HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-05-03, Page 1Established 1900 Single Copies 5 Cents. tilobseription in Canada, $2.00 a Tao Subscription Year $2.5el. GRAND BEND ming Algol BOWLING. ALLEY Will be ,open Friday Night and all Week -end from 7:30 on tor open 'Bowling. Monday to Friday Group Bowling, iby appointment. Pllease phone by 4 lam. for Evening Appointments on week days. PHONE 74, or Chateau Hotel 148 Grand Bend for reservation. Our Friends from St. Joseph and Zurlich will beVery Welcome. AlCi0J1 Theatre GRAND BEND Yriday, Saturday May 4,, 5th. THE SEVEN LITTLE FOYS Starring Bob Hope as Eddie Foy VISTA VISION & :TECHNICOLOR .A 'PICTURE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Cartoon and Short Subjects Tw:0 Shows Eacth Night 7.30 & 9.30 Star Lite Drive -In Theatre Grand Bend May 4th and 5th. Young at Heart Frank ,Sinatra's - Doris Day May 11, 12. Fuller Brush Man Red Skelton - Janet Blair • . „ .. • .7 • ZURICH,' ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 3 1956 CARD OF THANKS The Family of the late Margaretha Rader wish to d)Tress their appreci- ation for the many ,acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy and condolence extended by friends and neighbour a which proved so .comfort- ing during their recent bereavement Women's institute The regular meeting of the .Zurich Wemens' Institute was held in the town hall, Zurich, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Bryce Mack took charge of the program ,opening the meeting by sin- ging the Ode and praying the Lord's Prayer. She read a poem en spring flowers. Mrs Miltori. Oesch favoured the meeting with aapilano solo; ,TrIrs. Newell Geiger gave a reading 'What 'Money Can Not Buy'. Mr. Sylvester Kende rendered several seleetiens On his rpiano aeeordian; MrS, Thoai Meyers gave a paPer on Citizenehip., All numbers were much appreciated , and well given. Mrs. 1.4 Rose, pMl-, dent book charge of the busineSe. Reports were read and adopted Mrs: Amnstrong, the secy. AlreNeW- ' ----- ell Geiger, treasurer. 13usineSe Was Tear Down Old House cQeiiiveeecln.. discussed, one new member was re. rhe gechateiongn Wdas'"edserVwletdh The. Post Office on Victoria sta:eet is be - Queen h e old frame house opposite the Mrs. Nancy Koehler, Mrs, Bring ten CUShi rdown by the new proprietor — — "-nip jewels ry Yce tiVtr. Gerald .Gingerich. This one 01 Mack, Mrs. N. Geiger and Mrs. Leon. the old landmarks of the village, ' ard Erb. ,,, .,?5,-,,,,,,,_,,,t7.-,•,;;;;;;Vil -----.., ,,,... --- , , • ,,,,, , :";•'''''--kr- r:Ftfq7,1 'la ,,,,,. p:t* "......." . c. ..::;,_,-',...,-----,:‘, 41'4'5 NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOTNTMENTS Tel. 223 Ziirich NORM STEINBACH Prop, RAGS, RUGS and CARPET5. On a Nev? tiodern Loom, Mad.c.? Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zt Ont. Phone 128. pn./.141INCION1440/R44101.4213tARCA44¢1141141124EMEMIRMAMIALAIV4.12.WERN Sunset DRIVE-IN Goderich 1.36 miles east of Goderich on No. 8 Highway Thum Friday, May 3-4 Battle Stations JOHN LUND WILLIAM BENDIX Cartoon - Comedy and has served its purpose. Mr. Gin -1 Received a large Stock of gerich will erect a fine new place of ibusiness with Hving .quarters at - Summer Jewelery teethed. T Sh Fil s 0 Ow 111 Necklets, Earrings, Bracelets, Two films will be shown .Sunday night, Maya 6th alt 7.30' o'elock in St. P.etee's Lutheran "Church, - Zurich. and Pins -The first . film, "The Song of Sum- atra" in :color, stresses the Cerpnaned Missions iproigram a the church, Priced from $1 to $5.00 while the second film "Healing In The Holy Land" produced by Luthe !Come in and see our Table of ieran World Federation describes the work Lutheran World Action is Fanc jeweller Y Y doing in Palestine. We extend a Saturday, IVIonday • allay 5-7 cordial invitation. to anyone who would like to see these films. 0 i 00 Vanishing American SCOTT BRADY • Audrey Totter Comedy — Cartoon !Tuesday Wednesday - May 8-9 0.-virzaamociacammumaraw Cain Mutiny 311.117,1711. 