HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-07-26, Page 4ZURICH O111TAR10 EXCLUSIVE' D PLAY-SY®PLAY Coverage by KEN ELLIS Sat. July 28, 3 p.m., DST. 'Washington at Detroit Sun. July 29, 3 p.m., DST. LONUOM CA NA bA LOCAL NEWS allr and Mrs Ed• Datara were Sun - y visiors at London. A little baby girl has come to make her home with .lir and Mrs. Louis Farwell, Goshen south. The Deicheit families held a re- union at the home of Mr and Mrs. Alfred Pfaff on Sunday, and a very enecvable time was spent. business that the Unit has ever ex- perineced with 8971 cows inserninat- d. This le an increase over June 1955 of 1701 cows or a greater increase in June .than the entire volume of business in the whole year of 1947. Bob Carbert,Editor CKNX, Wing - ham., was guest speaker, He spoke alboet how quickly farmers were with their free enterprises a.nd how Miss Joyce Witmer of Stratford, well they helped each other in ca:,e Spent several days with her parents of emergency. His remarks were Mr and Mrs Orville Witmer, recent- well received. 1y.. There was a parade of the bulls Mr. Orland Johnston of Montreal that carne Into the Unit since last is spending a week or se at the year's Bull Night, The Association provided free lunch after the pro- gram witli 1400 bottles of chocolate milk, 120 dozen doughnuts, and 1340 sandwiches consumed. Agricultural Office News Clinton July 20th, I950 CROP REPORT — A special nine car train was used to transport tee four hundred and seventy Huron Co- unty 4-H Agricultural Clob Memb- ers and Leaders on their Annual Marks 95 Years , Tour, this year to Niagara Peninsu- 1VIrs. F. J. Carling, Exeter, celeb-,la on Tuesday, July 17th. With fine weather most of the week, baying has been the order of the day in the County. By Friday, July r2'Oth, ap- proximately half of the hay crop has now been harvested. Fall Wheat is ripening rapidly and all other crops of grain are now out in head. 1VIost rams, this year will have at least a field or two, of hay which was ,spoiled for use other than for bed- ding. — Over '4,000 people were in attendance at the Kirkton Conunun- ity Club Twelfth Annual Garden Party held at Kirkton, on We:dnes - -day July 18th. • home -cf Mr and Mrs Albert Kalb- / eiseh and other relatives. Mr and Mrs. M. Musselman and Miss Audrey 1llusselman of Waterloo Spent the week -end at the home of then aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. • Peter Gingerich, Blake. ' Rev. and Mrs. L. Kalbflei:'ch, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kalbflcinc'r and son of News steadt were visitors tit the home of Mr. Elmer Klopp the past week. ZURICH H E R A 'w D Lakeview Casino Grand Bend rated her 95th birthday on Sunday, July Sth, cuietly. She was rememb- ered with cards, calls and gifts., and is in excellent health, looks alter her home n'rd groes up the street frequ- ent',y walking boih ways. 8,000 ATTEND The largest crowd in Seaforth in main- : r°arc, with exception of the Old Boys Reunion last summer, cel- ebrated the 26(1 anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne on Saturday, July .14th. The attendance was est- imated at more than 8,000. The Glorious Twelfth celebrated in Sea - forth for the first time since 1942, Soy th for the filet time since 1942, also marked the 100th anniversary of the fb'.ndine of Winthrop LOL. 813. Previous occasions on which marches were held there were in 19l2i.2 and 1900. OPEN HOUSE AT WATERLOO The Annual Bull Night or Open House held at th Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association, Waterloo, Ont. en the ev. of July 17th Was very well attended with 11200 people present by actual count. There were people present from all of the area served by this artific- ial breeding Organization as well as repr esentatives from Breed .As sociattions, other artificial 'breeding writs, and many interesting visitors. The manager, Roy G. Snider, re- ported 29886 cows inseminated dur- ing !the first 6 months of 1956, this being an increase over the same per- od of the previous year of 3522 Riaiws or 13.4 p.c. The month of June 3.956 was the largest in volume of �. TAES�.