HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-08-23, Page 1c 'Established 1900 St. Peter's Church Church of God • ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNINCly AUGUST 23 1956 aveS0m400044th#644444444o4z..4444464 St. Joseph, Ont. SUPPER Poi•k and Beans with Ham and all the Trimmings -Afternoon and Evening Entertainment SUNDAY, SEPT. 2nd. Everybody Welcome AT GRAND BEND, ONTARIO ANNIVERSARY SERVICE AUGUST 26th. Special Singing throughout the day Master Men from Hespler will be in charge of the singing Come and worship with us Pastor — Rev. J. Edwin Wattain. NOTICE TO POLICYHOLDERS The Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company has noted with grief the passing of the Late Elmer Webster who was an active member of the Board of Directors of the Company. The Board of Directors realize that the vacancy on the Board created by death is of no small im- portance but have decided, after careful consider- ation, to leave the position open until the time of the next annual meeting when the policyholders of that area which he represented can better select a representative of their own choice. Reginald G Black, Manager Vai=aMEMEMEEGItLkiiiitiZttrisert= 9 3 • • ;11 SPECIALIZED BUSINESS TRAINING —Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjects —Course Approved by the Canadian Business Schools Ass'n Modern Equipment TUITION $18.00 PER MONTH FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 4th. GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE East Street GODERICH, ONTARIO Phone 428 ,...smommsoisfamosaggat • • HOFFMAN'S Arrange Funeral Service To Or From Out -Of -Town -Points a • • • • • • • • • • 3 • • • • • • • • • • • a a a a • a ,amao•0 XEMBEA Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- ada, the Limited States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as members of local and national funeral director's associations, can handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet efti- ciency of Hen's service. T, HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME Funeral and Ambulance Service 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W 1161111110111HUMINVIAMMELMIMMIRIIIISAMORZEROEMIGTOINBILIINE • • • 4 4 4 0 4 4. 4 4. 4 0 • A At T IRL'S - uperior Market .11.1..........•••••••••••••••.••••••16.•Va., WEEK - END SPECIALS Green Giant Peas 2, 15 -oz tins 35c Chase and Sanborn Instant Coffee, 15c off, 6 oz. jar 1.49 Club House Olives, 8 -oz. ice box jar 39c Stokely's Tomato juice 2, 20 -oz tins ... . .. 29c Cherry Morning Coffee, 1-1b. Bag . 99c PLEASE TAKE NOTICE TO THIS ADV. FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS OF OUR STORE manwomeavtoomenonvy Phone 140 C. H. THIEL - Zurich CARD OF THANKS • I wish to greatly thank all rny friends 'for the •Books, Cards and Treats while a patient at the HoSp- ital. — Sandra Desjardine. HURON CROP REPORT Clinton, August 1.8 1956, Continued, wet weather this week has damaged the grain crop in the county eonsiderably. tGrain in swath and stook has become very dark in color and some whioh has been cut approximately onew eek has sprouted Grain Elevators report that 'over 75% of the grain offered for sale has be- tween 16 and 20 p.c. moisture. Corn fields in the 1County continue to make rapid growth. Approximat- ely 10 p.c. of this year's harvest has been completed. -44+- TAKE THE FAMILY TO Starlite _ DRIVE-IN THEATRE 5 Miles East of Grand Bend 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway on Crediton Road AUGUST 23 - 24. California Conquest Carmel Wilde Teresa Wright AUGUST 25 - 27 My Siiter Eileen (Cinemascope) Janet Leigh Betty jack Lemmon. Garrett AUGUST 2t8 - 29. The Desert Song riof74,7 Returned from Hospital ivilas 'Sandra Desjarcline, 5, who had been injured in a car accident at London and receilved treatment at the !Children's MernoxiaI Hospital, in that city, has returned home and able tel attend ehurch service on Sunday! in, the Evangelical U.B. ,church. Her mother Stayed with her at the Host,- ital and accompanied her home. CARS REPLACE TRAINS The Post Office Department has !announced that beginning September 30th and October 1, mail on 12 rotates in Western Ontario Niet1 be carried by motor vehicles. The swit- ches from rail transportation is neces eary by plans of the Canadian Nati- onal Railways to curtail services on several lines throughout the area. Post Office officials said bids are be- ing accepted for temporary contacts to ;carry the .mail .by highway, and these will be replaced by permanent carrier one year after tenders have been ,called. Fire Brigade Called OnIlykonday afternoon the Zurich Fire Brigade was called to the farm home of Mr, Menno Martin, Bronson line, Stanley Torwriship, Seemingly while refueling the tractor in its shed the fumes became knited and all of a sudden flames soared up to the rafters of the building. For- tunately the men in charge were able to get out the machine, although some of the tires were considerably burned. The building was down rwhen the brigade arrived, and they gave assistance in •protecting other buildings. Fortunately there was Odle wind and what there was,. hap- pened to be in a favourable direct- ion. DROWNS AT GRAND BEND A 14 -year-old boy was drowned in Kathryn Grayson Gordon MacRae Lake *iron at Grand Bend on Sun- day about noon when he left the. SU in•set safety - drifting. on and tried to make his 'of the rubber dinghy he was way to shore through choppy ,waves. DRIVE-IN—Goderich Three other companions who were on 134 miles east of Goderich on No. 8 the raft with the victim made then, Highway way to shore, being ,better swimmers. ..kIan Hoffman, of 8 Dill St., Kitchen- Thurs., Friday • Aug'23-24 er was the unfortunate young lad. 