HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-07-19, Page 1CIrritaxnasuraul Established 1900 ER ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 19 1956 Vacation ( Wins Centennial Boat I Mr. Ernest M, Dagg, manager of the Bank of iMontreal, Teesswater, and former (bank manager at .Zurich was the lucky winner of the 14 foot cedar strip (boat, 5-h.p. motor and boat trailer, at the Zurich 'Centennial at the closing, .Wednesday night. Church Sahn 1 MACE —St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. �A'CFt — July 23 to August 3rd. .TIME -9 to 11.30 A..M. CLASSES — Nursery (3 years aid) to Intermediate. A Vacation Church ,School is a place where we are happy, friendly; a place where we sing, play, work, worship God, serve Rothera. SOME and bring your friends. If you would like to attend this school and have net :already registered, Phone 112. CARD OF THANKS • The family of the late Garnet Jacobe wish to express theirstnoere thanks and appreciation to all their relatives, neighbours andfri.ends for their tetany acts of kindness and sympathy in the loss of a loving hus- iband and father. Special thanks to Rev Amacher, pall 'bearers, flower - bearers, and the Westlake Funeral Hosni E.IlIIIIIIIIIiIijI!IIIIIIIuIIIiu;llelllilllllli IIUIIi HIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIUIHIIIIIIIII .- MANY, MANY LETTERS AND TESTIMON- IALS FROM GRATEFUL FOOT SUFFERERS CAN BE SEEN AT ANY MIRACLE CLINIC. Ask to see them when you Visit MtRACLE FOOT AID. The Greatest Name in Foot, Comfort. AT THE MILT A. OESCH SFIOE STORE MONDAY, JULY 23rd. 13 A. M. — 8 P. M. Zurich, Ontario - Phone 82. or 130 14444.4 1 744.4, 1144.4.44 54.44, 54.441 444.4. 4.44.4 1041044 ONE DAY FOOT CLINIC Mr. Hardman, clinic technican and 'Consultant will be here tor this Special Day Clinic. Call Zurich 82 or 130 and snake your appointment. Meet Mr. Hardman in person. G. R. HARi1MAN Will Attend ira:1 C r': 4:4►,"rum l . L.I1I>�IC E • HOFFMAN'S• .. Arrange Funeral d ' * To - Or From 7 ::• Out • Of Toi Foisx �')) ° a Wherever • required, to or from anyplace in Can- • side, 'the United Staters or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as i n3, ur einhers of local •and national • funeral director's associations, can "� handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet of i- o --tea, cie'ncy of Hoffman's service. "a T. 'H.ARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME • F i nd •Ambulance Service Q -• ,4EMUW 4' Wh es 'funeral service ie Funeral a ; 24,Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W 0 /rOewe,wo-ma .c � � � - w�.• o . , .., — ... bo t.0err°+6•R,<4, t.. ,4041 SAVE At IEL'S S: perior Market T WEEK END SPECIALS ;Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs. ...- 3 l c 'Sweet Maxed Pickles lg. 48 -oz jar .. 55c ,,..Campbells Tomato or Vegetable soup 2 tins 25c Clark's tomato juice 2, 20 -oz tins 25c Cheery Morn Coffee, 1• -,Ib. :bag ,..89c PLEASE TAKE NOTICE TO THIS ADV. FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS OF OUR STORE Phone 140 .. C. H. THIEL - Zurich Laden Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday July 210; 2 Good Morning Miss Dove "Jennifer Jones" as Miss hove Ciaennascoipe - 'Calor by I}e1EU co ICs - 'TC. Subeerigtion In Canada, $2.011 a "JCS. Subscription 17'.S.A., Year $2.5IL Has Returned Home. [Mrs. Joseph- Foster has returned home after convalescing at St. G12ary's Home, London. We wish her con - Sunday Midnight, Monday and Tues- • t hued health. day, July 22, 23, 