HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-05-10, Page 7• is HeThe Worrldrs Dirtiest Fighter? .A couple of weeks before he Fent to San Francisco to de- fend his featherweight crown against Filipino Flash Elorde, Sandy Saddler, the spidery slasher with the stiletto elbows and iron head, wailed to the world: "I'm not a dirty fighter, and" no one ever accused me of be- ing a dirty fighter until ., l fought Willie Pep.' Everyone knows the kind of tricks he uses. P11 beat Elorde, and 1 won't be dirty, either, Pll let the. fans in San Francisco judge that. All. I ask them is to lay off the boos unless I deserve them." As it turned out it must've been a• guilt complex that made Sandy moan because in the Frisco fight he got the boos early — and he deserved them. The 32 -year-old beanpole pull- ed every foul in the book. He hit on the break, butted, heel- ed, and thumbed the Cebu gamecock who . was giving him fits. The 5,000 fans in San Fran- cisco's Cow Palace let the Har- lem Slasher and referee Ray :Flores know early and often how they felt; : and when the fight was ' stopped in the 13th because of a gaping' wound over Jlorde's left eye, they booed (kind stamped and showered the :ring with missiles. All through the fight which the fiery Elorde was winning until he was gashed by a butt in the seventh, the fans screamed at Saddler and ref. "Stop that butting! Make him stop holding and hitting! Watch his laces! Don't let him hit on the break!" And some 20,000,000 tele- viewers around the country ag- reed. Newspaper offices and television stations were flood- ed with angry calls from indig- nant fans; the Cow Palace switchboard itself was lit up • like a Christmas tree with blistering protests. Saddler asked for it and he got it good. He's had it coming for a long time. He didn't get at the blame for the. fiascos' 'with Pep, for Willie the Wisp had his own reputation . for. trickery. But it's now apparent that Sandy has learned • "foul play" well enough to have add- ed some gimmicks of his own. No two ways about it, the record shows that Saddler IS A, DIRTY FIGHTER. His foul tactics smell from 'Caracas to Montreal, from New York to Manila and back again to San Francisco, Before we give you the com- ments of competent observers at the fight and on TV, here's some essential dope on the El- orde brawl. The 22?year-old Elorde had beaten 'Saddler in a non -title fight in Manila last July in which Saddler's ,usual tainted tactics caused a small riot, and he was well on the way to grabbing Sandy's crown in San Francisco when he was butted and cut in the seventh round. Tor the first nine rounds Elorde was leading on the scorecards of all officials. But Saddler, working on the cut with his' head and gloves, had his op- ponent half blinded, when the ringside physician ordered the fight stopped at 59 seconds of the 13th round. Listen to what the experts taidl "Cruel Sandy Saddler pulled out all his weapons," wrote Jack Fiske of the San Fran- cisco Chronicle, "It was a dirty fight throughout, and all the onus must be on the 126 -pound champion's skinny shoulders. From this corner it appeared highly improbable that he could have successfully defended the title . if he hadn't resorted to all the so-called tricks hi and out of the rulebook." "Saddler hit while holding, used his head for a third glove, and . referee Ray Flores appar- ently was the only man in the audience unaware of the champ's foul tactics," wrote Al Santoro, sports editor of the Los, Angeles Examiner. "Sandy Saddler, using his head as well' as his fists with telling effect ..." was the way the United Press account start- ed. Elorde, . himself, was bewil- dered by it all. Only after prod- ding by newsmen did he rap Saddler. • "That cut was started by an unintentiol butt. He butted, me many times," he said. His manager and f'atherin- law, Lope Sarreal, wasn't as polite.' "1 .complained to the referee that Saddler was heeling, el- bowing and butting all through the fight. I didn't get any place." But Sarreal and Elorde should have known what ' was going to happen. In their non -title fight in Manila, the