HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-07-12, Page 1ZURIC HERALD established 1901 . Miscellaneous Shower ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 12 1956 Miss Lyla Mae Neeb, bride elect, `was the recipient of many lovely PLACE -- St. Peter's gifts last Friday night 'when friends Church, Zurich. DATE — Judy 23 to August 3rd. 11IiVIE-9 to 11.30 A.M. Vacation Church School •and relatives gathered at the town Ilall, Zurich, to honor her with a Miscellaneous Shower. A mock wed- ding was enjoyed by everyone and games were played. Then Lyla was ,escorted to the decorated chair of honour and Mrs. George Lockie read the .address. 'Little Rosemarie and Laura Ann 'Greneer pulledin a dec- orated wagon loaded with gifts. Lyla, assisted by Mrs. Lockie and Mrs. Grenier opened , many lovely gifts and thanked :everyone, for their kindness. A lovely lunch was serv- ed. Lutheran GLASSES — Nursery (3 years old) to Intermediate. A Vacation Ohurch :School is a place where we are happy, friendly; a place ;where we sing, play, work, worship God, serve others. COME and bring your friends. Xf you would like to attend this school and have not already registered, Phone 118. Monster hand Tatoo AT DASHWOOD, WED. JULY, 25th. Street Parade 7.30 p.m. Official opening of New Band Stand at the Dashwood Community Park Grounds. Guest Speakers — Thos. Pryde, MPP., V. L. Becker, Reeve Hay Twp; Member of Dashwood Police Village, Etc. Featuring Bands — London Police Band under direction of Mr. A. Bundy; Thedford Silver Band; Strathroy Band; Centralia RCAF Band; Seaforth Highlanders; Ailsa Craig Band; Exet- er •Kiltie Band; Zurich Girls and Boys Lions Band; Forest Band and London Police Band. Refreshment Booth on Grounds Admission — Adults 50c; School Children 25c.. Cars Free .. Proceeds for Promotion of Band 4••••s••••••••••s••••••••• 100..e 0,000•o••s•N♦s••••`. b a 0 •• • • • „010:11 i }, • `�i1%herever funeral service is required, to • or from any place in Can- • � ticda, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as o -.. m'enrbers of local and national funeral director's associations, can e 's handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- •• yciency of Hoffman's service. • =+ T. HARRY HOFFMAN • FUNERAL HOME •• 4 • Funeral • and Ambulance Service e DASHWOOD • Telephone 70-W r ,. 24 Hour Service ••eoaa>••s>•e•es>o*****s••••e•• 6.••s•••••••••ss•••••••••• HO FMA,N'S �• Arrange Funeral Service To Or From Qtrt f- own oints SAVE At THIEL' Superior Market WEEK - END SPECIALS Maple Leaf Red Salmon 7:, oz tin 43c Breakfast Club 2 fruit marmalade 24 -oz jar25c Maxwell House Inst. coffee :15c off 6 -oz jar 1.59 Mazola 16 -oz. bottle .,.. Extra Special Bananas 3 -lbs.. for 39c PLEASE TAKE NOTICE TO THIS ADV. FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS OF OUR STORE 37c. ..4001.........— Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL .. Zurich CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to .all the relatives, friends and neighbour's for their kindness • and sympathy extend- ed tt nd- ed during our recent bet alvement. Many thanks to those ;wild leaned ears, sent floral tributes and' symp- athy cards. Special thanks to Rev. Winter and pallbearers. —Leonard, Ethel M,eirner andfamily Closing Program The Closing Program of the ;Zurich Summer Bible :School will be held at the :Mennonite Church on Frada r Ev- ening, July. 13th at 8 p.m. The par- ents and friends are invited to at- tend. There will be a display of Work in the basement. StarLite July 1.2-13 Diamond Queen Ferdando Lamas Arlene. Dahl July 14-16 Track of the Cat (Cinemascorpe) Robert Mitchum Teresa July 17 - 18. Stop, Broderick 4-H. Club Meet The regular monthly meeting for June of the Zurich 4-H Calf Club was held on the farm of Herb Klopp Zurich, on June 2.5th with 11 mem- hers answering the roll calf. The members judged, gave reasons re- ceiving instructions on judging on a class of Aberdeen Angus cows from Mr. Klopp's herd. The busin- ess session was held in, the upper part of the barn where a test on feeds and feeding was also given. Everyone was trhen invited into: the Klopp horn where refreshments were served and enjoyed. Evangelistic Crusade The monster South .Huron Crusade held in the Zurich Arena for two weeks came to a successful ending Sunday eve. July lst. During the campaign over 11,000 souls visited the meetings which were '.canducted by the Evan+gli+st Cendic Sears. The massed choir of over 100 vorces put on a most spectacular feast -of re- ligions singing, the like has never been heard in Zurich. Around 83 doluls went to the altar seeking deep- er relations with their (Maker. The Your Killing Me undertaking was a huge success in Crawford Claire Trevor every way and steps are under way to hold a similar campaign next year Aldon Theatre GRAND BEND UBITUAR'Y Late G. A. Garnet Jacobe George Albert Garnet Jambe, 69, died on July 41t1i, 1956 on his farm Friday, Saturday July I.3, 14 home, Pair Line, Hay Township, where he had farmed during his mar - 1 Man From Laramie ried life, after an illness. of some Cinemascope Technicolor time duration. He was :born; in Hay and was a Member of the Evangelic - James Stewart (at his best).al U. B. Church, an Zurich... Always Sun. Mid., Mon., Tues., WerL'. and: a hard working industrious; man,. he had established a nice. Thurs July 15, 16, 17, 15, 19' e farm home for his family. Surviving besides his wife, the fo'r- Picriic• Hare c. oer Clara Pfile, of Hay, zae son, Adult Entertainment : L. aiilyd on the farm home, Hay,-,' and William Holden Rosalind .