HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-09-06, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO . ZURICH 'HERALD ........... Jk.ulherized as iiagond class mail, ALVIN WALPER Peg OMce Department, Ottawa. PROVINCIAL Licensed Auctioneer For your Sale, large or small; Court- aoaS and Efficient Service at all MUM. Phone 57 r 2. • DASHWOOD RONALD G. McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT hones: 561 Office Royal Bank Bldg,, 455 Res. Ratenbury SA CLINTON - ONTARIO MOBILE DISPOSAL CONTRACTING Septile Tank Cleaning , Repairs on Drains, Watermains, Etc. New Installations on Cement Septic Tanks, Drainage Tile and Drains To meet You. Requirement Ph. 205 Grand Bend Th. 205 Drs. COXON SE LEITCH VETERINARY ,SURGEONS POI:* with Re,sidence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store .Phone 96 L.-- •ZVRICH Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association For artificial insemination infor- mation or service from all breeds of cattle, tphone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at. Clinton nu 2-3441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.11.1I. We have all breeds available - top quality a low cost. G. B. CLANCY Optometrist — Optician • (Successor to the late A. L. •- Cole, optometrist) For appointments phone 33, Goderich - Ont. ARTHUR FRASER. Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, • Etc. EXETER OFFICE - Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone Exeter 504 L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main 'Street — Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday BELL & LAUGHTON ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS Mr and Mrs Campbell Krueger of Kitchener were Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs Ivat Yungbtut Mr and Mrs Louis Prang and Mr and Mrs. Ivan Kalbfleisch were rec- ent visitors in MRI:derriere, Michigan. /Mr and Mal, Fred Haberer spent the holiday week -end at Aldershot, Ontario. Mrs. Hartig of Kitchener was guest of Mrs. A. Turkheim over the Labor Day. Mr and Mrs. Marred Schilbe :motor- ed to Toronto and attended the CN Exhibition in that ,city. Dr. W. B. Coon is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. We wish him a speedy recovery. tIllris,s Marie Bedard .of Detroit, was a week -end visitor with her mother, Mrs. E, Bedard and other relatives. G. A. WEBB, D.C. *Doctor of Chiropractic , 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wed. Tues. & Thurs, Evenings 7-9 ]or Appointments - Phone 606 I WILL PAY 75 Cents per 1004bs. for Scrap Iron Earl Zimmer, Zurich, tf 5-4-7 WANTED Scrap Metals of all kinds. Top prices, As high as $25,00 per ton for steel. Apply Glenn's Auto Wrec- ker's, phone 418 Exeter. 2tc READ on the table .., Brady Cleaners the meal is ready! Be Your Menu Maker! & Laundeteria Ltd. -. Exeter YOUR BAKER not only "supphes delicious wholesome bread for your Complete Sanitone Cleani,ug table—bread for your recipes. Out Laundry and Storage Service of his fragrant ovens come all man - Pick. up Mon., back on Thurs. ner of mouth-watering goodies to Mrs. Victoria Dedels of Kitchener Pick up Thurs., back on Monday. tcrown the menu of every mean Frag- :tipent several days with her mother (Local Agent) EARL OESCH rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon unt Mrs. L. Deters the past week. for b. . ,13eakfast.. luscious fruit-fillei Mr. Harold Koehler and son of , Toronto, visited at the home of the.'•Barber Shop .-Zurich ; treats for luncheon..piping hot Par • .-^ ker House Rolls for dinner. Bra4 former s mother, Mrs. Nancy Koeh- ler of town. Property for Sale Six-year-old House, large living Mr. William D, J. Mero, who has room, dining room and one bedroom been vacationing at the home of hi's 1 with closet and hardwood floors in parents, Mr and Mrs William Mero, each room; 3 -piece bath and modern 1 of town, left, to take up his teach- large kitchen with double sinks on ing duties at St. Martin's School, imain floor; two large 'bedrooms up - London, i0.11 'Tia.mi.ay. !stirs with lots of ,closet space. Com - Exeter High School for the firs1 I plete basement with lint and cold clay reports an enrollanent of 515, on water; fruit room and coal room. opening day, 20 over last year, but Breezeway and adjoining garage,with I there wil be mere to follow. ),-/' S Lunch 1 nice lawn and garden, Apply only ,, ItMll _ on Saturday and Sunday to Donald Hartman. Telephone 79 Zurich. F ' I & CHIPS and LIGHT FOR SALE . , LUNCHES A Bell Plano. Apply to Mrs. .71', Delicious York Ice Cream Charles ,Regier, R.R. 3, Dasinwoiod; ' for Picnics and Parties, in Phone Dashwood 163 r 7. 