Slasher pulled the same tricks, but now he couldn't get away with the de- cision on the Flash's home grounds. Elorde bled from the nose and lips, and from cuts over both eyes, and 10,00 fans in Rizal Memorial Stadium showed how they felt about Saddler's dirty stuff with a rain of pop bottles and choruses of boos. One bottle hit welter- weight Italo Scortichini, Sad- dier's stablemate, on the head, opening a three-inch gash on his scalp. But Elorde got' the unani- mous decision. The referee was Maj. Jack Sullivan ,of the U.S. Army, who flew in from Tokyo. Sullivan scored eight rounds to one for Elorde, with one even. The two judges had it 8-2 and 7-3 for the Flash. One judge said Saddler held, butted and hit with his elbows — and paid for it bylosing some rounds. "I've refereed for 15 years," said Sullivan, "and never had any difficulties. I called the fight as I saw it. I didn't break ,un- til the fighters were tied up And I didn't take any points off Saddler until I warned him." That was one of the few times in Saddler's stormy car- eer that he couldn't pull a fight out of the fire with his illegal, damaging style. Another time was in Mon- treal, March 3, 1952, when he fought Armand Savoie, a home- town boy and the lightweight champion of Canada. Saddler's - tactics drove the fans berserk, and three carloads of police were called to restore order. After warning Saddler for • holding, hitting on the break, and rubbing with the laces of his gloves (sounds ' familiar, doesn't it?), the referee, Tom- my Sullivan, disqualified San- dy. But this was no ordinary disqualification. Emile Gauthier, head of the Montreal Athletic ninirAMORA, iassir . a y THAT MEN MAY LIVE—This machine recently took the place of a patient's heart and lungs for 17 minutes, thus enabling surgeons to . repair a crucial .defect inside the heart. The im- proved artificial heart-lung machine is shown with Prof. John J. Osborn, the man behind .the improvements. It is said to be superior- to other heart-lung devices, since it gives no evidence of damaging platelets and cells in the blood. Commission, himselfclimbed into the ring after the third round and ordered Saddler dis- qualified: "I had warned him at the weigh-in that I wasn't going to tolerate any of his rough stuff," said Gauthier. • The next day Gauthier fined Saddler $500. "We would have suspended him, ' too," added Gauthier, "but he was going into the U.S. Army." • The case history on Sad- dler's dirty fighting is long, documented and .widespread. • Unlike Pep, who could perform brilliantly and cleanly at times, Saddler apparently can fight no other way but dirty. Stop those tactics, and he's just another fighter. A converted southpaw, he specializes in draping his right hand around an oppon- ent's neck, pulling 'him in, and belting away with his strong left. Apparently he can't stop himself, for he does it even when he has a soft touch, like Jackie Blair of Texas, whom he stopped in Caracas, Vene- zuela, Aug. 31, 1954, in the first .,,round. "Saddler again used prohibit- ted tactics and was twice warn- ed by the referee," said El National's boxing critic, of this fight. "He held and punched, used . his elbows illegally and gouged his opponent merciless- ly around the eyes despite the fact that Jackie was an inof- fensive opponent." La Esfera's writer said that Blair, on entering the ring, ap- peared "frightened and mourn- ful. He was alarmingly pale." So it . goes, city to city, coun- try to country. The Elorde fight now shows clearly what makes Saddler tick — and it ain't nice. In the record book Saddler's knockout mark ap- pears impressive. With no dis- tinction between knockouts and technical knockouts, Saddler's• record shows a neat "KO 2" or "KO 12," for his 101 knockouts in 160 fights — one of the out - A grcat soul prefers moderation S' ti 'N C fl - .A .'D. 6 5 the j--touse of Seagram • a • A' 0 Men who think of tomorrow practice moderation 'ttoday . CLASSIFIED ADVERTLING . . AGENTS WANTS'),. MEDICAL. OILS,, GREASES TIRES eelllmt i bbYshop machinry. Deaerswan ed. Write: Warco Grease and OU Limited, Toronto. • AGENTS wanted to