HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-07-12, Page 4URIC 1 ONTARIA ZURICH HERA!,D Lakeview Casino * I No accidents were repotted in the Pie:mediate vicinity. The farm work is much delayed due to rain, such as 1itylug and the hoeing of hoe ,crops. Little can be done about it. Let us Nape that things will turn out satisfactorily to all, and without ;causing too much di eeppointment. r�..K Grand Bend Dancing Every Night to the music •of CL'IF'F SCANLON And His Orchestra —1M lody with a Rythm--- More popular week by weeks i•owds Bigger --- week by week! it. Joseph & Blue Water Area Mrs. Bob :Mernorvidge of Detroit Apo.* the past week with her mother lams other members of the family. Mr and Mrs Macrae and Mee. O'- onnor of Courtright were last Sun ,inlay visitors in this neiglibeurhood. Sister Eugenie of Brescia Hall, .,ondon, spent a few days visiting '.with Mr and Mrs. Leon Bedard, also her mother, who is conrnetr to her bed. Traffic on this Highway was heavy during the July 1st and pith holidays tand s.lmv st every 'hope had some one from distant points or abroad. DASHWOOD School closed on Friday June 29, with the following graduates from Dashwood P. S: Carole Schade, Jinn Rader, Glen Rader, Ron Merrier, The Gulens, June Rader, Anne Koehler, and Joan Guenther. Teaehers for the 1956-57 term are. Primary, Mrs. Elgin Webb: In- termediate, Mrs. L. Taylor and Prin- cipal Mrs. Ordella Desjardine. Mrs. Wm. Schumaker, Mrs. Leo Ludlke and Elizabeth, Mrs. Marvin Garthe and iPhylip of Pigeon, ;Milch. spent a few days last week -end with Mr and Mrs. Wm. Haugh, 14th con. Holiday visitors — Miss Barbara 'Becker of St. Thomas with Mr and Mrs. V. L. Becker. iMr and Mrs Carl Wein and Rob- ert ,otf Sudbury with Mrs. Herb Wein Miss Nancy Tileman of Toronto, Guaranteed Life Income WITH ASSURANCE MEANS THIS TO YOU —It creates an immediate cash estate —It guarantees a monthly life income —It provides freedom from invest- ment worries. —It guarantees the privilege of re- tirings when you want to. North American Life's Pension Plan guarantees the largest possible secure income at the time it is needed, aw- ing to loss of health, disability, pre- mature death or oldd age. T. Harry {,: off ;z t h a n NORTH AMERICee.N LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company Phone 70-W — All Profits for Policyholders Dashwood, Ont. ezzinear as your telephone OM ET TJT S 4' ICE !@� WERE t' ' 'AliT t; RIO Cali RAPE B. PATERSON, Trust Officer Hensall, Ontario, Phone 51 For • Estate Planning and Wills e Real Ea tato 5 =--> • Investment Management and Advisory Service e 4% Guaranteed Investments e 2%% on savings—deposits may be mailed Or Contact Any Office Of GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA Toronto • Montreal • Ottawa • Windsor Niagara FalIs • Sudbury • Sault Ste. Marie Calgary • Vancouver } f.:•++++++++ 411 ssaciation Waterloo Cattle Breeding "Where Better Bulls Are Used" TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 17th. At 7:30 p.rn. wil be our annual BULL NIGHT + Everyone is welcome to join us in this even- Y ing of education, fun and inspection of bulls. Guest Speaker, Bob Carbert, Farm Editor for �, CKNX Wingham Radio and TV. For artificial breeding service or more inform- s� + ation cal colect to: ✓r ✓r Clinton Hu 2-3441 Between 7.30 and 9.30 A.M. SEAFO bTl-I LIONS SECOND SECOND IN IJP TO CASH 4. 79 0 0 • 3 12 Games at $50.00 Each AS 3 Share -the -Wealth Games - Cards 25c or 5 for $1 rc wt Jackpot SHARE -THE -WEALTH WIN AS MUCH AS $1,000 Cards el.00 Each SEA.FORTl H ARENA - THURSDAY, JULY 5th Doots r, •;)‘;i at R pan. -_ , .1• rrr'+- !, p.m., sharp Admission $1.00, Iv111,I1 incudes 12 wames and Bob Stormes of St. Thomas with• Mr and Mrs Mervin Tieanan. Mr and Mrs Carl Stumpf and fam- ily of Kitchener with Mr and Mrs. Albert !!Miller. Mr and Mrs Ivan Taylor and boys of Waterloo with Mr and Mrs L. 1^l, Rader. Mr and Mrs Harold Maine and girls sof Kitchener and 'Mr and Mts. C'oli!n Hindley and fancily of London with Mr and Mrs Reinhold Miller. Mr and