HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-09-27, Page 8ZURICH ONTARIO LURICH 1-4FFtAl n Thursday, September 20th, 1956 LOCAL NEWS q0(. Mr and Mrs. C. L. Snaith were at THE STORE WITH THE STOCK. G Goderich on Friday, 1. Back to School Wear to 1 10 A Large and Well Assorted Stock of Wearing Apparel for Girls and Boys at Right Prices o0i 4VG TFOR., GIRLS -- 0 See the new Dresses for Girls, sizes 8, 10, 12. New cotton blouses, Sweaters, Jerseys, Under- wear, sox of every description. FOR BOYS -- Fine Trousers, Blue Jeans in all sizes; Extra heavy Cowboy Jeans, also Khaki Rodeo; long sleeve Jerseys, Jackets, Shirts. All Sport Shirts at reduced prices. New lot of Flannelette Shirts, sizes 8 to 16, at $1.79 Cambridge Clothes Mr. R. E. MacKenzie was again with us on TUESDAY, SEPT. 18th. With newest Samples of Made to Measure, and Ready to Wear Suits and Top Coats for Fall and Winter Wear. See the new Tweeds woven in Scotland; English Worsteds, and particularly a group of hard wearing Irish Twists. Let us show you the many of these samples. Better still, place your order for a new suitt. Gascho Bros. TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH Rev. Zorn coif Dashwood Zion. Luth- eran church was a business visitor'i.n ! town one day lagt week. • Mr and Mrs Lloyd Miller were in town on 'Sunday visiting the formers mother, -Mrs. L. !Miller. Mr and Mrs Redmond of London visited with Miss Ethel Hess on Sun- day,. Mrs. G. 'Murray and daughter of London,'were ;week -end visitors with the •foraner's daughter, Mr ,and Mrs Elroy D'esjarcbine and family. Miss Gloria Dietz o,f Lonaon was a week -end visitor at the home of her parents, ''Mr and Mrs Milton '4 0 Dietz. Dr. Arthur Little of Waterloo UCollege was the guest speaker at Si. 4 [Peter's Lutheran Church on Sunday. Mr Ir and Mrs Ted Foster of De- Q troit, [Mich., were Sunday visitors at Qthe .home of the latter's mother, Nir:s VI Carrie Weber. Miss Meluina SGhade ear Lom,clon, 4 e is holidaying at the homes or her brothers, Mr and Mrs Clarence, 14th Con., and 'Mr and Mrs Ervin Sciiade :i. near Dashwood. D .11.11S. Joseph R. Brenneman and Q daughter Miss Delores of Detroit, were vtisitors at the home of their Qre'lativets, l\2r and Mrs. Amos •Gasoho, Q Bronson line. j/ Rev. A. M. Amacher and the mem- VD ber-s, of the IM•en's Chorus of lihe Ey- ? U.B. Church rendered ser- o !/ vice at the anniversary of Kinburn Q United 'Church, on -Sunday evening, Q Q located north of Seaforth. 11 • 3 1 11 1 • • • • • • I Before You Buy Your Electrical Appliances AND HAVE YOUR Electrical Instalations DONE CALL WTJBRTH ELECTRIC Phone 84 - Zurich • • Huron & Erie DEBENTURES Canada Trust CERTIFICATES Now Paying: 4% for 3, 4 and 5 Years. 33't% for 1 and 2 Years, - J. W. HABERER General Insurance Phone 161 \Zr ,and Mrs. Fred C. Walker and son Philip of Oakwood Park, Grand Bend have just returned :From a very pleasant 3,000 mile moor trip up yin' the Lake Superior. and Rainy River Districts. • Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor-- Albert Merlin SUNDAY SERVICES: 1[1:00 a.m. -- Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service 8:00 p.m. - Bible Meeting Wednesday, 8.00 p.m. Payer Fellow- ship in the homes. YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US You'll Enjoy Listening to - "THE MENNONITE HOUR" Gospell Preaching - Inspirationa Singing. Sundays-CH(ML-900 k.c. 7.30 a.m. -WRVA - 1140 k.c.- 10.30 p.m. 'The Living Christ for a Dying • World." ST. PETER'S Ev. Lutheran Church, Zurich Rev. 0. Winter, Pastor. Mrs. J. Tuerkheim, ATCM., Organist Worship Services: Sunday Worship -410 a.m. Sunday School (all ages) 11:15 A.M. Che Lutheran Church in Zurich ex- tends a warm welcome to visitors. Field Secretary to Visit Lurich Miss Frames Dysinger, Field -Secretary of the United Luth- eran Church Women will be in Zur- -kbh On Friday of this 'wee'k and will address the women of the Lutheran Church at 8 p.m. All the ladies who have heard Miss Dysinger s'pea'k on her previous visits to Zurich, will a- gree that the is a gifted speaker and twill not want to miss hearing her message. Pastor Becker and the , ladies of .the London Lutheran clulrch will also be in •Zuo ich on Friday ev- ening to hear Dr. Dryninger, and en- joy a social hour Id fellowship with the ladies of St. Peter's Church. OBI T UAR-Y Late Mrs. Henry Gallman • There passed away very suddenly in Zurich, last Thursday night, Septem- 9 b,er 20!th, 1956, Jean Laurie, beloved wife of Mr. Henry Gallman, in her 7,3rd year. Born in Edinburgh, Scot- land, she ,carie with her • parents to. 310 Canada when a year old, first sett- • ling in Sarnia; later at Petrotrea.• rn O January 1916 shee was united in mer- it riage to Mr. Gallman. Before her • I marriage she was a milliner, being !!employed in the Merrier store, in • • • • 0 0641104 Ef40*•4i 451 ti 't, ,ts;..