'MOO, 01.41.1. -,111,111111 Lyric Thaatra Exatar PREVIEWS ITS COMING ATTRACTIONS HUMPHREY BOGART • VAN JOHNSTON Comedy — Cartoon Box Office opens at 7.30. - First May 3 4' 5th. = Show at Dusk. Children .under 12 , DOCTOR AT SEA (Tech.) = inears Free. Dirk Bogarde -- Brigitte Bardot MAWR 111.111.111 wpm. imowt sass.. May .7, 8, 9. THE QUIET MAN (Color John Wayne Maureen O'Hara THE KIDNAPPERS Duncan MaCrae - Adrienne Carri May 10, J 1, 12 NORTHWEST PASSAGE (Color) ..........., Spencer Tracy - Robert Young ...1111.% ..:-.= • so.. 1 1.... .... 0111.tg22021=tgeratff Ernagnifflagnigalennira.. VEZIONthnlin 4 triliFATRE 9 CLINTON - ONTARIO Next to Community Park = ' 4 - HOFFMAN'S Arrange Funeral Service • 9 To 'Or From ,1 Out -Of -Town -Points asmosn t 6 'Wherever.funerall service is required, to or from any place in Can- "4 4.4 -Ada, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as ts tirtembers of local and national funeral director's associations, can '7i 4 ileall the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- : 1 eiency of Hoffman's service. . • T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME • Funeral and Ambulance Service .0. 44 , 24 -Hour Services, DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W • 4,e,e,v60.,::41,461:044.0,41>et-60,14.4:1.4:-Oit:e44,644.64 t1 4.,, 4 ,,..*,*44,-V 4,, 4.4-, gtsce-mmmmmmrwaFgnair,a1:wwo/ssso&csssc2rmsrrxsrassose:saarsro T VEAt E rt 1,1 —111 7 41%, -1 • are..17 SUPERIOR $1.00 SPECIALS Specials for Thursday, Friday, Saturday Golden Dew Margarine 4, 1-1b. pkgs $1.00 Del Monte Fruit Cocktail, 3, 20 -oz tins 1.00 Nature's Best Choke peas 10, 15 -oz tins 1.00 Campbell Vegetable Soup 8 tins 1.00 Young's Tasty Cup Coffee 1-113, bag 87c Check your Free Press addv. Thursday for the bal- ance of our Week End Specials OUR NEW WALL PAPERS JUST Al DROP IN AND SEE OUR • FINE SELECTION. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW THEM. PLENTY OF SAMPLES TO CHOOSE, 'FROM le.4•444es•4414•44,4444444.41•4444, ' ' ' 444,14.44,44•44.•4014414441•444.444iidliiividiii Phone 1.410 C:14. THIEL Zurich teareare—a-ar—ree**.7.--aree---..-1+-etteataaaratererate.,.......,-a-etareaarearetraaarra Earrings ver pairs of HURON—PERTH BASEBALL The The Huron -Perth ,Baseball. League elected new officers and organized Necklets at only $1.00 for the ,coming baseball season at a meeting in Exebee last Friday even- ing. Live clubs intimated that they would enter teams this year. They are Clinton Colts, -Dashwood, Exeter Mitchell and Zurich. Possible re-entry into the 26 -year-old league has been heard from Hensel', Lucan and St. Marys. The Huron -Perth is one of the oldest affiliates of the Ontario Baseball Associatilon. The _officers ..are :president, Wally Wein, Dashwood; 1 first vice-president, Robert Saddler, Stoffa; 2nd vice, Laurie Colquhoun, Clinton; past -peesident, Clarence Fairbairn, Exeter. Returns from Conference Rev. FL E. Roppel returned on Monday from the annual session of the Canada conference of the Evang- elical U.B. Church, held at Sebrince- ville, Ont., last week. One of the high points. of interest to the gen- eral pane is the annual stationing of all the ministers of the entire Conference. Ten ministers w ere tren s ferred to new pastoral cheeps for the insuing Conference year. Rev. May 3_4 H. E. Roppel being .c,ne of the ten, Thursday arid Friday he will move to Mildanay, Ont., a, Susan Slept Here bout flay 15th to take over the pae- borate of St. Paul's Evangelical U. Debbie Reynold( sColor) Dick i B. Church there. Rev. A. M. Amach- (Two Cartoons) Powell er, minister of the Mildmay Church ., for the past eight years will at the Saturday, Monday may 5, 7th same time move to Zurich to carry ' en the ministry in the Evangelical Race At DawneChurch here. Further anno-tuitem- (Color) - vents may follow 'next week. Randolph Scott - Mala Powers Tuesday, Wednesday May 8-9. Clash By Night ZURICH. BAND WINS FIRST Por the first time bands entered ie the competition of the South Huron Music Festival.