��},y�,��p,ITR3 ITI: 'IIN.a1pG FOR 'V NG ;LEN OL' SIXTEEN 01 Do you want to earn while you learn a trade? Under the Canadian Army Soldier Apprentice Plan, start- ing lst June, the Canadian Army will accept a limited number of young men for training in 19 differ- ent trades. The training course lasts for two years and then the Apprentice serves three years with a regular unit. Training starts in September. Under this plan the Apprentice receives— * Half pay to the age of 17 then full pay e 30 days paid holidays a year m Medical and dental care ® Travel and adventure w A healthy active outdoor life To be eligible applicants must be 16, not yet 17, have a Grade 8 edu- cation, and be able to meet Army physicstandards. As only a limited number of applic- ants can be accepted moire your application early. Mail the coupon below, telephone or visit your nearest recruiting station. Army Recruititto, Station, 59 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ont. — Tel 6-1887 Army Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington St,, Kingston, Ont. -- Tel. 4738 Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont, — Tel, EM. 6-8341 Loc. 276 No. 7 Personnel Depot Woaoioy Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont. Tel, 4.1001 Lou. 133 Army Recruiting Station, 230 Main St, W., North Bay, Ont. --Tel, 456 Army Recruiting Station. 184 Klee St. E., familton, Ont. -•– Tel, 2.8708 oesw.o Noose send me without cost or obligo. tion further dotails on the Soldier 1 Apprentice Plan. 1 IName.__ .. ... ! Address ! 1 City/Town 1 1 P,ev._ 1 • HENSALL Mr and Mrs Carl McClinehey and Nelson 'are vacationing through Nor- thern Ontario. Week -end guests with- Rev. and Mrs. C. D. Daniel at the manse and at their summer cottage at Goder tch were Mrs. John P. Bickell, of Peterboro, Mrs. Andrew Lawrence, Port Perry, Mr and Mrs Orville Swit- zer and daughter Linda, of Tor- onto. The former two are sitters and the latter a brother of Firs. Daniel. .,Mrs. D. J. .McKelvie, Robert and Ann, are holidaying with Mrs. Me- Xelvie's mother atShelburne. Mrs. Don Rigby of Blenheim at- tended a shower for Miss Mavis Reid of London at Mrs. Hilton Laine, Exec,, Velteisilay Team i spent Thursday with Mr and Mrs Harry Snell. Week -end visitors with Mr and Mrs Sim Roobol and Maja were Mr and Mrs T. Vandyke and family of Clarkson. Mr and Mrs Cal Horton spent the week -end atm,— Frnects of their sister and •7teer in-law, Mr and Mrs Lorne Pepe- . A number of ladies from Hensen, and vicinity attended a shower in honor of Mics Mavis Reid of London bride -elect of this week, held at the home of Mrs. Hilton Laing, Exeter. Recent summer guests with Mr. and Mrs George Hess at their sum- mer cottage, Hess -Haven cot4age in the Pinery, were Mr and Mrs Fd. Naimola, Sandra and Dennis; Mr. and Mrs Arthur Pettigrew and Leon Mr and fdrs. Howard Pettigrew, Den- ise, Christine, and Valeria, of Lin- coln Park Mich. DASHWOOD Mr and 'Mrs Ervin Rader and fam- ily spent Sunday at Waterloo with Mr and Mrs Ivan Taylor and boys. Held Congregational Picnic The picnic for Zion Lutheran. Ch- urch was held at Jowettee Grove, Bayfield, and results were as follows 5 and under Carol Klagee, 6 - 7 Shiela Iiellergirls, Glen Restemayer boys; girls and boys 8-9, Valenie Gib son, Richar:l