HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-05-17, Page 1111101111111111111111. '.1 i ZURICH RALE: mina 'Established 1900 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 17 1956 ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George E. Bullock of No. 3, Zurich, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest dau- ghter Domita Marie, to Mr. Russell Gen Thompson, son of Mr and Mrs Ellison L. 'Thoartpsau. of R.R. No. 8, Parkhill, Ont. The marriage will take place Saturday, June 2nd, at 2 DST., at Fdmnta.nue1 Evang- elical U. B. Church, Zurich, Ont. Agricultural Office News Clinton, May 11, 19,56 •CRO'P REPORT — From April: 27th to May 12th, '7:33 inches Of ainfall has been recorded by the Centralia Weather Office. Consider- aalble • damage was caused by flooding following the heavy rains of Wed. May 9th and Friday aVfay 11. With 4.34 inches of rainfall already for the anonth of May, seeding .of spring grains will again be delayed for at- deast another seven to ten days. Be- cause of this farmers are becoming more and more interested in other crops such as grain eorn, ;white beans and turnips. More trees than ever before have been secured front the Department cif Lands and +F.orests for planting in the County this spring. The seventh Annual County •Hereford spring sale saw 35 head selling for an. average sof $241.00, with 111 'bulls ayeraging ,V2184.00 and 24 females $221.00. Opening Dance OF THE ISEAISON BAYFIELD PAVILION P+i (DAY, MAY 18th. Ken Wrlbee,'s Orchestra Dancing Every Friday to Sept. 28. - COMING - Oral Roberts Tent Campaign To DETROIT', *MIL, JUNE 1-2-10 Location: flk1higant State -Fairgrounds Charter Bus Service for 'Sunday, -JUNE 3rd, Anyone interested Phone 83-1.0 or 75 Zurich before -May 27th.. 2te Come to the DANCE IN' 'i111E Community Centre, Zurich • On Thursday, May 24th. Modern and Old Tyme. Make a Party. Come 'One, Coane All. !Support the Centennial Fund 8pectial Dances with Prizes. Music by 'Clarence Petrie and .his Night Hawks. Admission 75c. Dancing 9.30 to 1 a.m. Lakeview CASINO Grand Bend OPENING SAT. MAY 19th. DANCE TO CLIFF SCANLON AND HIS ORCHESTRA hl('MUSCIANS Sweet — Smooth DThLNCE A.T ST PETER'S PARISH HALL St. Joseph, Ont. ON SATURDAY, MAY 19th. Music by: GRANT EDIGH'0'F1PER,. and the MELk)DY imA..,,stE'ns Dancing 9-1.2 Admission — 50c. 4-** ti1/24.e.•.e.+1,e•s••s•••••••• ♦s••,s•••••.•.......•••••• s a • Arrange Funeral Service11/244 �, SERVICE:! • To Or From t' t.e, i; •• HOFFMAN'S �1 �� • Out -Of -Town -Points• t Wherever funeral service is i'equired, to or from any place in Can- # • sada the United States or other • h 'Po's'ts of the globe, Hoffman's, as 1 members of local and nationel funeral director's associations, can 4 *it %anale all the arrangements.• You are always assured the quiet elf:- ,� • ieascy of Hoffman's service. • T. HARRY HOFFMAIrN FUNERAL HOME 1/2... Funeral and Ambulance Service • .y, 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W • e •••••.••••••s••••e••.,•w• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • SAVE At THIEL'S Superior Market GROCERY SPECIALS 1/2 H.S. Rose Sweet Mixed Pickles 16 -oz. jar 29c H.S. Sl`a, Tea Bags, pkg. of 60 bags " 73c Kellogg's Cora. Flakes gt. 17 -oz. pkg . 31.7. Nabob Coffee, I -lb. bag , 1.09 Cheerio Pork and Beans, 3, 20 -oz tins 29c OUR NEW WALL ,'PAPERS JUST AR- RIVED. DROP IN AND SEE OUR FINE SELECTION. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW THEM. PLENTY OF SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich Aldan Theatre GRAND BEND Friday, Saturday May '118th and 190. The Rains of Ranc'hiputi OIiN'EIMASIC P'B Starring suish [great Actors aa LANA TURNER, 3O,A'N CAtJ I- iFIEILD, RICHARD BURTON,+ll R T) MadMNRRAY, MICHAEL RE'NNIE C O M I C S Two Shows Nightly 7.30 and 9.30 Admission - +2'5c and 60e Sunset DRIVE-IN — Goderich 111 miles east of Goderich on No. $ Highway Thursday, Friday May 17-18 I'd Climb the Highest Moun- tain Susan Hayward William Lundigan Cartoon — Comedy Saturday, Monday May 19, 21 Today, Wednesday, the m.rntsters. • Tidy Up—Paint Up Has been a suggestion by one of our a!'Iunicipal Officials, every build- ing in Zurich that needs tidying up or a coat of paint, should have this done before July list, as we want le Village to look its best for the big Centennial July 1-4. Next Holiday Monday, May 21st is being olbser wed as a NationalHoliday, namely Victoria Day, which used to Pall on May 24th. But owing to a new rul- ing the holiday is observed the Mon- day nearest to the 24th. It gives us a holiday between Easter and July lst, and will be observed as a Nat- ional Holiday. Had . interesting Meeting. The officials of the Hay Fire lnsu- rrance Mutual Fire Insurance Co. had an interesting meeting in their offices on ,Saturday. They were vis- ited by representatives of other Co- mpanies regarding hydro and other inspections (being carried on .by the Hay Company. MINISTERS MOVE The Road to Denver John Payne Mona Freeman Cartoon — Comedy ,SUNDAY 1VIIIDNIGHT SHOW May 20th. Box Office opens at 12.01 Combat Squad Joan Ireland, Lon 'McAllister and 'on the same program Rough, Tough West Roy Rogers, Dale Evans Tuesday, Wednesday May 22-2.3 THE DESERT FOX James Mason, • Cedric Hardwick Cartoon — Comedy` • Box Office opens at 7.30. - First Show at Dusk. Children under. 12 in cars Free. Playground - Refreshments BROWNIE'S r .. DRIVE-IN III THEATRE iv� CLINTON - ONTARIO Next to Community Park 17, 18 Thursday, Friday May Americano (Color) 'Glen Ford Ursula Thiess (Two Cartoons) SATURDAY, MAY 19th. The 1 Don't Care Girl (Color) Mitzi Gaynor David Wayne (Two Cartoons) .Sunday Midnight — May 20 and Monday, !May 21st. She Wore a Yellow Ribbon John Wayne Joanne Dru Victor M.cLaghli'n (Two Cartoons) Tuesday and Wednesday May of the Evangelical U.B. Churches of Mildmay and Zurich are having the (big .moving vans convey their effects from place to place. While we re- gret seeing the Roppel family Leave, after 'being nine years with us, but we welcome the new minister Rev. Amacher and family. They have two sons. We hope they will have a very happy and profitable stay in Zurich. FAREWELL PARTY A. farewell party was held at the home of Mr and 'Mrs Emerson Erb, • Goshen North, on Friday evening, when relatives gathered in honor of Mrs. Sarah ;Smith, sister of Mrs. Chris Erb -of town, who enjoyed sev- eral months -during the winter vitsit- • -„iisis relatives and friends in this vic- inity, and has now left for her home in the 'West. We wish her every suc- cess and 'wipe to see her again. Mr and Mrs. Thos. Meyers visited at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. (Doris) _Hope at ,Streets- -ville on Sunday, also attended the ' church 'baptism of their two grand- daughters Heather and Cynthia Hope held in the United Church of :Streets- ville. Miss Kathleen Hay of Exeter accompanied them. A lovely time Was enjoyed by all. • HAD SPIRITUAL MEETING The weekly meeting of District ':Ministers gathered, for prayer Mon - !day a.m.. at 10-30 in Zurich Evang- elical U.,B. church. Rev. C. D. Dan lel, ehairman for South Huron Cru- sade for 'Christ opene+ d the meeting with reading 2nd Corinthians 4th. chapter. The music committee pres- ented its need for song 'books and it was decided to order 1500. A Kit- chener company has offered to