24th. Contract Let JUJBAL The Brennan Paving Company Adult Eentertaimnent was awarded a X183,169 contract for Cinemrascope Technicolor hot max paving,our Highways +Mdtohell Glenn Ford Ernest Botignine to .Zeafoaigh 10.3 miles and lYIitciretl td +Monkton 10.6 miles. Attends Reunion Mr. Henry Ei,ekmeer ,orf town at- tended the recently Eiekmeier reun- ion held in the school grounds at Brodhagen. About 125 attended and a most enjoyable time was had by all present. WERE SUCCESSFUL The .following are pails of Miss Idella Gabel A.R.C.T., who were successful in passing Royal ,Conser- vatory of Music of Toronto examin- ations held in London: Grade 8, piano honors, Grace Erb; Grade 6, piano pass, Bnarbara Koehler :and Marlyn Hotson; Grade 5, piano honors, (Marie Salmon; Gr. 4, pianla honors, Jack Yunglblut; Grade 3, piano, first class honours; :Mary Jane Hoffman honors; Ilze -Gulens, .A+usrna Gulens, Kristine Gulens; Janis Gulens. Grade 22. uian.o, Honours; Margaret Hotson and Ruthanne Rader. Grade 1, piano pass, Roy McAdams; •Grade 3 History, pass, Grace Erb. Centennial News While the Centennial is now a thing of the past materially, but it just seems to Tive on. and .on in our intellectual make-up, and. we must say a few things• for the benefit of ytend. our readers who were ununableto- at - Comics and Shorts Wed., Thursday - Ju1y 25, 26th. Seven Cities of Gold Color by De(Lux Anthony Quinn Rita Morena Cn'neanascepe Richard Egan Michael Rennie. TwoShows Nightly 7.30 & 9.30 .- TAKE THE FAMILY TO Sthrhte DRIVE-IN THEATRE' 5 Miles East of Grand Bend 8.5 Miles West of No. 4 Highway on Crediton Road July 19, 20th. Walking My Baby Back Horne Donald O'Connor July 21, 25 Back to God's Country Rock Hudson July 24-25 Francis in the Navy Ait the early hour of 12.20 rnid- Danald O'Connor Martha Hy'er night, July '2nd, there started a. mid - •Casino— night dance with music by Lionel Thornton and orchestra, and was a treat fox those. enj'oyang, this recrea TELEPHONE- RES: 89W Sunset • NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPP CLOSED FOR VACATION JUNE 18th to 23rd (Inclusive) TeL 223 . Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Frost. Visit OURSTORE FOR WATCHES— CLOCKS- JE W ELERY- CHINAWARE f Gifts. for Alll ETC., ETC. t Repairing of SII Kinds 4 A. G. HESS THE JEWiJJ.L•Ell' RAGS, RUGS and CARPET` One New Modern Loom, 314441 Order -- Seth O. Anoann, Zurle l Oat. Phone 128. COAL PRICES Advance $1.00 Per Ton JULY 1st. ORDER NOW LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEEDS Phone 10 •--- HENSALL t`* Licensed E baI me>r ,y = Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service HospitalBed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOW RS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Neat= Sergi OR t§OJ, ZURICH tion. Then at 10 in the forenoon re- gistration fotllewed the night before, eese em,, •. i « er e + ,6e at the same time there was anvil DRIVE-IN—Goderich 114 miles east of Goderich on No. 8 ;hooting by Milt Dietz and Earl Zim- Highway mer. When we heard the heavy deep bombssof the anvils- it made cine Thursday, Friday July 19, 20 think of the heavy howitzers letting • their discharges go at war time, and we are told some .pe:ople had to go to other :parts of town as they were alleeig to these deep: thro.a:tedbombs. At 01130 therewas a. luncheon for the Executive of the Centennial 3 Committee at the Doninion. House, Which all enjoyed,. and the overwork- ed executihve just relaxed a bat for a short period', only to