HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-07-19, Page 4ZURICH ONTAR O ZURICH HERALD _Monster Band Tatoo AT DASHWOOD, WED. JULY, 25th. Street Parade 7,30 p.m. Official opening of New Band Stand at the Dashwood Community Park Grounds. Guest Speakers --- Thos. Pryde, MPP., V. L. Becker, Reeve Hay Twp; Member of Dashwood Police Village, Etc. Featuring Bands --- London Police Band under direction of Mr. A. Bundy; Thedford Silver Band; Strathroy Band; Centralia RCAF Band; Seaforth Highlanders; Ailsa Craig Band; Exet- er Kiltie Band; Zurich Girls and Boys Lions Band; Forest Band and London Police Band. Refreshment Booth on Grounds Admission -- Adults 50c; School Children 25c. Cars Free Proceeds for Promotion of Band a08 ,tai il1►.IOri e:1itn113x,F:ia:.:ttr,>x^'::de "MY BANTU A necessity on almost any farm, a good sturdy truck saves you time, work and money in a hundred ways, If you're short of ready cash for such a profit -building purchase, FIL may be your answer. A B of M Farm Improvement Loan can put a new or used truck to work for you on your farm very quickly. Why not talk it over with the manager of your nearest B of M branch this week? If your proposition is sound, you Can get a B of M Farm Improvement Loan for any type of equipment v l (l� ®Iurr you need on your farm, 1 Illi �+1�11 TO a NIIHON CANADIANS FfL — the fixer «.. his full name is Farm Improve. went Loan. Give him a chance to help fix up your' farm ... he's ere_ nomical, conven. rent, versatile. He can do almost an Yth* in mak. frig your farm better farm, BANK OF MONTREAL exio4d4:'d yvctt 644 Zurich Branch: JOHN BANNISTER, Manager Hensel' Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager Crediton Branch: CLARE IRWIN, Manager (Open Tuesday and Thursday) Dashwood (Sub -Agency) : Open Mon., Wed. & Fri. WORKING * fH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE Ieia' Had Reunion The eleventh Annual 'Willert Re- union was held at Jewett'{s Grove, Bayfield, Saturday, July 'Ith with ideal weather prevailing. Thesec- xetary, iMrs. Ervin, J. Willert of Rensall reported about 200 present. The president, Ervin J. Willert, Hen - salt, welcomed everyone to the re- union. a nld then turned the picnic over to the sport eco(invenor Welling- *On Hoist, rwho directed a. full line of Outs. During the supper hour sev- drai prizes were presented Oldest lady, Mrs. Robert McBride, Kippen, all years; oldest gent. Wm. Willert, hwood, 7,8; Longest married coup - ,'Mr and Mrs Lanais Restameyer, of &Arwood, 43 years; latest married dauple, 1VTr and Mrs Lloyd Reiter, of Dashwood, 6 weeks; youngest Ed. Willert, 8 weeks, son of Mr and' V1Mrs !toy 'Wtitkrt larM";', Vandal!; largest family, Mr and Mrs ,Harold Willert, Hensall; New offic- erselected are: President, Otto Wil- lert, Dashweod; vice pres., Mrs. P. Triebner, Exeter; Secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Willert, Dashwood; chairman of sports,Oren 'Grace,Deariborn, Mich. 'table caniven'or, Mrs. Lloyd Rader, Dashwood; ',i'he meeting closed by singling the National Anthem. The gest of the evening was spent with dancing at the Paviillion with the Desjardine orchestra in attendance. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Talbot - McConnell Summer flowers decorated the Varna United 'Chureli for the wed- ding of Barbara Elizabeth Ist Connell only daughter of' Mr and Mrs Lee a McConnell, Varna, and Clifford 'Lin - coin Talbot, son of Mr and Mrs. s Clifford E, Talbott, Stanley.T leer. rt+ T Tt4, r. ,. ,s .