supply an •electric organ and organist for the time of the crusade. Special mus- ic was discussed and it was decided to use local soloists with Rev. W. Aanum and 'Stanley Gingerich. The choir is being planned. and it is hop- ed to have at least two 'hundred. Af- ter the 'business meeting Rev. Glen R. .Strome addressed the ,group on "The 'Manifold Ministry of the Holy ;Spirit." The next meeting will be held in Zurich Mennonite church, with Rev. L. W. Krause of Exeter, in charge. FAREWELL SERMON .Sunday evening was the date set for Rev. H. E. Roppel to deliver his farewell sermon in the Evangelical U.B. Church, and a very large and ience attended the service. The Dash- wood Ev. T.J.B. church. closed and pas- tor Kratz and many of his people came over for the service. Special number was given by the 'Men's Oct- ett and the Pastor took for his mes- sage the text found in IT Cor. Chap. 2, verse 133, Live In Peace was the substance of the message. God is Peace and is his great connnand. He ren1r'nccd aver the 15 year he en- joyed serving • these two congregat- ions in the past, 6 years at Dash- wood and nine years at Zurich. Dur- ing his ministry at Zurich he it:aptised 60, took in 90 new members into ch+at,.h felt:iwsiaip diad 1116 funerals and 15 marriages. At the close of the service Mr. and Mrs. Roppel were presented with a purse of money to 'which the pastor replied very fittingly. At the close of the ser mon the following little poem was given by the speaker. We wish you health, We wie.'i you wealth. We w i +'i you gold in store, We wish you heaven tfter death, What could we w145)i. ,you more, 22,23 Something To Live For Ray Milland Teresa W right (Two Cartoons) BOX OPENS 7.30 P.M. SHOW STARTS 8 P.M. Star Lite Drive -In Theatre Grand Bend (May 2:5, 26 Private War of Major Benson Charles Heston Julie Adams Friday, Saturday 'May *1/2118, 19 Bounty Hunter Randolph. Scott Y Can1M a z 114E rP : Subscription in Ctantada Yira #2.00 a e Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAGS, RUGS and CARPET* Ons New Modern Losrm, Made la: Order -- Seth 0. Amann, 2ur1ai,. Ont. Mone 128, Costume Jewelery Received a large Stock of Summer Jewelery Necklets, Earrings, Bracelets, and Pins Priced from $1 to $5.00 Come in and see our Table of Fancy Jewellery Over 100 pairs of Earrings Necklets at only $1.00 A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER iiik slue ewe Spring is Here Again TIME TO THINK OF NEXT WINO TER'S FUEL SUPPLY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR. SUMMER DELIVERY LOW PRICES PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY! LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEED4 Phone 10 Y EENSALV N•0N•rNN••••• 19 00, • • s g a e e • a cotiahte y�. c>< Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and . Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service - TELEPHONE: RES. 89W • OR 69J, ZURICH Erwt Ea••vepeoesei wt6oismigt> oseeNaNMNNr•N••000. zURIeI4'S GroceryStore This Week -End Specials Corn, Arrow brand, cream style, 2 cans ............27c Cheese, snack spread, 16 -oz jar ......................49c Rinso, giant size .... ............. ....... ....e...eeas.e..... .•e 69c Hawe's Liquid Wax, pint size ....,,.... ..............49c Fab, large size 2 pkgs. ..... ....... Obenseeeoest:teeensto59C Menno Oesch Znilcls. PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 Special 1,41 PIONEER CHICK STARTER, ETC. Get your Chicks off to a Good Healthy Start With Pioneer Feeds See Us for all your Chick Starter Requirements Men's Dunlop Rubber Boots at .. $3.98 SHOES FOR BOYS, MEN and LADIES THE BLAKE STORE Schwart*entrukter, Prop. Phont 1.1.117 r