HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Centennial, 1956-06-28, Page 8ZURICH ONTARIO' ZURICH HERALD = = § E - E I; = M-- = Ec . .. . = = = = = L=--. = -------" I .== = rci = = E-,--: -7- E' E. .. E.-.. E.- 11 _.1 ....= _ = ......i ff-..1 ..Ei 7 .=, LE- -.....-= a-..--• = .-- --.-...-- a:- =-.:-.• = -..-a ai -=_=•• =.---= .=...--- az- .,. ra-- = ...m E.: ...--..-._ ---- z—.:- ..E. K. -- -:-.L.--..•-• = = .m.- ff.. —.---.-_- ---:,- -,...= E -- The Store With the Stock 4911 TO 1956 1911 RUBY & GASCHO William Ruby and John El. Gascho 191 5 j63. GASCHO & SON Joseph Gascho and John E. Gascho 1944-56 GASCHO BROS. John E. Gascho and Edwin Gaschu. In Sincere Appreciation for your Loyal Sup- port throughout the years. We carry a complete range of General Dry Goods,Housefurnishings, !\4en's Wear of every description, Wallpapers, Groc- eries, Etc. A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL CENTENNIAL .. VISITORS Ca'ase S. ftlaffaMMITIERA 1,11.4 . A ..VCW..641CV1,,, e • 111 AT .1111111 1111 III 111 11111111•1'11111111 H 1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111 .1 111 II1 IiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIMIEllifill111111111111111E111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111! 1 11 0111111 MI111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111 11111111111111111111111101 1111111111111 11111111 1 1 11 Mina9MORMEWIESIGE‘ 4 SPECIALS Viiestiak e Fut' nituire ses! SPRING -FILLED MATTRESSES $19.00 and up. FAMOUS N.:AKER:, NAMES — MARSHALL - SEALY - SIMMONS ARROW - UNION - BEDDING - ETC. Welcome to the Zurich Centennial The Zurich Herald Established 1900 Wishes Vi3itors to the ZURICH CENTENNIAL a Very Happy Get To- Gether and a real good time visiting With your old Friends. 1111111011111111111111111111011111 - - CC Officials of the Police Village of Zurich, for 1956: TRUSTEES — 1956 • JOHN M. TURKHIEIM Chairman •-• MILFRED SCHILBE Member LLOYD O'BRIEN Member ZURICH WATER SYSTEM ZURICH HYDRO ELECTRIC SYSTEM — 1956 HARRY G. HESS Manager • • 1 H. W. BROKENSHIRE • Secy. Treas. Thursday, June 28th, 1956 ZURICH SWITZERLAND tContinuedl from First page) .A.Ithough. it. has a (population fot too,oaa), ii the ne.ighbourinC districts are included, greater Zurich. has a. population of roughly, half a million. +Situated. d.t3.45, feet. above sea level, Zurich is the Capital of the. Canton, Switzerland'slargest pity and rated as an Industrial anid 'Commercial metropolits. 'The maul impression of the city to a tourist. is its extreme cleanliness and the elegant treelined 'avenues. We .couldnot fail to noitice the large number of langu. ages one encountered while shopping on the busy streets. It iocften happens that a:mil:Way, or street car coniductor rw1 answer a foreign passenger fluently in: his iWn language.. Thie city. is . governed.by a LegiSlature .of 125 members the Gem- einderat - .a. !Communal Counciland an Executive of, ifne tmeinbers, the Stadtrat - Municipal ,Council. ;Both come up for election every four years as well as, the. Stadt president who represents Zurich in all external affairs; The voters'. rights are far reaching. They elect the above mentioned. .councils„ the magistrates, the bailiffs; school: teachers :and pastors. Sports arelocal in. character. .Gyruhastics are the oldest and. most popular form. of exercise. Rifle Shooting. is con Tor. every Swiss service man, (There are large .covered swimming pools:: for the lake, swimmers in winter in the •city.) In. 1856 far sighted ,statesmen •of Zurich promoted a well con4- ceived development of the Swiss railway system, a remarkable „feat of engineering throughnumerous mountain ranges. As we drove? cyn the highways; literally hugging a mountain side., we would count 3 or 4 railway tracks at different levels and their tunnel entrances:. Kloten, the. city airport has connections with iimportant world' kit -- lines. Zurich'al sound,' economic positidn is due to its Banks and), Itr- suran.ce.1Cornpanies. The .conasienc.e enjoyed by Swiss AnancierOs has made the city, in. the. 20th Century, a. money and capital mar:ket, ot 'supernatural standing: We were told in an interesting c-onver5atioi. with a.. Sivitsrestaurant proprietor, that zurich has morel , national...wealth than any city in the world. The Stock Exchange ,also sharesinternational standing with the city's Insurance" r'ebuip- anies.. The Zinich Life, Accident and Damage Insurance 'Ctompan-, ies are.. among the largest 'in ,Switzerland and above them alll stands: the iSwiSs. R'eassumance Compan3r.. Wbrkingclasses enjoy a relatively high standard at which IS' due to the spirit of enterprise and the initiative of its popu-, lation.., There is: a highly developed social legislation and xlittzt care of the aged: and under -privileged. About a quarter of: Zurich's revenue, from taxes i's spent on social welfare. T.vo- special Htgh Dayn or holidays are olbserved each year. In, April,. thereturn of spring is -celebrated by a.. holiday .catled Seth-. .selauten and in September; Knabenschiessen Boy's Shouting IIVIatch. We enjoyed a Festive Day marking the !Swilss Independence in a small' :Swisstown high in the Fierka - Grimsel IPaSs. .rn the town. park there was folk danoing in native costume, yodelling. and speeches by.the iVlayor and his committee. It: is a fine old Zurich tradition that all visitor ,s from all over- -the -world should he worthily- received. Our welcome by these Swiss people was genuine and we were quite amused aver their surprise when we .made them aware that we were "Zuricintes" too - .fromkthe.., distant land of Canada. OEM • • • • • • • • • • • • • •t1, •G Co. • • 4 • *4 4 • 1 A' 91' 101•1021110010W Aer-enumamormeassmisnien, Reg. & Men's and BayWear HEARTIEST Centennial Greetings To ZURICH and DISTRICT • 1 • 1 1 1 1 • • • • • 6 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • On the Occasion of the - • • • 9• • 4 4 , 4. • 0 , : • 0 1 0 0 th Birthday • $ . • t • 4, • * • I • • a e •gomposiosermornasvatuuserzszmmescm„.-mmartammINNNISIONM/11.111•11=1111111111111111111.111111111111111111111E Imalre.• ••••••1. •1=111•0 so* morniel mom. Mak. ••••1.0. • .mterlat The Hay 'township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company Extend Centennial Greetings 1956 Board of Directors (deft to 'Right) C. ParkE. fi1l E. Webater, " F. J. Haberer, ftra Webb, Wit. Love ;(Seated) Wm. Haugh, Otto Willert, Pres., 0 Stgr app. Head Office Ph; -102. Zurich, Ontario Otto Wilert - President Reginald G. Black - Manager R., A. Goetz Agent A W. Gaiser - Hazard Inspector Organized in Hay Township ;1873