HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-09-27, Page 1401.11111111102110.V00•03100103111030014510Meli= c5" refeette=0.......W establiShed :1900 Card of Thanks The family ef the late (Melinda) .M1.,?. John Baker wish to express -!thear sincere thanks to relatives and friends for their kindness and sym- pathy extended to them during their resent sad bereavement,ifor beautiful floral tributes, and sympathy •cards. Special thanks to Rev. Becker, Dr. ,Newland, Pallbearers, florvver bear- ce.x.s, the Ladies vvho helped Ilook after h ing hthe Westlake uneral home, ,and all who assisted :tn. any W. 10 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORPUNGISEPTEMBER 27 I 956 NOTICE OF LOCAL ASSISTANTS To Guides and Brownies A trieerbing of all Guide and Bliownie (Mothers will be held on Thursday eve., October 4th, at 9 dtlook, immediately following the Guide meeting. All mothers are asked to be .present to help the org- anization and to show the Guides you Card of Thanks I I wish to greatly thank the neigh. r boars and friends for their kindness during our bereavement, ,,Also, the pallbearers, and anyone who gave assistance and SYmPatht —Henry Gellman. Card of Thanks I wish to take this means of thank- ing all those 'yvho remembered Me • ,07,afrl/ -• 14% SCOUT NEWS There -will be a meeting; of the First Zurich Scout Troop and First Zurich Wolf Cub Pack, on October are interested in the Work they are iby sending icards, floweie and other 3rd, to be held at the usual time and doing. 2te gifts during my rece.nt illness as, a place. patient at St. .roseph's HosPital, Lon.- Was Prize Winner a 4, iated. — Dr. W. B. Ooxon. don. They were all sincerely appreic; IHughil of town for 'winning the $500 Congratulations go to Mrs. Wesley a door prize at the. Clinton Bingo, on N 0 T I C E s & Friday evening ef last week. This was sponsored by different ,organiz- A meeting of Zurich Badminton ations of the town in the interest of Society will be held in the Commun- raising money for a swimming pool. a irty Centre on Tuesday, Eve., October W. I. To Meet O 2nd. All interested parties ere . The Zurich Women's Institute will O requested to attvd. a open their fall meeting. on Tuesday, :a *• evening, October 2nd at 8 p.m. o Matto — The only way to have a • . Aldon _Lteatr. e lotions. Roll Call — Something I'd * friend, is to be one. Topic — Reso- a GRAND BEND like to tell, Committee - Mrs. L. Rose o Mrs. T Meyers, Mrs. allilton Oesch. • • • Every member bring a friend. • • End of Daylite Time • • Don't forget to turn back your • clock one hour on Saturday evening • • on retiring and you will gain back • that hour of rest you lost last spring FOR FOOT ILLS AND RESULTANT BODY SYMPTOMS SEE George E. Hardman SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF G. R. HARDMAN Will Attend AT THE MILT A. OESCH SHOE STORE ZURICH -- Phone 82 or i 30 MONDAY, OCTOBER 1st. 10 A. M. — 8 P. M. SEE M.R. HARDMAN NEXT MONDAY! OUR FIVE.MINUTE TEST IS SIMPLE AND YOU ALONE ARE JUDGE OF THE RESULTS You'll alever know foot comfort until you walk on Miracle Foot Aid. Rid your days ,of aches and pains, get relief from arthritis and rheumatic pains due to foot ills. Enjoy a happy, contented life again. Results are truly amazing, months or weeksare not required to improve your condition, IVIiracle has brought relief to thousands of others in tWenty-fi.ve years. • CLINICS. Zurich, St. Catharines, London, Brantford, Kit- chener, Hainilton. a • Friday, Sat. Sept. 28, 29th. Riders of the Purple Sage G. Montgormery • L. Roberts COMICS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Giving you lots, of Action and Excite- and besides you will rise on Stand- ment. ard time, as