HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Centennial, 1956-06-28, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO, ZURICH IE ALD • Thursday, .Tune 2$th, 19'51'i ZURICH HERALD' `utiborized as second class mail, Pte' OMce Department, Utaw*. ;ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL t'Licensed Auctioneer (For. your Sale, large or small; 'Oo rt--+ aaoue aaarA Efficient . alae ,at all +l6ino�ee. Phone 57 r 2. DASHWOO' D' `MVIObile Sewage Disposal :Modern` Equipment for Puroping'Cess Pools, Septics, Catch Begins, etc. !`Phone 205 GRAND BEND, ONT.; •Drs. • C(!XON & I PITCH VETERINARY SURGEONS ;„)nitre with „Residence, Main Stmeet, Oppozdte Drag Store Otione---95 ZiT CIA 'Waterloo 'Cattle Breeding A.ssc,ciation :For •artificial insemination infer - nation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone 'the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at. Clinton Iu 2-3441 (between 7:30 and 9:30 l.M. 'We have all breeds available - top 'quality at low cost. RONALD G. v1cCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 'hones: 561 Office Royal Bank Bldg. 455 Res. 'Ratenbury S.t CLINTON - ONTARIO N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street -- Exeter Open Every Week Day Except Wednesday G. B. CLANCY Optometrist -- Optician '(Successor to the late A. L. • Cole, optometrist) For appointments phone 33, Goderich --Ont. ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, . Etc. • EXETER O1!l!IOE - Corner Ann, William Sts. Phone Exeter 504 BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. ISXETEIZ -- - PHONE 4 C. V. LAC.TGI•ITON, L.L.B. Wednesday. 2 to 5 'ta.ua. at Zurkcb At Township Cleric's Office ZURICH'S POPULAR IYIE AT. MARKET • LOCAL NEWS "Andy's" Lunch M+rs. Yung'blut and Inez spent tr day at Godexa+c!h the past - week. FISH & CHIPS and LIG' ;Mr. George'3?eiehert spent Friday 1 LUNCH]✓S nm ?L;on on •Mr and Mrs Len •Rau who! are Try Delicious York Ice Cream spendilig the summer rneFths at for Picnics , and Parties, in rn,4n..u. Brick,a Gallons and Grand Bentl, ,.-were Monday visitors ' I-1 i (ll 2 • Mr• .and !1V.irs 'Ed, Deters were 'Visitor; laoi London. •on Friday even - x• .wnd MMrs.. "I°. J. Cunnirighasin were 'vaditors o '.Landon. last lhr.ida'y ever Mr^ •rand Mrs. j aen n.etii Gingeric'h Gallons C. ANDERSEN • B.A. Station Dashwood { OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ; I WILL PAY and daughter Jed.n:s,pent the wtt-k- 75 Cents per 100 -lbs. for Scrap Iron Earl Zimmer, Zurich, tf 5-d•-7 end with friends in .Sarnia. Mr and Mrs intim- oder are open - ding the nnianer ionths in their. cottages at t Grand Bend. Rev. R. 1). and IMGs„12dMillan of I!(g,infield -.Vj ited with :fJr and Mrt Chris. Haist last week. Week -end visitors WIt'i1 Mr and :Mrs. • 'Ward Fitz were, -Mo and Mrs Ey1 Snrkli, •of Detroit; Mlle Nives Porio•N Paris, I+'yance, and'�'9iss Mary Louise ,Fritz, Toronto. A B°1+T 'LATE Owing to the. extra amvaint of work envolved in ;etti'ng out , this special Centennial Issue, we find ourselves a .few hours late and will ins the early mailing of our paper. We hope most of you will along with other material of the Centennial tile away a copy of thi's issue for a keepsake {of our ce'le'bration. We are printing a goodly -number of! spares whidh will 'be available in and''vlotte Sit., West; Windsor, Ont. around town. Pick one Or two up ' N O T i C E. and .send it to your friends who per- J. E.LONGSTAFF haps are ,unable to come.OPTOMETRIST • DIED IN TORONTO •Seaforth - Clinton, As the result of a heart attack Offices • Czar Kellernnan 56 son .orf the late FOR RENT - A dwelling house nn Zurich. Apply to Ivan Kalbfleisch, Zurich. NOTICE Any persons having rooms avaiX- w'ble for Centennial visitors in Zzir- h, kindly get in touch with Mr. "1'-teo Hwberer of town. rte F anailex ;' :0 to 100. weekly can be yours Join, ;our dealers, The line sells it- self. Write for free catilogue to Dept. V. Familex, Station C. Mont- real 11'„rt,. 