•,. r. i., ,,..r "•e C Lakeview Casino Grand Bend Dancing Every Night CLIFF SCANLON And His Orchestra SUNDAE' JULY ..22nd. PARADE & CONCERT Starting 8:30 p.m; Goderich Girls' Trumpet Band 55 Members Western Ontario's Outstanding Band OPPORTUNITY FULL OR PART TIME CANADIAN CORPORATION has ex- ceptional 'openingforreliable Man or Woman IN THIS AREA. Work eonsiets of Delivery and Replenish- ing Stocks of the WORLD'S LEAD - "T( COiSMETIC LINE in existing relent.store accounts. ABSOfLTTTELY NO SELLING OR -SOLICITING AS ALL Selling is handled by our head office staff. AGE. EDUCATION or PAST EX- PERIENCE _isai,at ianrpoa.^tant as full training is prorvided. Can be hand- led in 3 to 5 hours a week without interferrine' with»resents eniployin- ent (Full tune, if desired). WITH UP TO 8100.00 a WEEK TO START. Enquiries are invited from persons able to post $1098.00 cash for 1, n- ded products covered by a re -purch- ase agre'-"'ent and backed by a multi- neint'en dollar advettieine prorgraanme Persons available immediately, «that have the necessary capital and desire a steady dependable income, should send Name, Address and Telephone numiber for 'detains to : PERSONNEL MANAGER, N At'12'ERCO (Canada) LIMITED 392 Bay Street, Toronto le Ontario Huron Temperance Notes THEY ARE PREVENTABLE Accidents on the highway can be consistently avoided. ,Staftistics show that nearly 98 accidents out of 100 the carsinvolved were `in .apparent good condition. Moreoi,er. the en - ormolus majority of accidents" hap- pen on good dry -surface reads and lin con-ditions of clear visibility. So they are preventable. Even in wintry conditions roughly half of highwayaccidents have 'occurred on bare sur- faces. The logical conclusion is that the overwhelming majority of accidents are not 'events of chance. or fortune. They are the natural and often in- evitable sum of human behaviour. Surely our other fact is pertinent Dr. Jocelyn Rogers medicolegal ex- pert of the Provincial Government whose duty it is to check all serious highway accidents in Ontario, is our authority. Upwards of 50 per cent. of all such crashes (involve liquor! Here surely is the Arch Enemy of careful human behaivior, 'they ARE preventalble.Advt. Don Campbell of Bayfield, was mat- ron of honor and Mrs. Cameroen Douglas of Hamilton and Miss Louise Talbot, Bayfield, as (bridesmaids. Mr. Don Campbell,tayrfield, was grooms- man and Miss (Marjory Webster was organist and accompanied (Miss Mimi Johnston, Hamilton as soloist Recei- ving!guests at Ontario St. Church Parlors, Clinton, werethe bride and groin's mothers. The couple left on a wedding trip to the eastern St- ates to the 'coast of Maine and on their return will reside an London. The bride was a member of the 1954 graduating class of Stratford Gener- al Hospital +School of Nursing: Thegroom is a 1956 :graduate of Univ- ersity toff Toronto in Mechanical En- gineering. DASHWOOD Misses June and Ruthanne Rader spent a few days last rweek with their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs. Well - wood Gill at 'Grand Bend, Mr and Mrs Ervin Latta and Mr Howard Weiherg !ef Waterloo, !spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs. Fred W eit erg ,Mrs Nelda Routledge of London, with her parents, Mr. nd Mrs. Philip Passotit. Miss .Ellen Gilbert of Stratford pent the week -end with Mr and Mrs ourtney .rl3urmeister. . r,.,,-t}i, wenn-enol nes' e (v.•ilh rr• ..,fl :Gii;s L. II', Radtke ^r 'r".n ....fie (Maes Barbara Booker of St. Thom- as spent the week -end with IMP and Mrs, V. L. Becker, Mr and Mrs Carmen Tekmeier and Paul, Mr and (Mrs Alen Gilbert of Stratford vacationed with Mr. end Mrs. 'Courtney Burmoiseter. Mrs. Wesley Filkens and Janice of Howell, (Mich., returned home on !Sunday with IMr and Mrs. Arthur •grillerd of Howell, after spending a week wiiibh her mother, Mrs. Win. Nadiger. Mr and Mrs E. R. Guenther, ac- companied by IMr and Mrs. Lloyd ,Guenther and !Mrs. Hobbs Taylor, left Thursday on a motor trip to Mexico, Jack and jimmy Guenther are spending some time with their annt and uncle .Mr and Mrs. Elgin Kiefer. Miss' Nancy Tiernan of Toronto, spent the week -end at her homnehere. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Mr and Mrs 'WM. We.ising of Sar- nia were week -end visitors in this neighborhood. Mr and Mrs F. Ducharme of this Highway were visitors with the Hart- man Family of the Goshen line south Mr and Mrs Archie Masse and family of London, , spent a week's with the farmer's parents, Mr and Mrs. Jas. Masse of St. Joseph. Mrs Leon Bedard who has been ,confined, to her room on the .sick list is now improving. Her daughter, Mrs Michael Masse was giving her care. Electric storms accompanied by gushes of wind and hail did Consid- erable damage to ,crops and build- ings :on Friday Iast. Due to the heavy rains of late farmers have lost heavy hay crops. The heavy hay crop will serve for only one purpose now, and that is to spread it on the Mand as manure. Comments—For the present. Already one third •af the summer is gone by, or should we say the tail end of a late spring, at the closing of the winter, a wet spring was pre - ducted, that was fulfilled to the letter. When summer set in people had hrilgh Hopes that the weather would change and warier sunny days would greet us.—.`Failed,' unless a sudden change takes ;place in the near fut- ure, farmers can expect losses and _. . disappointments. Talk to your next door neighbour, who is nearing his ,four score years. He will tell you not in li i(5 memory has a year like it lolceurred, It is true there has been wet seasons and •disagreealble wea- ther in the past, 'but we believe they were mixed with. dry and en- couraging days - some one has al- ready mid that hot rays would be manufactured from the sun, warm - ring up all the large bodices of water, Making a summer like temperature the year round. Well, the inventors must have pulled on the wronMg key. Ilea remember the good old sum- mer we Thad years ago, when the skies were clear and (bright, of course it was hot, very warm, sonuuch so that people working out doors were • • •• • le 3 1 e 4 • Thursday, July 19th, 1956 covered with a wide home made straw hat, as a preventive from+he• extreme heat during the day and air night they would sretrch out in the, 'open for a little comfort. Not se. today, fanners working in the fields today are 'garbed with ert:res anti' at night they wrap themp—Ivtes in with much bedding as a nrevent•,ivt$ from cold. All of this is +'',h to'mo'cYa ern changes, some of them have pro. von beneficial to the ''ommei»iai world, while others have been dYisae greeable and in some fusee deetruct-. ion, But in the face of air thi von can ebb blame any partici']ar 'Troup.. for today people are r{anonatlzing and its to see you do you- nwrrf fud- ging. If you want to be en the role, you most follow 'the crowd. _ SEAFORTH LIONS THIRD C A S i BINCO. $I800 12 Games at $50.00 Each 3 Share -the -Wealth Games - Cards 25c or 5 for Jackpot SHARE -THE -WEALTH WIN AS MUCH AS Cards $1.00 Each $1,0e0 SEAFORTH ARENA - THURSDAY, JUL? 2R: Doors open at 8 . p.m. - Play starts 9 p.m. sharp: Admission $1.00, which includes 12 gamed Proceeds shared between Lions, Arena and Sports;, EXCLUSIVE! U PLAY-BY-PLAY Coverage by TUTS ElliS Detroit at Boston Sat. July 21, 2:05 ,... �..'. Sun. July 22, 2.0;, • ,., , .. elloPLf44;i0 41) a 10 HOFFMANS ADD ADDITIONAL SERVICE FOR SURROUNDIN COM.. MUNITY BY ADDING EXTRA AMBULANCE SERVICE, BEING LOC-. ATED AT GRAND BEND DURING SUMMER MONTHS. the U. 1barrr lboffrnan ifuinerat tome AIR CONDITIONED CHAPEL DASHWOOD - ONTARIO 8 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • •• • • • • 0 • • • • THE HURON & ERIE MORTGAGE CORPORATION flVMI & ERI E - GMAM iRUSr TRH ",. CANADA TRUST COMPANY • Head Office London, Ont. District Representative - J. W. Haberer, Zurich 00 • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • 40 • ik • •