therest of those who have been• on daylite time are doing. We wifl have more :daylight m the morning but less at night. So don't forget, or you will be at church -an hour before time. Congratulations— Miss Anne Hammel, (New Canad- adian) who spoke on Citizenship, re- ceived first ,prize for public speaking in the Community Centre on Fair night, Tuesday Eve. She attends S. S. No. 3, (Hay, Miss Mary IClopp, tea cher. Mr. William Dinnin 11, of 1 Zurich, winning seeond prize on his speech, "The St. Lawrence Seaway', Mrs. Lavender, teacher, Zurich echo - el. • Both did very well and deserve DRIVE-IN THEATRE credit for their splendid performance in ever wa r lvT, PAn. BI k d We are 'going to keep open Friday and Saturday nites just so long; as you give your ,patronage and at yOur price. — Admission 25c and 5.0c. TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY 7.30 and 9.15. 4 TAKE THE FAMILY T Starke 5 Miles East of Grand Bend Mr. Albert Kalbfleisch of town arid 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway 0 on Crediton Road Mrs. Earl Rowe of Hensall being the • judge -s. We hope to publican the a - SEPT. 2S-29 .... a- bove mentioned addresses in :our col- MIMS in the near future. 1 ZURICH FALL FAIR Another Zurich Fall Fair rias a- gain made history and had one of !the finest days we have seen in many a day, nice clear sky, a little on the tool side, !but nice and sunny, something rare this fall, however, like every other fair, the people on I a nice day -stayed at home an tried to get in their crops, ane 34tst felt -they -amid not afford to lose the few hours it would take to patronize the lair. Exhibits were outstanding with an abundance in practically ev- ery class, especially so in the chit- drens' .department. iWe are not a- fraid of our corning generation going hungry when they can raise veget- ables like that, and then the 4-H. .Calf ,Club demonstraroed -what they an do in raising beef. What a grand future lies ahead tof our on- coming generation. There was the usual fine showing of prize winning horses in the ring, fancy horses seem to take the interest of spectators at the present time, and what a lot of patience end preservance it must take to fit up these animals for the show ring. We might mention ot the fine demonstratiOns given by iMr and Mrs. Schantz of New Hamburg, and Mr and Mrs, Ed. Schroeder orf the Parr Line, Hay Township, these were in the pony classes. Owing to the wet track no races could pos- sibly be 'held. Other winners in horses were wag- on express, Bert !McBride, Zurich; Roadster, S. J. Curly, Hagersville; Carriage, G. Lougheed, Forest; Shet- land, L. Schantz, N. Hamburg; H. Manson, Zurich.; Hackney, pony, Ed.' Schroeer, Mencall; pony race, Mar- yn -EA), Zurich. Cattle winners N awere Percy Willert & Son, Zurich; R., Doan, 'Thornhill,; Marlyn Erib„ etc. In, the poultry classes Cliff. Pepper and Neil Crich took tihe.prizes, in beep and hogs, A. D. Steeper, W. R. Pepper, Del. Geiger and J. B. El- iott were winners; in roots and veg- tables 3. Battler, 3. B. Elliott, W. Haugh, Lours, Peppier, 3. Keys; The chools had a wonderful display of trticles; ,Floral winners were F. Mc- lymont, A. H. Fuss, Arnold Mer- er. Del. Geiger, Wallace Haugh, P. VIllert ?