2te • Bricks, Half Gallons and 2 . - ARENA MANAGER Gallons in variety, too, for snacks any time of day or night. So don't get wrink. les worrying about variety in meals -- let your baker be your nienu maker. See what's on his tray today! Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH Mr and Mrs, Robert Datars of iPlort 'Colborne were visiting with the former's grandmother, Mrs. L. Dat - ars on Sunday. ;Kiss .Meda, Surerus who has spent the vaoailion months at her home here •in town, has left for Toronto, to resume her duties on the -teaching staff. Mr • and Mrs. Clare Deichert, brid- al couple, have returned from their honeymoon follovisin,g their marriage last Saturday and are getting nicely settled in their. home on the. Blind Line, Hay -Twp. Miss aVlarlene Wagner. left for her new dudes ,oin the Kitchener teach- ing staff, while Miss Manion Haherer, takes a position on the Exeter Staff, and William Ytingblut takes -a school in 'Stanley Towndiip. BASEBALL NEWS , After knocking out the • rowerful Dashwood Tigers team Teat Wednes- day evening by the tune of • 9-1 the Zurich. Lumber Kings have become champions of the .Huron Perth Lea- gue, and are now in the playoffs with other Leagues. The first genie BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & was played here with Moore Centre, near Sarnia, on Monday afternoon, `Sarepta' Hay P. 0. FOUND NOTARIES . PUBLIC with plenty -of action, when in the ,.-:In Zurich a bunch of GM car keys ELMER D. BELL, - Q.C. IOth inning and the score tied 8-8• some time ago. Tag Ontario 1954 • EXETER — .• PHONE 4 the visiting pitcher gave Bennythe township of Hay two scnools are ' (93U5). Owner can have same. by C. V. LAUGHTON, LL.B. Gignac a walk forcing in the winn- being closed down, No, c' and No. 11., calling at Herald Office and pay for Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m. at Zurich ing run ,and the game was over, °The The former is in the eastern part ithis advt. Moore C. 004 021 nu 0-7 11 2 in the we tterly part, about two miles of the Townchip, while the latter is At Township Clerk's Office following is the score: ' ZURICH'S POPULAR . , Zurich 30.3 000 001 1-8 9 5 south of ,St, Joseph, A third school; Notice To Creditors MEAT IVIA.RET Raddle, Ellis 4, J. miller- end B. • on No. SS Highway has been twirl I Miller- Zurich, Kovacic and Don 0'- down, as the trend to larger shook 1IN THE ESTATE OF JACOB ORT- ..,,,,.._ ---.-r....1-,':-. : - • !Brien .? • • lis being followed and Scholars aro ' WEIN, Deceased. l'-••• , .. LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE I This Thursday •aftern000 Zurich being transported to these places of ALL PERSONS having claims against VERY CHOICE OF: FRESH AND goes ' Centre•and oqi Sat- learning. Zurich school is building the estate of Jacob Ortwein, late of - CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS, urday afternoon they will be back an addition to its school. This year' q the Village of Zurich, hi the County SAUSAGES, ETC. ALWAYS ON at Zurich All interested are reques- staff of instructHrs, is as follows: No. ' of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, ted to be present for these import- 2, Mrs. Anna Ellis; No. 3, Parr L'uo:who died on or about the 28th day HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MODERN LECTRIC REFRACERATION ant playoff games. Miss Mary•Klopp No. 4, Bronson line of May 1956, are required to file " . , PIrs, Jessie Oesch; No. 6, Babylon ' particulars of same with Bell & l YUNGBLUT BROS. BACK TO SCHOOL line, Miss Marion Miclean; No. 10 ,Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ont- Wi'h the ringing of the old school 11iLunn's, • Mr. Fred Noiinirngton; ario, by the 15t day of September O'Brien's Produce bells on Tursday antrrning another North Boundary, Charles McOuill- 1956, after which date the estate chapter in the educational develop- ear; USS No. 15, Mrs. Katherine ! will be distributed having regard anent of .ecluzation for our younger Deichert; Zurich, Mrs.. Greta Leven- only to those claims of which notice people has. cc.;un, and teachers as ' der, principal; Miss Olive O'Brien, has been received. well as scholars InclucYng the new be- Mrs. Audrey Haberer; home econom- ' BELL & LAUGHTON. • i ginm nars are glad to be able to start