'OR SALE :ORNIZED +H�OfM+E IN LARGE M+OD READ on the table the meal is ;ready Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not onky supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens some all man- ner of mouth-watering , goodies to ,crown the menu of every mean' Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Buns fer breakfast.. luscious fruit -fillet treats for luneheon..piping hot Par iter House Roil! for dinner. Brawl in variety, too, for snacks any tuna of day or night. So don't get wrinir. les worrying about variety in meals-- let your baker be your menu maker, See what's on his tkny today Zurich - ,4 (bedrooms, automatic Tasty -Nu r stoker cheat, +3 -piece Bath, large lot,ot, 11 akery Write Dr. G. ;St. Pierre, .2095 •Wyan�- PHONE 100 ---ZURICH Jacob and Hannah Kellerman of Dashwood, died at his home a1n Tor- onto, Thursday, June 14th. He had lived in. Toronto ±hr 419 years. Surv- iving are one sister, Graee of Tor- onto and one brother, Darold, of Dashwood. Services were held at the Hoffman funeral home on Mon- day June 18th with Rev. W. Krotz, assisted by Rev. J. M. •Oestreicher of Clifford, oflicnating. Mr anc Mrs. Arthur Brunner of Missouri sang a duet. Interment was in the E.U.B. Goshen line •cemetery. CROP REPORT • June 213rd, 56. Warm Weather •coupled with inter - mitten showers has made ;for much unproved growth of hay and pastures corn, whine beans, turnips and sugar beets bavealso made excellent gro- wth. The making of grass silage is the order of the day and a consider- able acreage of hay has also been cut in • the south end of the •County. Cut ha ' 'te hi h in .moisture and y is qLu g will take a longer period for curing this year. 42 farmers were on the! I G. A. WEBB, D.C. soil and Crop Imp. Assn. bus tour on *Doctor of Chiropractic Monday, June 18th. .30 Fruit Grow -,438 MAIN -STREET, EXETER ers visited the Heintz plant at Lea- X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities mingliou and the Experimental Sta. Open Each Weekday Except Wed. Farm 'at Harrow while on their bus Tues. & Thurs. Evenings 7-9 tour on June 19th. For Appointments - Vhnnfline will be closed J•ultiy 1 - 15 While on holaidays. itelturn Monday, July 16, in Clinton office_ anito e FOR 'SALE WANTED Will pay 314c lb, for old 'Horses for Mink Feed.—Phone collect, Goderich 1483 J-1 or 1483-J4 — Gilbert Bros., Goderich, Ont. ptl'56 100 Hens now laying, Iiirghbreds for quick sale. Apply to Sol Gin- gerich, Zurich. 1t* NOTE— • COTTAGE TO RENT, for season, or by the week. Apply to Philip Durand, R. R. 2, Zurich. 2tc Mr and (Mrs Roy Muir, Miss Lil- lian Burke and Mr Curly Wiggard of To iotnto were week -end visitors at the homes of Mr and 'Mrs, Wm. Wit- mer. WILLERT REUNION 'The (111t+h Willer.% Reunion +will be held at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield on ' Sat. July 14th. Sports at 10 p.nn. Supper 5 p.m. Dancing at pavillnon in evening. Bring 'picnic 'baskets. ((table cloths, .plates, cups, saucers provided). Do join us and make the picnic a success.Ervin J. Wdllert,pres LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY CHOICE OF FRESH ,AND 7 CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS, •:gAUSA S, ETC. ALWAYS ON 3 HAND. KEPT F1E•SH IN MODERN I ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION YUNGBLUT BROS. 0 'ref. S Produce I Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry HaVe Your Eggs Graded on Automatic Egg Grader L Roy O'Brien, Proprietor. PHONE 101 — ZURICH Zurich Creamery Your Home Market for . Cream, Eggs and Poultry' 'HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAI) PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVEED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS .Chios. Minshall, Proprietor Western Farmers' thinal Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK OMB LARD ST RESERVE HAL - INCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT SAL COMPANY Dt)ING BUSINESS OP THIS KIND IN ONTARIO . . RATES ON APPLICATION E., F. KLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ';;EO DEALER IN LIGHTNING 'RODS AND ALL KINDS OF FITCP INSURANCE DRY CLEANING Exeter - Ont. For Good Dry Cleaning Prompt Service 1 CALL—M!ond'ays and Thursdays Delitver — Thursdays, Mondays EARL OESCH (local Barber) ZURICH ONT. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Regardless of disagreeable wea- ther campers along the lake front are occupying their cottages over the week -end. • (Waiting!) An old man had been waiting in a Doctor's waiting room for a bong ti!rne, and where every chair was filled and some patients standing. There • was desultry conversation ; then silence broke out in the room; all sat waiting, waiting, waiting! Finally an old man stood up wear - and remarked, with. "I guess I'll n home and die a -natural death.” Al THEY ARE mistaken who think an increase in city wages automatically helps farmers. The farmer's selling, price for milk delivered to the city is the came whether the ultimate consumer is a schoolboy who pays 8 cents for a glass, or wheth- er he is a prosperous senior in a luxury restaurant topping off a lunch with a glass 0T` milk for which he is charged 20 cents or more. If a city wage earner is now getting enough cash to buy all the milk or, other food he and his family can or will eat, a further boost in pay will not pursuade people to eat more. farm products. Most city work- ers not only have enough for basic needs but also today they possess what only 50 years ago would have been luxuries only to be dreamed about. It is because Canadians are so fortunate in their high standard of living that wages increases in cities. do not really help farmers. In fact, a boost in wages will send up prices of things farmers buy unless production costs per man are kept down in other ways. THE STEEL COMPAN ,4A OF C+ $ ADA L M T1 MONTREAL OANANOQUL-• HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO • i • •e • 4. 4. • 44. 0 + 4. 4 3 e, 5 4 Your Haardware Stoxe WE HAVE THE MOST MODERN IN: Bathroom Fixtures Automatic Heating Beatty and Pedlar Products Glidden, Spread Satin and C. V. Paints Super Kem Tone and Kern GIo 'WE DO SPRAY PAINTING. -- See Us For Your Hardware Needs: Plumbing - Heating - Tinsmithing SALES & SERVICE Electrical Appliances Air Conditioning der . Illitio sitz Hardware Phone Zurich - 63. • a 4 a 1 =IV AA tir a s 4, 0 0 a s 0 6 0 4, • 4. a a • • • 0 0 • 0 0 • • 5 a 0 Ili dee ,Lteaming Our Seed Cleaning Plant is again in Operation.; Have your Seed Grain Cleaned and treated earl; "' and avoid the rush cs 0 a 0 ee 4. as 0 If in need of seed grain we can supply most var- ieties in Oats and Barley, Registered and Commer- cial SEE US FOR PRICES -- LEAVE YOUR . -ORDER FOR SPRING FERTILIZER TRY OUR CHICK STARTER! Hogs Shipped Tuesday and Thursday Cattle on Saturday ens •.11 itr'ic Phone Hensail 1 15. ossoosQ6aaaogeoseho 4. 4. 0 ea Zurich 220 4. As this place of business is one of the oldest ertel?lished t- ' s In Zurich it Behoves us to extend cordial g'r'..etrz?S':s to one and all, especialy to the old Boys and Girls in far away places, who are returning' to celebrate this event with us. HAPPY MEMORIES Oesch S hse Stot e Phone, Res. 130. Store 62 6mpx'4��r.��'^c�''..-`��C�°.".i.+n�'�'z ate' .','l'-�= �'k„+�li^- ..,C. _ • e PAINT WITH S T T • SCARF'S e ter 0 • • •4, 0 to 4. • as • • a► • 0 • • • 4. • • aD ee • si 0 0 JELLIED ALKYD PAINT It Doesen't Drip It Doesen't Run Never Needs Stirring To be used on Wood, Old and New Plaster and Cement. In a choice of many beautiful Colors Comes in Flat, Semi Gloss and Primer Sealer You can do your painting job in half the time with THIX. It need* no thinning or stirring. Try THIX for your next paint job. TI-IIX goes farther easier. Available at OUR AIM—To Serve and Satisfy. 9 atars ri Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 4,i<Gi_ t. `s1i es 0 • ea • 4 4 4 d 4 d d 4 a 4