&T„ Son, 3, Battler; Horticult- re winners were P. IVIcClyrnont, Del. .eiger, Herb. Klopp, In Ladies art - Mrs. Ed. Gill, Mrs. A. Haugh; vs. Enz. Weber, Mrs. Herb Klcipp. And mo ,11956 fair has made history s one of outstanding exhibits of ery choice quality, but as mentioned he attendance Pkra..S 'd0 W11 41111.1110. ....c..6.40446.4.444.44,404441,040 HOFFMAN'S Arrange Funeral Service To Or From Out -Of -Town -Points o4.4....0.000+0.0.040- • • 0 MEMBEtt Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- ada, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as members of local and national funeral director's associations, can handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- ciency of Hoffmann's service. T, HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME -.. Funeral and Ambulance Service s') 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W '10 • • • • • • 4 0 AZIONNIE1111MilliMilr SAVE At THIEL'S Superior Market SPECIALS — Thursday, Frid Quick Quaker Oats, 3-11). Box Nestles Quick, 16 -oz. Jar Five Roses Cake Mix, 2pkgs. Bananas!Bananas! 3-16s, YORK VEANUT BUTTER ay, Saturday 52c 43c 39c JAR FOR 37r NOTICE! We have recently installed a Dairy Case, to keep our Cheese, Meats, under Refrigeration. We be an advantage to our Shoppers. age I* Appreciated! new Self Serve Butter, Eggs, trust this will Your Patron- rbione 140 - C. H. THIEL Zurich t0044025W4001350 to Law vs Billy the Kid Scott Brady Bette St. John Our Theatre will close Saturday evening, September 29th for the Season. We wish to thank our many patrons for their support and hope to see you all tback when we open next spring. Again Thank You! Sunset DRIVE-IN—Goderich 134 miles east of Goderich on No. 8 Highway Thurs., Friday Sept, 27-28 You're Never Too Young . Dean Martin Jerry Lewis Cartoon Comedy SATURDAY ONLY, SEPT. 29th. GAMBLER FROM NATCHEZ Dale Robertson Debora Paget Cartoon • Comedy Theatre closes for the ,Season, Sat- urday Night, Septembr 29th. Thanks to our, Patrons for making our Sason a 'S,uceess. We'll see you next April. a.— BROWNIE'S DRIVE -11 EAT CLINTON - ONTARIO Next to Community Park 'Ilhurs., Friday, Sept. 27, 28th. The Bridges at TOKO-RI (cow) William Holden Grace Kelly (Two 'Cartoons) Satur., Monday Sept. 29, Oct, 1 The Far Horizons Fred. MaciMurray Charlton Heston (Two Cartoons) it++++++++++++++++++++4•++4. a very Tuesday Night is $ $ $ v Night until closing date cheater L. Smith, Publisher. Subscription in Canada, ;2.00 a Teo Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50. N6RMA'S RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS , BEAUTY SMITE POR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 • Zurich NORMA STEINBACH Prop. Visit OUR STORE FOR +XIATCHES— CLOCKS- JEWELERY- CHINAWARE Gifts for AIII ETC., ETC. Repairing of All Kinds A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER On at New Modern Loom, Medi Order — Seth O. AztiallZo ZurlidL • Ont. Phone 128. COAL PRICES Advance $1.00 Per Ton JULY 1st. ORDER NOW! LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEEDS Phone 10 T-TENSALL mommoremmemomseFeme.sedenessese mancra.mpineeseamm. 0,011006414Q,OSIEMS.12466e4141011;666664,6•080111110011404/160911140011 a tOttajt* 414$41trjr$1 NM* • • • • • • kil Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service TELEPHONE: RES. 89,W - OR NJ, ZURICH 1000 0000 0 0 00 0 000 enktia ewe e .oe 000111041100•11011944110110111 1 1 1 ZURI Grocery firS tore Nestles Quik, 1,-16. can 0•PPO ODOODD•04000114411 ob••akt ested4 me 55c Prune Plums, Stafford's, 15 -oz. can, 2 For 29c Angel Food cake mix, Monarch .............. Chocolate sponge pudding 9 -oz. pkg. 19c Cheese Whiz, 1-1b• jar. ........... ......... 59c Menno Oeseh Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Fhon 165 • . ;;:e. , , • , • 1 Harvest eeds We have in Stock Grain Augers in 12 -Ft. and 16 -foot Lengths, with Extensions for either for Immediate Delivery. .. ALSO BINDER TW1NE, ROPE, ETC,, ETC. MEN'S AND BOYS' WORK, SHOES AND CLOTHING THE LitiliE STORE Schwartzentruber, Prop, Plumt 11 47 env -Awn , ,...,,z,lasstommaimoroteeet44, 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 I Al 1 1