Mrs Melton Wolper and girls of Ingersoll with 1\Ir and Mrs 5'assold. Mr and Mrs Ward Kraft and fame ily of London with Mr and Mrs, Er- nest Koehler and family. Mr and Mrs Earl Vandahl and Douglas of Shearwater, N. S., are holidaying .with MM. Bertha Hayter Mr and Mrs J. Snider, Brantford, spent the week -end with Mrs. Ber- tha Hayter. Miss Mary Ann Hayter is vrsiting; in Windsor with relatives, Mr and Mrs. Joe Bruce. Miss Clara Brown of Calgary, Alb. Mrs. Roy Elliott of Thedford, Mr. and Mrs. L. McClure and Nancy of London attended Morning worship at the E.U.B. Church on Sunday and visited with friends in the commun- ity. 11Irs. Viola Wurm and Mr. Nesbitt Woods of Toronto, visited with the Misses Marie and Pearl Kraft and also friends in and around Dashwood last week. Mrs. M. Budd of Kitchener called on the Misses Marie and Pearl Kraft last week. Had Reunion The Birk reunion which i5 an an- mn:' event was held July 1st on. the 'px -io:is lawn of Mr and 1VIrs Theo. Rader, t=when Line, south with over fifty members attending. After the noon meal the President Prof. Leonard Birk of the O.A.C., Guelph, conducted the business which resulted as follows: President for 19'57 Wm. Truemner; Vice Pres., Arthur Truemner, .beth +of Toronto; Sec. Treas., Mrs. Thos. Peachey, De- troit, !Mich; Sports Committee, Mr and Mrs. Ed. Harman, Woodstock. The Secretary, H. W. Brokenshire read correspondence from relatives who expressed their regrets ror be- ine unable to attend. The only liv- in+g uncle, Mr. ,Samuel Dirk of Minot, North D'ak'ota, who was not; present Ort account of idiistance, had prevrous� ly written an account of the 'Family history which proved to. be very sin•- •bee esting. • The sports commxittee, Mr and Mrs Walter Bothwell of Detroit, then pro- vided entertainment for the rest of the afternoon. Relatihres attending from a dist- aaxce included Mr and Mrs .Andrew Birk and family from Santa Barbara 'California; Mrs Pearl Fou nier,Seat- tle, Wash; as well as members from Toronto, Detroit, Lond n, Woodstock Guelph, Thedford and Zurich. SALESMEN Canada's largest Farm Service Or- +gannlxation reauires the services of full and part time salesmen for this County. WE OFFER -Protected territories -Non Seasonable -Non Cohnpetiltive Service -Guaranteed annual repeat (business -Company Paid Pension Plan -Blue Cross: P.S.I. Coverage. -Paid Training Cortise -Unlimited Advancement ,opportunit- les. Write giving full narticulars to AL - TED FARM SERVICES, 248 3 Dundas Street, London, Ontario Attention Farmers SPECIAL 0111 b)R On a NEW, BELL IMPERIAL THRESHING MACHINE —,ONLY A FEW LEFT- -ACT FAST— REPAIRS AND IPAR'TS — Now is the time to look over your older =chins and have any repairs done, so that you will not be held up. We give careful attention to repairs and orders for parts. ROBERT BELL INDUSTRIES LIMITED Seaforth - 'Ontario Phone 268 0 TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders will be received up 'until July 14t'ittlh, at 12 io'clock noon, for the installation of Press - re Systean and Flush T„ filets ana 'Lavatory Basin at S.S. No. 1, Stan- ley Townehip, Contact Mr. Geo. Cameron,. I3ru,celfie+ld, Ont., for iplan!s and specifications, T. S. Baird, Secty.-Treas Baatcelfield, Ont, Had Reunion • S. S. No. 4, Hay Township, was the scene of a very happy occasion on Sunday, afternoon, July 8th, 1956 when almost 400 former pupils and teachers returned to the little Red School •House on the Bronson Line, to renew old acquaintances and to renv7niscence events and happenings of their childhood days. Because of the uncertain weather, after viewing class pictures dating back to 1871, they journeyed to the Zurich 'Community Centre where a short impromptu program was given. Mr. Bruce Klolpp acting as chanhtunan and gave a welcome address. Short speeches were given by Messrs. Alf- red Melick, Elmer Klopp, Alvin Sur- erus, Nesbitt Woods, Verne Geiger and .Miss Meda Surerus. !Miss Sur- erus then conducted a short sing- song. Presentations were made to the oldest pupils, to the one wiio carne the greatest distance and to the sec- retary, Mrs. Jack 'Mc'Clinchey.