPg FOR APPOINTMANTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH Prop. Chester L. Smith, Publisher. Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a Year A/A.)00'4)1;i= U.S.A., Year T2.5M- RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On • New Modern Loom, Ka& Order — Sethi 0. Amann, Zurieralp Ont. Phone 128. Visit OUR •STORE FOR WATCHES— CLOCKS- JEWELERY- ta CHINAWARE Gifts for MI ETC., ETC. Repairing of All Kinds A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER samormomismiimarnzwa.mnr.n. COAL PRICES Advance $1.00 Per Ton JULY 1st. ORDER NOW LORNE E. HAY LOCKER $ERV10E ROE FEEDa Phone 10 Tri-FINSALL oesboosseeesteeeaseaseeeeeseeeeseeeasevese eeeeessomta • • �'U* ,,!.144414V4i c - Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car 'Ambulance Sea -vice Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service TELEPHONE: RES. 89W - OR NJ, ZURICH soildievflosie*••••••••••••/***i#0********001/04•00****040110X zuRiews Grocery Store Cream Corn, Maple Leaf, 3 an btiON150011Detletabtfee0425C Planters' Peanut oil, 16 -oz can ........ Oatmeal, 54b. bag ....... D19060Striosa.", ......... metse.•o.temo49C Rice Krispies, 91h -oz• pkg. bbtb,lt.b0.+asts•en.bobeeoes, 25 c Pastry Flour, 9 Menno Oesch al Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone1,65 SPECIALS MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS A REAL BUY AT $3.98 A PAIR We have a Full Line of Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes Men's and Boys' Work.Clothes, jeans, Overalls, Shirts, Ete. Give :Vs A Cain FRESH GROCERIES IN STOCK THE BLAKE STORE "' E. Schwarteentrnber, Prop,