Rader; girls and boys 10-11. Joanne Martin, Wayne Gib- s -n; Girls and boys 12-13, Ruth Res- temayer, Br.ib Becker; Ladies, Marie Salmon: Men's race, Elgin Rader; 3 -lagged. Tr. Marggret and Valerie Gil, -on, Sr. Grace Keller and Judy Keller; wheel harrow, Jr. Robert MInlller and Ri' hard Ratter, Sr. Rob- ert Be ker and Wayne Gibson, Seek r .toe, '.r • im)* Rader, Lynda. Stumpf. Field your husband, Lloyd and Rosie `Rader, find your partner, Ed- gar Restemayer and Gertrude Miller Chairman V. I., Becker awarded sev- eral prizes: Oldest person, . Mrs. Mary :M rr teeth ; youngest t baby, Sharon Rader r ( 7 weeks , longest married, Mr and Mrr., L :pili Rn-tenrayer; lucky plate, Earl Miller, N --o. of button:;, Mrs. A.. Keller, Mies Jeanette 7.,:ler of Aylmer, who mane two weeks in Florida, vis- DAANCING WEDNESDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY CLIFF SCANLON And His Orchestra Our best Orchestra in years! Midnite Dance Civic Holiday week -end OPPORTUNITY FULL 0 R PART TIME CANADIAN CORPORATION has ex- ceptional lopening for reliable. Man or Woman IN THIS AREA:" Wbr?t consists of Delivery and E epienithh ing Stocks of the WORLD'Sa.-1,E0 TNG COSMETIC LINE in •eXisting rstail store accounts. ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING OR SOLICITING AS ALL Selling is handled by our head office sltaff. AGE, EDUCATION or PAST EX- PERIENClE es not important as full training is provilded. 'Can be hand- led in 3 to 5 hours a yeeek without interferring with present employm- ent (Full time, if desired). WITH UP TO $100.00 a WEEK TO START. Enmities are invited from persons able to post $1098.00 cash for b n- ded products covered by a repurch- ase agreement and backed by a multi- million cb„ liar advertising prolgranune nr,sons available immediately, that have the necessary capital and desire a steady dependable income, should send Name, Address and Telephone number for detains to: PERSONNEL MANAGER, NAMERCO (Canada) LIMITED 392 Bay Street, 'Toronto 1, Ontario Bend spent last week with Mr and Mrs. Mervin Webb. Miss Elizabeth Baa'tliff of Clinton spent last week with her 'cousin, Margaret Merrier. Miss Carolyn Spellman of Kitch- ener is vacationing with her cousin, Mary Jane Hoffman. Mr and Mrs 'Clarence Gele atten- ded the Hogg - Stewart wedding at First Baptist ,church, London, iSat, urday. The 'bride is Mr. Gale's niece. Mz and Mrs Leonard Restemayer and family spent Sunday with Mr and +Mrs, Ivan Taylor and family at Waterloo. Misses Barbara Hem of Zion, and Joanne Martene vacationed with Miss Ruthanlne Salmon. 'Miss Carol Webb of London, vac- ationed with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Milton Webb last weelt. iMrs. Lou Eagleson is spending a week at :Southampton with Mr and Mrs. Gordon Eagleson and family. Mrs. Joe Johnston ofDetroit, Mrs Harold Hately and children of Win- dsor, Michael Marrs, Walter Marrs, Donald and Ronald Meisaac, Matt. Marshall and Ed. McIntyre all of Detroit were week -end visitors with Mrs. Lucinda Mcisaac. Mr and Mrs Edward Ki7nnel and family, Mr. Jack 1C'ianpel of Kitch- ener spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Emil Becker and family Mr and Mrs Cly vence Kimpel and Susan are spending a few days vac- ation with Mr and Mrs Emile Bec- ker. Mrs. Mary Becker 'returned home with them. !Mr and Mrs F.enil 'tBeeker retturn- ed from a trip to Ottawa, Montreal Whiteface Monntaies and Nene York State. At Philadelphia then visited Mrs. Freida Hoff and Mr. Wm. Hoff. MRS. MELISSA KESTLE Mrs. 