HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-08-30, Page 4ZUR Lakeview Casino Grand Bend DANCING WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY SATURDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT Last Dance of the Season! 'Final Judging of the Sundae* after - noon Beauty Parade will be made •t the Midnight Danet , $500 in Cash Prizes! Aldon Tbseta' GRAND BEND Thur,., Friday, Saturday !some time ago. Tag Ontario 1954 Aug. 30, 31; Sept. 1st. 1(93115), Owner can have same by MIDWESTERN H,AYRIDE Direct from the .NBC-TV Network, the nation's top Country and Western Show, with• a fast moving variety of music, dancing and comedy, Monday and Tuesday afternoons ,- 2 p.m. Grandstand. Also Texas Tommy and Sharkey the Seal. Prises: Children 50c • Adults $1.00. Reserved Seats $1,50 Monday Afternoon Special — Children 25c SS cinfg 2 p.m, Wednesday and Thursday Afternoons. Canada's Richest Colt Stakes: 2 and 3 year Standard Bred Futurities plus 4 other class races and light and heavy harness events. Prices; Children 50c, Adults $1.00 Reserved Seats $1.50 FOUND In Zurich a bunch of GM car keys To' Catch A Thief calling at Herald Office and pay for Grace Kelly Cary Grant. this advt. (Technicolor) Thurs., Friday, Saturday Sept. 6th, 7th. and 8th. Anything Groes Vistavision Technicolar, Bing Crosby Donald O'Connor Jean Marie Mitzi Gaynor COMICS and SHORTS Two Shows Nightly- - 7.30 and 9.30 For appointment, Dashwood 27 r 18 J. NORMAN COWAN Bookkeeping and Income Tax Service a 4 • as 4 4 4 4 • 4 4. `Sarepta' Hay P. 0. Notice To Creditors 1I.N THE ESTATE OF JACOB ORT- WEIN, Deceased. ALL PERSONS having claims agains- ithe estate of Jacob Ortwein, late of (the Village of Zurich, n the Count- of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, (who died on or about the zsth day of May 1956, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, Ont- ario, by the 15t day of September 1956, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. BELL & LAUGHTON, So&lieitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. HENSALL KINSMEN CLUB Presents its Thircl Annual Ontario ea 1 LABOR DAY, SEPT. 3rd 1956 HENSALL COMMUNITY PARK Our Best Programine Yet! Afternoon: 1.30 p.m. Monster Parade F,aturing Six Bands. Horseshoe Pitching Contest for the •O'Keefe's Trophy, Girls' Fastball game, Goderich Dodgers vs, Stratford Kroeblers Band Concerts — Free Movies for Children Midway Attractions --- Bean Queens --- Bean Supper --- Full Course Prepared and Served by the New Kinette Club. Evening: 8.30 p.m.., Eiitertathi ent and Dancing, ,in the Arena,... ?erformence by Goderich Girls' Trumpet Band. All-Star Stage Show with TV Personalities. Dancing to Cliff Scanlon and his Orchestra. Old an New Dancing. q+icy rikjj,i 44'}'ij4tund rte, t., :.. yy',,,:+r ����uy...% NewBreeding g Stock Puts New Life into Your Form! Why Wait go ahead with FI L lil:Nri ��XO11IIkN1t Nti7NA/,A0 soon d,rrtit tnl See your nearest Bank of Montreal manager about a Farm Improvement Loan. Axe., Or MONTREAL (944444'4 filiikte V444 Zurich Branch: JOHN BANNISTER, Manager Hensall Branch: KF.NNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager Crediton Branch: CLARE IRWIN, Manager (Open Tuesday and Thursday) Dashwood (Sub.Agency) : Open Mon., Wed. & Fri.L wtftt Can sarl►ans in evr.r'y walk of Ilfn striae 7817 .'.fw...'rwalisaxax:.;rsu:,rv:..,wrc^.acrv,,rx; • •• A • • • • A • 0 • • • • • • • • • m 1 • • • • • #a i \I i'• /1/1 n'1h et..C1 INTERNATIONAL REVUE Featuring The Mariners formerly of the Arthur Godfrey shows. George Hamid's scintillating revue plus 8 outstanding vaudeville acts, each evening, Grandstand. Prices: Reserved Seats $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 TECiaitatIR0400420213081,..77=0:11=8489.2111411116211C000410C' KkpERs) with Loggia, The Mighty Superman, Wild Bii) Cody, Joe Phillips and His Trained Worse Smokey, plus other kiddies' TV favourites — Friday 2 p.m., Saturday 1:30 p.m. Prices; Children 50c, Adults $1,00 Reserved Seats $1.50 Special Saturday Morning Show 10:30 o'clock -. SOc Thursday, August 00h, 195'0 WS Four different and exciting Grandstand Shows. Make your reservations early by writing to the Western Fair Association,. Queen's Park, London, Ontario, NOW! SEPT. 10-15 London. Ont. W. 0. JACKSON, M.naggr 3-5o ARENA MANAGER Applications for the' position of manager of Hensall Arena will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m., Tuesday, Septeinber 25th. Duties wilts include ice -making and maintenance of equipment and ibuildineg. Employment will start around November lst and end aro- und May 1st, F. L. TIBERIO, Hensall, • Ontari'of. e Reception - Mr and Mrs Alphonse Dietrich are giving a reception in honour or-4heir. son Harold and Doreen Sopha, on Saturday night, September lst, start- ing at 8.30 p.m., at the ,Community Centre, Zurich. Music by Melody ;Plasters. Everybody !Welcome DASHWOOD Mr and Mrs Emil Becker . and Anne, Mrs. Mary Becker, accompan- ied by Mr and Mrs. Clarence Kisnpel and Susan of