• Russell four sistters, Mrs. James Ramie, of m Cineascope Technicolor_ Zairicli, Mrs. IMabel Snider, Sarnia; Two Shows Nightly 7.30 & 9:3'0 !yEtrs:. Garnet Datars and Mrs; Hilton Truenine-r, Hay. The body rested at !the Westlake funeral home until ' Faniday July' Glh, when removal was • made at 1 +o'clock, to the Evangelical DRIVE-IN—Goderich l U 18.. Church, and funeral servaie fol - 134 miles east of Goderich on No.. it; to ed at two o'cl:ock, and was cond- Highway • acted'. by Rev. A. M. Amacfier; pastor of the:church. Interment was; made Thursday, Friday. rJul'• 12-13'i in tile• Bronson line Evanlgelacal cern- eteay The service was larg'el'y' at - 'tended, the church being well filled. Last Command Sterling Hayden Albert Alberghettil We alt will miss Garnet, as. he was a Comedy Sunset Cartoon. real friend to . one and all:. Saturday, Mond. July 14-16 Centennial News Kentucky Randolph Scott Stewart Brady .0 led Cartoon Don't forget Saturday Night is Give-: Away Night - Groceries, Gasoline;, Passes • Tues., Wed. Human Desire Glenn Ford Gloria Graham (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT)' Comedy — Cartoon; Box Office opens 8 p.m. Two: Shows. Nightly. Children under 112 an ears. Free. Playground — Refreshments July - 1748; BROW'NIE'S CLINTON - ONTARIO Next to Community Park • July 12, 13 Thure., Friday The Dam Busters Richard "Todd Michael Redgrave (Two Car't'oons) Saturn Monday July 14, HONDO (Color) JOHN +W AYNE (Two Cartoons) As we sit down to think corer the bit Centennial of last week we feel: that we could write .column after column of the big doings. -annd tihc bit success it was, but we are aI- readly past our printing hew and jhu.st 'have neither ti'rne to set the type nor space to put +lit, in print. S4 we must ask our readers to bear with us a hit and by an ther week we will give a better account. We have six pages of the names of. 'out-of-town :guests than registered, and will in due time" give you these in,our columns. Talk about 'tieing tired out, we do net tl'nink that we ever had such an experience, by day :and most of the nights, trying to !keep up to time, The history books havewent over• big,. and we thiun there are still a few available. if you did not purchase one, we would' advise to get in touch with the presi- dent, for the cormittee in charge: arid' by all meats get yntar copy 'leefore they are all gene. To think of around' 10,000 people to invade our Iit'tl'e town in 'one day, and the 'Monster• parade put on last '1VLonday, clilnaxedl I. anything• this village will see tnanany a decade. Bands and Drersn's; and' over a; hundred floats, a possessnn ofover a mile long, and then the many happy old :boys and girliswho made the event so interesting, well, we just can't (begin to. de Bribe it. And Ave it is all 'over, we ;re told that the Zurich Centennial s; out- standing, as they will; likely slrolw a nice surplus on and instead of go- ing Tinto deficit as most other such events in the district have gone. Yes it was a big success. Everything passed off nice and orderly, thank.; to you visitors, we have .ot heard any couplaints of rowdyism. Crowds and crowds rf people came and were well pleased with the programs put ^n. Over six hundred visited the registration booth and signed their names. But we will •be saying more iSout it in thi'e issues to follow. Tuesday, Wedn.es. cel; 17, 18 UNCHAINED. Chester Morris Br ribara Hale Featurette: SMALL TOWN IDOL (Color) (One Cartoon) Tuesday -- DOLLOR NITE $1.00 ,Admits a Carloadl a NORMA'S , BEAUTY SHOPPE CLOSED FOR VACATION JUNE 18th to 23rd (Inclusive) Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH • Prop, EXTENDING OUR BEST Centennial GREE .l INGetig A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER Subscription in Canada, $2,011 a %' Subscription U.S A., Year $2.511- Miss 2.5L RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS. On to New Modern Iaoom, Maidil 4".a, Order --- Sem O. Amann, Znxiekk Ont. .Phone 128. COAL PRICES Advance $1.00 Per. Ton JULY 1st. ORDER NOW! LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEEDS, Phone 10 — HENSALL ••••Wairesewomeseesso6000000000001100000.0.06606600.410 • • e.• • s s 1 1 •••••••••••••••verst sa •IM,e1•••N!•Mgsesso•••it Licensed Embalmer acid Feral Director Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchab. for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Nig' Service TELE ION&s RES. 89W • OR 119J, ZUR1C i Z[JRICII'S Grocery Store This Week -End,. Specials Peanut Butter, 4-1b.. pail Club, House Coffee, 141o. tin ...::..>..>.».>...>>..1.0.9, Tender Leaf tea bags. ` 30 Breeze, 2 large pkgs. >,>...,,,.........>,.,,.,75c little Pie Crust mix per pkg.. Memo Oeseh Zurich C R OII UCE WANTED: uls1ISIMINIO9 +l:�Wrt.y Phana .L6a Special Men's Work Shirts at $1.7 9 Men's and Boys' Jeans and Overalls Men's Work Shoes GROCERY SPECIALS Nescafe 6 -oz (with 15c Coupon) i .79 Lynn Valey Peas 20 -oz. 1 5c 5-1b. Bag Oatmeal 49c THE BLAKE STORE E. Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 1147