HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-05-24, Page 8a^U1tIC ONTARIO WITH THE, STOCK p0 DOG Goodsi Draery 40� 0 A New Supply of all the Newest in Drapery V 4 Materials Now on Display: o;' ea 0' Dacron Marquisette frilled Curtains, 110 VP 49x81 at $7.75 pr. 0� 40 Aqua -Cel. Fine Cord Edge 42x90 at 7.95 pr. New Metallic Figured 36x81" at 4.95 pr. Fine Nett frilled 38x81" . 3.25 pr, Chenille Dot frilled 38x81" 2.95 pr. Fine Net Plain 42x85 2.95 pr. New Supply in plain or dotted Marquisette, 36 to 42" wide from 35c to 1.25 yd. New Chintz, Cretons, Monk Cloth and new plastics in 54 -in. widths at Lowest Prices MEN'S WEAR • SEE OUR DISPLAY OF NEW JACKETS; DRESS SHIRTS, NEW TIES, SUSPENDERS, BELTS, FINE NYLON SOX, FELT HATS, ETC. ALL NEW LINES FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. AND A COMPLETE RANGE OF MEN'S AND BOYS' WORK CLOTHES GROCERIES 1 i,° Tea Bags, 100 for 98c ICheese Spread at 55 c. Q Pork and Beans, 2 for 39c Apple Sauce, 2 for 27c Cookies, 2 pkgs 33c I. Chase and Sanborn Instant Coffee, 1 large 2 08 ✓ and 1 small jar Full Supply of Garden Seeds vUe 490 • • • 2 1 i i • • Gascho Bros. TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH 7 T TR11 1-1 HERALf LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Melizra Geiger is !spending a few weeks at Toronto. Miss Ethel Gabel enjoyed holiday week -end at • the home of her sister in Toronto. Miss Grace Kellerman of Toronto, Mrs. Harold Kellerman of Dashwood were Sunday guests at the home of the forrner's cousin, Miss !Pearl W urtz. Mxs, Anderson, Mrs. Ernie Harvey Mrs, Harvey Cowen, all of Exeter, were Saturday visitors at the home. em of the latter's glister, Miss Pearl Wurtz. Mx' and Mrs. Jack Faskeii� and son r,,o Bobbie of Elora spent the week -end Qat the home of ' their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Merner. Mr and ;Mrs, Kenneth Weber and p daughters of Exeter spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr and wli M rs. Lloyd O'Brien, Q p , Miss Joyce„ Witmer, nurse -in -train- p ing• at Stratford General Hospital, 4 visited at the home of her, parents, Mr and Mrs. Orville 'W'itiiaer last �' week. 4 G I Mr. and :Mrs H Hilton Truemner and '?I cI 9 ' Sunday. . Mr and Mrs. P. J. Cunningham (nee D00, Mas .Sinith) and daughter Helen �, , Claa e .*of Port !Credit are spending a few Weeks -.at the home of their., par - the ';,on, Mr and ,Mus Elwood Truemner I and sons of the 14th Con., visited at Atle home of the former's daughter, Mti and Mrs. Fuss at Hensel!, on Huron & Erie DEBENTURES Canada Trust CERTIFICATES Now Paying: 5 Years 4% 3 and 4 Years 3N-% 1 and 2 Years 3% J. W. HABERER General Insurance Phone 161 Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor- Albert Martin tUNDAY SERVICES: .0:00 a.m. - Sunday School i 1:00 a.m. -- Worship Service 8:00 p.ni. -- Bible Meeting Wednesday, 3.00 p.m. Prayer Fellow- ship in the homes. YOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US You'll Enjoly Listening to - "THE MENNONITE 1-IOUR" Gospell Preaching - . Inspirationa Singing. Sundays CH.Il\'IL-900 k.c. 7.30 a.m. -WRVA - 1140 k.c.- 10.30 p.m. • • VYY encs, Vhr and Mrs. C. L. !Smith. Mr. 'The Living Christ for a Dying Cunningham is on the staff of the World." 41 ePi. vincial Engineers, and they 'are p surveying at Ipperwash Proviricital Q Park. Mrs. C.C. Thanks to GINGER- -101-1'3. I asked them. to do the heat - T X06 ing, wiring and plunibmg to -day. P aalso getting your favourite pink! Worship Services: , am and charcoal Republic !Stainless Steel 10 A.M. and 7:30 P.M.I 1 Curboards from !them. Work to be Sunday School (all ages) 11:15 A.M. c nnpleted i!:r- 3 daps.. 'NWT a'T SEP- Phe Lutheran Church in Zurich ex - j G ' VICE, to make me the happiest gran tends a warm welcome to visitors. 1G -- M 3 3 • • • • • • • ST. PETER'S Ev. Lutheran Church, Zurich Rev. O. Winter, Pastor. Mrs. J. Tueirkheim, ATCM., Organist P• in the w o ct. ..They are also F•...•.� us FREE IPitt�!burgh Color Service, yV1 to help us with oiir decorating• prob- 01fi' lems. It's wonderful! --See you 0.4 then.-C.C. ai C. W. L. Meet • i The regular meeting of the St. 00 • Peter's Parish C.W.L. was held in the home of Mrs. Bill Denomy on W Hay lst, with 2t1 members present. 02 Mrs;. Lawrence Regier,, newly elected .P presiden •tt, was in •charge. Ladies elec- ted "delegates to attend the !conven- tion in Londion were, Mrs. Remi De- nomrne and Mrs. Lawrence Regier. • Father Poisson closed the Meeting • wt h' prayer. Cards were played and • lunch served by :the ,committee• lin char,ge.. l} Bayfield i eld P-avi� on Before You Buy Your Electrical Appliances AND HAVE YOUR Electrical Iiistalat, ons 3 ei t %i gle •I6 DONE CALL fa et •WTJERTH .ELECT RIC..; 7, ,Q • D • • • • • •••3••••30•••••• ^?