ics, Mrs. Ruby Neeb; .anual trSo&licitors for the Executors, ina- , anceher year of •activity. Here in irbg, Victor Dinnan. ' . Exeter, Ontario. Applications for the position of , C. ANDERSEN manager of Hensel], Arena will be B.A. Station -. Dashwood received by the undersigned until OPEN 7 DAYS A WEED 6 pan., Tuesday, September 25th. Duties 'i1l include ice -making and ' FOR QUICK SALE building. Employment will start Girls' Gym* Suit and shoes, Grade maintenance of equipment and around November 1st and end aro- 9, High School Books. Phone 81 r 7, Zurich 2tc und May lst. F. L. TIBERIO, • Hensall, Ontario?. For Appointment, 1)01,41mnd 27 r 13 J. NORMAN COWAN Bookkeeping and Income Tax Service ' FOR SALE A four wheel Trailer with hard wood rack complete. — Leonard Merner. Ph. 85 r 17. Zurich. * FOR SAL:F. A Sewing Machine, in good •cond- ition. For particulars apply at Her- ald Office, Phone 80. Highest Cash Prices C R E. A M EGGS- an:c1 POULTRY Paid for LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 -- ZURICH Lurch Creamery Your Home Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVEED CREAM, WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS Chas. Minshall, Proprietor Western Farmers' Mutoo1 Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTO CK ilk TARO& RESERVE BAL. ov ANY CANADIAN MUT,. "Ali COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OP THIS RIND IN ONTARIO. RATES ON APPLICATION P. KLOPP . ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING kODS AND ALL KINDS OF PIRF * INSURANCE SOOMMIRPC..........."1•1011MAIMIIIIMMINOCIMP.1111013:101100......111••••••....•••, as you pay for it en the ITT TTTT • KITCHEN—running water cuts kitchen chores—laundry and dishes are done In half the thne. BATHROOM—all the conven- ience of a city home to protect your famlly's health ond add to your comfort. BARNS—So much easier to Water the stock and so muds extra profectton against flro, budget Oa Why lug water by hand any longer? Install a Duro Pumping System now and enjoy running water as you pay for it. Save time, save labour, cut operating costs. AS I. VI AS 10% TIM UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and installation, too The EMCO Budget Plan will cover your com- plete water system—pump, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all buildings and the cost of installation. You can have the whole job done NOW—and pay for it over the next year and a half. Ask for an estimate Of the cost of labour and material worked out on the EMCO Budget Plan. Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay Empire PraseMfg. Oto. Urnfted 1144 Rev. • STADE &WEIDO Zurich Ontario Th %day, September Oth, 956 • • • • • • • • 44 • 0E* 8 4• 4 44 6 6a • 68 6 8 0 4 8 6 8• 6• • • • or • • • k.J a • Your ...11ardwa,r: Store WE HAVE THE MOST MODERN IN: Bathroom Fixtures Electrical Appliances Automatic Heating Air Conditioning Beatty and Pedlar Products Glidden, Spread Satin and C. V, Paints Super Kem Tone and Kem Glo WE DO SPRAY PAINTING— See Us For Your Hardware Needs: Plumbing - Heating - Tinsmithing SALES & SERVICE Rader & ittleholtz - Hardware Phone Zurich 63. 2 151010.59-2agi801021603ERIBPSERlato. • ,i row.s4. i 1 '",.411S11723111119rilataiSkliSillIEZISEZSMIrlettiifeilimmai - Binder Twine THE TWINE SEASON IS HERE AGAIN SEE US FOR BALER AND BINDER TWINE SEE US FOR GRAIN IN TRUCK LOTS TRY OUR CHICK STARTER! Hogs Shipped Tuesday and Thursday Cattle on Saturday Hensall Diatrict Co -Op. Phone Hensall 115 Zurich 220 68 a a a 48 0 0 8• .10=161001111621111011011111111081511O1 As most of the SUMMER FOOTWEAR Cannot be replaced for this season, We suggest, you get yours as soon as possible. As we can still supply you with various Lines: MEN'S Canvass Oxfords, Scampers, Etc., prices from $3.45 to $7.95 Wms. White and Panama, and other colors in Sandals at 2.95 to $4.95 We also have seconds in sizes from 71-';. to 2. "A Good Buy!" Oesch Shoe Stot e Phone, Res. 130. Store 82 3 go PAINT WITH SCARF'S 8 6 8 8 6 0 00028 8 OUR AIM --To Serve and Satisfy. t T X JELLIED ALKYD PAINT It Doesen'i Drip It Doesen't Run Never Needs Stirring To be used on Wood, Old and New Plaster and Cement. In a choice of many beautiful Colors Comes in Flat, Semi Gloss and Primer Sealer You can do your painting job in half the time with THIX. It needs no thinning or stirring. Try THIX for your next paint job. THIX goes 'farther easier. Available at Main St. Hardware Store ien Phone 213 8 8888 6' 6 0000