find that the real workwas dust to. begin. At 1 parr. was,. the time scheduled for that monster parade which we shall never forget. Tt was nearly a mile in length and every number, float, auto, and character was tops. How the people. preparing •these various vehicles that passed atong,is more than, ene can apprehend. The marching of schoot children, the Bands,. decorated autos, clowns, on foot, and practically all from our village of a Tittle over 600 souls. Spectators that stood .on the lineup, and who lived in, large cities, said they never saw anything so 'good and so orderly in this monster possession. It was estimated that around 10,000 .people had gathered tor the after- noon and if you wanted to go any- where with your car, it was a matter of falling in line and await your turn. Shortly after two o'clock .p.an. the ceremonies at the Ageiculturar Park began when addresses iof welcome were given followed by addressees of • ' .dignitaries present, M.P.'s and Sen- ator Golding of Seaforth, the Swiss Consul of Zurich Switzerland, who extended greetings from that city; IP- of. Alvin Surerus of Toronto., Prof Herbert Kalbfleisch of London, and Dr. Fred Landon, of Western Univer- sity, who 11s a historian and gave some very interesting history of Hay Township and the County of Huron.The last speaker was the ex -Warden of Huron and ex -reeve of Ifay Town- ship, Mr. Earl Campbell. It was a `. well ,planned. program and the speak- ers were initeresting indeed regard- less of the wet grounds of the recent heavy rains the previous night. At three p.m. there was the inter- esting baby show and the keenly con- tested .childrena day sports which all the young'& tees took put As our publishing hour has arrived all too quic'�ly again, so we must ring off for this issue mid. get our paper out. i Will have more to say next week axed I thereby: try and keep this biggest) event in :;ranch.':; history fresh. hi lata mind Call Me Mister BETTY GRAtBLE DAN DAILEY Comedy — Cartoon Saturday, Mon. July 21, 2 Racing Blood Rill Williams Jean Porter Comedy — Cartoon Tuesday, Wedns. July 24, 25 Apartment for Peggy Betty ,Grable, Casey Adams Comedy — -Cartoon Box Office opens 8 pan. Two Shows Nightly. Children under 112. -in cars Free. Playground — Refreshments BROWNIE'S CLINTON - ONTARIO Next to Community Park Thursday, Friday July 1f9 20 Three Sailors and A Girl (Colour) Gordan MacRae Jane Pofwell (Two Cartoons) Saturday, Monday July 21, 23 Boy Fro mOklahonza (Colour) Will Rogers, Jr. Nansy Olson (Two Cartoons) SAT. NIo the PRIZE Value of ITE $50. Prizes to t.--...-.4.44.4-.. Tuesday, Wednesday .. , July 24-25 Beast From 20,000 Fathoms (Adult) PANLA RAYMOND .. ... (Two Cartoons) Tuesday—"DOLLAR" NITS $1,00 Admits a Carloadl CHURCH SERVICES Every Sunday Evening at 8 pan. • .A.aa1>iCeS. Clinton. •Ministcril.l A f,Dc11t;I:1Sml�+ 1 ry t This Week -End Specials Jiffy Instant chocolate l -lb. pkg.....,............•�e.•�+c Mother Parker's Instant coffee, 2 -oz, jar ,....,.,59c Kellogg's Rice Krispie. Targe box .............o.��o..25c Kraft Handl snack cheese 1-1b, rolls ..................49c Merano Oesch Zurich . FRODUt . :WANTED,.Ph me 165 Special Men's 'Work Shirts at ,., $1.79 Men's and Boys' Jeans and Overalls Men's Work Shoes 1 GROCERY SPECIALS Nescafe 6 -oz (with 15c Coupon) < .............1.79 Lynn Valey Peas 20 -oz„ .................................ij(5c 3 -Ib. Bag Oatmeal ,..,a.............r/ln.aee..r..ars.ra....... 4/c TIRE BLAKE STORE E. Scbwt dzcntlrUber, Prop. Phone 1147