sell Standard Greeting Card s, with or without 'Scripture. Excellent commissions, Send for samples today, Standard Greeting Cards, 195 Perth St. Brockville, Ont. SELL ELECTRIC SHAVERS! Agents and distributors wanted to sell world famous Riam Swiss Preci sion Shaver; the finest precision shay' lag instrument in the world, Clipper head trims; rotary head gives closest shave. Fully guaranteed for one year against all defects. Complete details. RIAM (CANADA) LTD. 345 Craig East Montreal GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Sell exclusive houseware products and appliances wanted by every house. sores There items s are comsold t tion. Profit up to 500%. Write immediately for free color catalog with retail prices shown. 'Separate confidential whole- sale price last will be included. Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal. standing kayo averages in the book But, it doesn't tell the true story, the story of head butts and elbows of gashed eye- brows and clised lips. Probab- ly 95 percent of. Saddler's knockouts were al: the technic- al variety caused by cuts. All the Pep r Saddler fights were brawls except the first, when Saddler won on an eye- brow - raising fourth - round knockout. Pep had a 75 - fight unbeaten streak broken that night of Oct. 29, 1948, 'and there were more rumors over that sudden ending than you'd hear in a woman's lounge. The bet- ting odds gyrated like a stricken ship in ,a wild storm. Four months later Willie the Wisp came up with a masterful boxing exhibition to outpoint the Slasher and regain the title, though his oval face looked like it had been sent through a meat grinder. Then came the two fiascos. In a rough brawl, which re- sembled wrestling more than boxing, Saddler won, when Pep surrendered on his stool after :the eighth round. "My shoulder's hurt," wailed Willie. `That guy put a ham- merlock on me and busted my shoulder." Surprisingly enough, X-rays the next day showed that Pep had a dislocated shoulder. The fourth and final meeting on Sept. 26, 1951, ended when Pep again surrendered on his stool after the eighth. This was a weird wrestling fray in which referee Ray Mill- er lost all control. Both fight- ers tussled to the floor often, and once the flustered referee rolled on the canvas with them. The fans jeered, and when it was over irate Bob Christen - berry banned Pep for "life" and suspended Saddler indefinitely. Saddler's suspension was lifted •in a few months, and Pep re- gained his license 21 months later. Many ringsiders felt Saddler. was more at fault and should have gotten at least the same penalty as Pep. What's happen- ed since has proved right. Saddler squirmed out of that situation with lesser blame and kept up his bullying tactics. But the Elorde fuss now has put him right on the spot. For' the first time in • years, he's going to have to prove that she can fight .'clean — that is if heknows the meaning of the word, and if they let him stay in 'boxing. (from The Police Gazette.) BABY CHICKS ORDER July Broilers now. We have pullets, started, dayold. Get our com- plete list of standard and hybrids. Broiler cockerels available. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton. BUY and compare any of our egg breeds with any other breed on the market, we know you will be back for more. Our new series 400, 401, 402 will outlay anything we have offered before. Our next three best for egg production Rhode Island er Red,te WhitehLeg Leg- horn X Rhode Island Red. Our three best for dual purpose Light "Sussex iK Rhode Island Red. Rhode land, Red X Light Sussex, Rhode Island Red X Barred Rock. Also special broiler breeds. Turkey poults. Catalogue.•- TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO BABY chicks, Sussex -Red, Rock -Red, Red -rock pullets $23.00, Mixed $13.00, Cockerels 55.00, White Leghorn Pul- lets 526.00. Breeders blood -tested. Collins' Poultry Farm, R.R. 1, Lunen - burg, Ont., Phone Finch 495. 