'Melissa Kestle, 85, who dierl at the home of her soon -in-law, Char- les'Snell, Dashwood, on July 22nd, had lived in Dashwood for. 12 years. Born in Usborn.' Twp, slip was a member of Janes St. United Church, Exeter, before moving to Dashwood. Her husband, 'Edward Kestle, died 17 years ago. They formerly farm- ed in Usborne Tee. and retired •f'• Exeter S.'rvivieg are lime ^n es I Snell, Dashwood; ha.rles (, 'nee :ons, Rufus, 'lixeter, ,rt37, �s �'roit° two sisters anti a brodher ,Samuel Jury 3f 1xfr- ter. Th },hdy'reseed at the Hoffrntu' fune7'T,"i home, Dashwood where serv- r cr a were conducted 'V'reeday at 2 �. ' a Pee . ' •. ( 71 ...7 . .voo l , .mire:tl rill trr lt.. 1 I?riaT;'1 , ete in / ,:+y1 -..v r.n.n,r+r,e•• 1 111111I1I1M f11111111111111111111111111 11111111 11 I Thursday, July 26th, 1950 __... t i ^€-tet. Waterloo 'Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" We have just received a report fron-1, the Holstein -Friesian Association of '. Canada indicating the pooduction of daughters of our bulls. Following are the breed Class Average Figures for the bullsnow in service: Gienafton Milestone V, G. Glenafton Trademark V. G. Elnocro+ft Celebrity Selling Wing Double V. G. ,Elmcr;tft Tradition V. 0. 48 Glenafton Beneifector Ex & Extra 46 No. of daughters 324 107 93 90 Breed Class Average Milk Fat 111Xe 116% 107 111 104 104 107 123 ;1107 110 106 116 This works out to meat.? ir 0 equivalent 305d 2X basis Milk Fat Test 13212 507 3.84 11(2736 485 11(2379 454 3.07 1(21736 '5.37 4.22 12736 4181 3:78 12617 507 4.02 The Breed Class Average under the same basis is 11903 Milk, and 437 Fat. Simple.. arithmetic will work out the extra income for daughters of our bulls. For service of these, our proven bulls, or our promising young bulls, Phone collect to: Clinton Hu 2-3441. Between 7:30 and 9:3'0 a.m. CRsmaimmonitnissammessamensmassusimmaiumaz l'; as you pay for it on the KITCHEN—running water cuts kitchen chores—laundry- and dishes are done in half the time. BATHP.00M—all the conven- ience of a city home to protect your family's health and add to your comfort. BARNS—So much easier to water the stock ... and so much extra protection against Bre. AT budget Why lug water by hand any Ionger? Install a; Duro Pumping System now and enjoy running- water unningwater as you pay for it. Save time, save labour; cut operating costs. AS BLOW AS IC.` DONN: UP. TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and instafl aiion, too The EMCO Budget Plan will cover your roam plete water system—pump, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all buildings,. and the cost of installation. You can have the whole job done.NOW—and pay for it over the. next year and a half. Ask for an estimate of the cost of labour and material worked out on the; EMCO Budget Plan. Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay Empire Brassy Mfg. Ca. Limited Ti -54 Rev. S.TADE &WEIDO Zurich Ontario, rf L iA:LE R ES CANADA, it has been said, is a country which has- policies favourable to importers. First, because our customs tariff is low, with many items on the free list. Secondly, the rapid growth of the country is expanding our home market at a pace Canada never has known before. The steel industry here in Canada has expanded somewhat faster than has the home market, so that today Canadians need Ito import fess of most kinds of steel than in earlier days. On occasion,°steel from other countries is sold here at prices below Canadian costs. This occurs when there are prolonged or temporary surpluses else- where. But a pickup in demand in the exporting country reduces or extinguuishes these external sources of supply. .khat is why, year in and year out, the Canadian producer is the most reliable source of supply. THE STEE ;; ,• CO ,.1' ,PA,,',; Y OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOQUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO