HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-05-03, Page 5'711li:Iw1-.1 - QPIThRRJ) ZURICH I4ERALD Mr and Mrs W. 'W: 'Thompson and ;.Non; 1Yzr•. and' Mrs Arthur Thompeoi ,c'kr,d OEtzs. D.edels of :Kitenerver were :Sunday visitOre with Me. OaWr . IVIrs.^Anrie Tuxlkheicm has =turned 1141e •and Mrs. Ward Feltz spent a i ` eiom a :weelc's vacation in file ,States day 'larS pili rd el teeewee!k, NIT. and 11Irs R. J. Kalibfleeie0h of Mr surd 1VI15 Ed, Erb and •deugh- • Detroit spent Sunday with The ac1t tars Grace :and Mrs, Cleve Ginrgerich •fletaclx fiarniiied. spent a clay air Lon'da;n,this week. :Messrs. Gordon and •Staeletty.Sifith Miss Martha Denomme iiar, ac- „•af the Blue ' Water Highway were ;eepted rz eeitiert ::in :Charles Thiel's ,rat ISarnie. , op Saturday delivereinrg.:e store. We wish her every success. ,,catch lolf dish: oast of Lake Huron :We B!OR.N -- Oke - In Clinton Public •raFd'e'stand the boys have recently Xiioepital, .on :g7,pnclhy.', April 23, 1956 a;naae same fang catches.`to Mr and MrsDonald Oke, of Zur- :s las a eon.;Mr rand Mrs ^�t�aip�oleon D�wel'i�xa,rne ,Mrs. kl�arr's' [Iaytex and , daughter ;rand ;faikaily of London on were week-cesel g oil itors with Mr AA Mrs Leon Jeff- of Das11rwo!ad were visitors ire town ;Ivey et '.'elake'• IMre�. •Ducharvne's Tis.- on Monday. I+ey also, s>; tended the Puz,r 112r arxc1 Mes IGarnnpbe]l Ka eager of ,tial of the. late !Mrs.. Wm. Dtrcharree: K'itc'h•ener were -Sunday visrtot•s with I ,,;:11r and Mrs I. Yureghlnt. ;gt the 'Blue Water ,6, hway' , Mrs. Greneau of Birmingham, Mich -- s rpent the week with her scister:•,;Mrs. i` e e bilwage,Disposa ligan Puns blue. C.C.- 1 opt sorry It's too •late. ',Modern ;Equipment for Peimping Cess 1 o1r had 'Yew chance I •am happy' ,Pools., Septics, Catch P a,s.ns, etc. now. Everybody is so ;ni!ce to me iPbone 205 ,GRAND 'BM$D, ONT. ;fir anti Mrs, .Henry -leoshart, of St. J rs are spending 'Che week- end wresting a ;the borne of their Oreo COXON efk L. I1CH .]_;tern rn Zurieli. and vicinity. VIr""iE WARY "�"URG'S4 '+i5 lar, 1N.11izrrrr 1.< --ran'< (nee "Roxey Eil�ber) of Waterloo visited at the i �� with Aresidence, Main Street, home of her sister I's±r and Mrs. A. Oppose to Drug ..gt ore YlS ZL ee G. Ediereoffer, els ,calling on friends Mr and Mrs. Carl Burn of Milver- ton spent; a few clays with Mrs. Burn's parents, Mr and Mrs. J. W- "Ierner• LO(JAL NEWS • N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST New Idea Repairs REMEMBER f it's a New Idea, it's a Good Idea to Get. Your Requirements Through JIM'S MACHINE SHOP HENSALL ONT. Office Phone 9W Res. Phone 170W JAS. BENGOUGH Operator FOR SALE APPLES - Spy and Taiwan Sweet j 1.00 a -bushel. Fred M'c- Clyinont, 1 mile south of Varna. 'FOR SALE PIONEER SEED CORN YOUR BAKER not only suppTres if you haven't ordered your seed delicious wholesome bread for your corn, you can still !buy' Pioneer.. More table -bread for your recipes. Out farmers are switching to Pioneer of his fragrant ovens come all man• hybrids every year because of their 'ver of mouth-watering ,goodies to 0!U7`SfiANDING QUALITY and crown the menu of every meal! Frag- YIELDTN'G ABILITY. +PI1loare 137 rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon 131.1111 Zurich, Ont. J. W. Kerner. for b ,eakfast.. luscious fruit -fillet Clearing Auction Sale treats for luncheon.. piping hot Par Of v duelb1e Household Effects and leer Howse Roll: for dinner. T;reai Mist, Items, to be held at the Evan in variety, too, for snacks any tirmi Thursday, May 3rd, 1i1956 REAP on the table the meal is ready Be Your Menu Maker! . gelical Church Parsonage, Zurich. of day or night. So don't get wrink. The undersigned Auctioneer is in y ng les wbrr tabout variey t•in meals -- strutted to sell by public auction o1a let your baker be your menu maker. .SATURDAY, MAY 112th. See what's on his tray today 1 Commencing at !1;30 p.m: 3 -piece chesterfield suite, dining � r 4\ Mrs. A. F. Ilewho has been room extension buffet; cabinet elec 'Sr 1 • ' I, r i .irtr ,career - Exeterf" newt reline with her on, rite and Mrs tele radio; •5 -drawer' clothes chest I-HO1',1E• 100 ,..-. 7.11 tIrv: 0pin Every Week Dago }(?a1i�,r.by Hess at Cochrane, has re= With mirror; Beatty electric washing •IN ANTE D ..._, - Except Wednesday Itueaied to her home Isere for the mach4ne• Gerlert1 electric Re!friger G. 13. CLANCY Optometrist - Optician (Successor to the late A. L, Cole, optometrist) For appointments phone 33, Goderich - Ont. RTHU R. FRA SER income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER 0.ti.0'ICE - Corner Ann:. William Sts. Phone Ezeter. 504 Waterloo Cattle Breeding a• Association 'Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for *11 breeds of cattle. For service or Information Phone - Clinton 242 - Collect between 7.30 and 10;00 a.m• on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a M. on Sundays. -- _ - BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL,PONE 4 C. EXETER r Q, V, LAT?rHTON, L.L.B. I laclne;lav, 2 to g rt•zms l Znrtcb At Township Clerk's Office ZURICH'S POPULAR ,L T AS A Emil-' LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH THE VERY CHOICE OF FRES?-I AND CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS. SAUSAGES, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND. KEPT FRESH IN MODERN. ELECTRIC REFR1GSRATION YUNGBLUT. BROS. O'Brie 's',Produce 'Cash Market for Cream., Egg; and Poultry Have Your Eggs Graded on Automatic Egg Grader LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor PHONE 101 - ZURICH re Zurich Creentery 51.10) nes• months. me, 'Jenne E. Hay of Hemel' was in town 4• ne. day last week. rdr. Hay is the newv proprietor the the Hensel' cool and locker service bus- iness ',eyeing ;,liken this over from 1Vlr, Lorne filer,• whose health is not so good. Mr. Hay was a.form- er proprietor. of the ?business mar two years, selling same to Mr. Biter. He also operates a faun near Kipperr. Miss ?Donna 'Mine of Wo:odlram, teacher student, of 1a•oardo:r Teachers' ator; kitchen table;, heavy duty 1 itch Will pay 3c lb. for old Ilorse.; for en scales; antique kitchen clock; Millie- weed. ----Phone collect, Go&erich Electrohome air conditioner; elec- 1433 J-1 or 1433-J4 - Gilbert tri, 12 -inch record player; tubular Bros.,Cxoderich, Ont. pt1'rf brass beds=tead anrtfull I.-- .. _.._.. _.-.... _ �prrngs, size feather tick mattress, heavy FOR SAI..''. plate gia,ss table top 34x32 inches; ' • VILLAGE PROPERTY 2 electric irons, electric toaster, kit- Est tiro of the Late Marjory Will- chen utensils, peewee lawn •mioever' tsars on Main Street, Zurich; A Ira like new, fog light for car; garden story duelling, has large sun pore?1. tools and many other articles too numerous to mention. Ankone 'wish -heated, is oil 3 -piece bath new; harrl- ng to sell any articles at thine sale ' wood floors bedrooms upstairs it .actuoneer College, presided at the 13ror+son dine 'all .5 con ac tie u•No reserve, everything will be solei. newly painted two years ago; barn ins i5 in new• coltdit' meltable for garage, good location. and one on main floor new, roof and school for a few days last weel., un- der the supervision of Mrs.. ;"Xeilrro Oesch who is the instructor. Mr :and Mrs Jacob Gingerich and Mr and .Mr:Cleve 'Gingerich of Zur- ich and Mies Gloria Gingeri�ch --of Kitchener attended the graduation of the former's son, Rev. Cyril Ginger- ech who was an: -ng the ;graduates o.f the Toronto Bible College -'held in that �'1tr lest Friday. We congratu- late Mr. Ginger'icll and w'i ll Hien, every success. Ladies' And Meet The Ladies Aid of the Evangelic- al U. B. •ehureh will hold therr regu- lar monthly meeting in the basenent of the •ciuirch on Thursdat- evening, May 3rd at 8 :m. D.S.T. chis. Ward Fritz and her committee will be in charge. All ladies arae' •in :-iteu to at- tend. THE EVANG. CONFERENCE The annual Conference of the Ev- angelical w'- angelical U.B. Church came to :t ' close on Sunday evening in the Seb- a. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. r verytn • Terme-Cash For further particulars apply to Rev. H. E. Roppel, Proprietor. iMrs. W R •Dougall Executrix, Ren - ;R•: F. Stade, Clerk- gall, Ont, 3tc Alvin Talper, Auctioneer. e.:-. 4. 4. 4- 4. 4- 4. 4- •i• - 4. a 8. 1' ringville c3rurch at which Bishop H. Mueller. of Indianapolis presided as chairman. Two new clergymen were ordained- and they are Bruce See- bach, who has be -en -assigned to the church at Hanover,_ and Edward Dahrns, who will go the the new mis- sion at London. ' The stationing of pastors on Saturday was followed by the election of rc,-tr:rt S.uperinten- dents as follows: Hamilton district, the Rev. E. N. Mohr! Hanover dist, Rev. 1. S. Caughell ; Ottawa dist., the Rev. J. V. 'Dahm;s; Stratfend dist the Rev, W. F. biota; Waterloo dist the Rev. E. E. Plet:h.. A few chan- ges were n: eel e i r the stationing of v:h h the one affecting Zurich is Rey. H. E. Roppel, who rias 'been pastor of the local Evang. church here for the past nine years will go to 'Mildmay, and Rev. Amacher, who has been at ;Mildnxay for sone years N,rill come to Zurich. While we re- gret losing Rev. and iMrs. Aoppel in Zurich, but as •ire has stated nine years at a iplace is long Ibeyone the average, and as timegoes on chang- es are brought about, and we wisi them a very !successful and happy stay at Mildmay. The actual change will be in effect in a few weeks. Your Home Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR `DELIVEED CREAM. WE ARE EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPT. IN CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS Chas. Minshall, Proprietor Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Cu. OF WOODSTOCK R LARGEST RESERVE BA.L- INCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT, MAL COMPANY Dt)ING BUSINESS war OF THIS KINIi IN ONTARIO ... RATES ON APPLICATION E. F. IfLOPP - ZURICH AGENT ALSO DEALER IN LIGHTNING ODS AND ALt. KINDS OF PURI' INSURANCE FOR SALE 250 Rock and Hanlrp. pullets, 13 weeks old. -Ivan ,Sharrow, Phone • 13,6 Dashwood. 2tc TOWNSHIP OF HAY DRAINAGE TENDER Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned Municipal Clerk until 6.00 p.m. Monday, May 14th, 1956 for the construction of the Stephen Municipal Drain consisting of approximately 15,200 lineal feet of open ,drain. Plans and epecifications may be seen and tender forms loibtaiited at the offices of the undereigneo, or a complete set of plaits aiid specificati- ons may he obtained, by writing to the Engineer and enclosing a deposit of $5.00 (deposit not refundable). A marked &eque made payable to the Treasurer of the . Township of Hay for i10% of the bid must ac- company each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. H'. W. Brokons]rii~e, Cleric, Towirsilup rof ilay, Znriich, 'Ontario. C. P. Corbett P. Eng,, Co�multing igin:eor^ Surveyor, lion i'r, Ille•iTh�n Ontarioand. 4 4. 4 4- 4. 4. 4. 4- +4" 1- 4- 4. We Are Now 0 Contracting; For Spring Seeding Barley prices have risen considerably the past .fewmonths We also have a few SEED OAT CONTRACTS SEEI. and .F RTILIZER SUPPLIED 'mac `Q`^a a\mow tea Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd. Phone' 24 Hensel] is nest r a rv.s oxmtk srzs r �� NEW , s 4- i 4 4 w 4. DWELLING PACKAGE PLAN 4. Covers for Fire on Building and Contents. Supplemental Peril Including Windstorm or Hail. 4. Smoke Damage, Water Escopo, Vandalism or Malicious Mischief, Imipact. by Vehicles; Falling Objects, Collapse or Landslide, Glass Breakage, Rupture lar Freezing of Steam er Hot Water 'Systems, Plumbing and Air Con=ditioning; Weight of Ice, Snow or Sleet (including T.V. Arealis ) Lightning, Etc, OPTIONAL COVERAGE such as 'Comprehensive Personal Liability, Theft, Specified Articles, Summer Dwellings maybe added to policy at reduced cost. FOR FULL PARTICULARS AND NEW LOW RATES CONSULT: J. W. HABERER -- AGENT , ENTIRE INSURANCE SERVICE PHONE 161 ZURICH Your Hardware Store WE SUGGEST: Have a look at our Paints, and style t and kind suitable for your need, We carry the usual line. of Shelf and Heavy Hardware. See Us for your Heating Equips ent or New Bathroom. We Specialize in: PLUMBING - HEATING Rader TINSMITHING Phone Zurich ai . °may b`PASIwne5�r nee 15,20In 'tai.0' ^"+.s.«awsc ageteei emFMIEME.m. Zet..1.120,,.Fa 021.n.aa,�*�-.:��•cte Ravwar�tx•w:t�resE- x•.' " •7. s' ,, s° zfarM: EL'S M."", 4. 4 sFes. j! d Have - .a•r Seed Crain Cleaned and treated early Our Seed Cleaning Plant is again in Operation. and avoid the rush If in need of seed grain we can supply most var- ieties in Oats and Barley, Registered and Commer- cial SEE US FOR PRICES- ti LEAVE 'OUR ORDER FOR SPRING t. 45 4. 4. 4. e 0 4. FERTILIZER TRY OUR CHICK STARTER! Hogs Shipped Tuesday and • 6.9 Cattle t Phone Fiensall 115 G - •,ir��a°•S�""r@'riw�A'.�-'"'"o..G)x'Z-s�.n,i-•.,,•u.n�xr- •:-.�..'::..`2:. on Saturday Thursday hAnsail Di t Zuri: h 220 e 7 JULY lst, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. This Store offers a prize of 1 -pr. Scott Mc Hale Dress Shoes value $14.95 to the person growing the best BEARD from April lst to July 4th. Length thickness and shape is considered in the judging. Open; to all interested in the Centennial Celebration. The donor reserves the right` to remove the prize winning Beard at a later named place on July 4th. esch S to • Stot e Phone, Res. 130• Store 82 8. 4' ePt 4. 1t 5 6060e0W0egeg3�S®MQ@DOG) 4.4s4. 4. r;s 4.- 4. 4. 4. 4. PAINT WITH IT V X. SCARF'S .. JELLIED ALKYD PAINT It Doesen't Drip a It Doesen't Run Never Needs Stirring To be used on Wood, Old and New Plaster and o Cement. 'In a choice of many beautiful Colors oe Comes in Flat, Semi Gloss and 'Primer Sealer You can do your painting job in half the time with I. THIX. It needs no thinning or stirring. Try THIX + for your next paint job. THIX goes farther -- r. 6f+ easier. Available at 4, at. YAV :e 1 + OIJR AIM -To Serve and Satisfy. at rs ^: Main St. Hardware Store 0 4. 10.0 ao ITR 89, Phone 213