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Nalo, Box 3102, Macon, Georgia. MEXICAN SHELL FLOWERS (TIGRIDLAS) Gorgeous reds, pinks, yellows, etc. Special offer 20 bulbs mixed colors 51.00 postpaid. Giant Tuberous Begonias, new colors, 4 for 51.00 1Garden Guild, Dept. W, • Toront - RECORDS COUNTRY and WESTERN WE are Canada's country and western record headquarters. Wilf' Carter, Hank Snow, Webb Pierce, Kitty Wells, Elvis Presley, Don Messer. Records by these and all the other country stars ' available brand new only 89 cents each. Safe delivery positively gtiaran• teed anywhere. Write today for our big new FREE CATALOGUE. Destry ' Records, .P.O. Box 747, Montreal, P.O. MEDICAL WANTED — EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS . TO TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $$1.25 Express Prepaid ISSUE 19 1956 POST'S ECZEMA SALVl BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles,, !Post's. Eczema Salve will not disap- point you. Itching, scaling and burls• trig eczema, acne, ringworm, omplea and foot eczema will respondfeadily to the stainless odorless ointmt at re• gardlessem how stubborn Ar hopelesm Sent Post ICEe Free PER, Receipt Price • POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANGA DA'SOpportuniLEADII G SCHOOL tLearn Hairdressing Paestusroeccsp good Thosandof successful Marvel graduates. America's ed CatalogSP System Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING ARDREI GSCOOLS 358 W Branches 44 Rideau St„ Ottawna 300 WAYS FOR women to earn money at home— how to start, what to do, how to do it. Postpaid 51.49. Possible earnings $10 to NOVELTIES, 173 Paradise Road! 60 or more. No tGOh Hamilton, Ontario. • VERMICULITE IS RIGHT LET this proven, guaranteed process bring back new car performance. Re- surfaces cylinder walls, piston rings effectively, 53.95. Safety guard. Posi- tive puncture sealing compound la- boratory tested and approved, $2.98. 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Clifford Ritchie, 194 Randolph Road, Leaside Ontario. SWINE LANDRACE uyou want a leccd different blood wheny start. We have 33 breeding sows, 19 of these imported, 4 importea bears, 4 sows bred to outstanding boar of Sir Winston Churchill. Before buying ' come and see this herd. If you can't come send for folders and photos. Registered weanling sows and boars for immediate delivery. FERGUS LANDRACE S ONTFARM AR O FERGUS Simple Ulcers Boils -Open Sores, Now Get Real Help At Home=- No Time lost from Work The simple EMERALD Oil. home treatment permits work as usual while those old sores are, being helped. You get relief real quick for EMERALD OIL helps promote healthy healing. EMERALD OIL acts instantly to quiet pain, reduce inflammation and .stimulate circulation bringing fresh blood to the injured part. Just follow the simple directions. EMERALD OIL is sold by all druggists. Introducing: THE MODERN JUNKE S INSTANTANEOUS WATER EAT 1. Automatic: A turn of the tap gives you ail the hot water you need — never any waiting to heat up. 2. Unlimited Supply: Water stays hot as long as tap is open twenty-four hours a day if you want it.. 3. Dependable. I0 -year guarantee. 4. Clean: Never any rusty water—no tank to deteriorate. No ,messy fuels, no dust, no smoke, no soot, no film, no odor. 5. Speedy: Five tines' faster iha'n average electric water heater. 6. Compact and attractive: Finished in gleaming white por- celain enamel—hangs on wall in kitchen, bathroom, utility room or basement—wherever you want it. 7. Safety: 100% safety controls—approved by all recognized Canadian and U.S. Gas authorities, B. Economy:— Operating: Burns fuel only as you use water, never heats more water than you need. Maintenance: No annual service required, no motor to be oiled. Easy to install. Model 225 --Ideal for private homes -'-cottages, camps, trailers 125.00 Other Models for large families, restaurants, hairdressing salons, etc. $145 OO and up See your gas or appliance dealer or send coupon for .literature. Also available: Automatic electric and gal storage water heaters of all types. —COUPON— APEX HEATERS LTD 40 Menem St., Montreal, P.O. Please send me information an: Cl Junkers Instantaneous ,Gas Water Heaters Lawson Electric Storage Water Heater Ll Lawson Gas Storage Water Heaters Name Address