=cneg.vsu+s.z: r. • HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE • Your Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But , to insure deliveries in time always leave your o•_ iers early with us so we can arrange for your supply. YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove need attention; or prob- ably you need a New One. Let us look these over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Bet Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE & WEIDC ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY -- PRICE .. SERVIC; • • • • • • • • Zurich. Her parents died in Petrolea and she is survived by a sister, Mrs. Wm. Hackett of that town. Mrs. Gallman lived all 'her married Iife in i Zurich. The remains rested at the I Westlare Funeral Home, Zurich un-' ti] Sunday afternoon 'when a public funeral, conducted by Dr. Little of Kitchener, was held, with interment in St. Peter's Lutheran •Cemetery,' Goshen Line. Huron Crop Report Clinton, Sept. 22nd, From Sunday, Sept. 16th to Fri- day Sept. 21st 1.56 inches of rainfall fell in the .County, with the result that harvesting operations were again curtailed. .Approximately one-third of the spring grain crop is still to be harvested. Much of this crop is rot- ting in the 'stook, some farmers are stacking the sheaves as a last resort. The harvest of tilhe canning cor:: ^e olr • • • a • • • • • • 0 • 3 2 SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster Little pigs started on SHUR.-GAIN Pig Booster weigh 40 pounds and more at weaning -and tests at the SHUR-GAIN Demonstrations Farm prove that 40 pound weanlings save a month's feeding. time. A feeding program of SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster from 10 days to 10 weeks of age will fit your pigs to make the best use of their feed cad reach market sooner. Start Every Litter on Pig Booster MILT DEITZ & SON - Zurich, Ont. arm,.__ ___ - Emmanuel Evangelical UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH Rev. A. M. Amacher, B.A., B.D, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist. Sunday, Sept. 30th. 10 a.m. - Divine Worship. 11 a.m. - Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. -A Religious Film will be shown by the E.Y.F. Sentence ,Serm,oin - "A true view of the Square Deal would give the church 'a much larger place in your life plans." NOTICE OF GUIDE and BROWNIE MEETING The first fall meeting of the Guide and Brownies will be held:: on .Thurs- day October 4th, in the Town Hall, rZuriech, All girls interested are ask- ed to get in touch. with Mrs. Hubert Schibbe, GuideCaptain, and. Mrs. Jiim !Parkins, Brown, Owl. 2tc IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear husband and father, who passed a- way September 25, 1952. It only takes a little space to Write how much we miss you. But it will take the rest of our Lives, tlo forget the day we lost you. -Always remembered by 'W'ife and Children. The Hartman Family. THE VOICE of GOD God, who at sundry times spoke by the prophets, hath in these last days spoken unto us by HIS SON. Heb. 1: 1, 2. This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, hear ye Him. Matt. 17. 5. SAYING The kingdom of heaven is at hand, repent ye and believe the gospel. Mark 1: 15. Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perisr - Luke 13: 3. Behold! I stand at the door and knock! If any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in. - Rev. 3: 20. TO -DAY IC YE WILL HEAR HIS VOICE HARDEN NOT YOUR HEART. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL. MESSENGER Box 50, R.R. 1 •d4 Zurich, Ontario ' is in full swing, but has been some- what hampered by the wet and m•ud- 1 dy conditions of the fields. The whiter bean crop is nearly all ripe, but bar - ,Vest operations have been show. The immature corn crop suffered severe damage from heavy frosts crurnvg the week, this crop needed a few weeks of fine weather to properly mature. i Attendances at Fall. Fairs has been considerably 'below normal, ,one Fair was rained out, another postpon.xi during the week. PARKINS c . BLACK Come to Us! When You Need that New Work Outfit 10% off on all Made to Measure Wear Mid -Town Cleaners -- Exeter AGENTS FOR MIDTOWN CLEANERS. ,CALL MON. BACK THURSDAYS GO THURS. BACK SATURDAY GO SATURDAY, HACK MONDAY (SPECIAL) THURSDAY REGULAR. III1 1111, I I(LIl PM_ 1i1 1111101111111 1t11111111,111lliill TM11iu11i111111 l 111111(lillii If1MIlillillolh ii:' 4. 1• • Westlake Furniture • • • ID • • • s NOTICE II ITAKE A LOOK AT OUR WINDOW I • : DISPLAYS = i Special Prices • 4. • • s • • ON ALL LINES OF HOME FURNISHINGS •• 2 • Z urich - Phone 89J •• 9 1 i 1 Itilllll►111110111IIIUUI I II I i i 11 II I 111 I I 1 1 11111111IIIIUIIIIIUIIIIIL'IIiIIIIIIIUIBIIIIflIIiIIiIIIINIINIIIIJ1111iilUUIIIIIIi';: Bargains in Floor Coverings 25% OFF ON ALL MERCHANDISE Here area few Examples: INLAID LINOLEUM - Reg. 4.95 running Yard • for $3.70 running Yard 3 yds. wide Congoleum - Reg. 2.85 running yard, . for $2.28 running yard REMNANTS and Odd lots of Tile - All af only HALF PRICE Shop Early While The Selection Is Good T. and T. FLOORING Your Decorating Headquarters SHOW ROOM \IN BAKERY BLOCK. PHONE 133 ZURICH 41..11.111D11010iii111p11110000gli1UlIl pintIIIl111)Itll IIIIl0110.110.01([(111)111 1111110.Y.r; .. THE WEATHER NOW MAkES TMS APPEAL, THESE DAYS_ FOR BUILDING - ARE IDEAL. e R} LOCAL TRADEMARKS, 1.. BEFORE THE COLD ..WINTER WEATHER COMES TO STAY, GET IN TOUCH WITH US AND WE WILL GLADLY SUPPLY YOU WITH ALL BUILDING MATERIAL KAISLEISCHZT- LUMBER& BUiLDERS SUPPLIES �.