—Gre- etings from pupils unable to attend were read. The afternoon came to Thursday, July 12th, 1056 Auto insurance CRASH VICTIMS AWARDED $96,781, HIS ONLY ASSET IS $20,000 IN INSURANCE —Headline, Toronto Ste*. The unfortunate .. driver who must pay is not a rich man. He estimated he'll be 114 years old when free of debt. All (because he didn't carry- enough areenough car insurance at the time of* the accident.. How about you, Have you enough. insurance for a judgment like this?' Enough, you know, costs little more 6. $100,000 for death or injury to one person $200,000 for death or injury to twee . or more,. $100,000 for damage to 'property. Get the full story from: Bertram Klopp R.R. 3, Zurich. Phone 93-1 Zurich Co -Operators Insurance Association. Automobile Insurance for Careful!, Drivers a close when all sat down to tables loaded with delicious 'delicacies. Itt was decided to repeat this gathering; every five years. Mrs. Jessie Gesell, the present tea... cher, wishes to thank the committee. and all those who assisted in any way in making this reunion such a, happy, successful occasion. EXCLUSIVE! DET Waktatd, Gag PLAY-BY-PLAY Coverage by KEN ELLIS Sat. July 14th Detroit at Washington 2:05 p.m., D.S.T. —C�-.� pjjradio dial 9$ Check the reasons..: like the fig I� D COMPARE THESE VALUES! DODGE CAR "F" CARAR OVER-ALL LENGTH—Dodge is longest by far— for Extra room inside! 208.4" 198.5" 197.5" PUSH-BUTTON AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CONTROL—for driving at its easiest! YES NO NO FULL WRAP-AROUND WINDSHIELD -wraps around at top and bottom! YES NO NO SAFETY -RIM WHEELS—help drip tires to wheels 111 case of blowout! YES NO NO SAFETY DOOR LATCHES --help to keep doors tightly locked even under impact! YES YES YES ELECTRIC WINDSHIELD WIPERS STANDARD— operate at constant speed, never slow down: , YES NO NO ORIFICE -TYPE SHOCK ABSORBERS—for a , velvet -smooth ride on any road! YES NO NO DUAL -CYLINDER FRONT WHEEL BRAKES— assure more even braking action! YES NO NO RESISTOR -TYPE SPARK PLUGS-- last '1 , to 5 titnes longer than ordinary plugs! YES NO NO INDEPENDENT PARKING BRAKE-- a .e• anis braking system for greater safety! YES NO NO ( BOt' D -TYPE BRAKE LINING --provides up to 00' , more usable lining area for longer life! YES NO YES FLOATING OIL INTAKE—insures entry of only the ,'leanest oil! YES NO NO TOTAL BENEFITS- 12MIlt 1 2 Come in now! Put your finger on the Big Buy in driving ease Dodge push-button PowerFllte ! Spend just a minute to check . this factual: chart .. , see 12 of the many reasons why Dodge paces the pack in the low -price field!' Before you put your money on any new car, take a close look at the BIG BUY OF THE YEAR . . . the big, new Dodge. You'll see, for instance, that Dodge is the . Big Buy in big -car size. It's almost a foot longer than the other low-priced cars—. bigger inside, too. You'll discover that Dodge is the Big Buy in driving ease, to.o ... with the exclusive. convenience of push-button PowerFlite. You just push a button... step on the gas —and go (powered by a Dodge V-8 with, up to 200 h.p. or the famous Dodge Six)! There's no buy like Dodge for safe motor- ing, either. Besides Safety -Rim wheels, Safety -Lock door latches and dual - cylinder front wheel brakes, Dodge offers. 12 other outstanding safety features as, standard equipment. All this—and more—can be yours today on even the most modest budget. Drive in soon and let us show you how easy it is to drive out in a glamourous new Dodge! Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited • S There never was a better time to got the BIG BUY in the low -price field -Dodge with the Forward Look A M S /t'a' L L maTOR SALES -„ Thos• Coats -. Proprietor Len McNight Sales Rept. Telenhonc 31 HENSALL, ONTARIO WT,y yy nil V. C:•ry p'7 C r i p TV. /� r�,! �..n ,..., ..,le•! leen toe r n.. ;yr• YY�Ft.t"l I.1,}dt: t1 ,i"l+A�l�[:f, l.a .�.f . e.l.'�t.".,.Y 7�Iiii'}i.� ,a..414 �.4,?i�I t., lU wee; r,4,t� il... ...