*ik ,,..xr,n•9;.. ..,.M.,•' , . .;..,o ...,?4,,,,,;yr �,r. 7P IP HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITI`JF�L 1 4 • I Your Fuel Needs EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL U.B. CHURCH ZURICH - ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Roppel, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch, Organist SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 :00 a.m. - Divine Worship 11:15 a.m. - Sunday School 7:30 p.m. -Evening Worship Welcome at all Services. -- "Come thou with us and we will do thee good." Num. 10:29. • i • s • • Thursday, May 24th, 1956, SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster Little pigs started on SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster weigh 40 pounds and more at weaning -and tests at the SHUR-GAIN Demonstrations Farm prove that 40 pound weanlings save a month's feeding, time. A feeding program of SHUR-GAIN Pig " Booster from 10 days to 10 weeks of age will fit your pigs to make the best use of their feed and reach market sooner. Start Every Litter on Pig Booster MILT DEITZ & SON - Zurich, Ont. 1 + + + + 4. Be not Deceived. - God is not mocked, for w'hatsioever a man soweth that shall he also reap. 'i' He that soweth to the 'flesh, shall - reap corruption. + ▪ He that soweth to the Spirit, shall - reap Life Everlasting Gal. 6: 7, 8. G. A. WEBB, D:C. *Doctor of Chiropractic 438 MAIN STREET, EXETER X -Ray and Laboratory Facilities Open Each Weekday Except Wed. Tues. & Thurs. Evenings 7-9 Fur Appointments - Phone 606 SEED -TIME IS HERE What Seed are You Sowing? + + 4. 1• 4. Y + + + ARE YOU READY FOR THE HARVEST So shall it be alb the end of the !world: The wicked shall be servered from the just and cast in the flames of fire. There shall be wailing and gnashing of 4, teeth. The righteous shall shine forth at the sun in the kingdom of their Father Matt. 113: 41 - 43. $ . GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER * Box 50, R.R. 1 - Zurich, Onta .io + sem► • •• • • • • • 0 • • 0 • • • • 3 • • 9 1 Ken. Wiibee's Orchestra FOR SALE Dancing Every Friday to Some Yorkcrossed with Landrace breed due about the muddle of June. 4. September 28th. ---Philip Durand, Phone 98 r Phone 84 Zurich Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange flr your supply. Z •• 0 4' • 0 4 • 4 0 + + 4. + YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT • * a 4. Have You Looked Over Your Heating . Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove need attention; or prob1. - ably you need a New One. Let us look these over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carrya full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS ,Plumbing, I.urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tintisxrit'h ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf hard- ware always in stock. STARE dia. WEIDO ZURICH ONT. QUALITY - PR1GL ., SERVICC + 4 4. 4. + + 4. 4- AGENTS FOR MIDTOWN CLEANERS. Westlake Furnitu e' Store THE STORE WITH THE STOCK VACUUM CLEANERS - FLOOR COVERINGS CONGOLEUMS, INLAID, Etc. FLOOR POLISHER FOR RENT A large variety ,of Mattresses always in Stock. New Shipment of Space -Savers just arrived! Good Choice of all other lines of Home Furn- Z URIC11 ishings. Phone 89J illllnnnullil(II ►I 111{11 nitinIlu111111111111111111111nfth11111111111111111111I nnii 111',' PARKINS IN BLACK M3:113 and B )ys' Wear dome to Us! When You Need that Spring Work Outfit O% off on all Made to Measure Wear Mid -Town Cleaners - Exeter CALL MON, BACK THURSDAYS GO THUR'S. BACK SATURDAY GO SATURDAY. BACK INONDAY (SPECIAL) THURSDAY REGULAR • • • • • • • • • • 8 • • • • • 3 • a .s k • • • • • • •• 1 • 4 4 • • '':!'1'111111NIIIIIIIII(llllllllllllllllllll 111111111(Ri111111111111111{111111 IIIlillllil{IIIIfUNlllll 11111H11Nii11 J11111111111111111d11 l±ifif4}'°; 1111 urn IIIImII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII own 1111uIIIIIIfIIInIIInmli IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIf111Ulllllllllli1111111111111111!IIUIIIL:'!' Stock Reducing SALE 25% OFF ON ALL MERCHANDISE Here area few Examples: SUPER KEMTONE - Regular 2.40 qt: for ..,.$ L60 KEM-GLO - Regular 3.12 qt. for $2.34 INLAID LINOLEUM - Reg. 4.95 running Yard for $3.70 running Yard 3 yds. wide Congoleum - Reg. 2.85 running yard, • for $2.28 running yard REMNANTS and Odd lots of Tile HALF at PRICE only. Sale starts Saturday Morning, May 26th, ..and Lasts for One Week Only Shop Early While The Selection Is Good T. and T. FLOORING Your Decorating Headquarters 'Phone 133 Zurich Phone 718 Exeter' + +. + Phone 69 It's Springy REDECORATING TIME FOR: or REMO FIJLTNG If This Includes You; Call Us For Any Of Your Spring DECORATING NEEDS. If A Free Home Estimation Is Desired Call: Ed. Deichert - Salesman PLANING -MILL • 1 Fred C. Kalbfleisch & Son » Ltd. , Lumber Products and Builder's Supplies Zurich, Ont,