'It was reported the four bays were Touch and Go 11 floating on the rubber dinghy in a Jack HawkinsMargaret Johnston southerly direction about 100 feet Cartoon Cmedy from shore. The lake was getting • rougher as they ,progressed and as Sat, Monday Aug. 25-27 the raft reached the breakwater the ,boys jumped off with the above men - 3 Ring Circus itioned results.. NOW IN PLAYOFFS Dan Martin Jerry Lewis, Golfo on Cmedy Last Wednesday night, Aug. 15th. Don't forget Saturday is give-away Dashwood clinched first place In the night at the Sunset. IHuron-Perth League round robin by • 1Defeatine. Zurich 8-4 and put them Tues., Wednesday Aug. 28-2e . in line to meet the winner of the Zur- lich Mitchell winners which was Way - Teen Age Crime Wave led two nights latex on Friday •eve. at Tommy Cook Molly mccart Zurich and which resulted in a 0-0 AND • tie. It was a brilliant pitchers bat- tle between Bob Kovacic of Zurich, THE NIGHT HOLDS TERROR and Kope of Mitchell, with each hur- Jack Kelly Eilda Parksler throwing a one -hitter. The game Cartoon, Cmedy was called on account of darkness, and was ordered being replayed on Box Office opens 8 p.m. Two Shows Saturday at four ,o'clock. A large Nightly. Children under 12 an cars crowd turned .out fox this Saturday Free. game, wallah gave many thrills and Playground Refreshments spots sid tight playing then the bat- ters connected and broke through .scoring as high as five runs in an hmieg. The final result was 12-6 in favor of Zurich, • Sim Attell pitched the entire game for Zurich and at times had supreme command .of the situation. Intheseventh inning on- ly three men faced hilm, striking them all out, in the 8th, he whilTect two more .anel the third got a weak gro- under. Besides doing a naster job on the mound, Attell helped himself to four hits with as many times at bat, and regretably hie was unable to make a run himself. The weather was threatening ,with rain, but it kept off sufficiently for the entire 9 innings. EiR-oWNIE'S DRIVE -1114 TFIE E T �I CLINTON - ONTARIO Next to Community Park Thurs., Friday Aug. 23 - 24 Heidi and Peter (ColOtnr) ELSBETH SIGMUND (Two Cartoons) Sat. i1londay Aug. 25 -27 Man With The Gun Robert Mitchum Jan 'Sterling (Nvo Cartoons) Tues. Wednesday Aug. 28-29 Summertime (Colour) -Adult- KA.THARINE HEPBURN (One Cartoon) CHURCH SERVICES Every Sunday Evening At 7,30 p.m. Auspices: Clinton Ministerial Assodiation. ZURICH EDGED BY DASHWOOD The first in the final Leagae Win- ning games was played in Dashwood on Monday evening, when the home team edged 'out 8-2, scoring runs in the second, third and fifth a.nnings. The next game will be in Zurith on Thursday evening. Pitcher Bob Kovacic slammed st two -run 'homer in the ninth for Zurickao hile Bob Hay ter had a two -bagger and Harry El- liott a pair of singles for the Win-, Zurih • 000 600 002-2 5 3 Dashwood 001 010 00x-8 7 8 Kevecie and D. o'Brilen; Tannsae and 3. Bayter, Don't forgot Thursday's genie at Ukiah. Chester L. Smith, Publisher. Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a Year NutnacriptIO12 U.S.A., Tear $2,51/. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMCNTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACTrI Prep, ISINEIMAMISCOMMISIMILOIMMISMINIMIGNIIIMOISSWILIVA0.,, Visit OUR STORE FOR WATCHES— CLOCKS- JEWELERY- CHINAWARE Gifts for AIII ETC., ETC. Repairing of All Kinds A. G -HESS THE JEWELLER ail......M.....11.11.111111.1.,20.415.1....Y...r.ONT..e.0 RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made It Order — Seth� rda31/4 &IAA, Ont. Phone 128. COAL PRICES Advance $1.00 Per Ton JULY I st. ORDER NOW! • LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEEDS Phone 10 HENSALL se•••••••••••••••••••seasoasmodoevesiseesosessootwsees. 0 404 3 a a Seal ft* t(3, Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service RES. 89W - OR 55.1, TELEPHONE: oeeznazeseM4 1 4 c4 twt,stulos-ak,wisigisheee Wee SO ZURICH 9998 5 - ro ery Ogilvie Cherry Ain -land cake mix, per pkg. King Pastry Flour, 5 -lb bag ...... .......... 25c Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon 71, -oz. can Tea Bags, Crown, 100 bags Success Heavy Duty Wax, qt. size Mean° seh PRODUCE WANTEDfi 11111===ges=e.........e..e"'""`et• z 0299BMWMIUMWM9"arne- rie Phane .051 X1901M9975E2ZierZealii, Harvest •Needs We have in Stock Grain Augers in 12 -Ft. and 16 -foot Lengths, with Extensions for either for Immediate Delivery. ALSO BINDER TWINE, ROPE, ETC., ETC. MEN'S AND BOYS' WORK SHOES AND CLOTI-IING Schwartzentrober, Prop, THE BIA.KIE STORE pho. 1147 00.••••••••movionosommossometartemott .0etoossmvvimsor424.