Kitchener, left Satur- day on a motor trip to Pbiladelph'a, and New York where they will visit -i Mrs. Fred Hoff and Bill. 4610.1 Sam are spending a few days with their grandmother, Mrs. Alex Fraser at Mt. Pleasant. Mr and Mrs Stewart Wolfe and family spent the week -end in Toron- to with Mr and Mrs George Wolfe, and Mr and Mrs Murray Wolfe and faanily also attending the CNE, Mr and Mrs 'Glen Guenther and faanily of Gary, Indiana are spend- ing two weeks with Mr and Mrs Sid Baker. Mr and Mrs Ervin Latta and Mr and Mrs. Gordon Weisberg of Water- lolo were week -end visitors with Mr and Mrs. Fred Weiberg. Mr and Mrs Glen Brown of Sar- nia were Sunday visitors with Mr. William Wein. Mr and Mrs Chas Snell anct Beth spent the week -end at Woodstock and Burford. Mr and Mrs Carman Eckmeler and Paul of Stratford were holiday vis- itors with Mr • and Mrs Courtney Burmeister. Mrs. Jane Haugh and Mrs. John McIntosh .orf Toronto were Friday visitors with Mrs, Emma Haugh,Mrs ,Cora Geiser, Mr and Mrs Courtney Burmeister and •Mr. David Haugh. Alex, Joan and Eugene Becker • ' Mr and Mrs Howard Spear and family returned hone to Detroit af- ter spending a week with Mrs. Luc- inda Mcisaac. At a family .gathering at the home of Mr and ;Mrs. Urban .r'file on Sunday afternoon, the following were present: Mr and Mrs. Henry Pfile of Hensall; Mr and Mrs.' Ted Bender and Richard of London; Mrs Melissa Geiger, Mr and Mrs Delbert Geiger and family, Mr and Mrs. Clair Geiger, Mr and Mrs. Jack MsClinchey and family; Mrs. Clara Jacobe, Mr and Mrs. Laird Jacobs, and Sharon; Mr and Mrs. Milt Desch and Donald all of Zurich; Mr and Mrs. Wan. Haugh and Shirley and Mr and Mrs Elmer Rader and boys. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Notes— Mr and Mrs. eBlaise Dt charme and daughter Denise andMr. Carcel La- Fluer, all of Windsor were visitors with the former's parents for a few days the past week. Mr and Mrs. Sonny Siennon, and daughters have spent their vacation with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. Fred .Siemon of St. Joseph. Ma Narcisse Cantin and faanily of Detroit visited with their parents in 7 all the way with St. Joseph, after spending a week in Baltimore, Maryland, returnrng by motor to Morando, Quebec, then res turning to Lansing, Michigan by the• American side. The Societies of St,. Peter's parish are sponsoring a picnic to .be held on the church grounds en. Sunday, Sep- tember 2nd. Supper will be served in the parish hall land the drawing of • 'tickets will also take place. There Will be valuable prizes eriven to the winners. Fora Sunday afternoon. outing, be on hard, take part in iftte. activties and enjoy yourselves. Bring - your families, your sweetheart, ante: friends.. Mr and Mrs Roy Aldrus and chil, dren of :Detroit spent the weezc.end' with Mr and Mrs Avi11a Ducharnzhe of the Blue W rater south. Mr and 'yrs Leonard Geoffrey an.a: family of Goderich spent the, week, end visiting relatives ana rrrerds . ;the neeig-hborhood. !Labe: Day., next Monday, the last holiday of the sumer seen* and wit', he hri.avy traffic on High, I ways it will also be the last one hitt some ones. So be careful! Editor— . very Comanent tt 18' is in the hands of the Printer ails will ;be inserted just as soon as space lie available. W atcui for this item t °'F" model Chassis and Cab with Van Body -15,000 lbs. G.V.W. d3B" model Panel - 5,000 lbs. G.V.W. You t the RIGHT cake exit t •'B" model Express -6% -foot body, 108" wheelbase -5,000 lbs. G.V.W; ri the load "H" model Chassis and Cab with Dump Body -17,000 lbs. G.V.W. "F" model Chassis and Cab with Bother's Body -15,000 lbs. G.V.W. !'D" model Express -9 -foot body, 126" wheelbase -8;800 lbs. G.V.W. the RIGHT strength to shoulder the load • • • I. •„s,• :ova "K8" model Tractor with Trailer -- 45,000 lbs. G.C.W. r'8" model Express -7%x -foot body, 116" wheelbase -5,000 lbs. G.V.W. the RIGHT power t© move the load F Your Dodge -De Soto dealer has the right truck for your business, because Dodge trucks are his business! Dodge trucks are factory -engineered to fit the job the truck has to do, And this year Dodge offers a wider range of models, to fit even more hauling needs. Dodge trubks have increased capacities, huskier frames, springs, axles to haul bigger payloads. As for power to move the load, Dodge V -8's in medium- and high -tonnage models, are the most advanced in the industry. They provide up to 220 horsepower to really hustle you over the highway. Fanxous Dodge truck Six, now 125 horsepower, is a modern marvel of economy and. dependability. See your dealer for the right truck, at the right price, for your job. 110" model Chassis and Cab with Stake Body -8,800 lbs. G.V.W. • • "J"& al '•' na CHRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMJTED OM .4 TON TO 66,000 LBS. G.O.W. —A TRUCK TO FIT EVERY HAULING NEED(; Thos. Coats - Proprietor Len McNight p. Sales Rept. HENSAL:,, ONTARIO HENSALL MOTOR ' SALES WATCH CLIMAX—SHOWER OF STARS MEM Oil TV. Clio ii `t ':ii{ Ir vv�f 4 i : y1