- The Zurich (Adult Entertainment) Lions Club Boys' and .Girls" Band, Marilyn Monroe Barbara Staewyck directed !by A. C. Robinson or Lon - (Two Cartoons) don, placed first with 88 ponets; Dashwood Citizens' Band directed BOX OPENS 7 80 - :la. T. Harry Hoffman and South Hur . . SHOW STARTS 8 P.M. on District- High School Band, di'r- -- leeterlby Cecil Wilson, tied for sec- ond place with 8,5 points. Sam:tone Band Section: , The following eatries .were given by members of the Zurich Boys' and DRY CLEANING Exeter - Ont. Ruth Weiklo 85; Cornet solo 13 yrs. and under Dianne C. Hicks 84 ; For:Good Dry Cleaning Ruth .Salmon 83; Kathleen McCut- Prompt Service !cheon 82; Cornet duet open Kathleen 1 Cutche on and Tom Mc Cut ch-eo n CALL—Mondays and Thursdays Donna Oesch 86; any. brass, duet, Dellieer Thnrsdays, Mondays EARL OESCH (local Barber) Ruth Weido and Donna Oesch 87; Girls': Band: Cornet Solo,. open ZURICH — ONTWoodwind,duet, alarie Salmon and . Huron Temperance Notes 88 Ri h Mc- Ctiteheon and imargaral aleCutcheon '85; Paul Yuneblut and Diamie Thiel THEY ARE PREVENTABLE ta 83; Clarinet solo, 17 years and un- AceMenon the. highways can be der, Richard iMcCutcheon 86; Marg- eonsistently .avoided. -Statistics show aret lliceuteheon 84; Saisophone solo ;ar thin at nearly accidents out of Drianneetsolo Thiel Uli4idePraull5 YelatluMarie 82; 100 ie the ewe involved .were "in ap- Clark parent good ,condit:on." tMoreover, Salmon 86, 'illarion Turkheim 85; the "enm orous finaiority of aedidents' bE Horn solo Kathleen !McCetcheon ;happen 1!-n 'ad dry -surface roads 84; any brass quaretet, Richard Mc - and in coadit:ane of clear visibility. Cutcheon, !Margaret McCutcheon, • -Kathleen McCutchen, Thomas Me. Cartcheon 86; C.. Clarinet, Rosalie Hicks 87; Bass solo. .open,, ieenneth Weido 86; Cornet solo 10 erti and -under, Beta Hoffman 84; (the .oily entry .from the .Daelewe Band.) Zuridh More Club awards were ere eeeto Ri ar M Ce t Aeon , Rosalie Hicks, Ruth Weida, Donna Oesch, Kenneth Weido aed to the Zurich Lions 'Club ,Band. The members of the Zurich Lions fluff Boys and Girls:" Band wish to express their appreciation to their sponsors the Zurieb Lione Club and (Marion Tm n ; c A.6'. HESS JEWELLER 104411.===.11:11.11724 Spring is Here Again TIME TO THINK OF NEXT WINo, TER'S FUEL SUPPLY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OEIR, SUMMER DELIVERY LOW PRICES PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY! LORNE E. HAY LOCKER SERVICE ROE FEED& Phone 10 ITENSALZ .2rOslos732.5.,,.....4.,,r017,=%...-4,rnazoraa.12=772.CrnnaWMICROsen4ZMICA So they are preventable. Limn In wintry .condiltions roughly half of Merhway .accidents have occurred on bare sunfaces. The llogical Conclusion is that the overwhelming majin`ity of accidents are not evertee, of chenee or fortune. They are the raa:ral and often hie eVitable som of human behavior. Surely one other .fact 18 pertinent 1)r. Jocelyn Rogers eledico-legal ex - r0'1 of tlie Pe..ineial Govt. 'waose, duty Ft Le to. check alJ serious high- way accidents in Ontario, le opr euthority. Upwards of 50% of nil such crashes involve liquor! Here srirelv is.the Arch Enemy of careful to their director Ma. A. C. Robin- son and this assistant Russell Mac - human behavier—Th.ey ARE pre- Beth for their leadership and tram - table.— ing in good, band Masic, eetgeeeeeeineeeeeeeeetae 7 5, 5, 5, 41 TELEPHONE: 4Y. ea t!,‘ ttlaft * tsgtrat -9'zcs Licensed Ernba 411,7 feefa er and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service:, Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and N7t ht Service RES. 89W OR ''4,1ealaealaiVieta0eifee1e.-aet.a.:4:104‘aaaat:440610€11) morerammern......smenom.raemenarnretwtsmacuts. 3 es 5, 5, 5, 5, 1 5, Olet21)0Q9 41414 89J, ZURICH 5,5, 41 Sea938 6).^.,1C115.54::1905,4.• -roc ry This Week -End Specials 0 Monarch white cake mix per pkg. ..... ....... 28c Grape fruit Juice, Old South 40 -oz can ..... 25c Monarch Chocolate Cake Mix per pkg. .....,.....,29c Peas, Sunblest, 2 cans 19c Macroni ready cut, 2 -lbs. ..... 0 0 0 • .1 0 • •• 4 e 2 5 Meiv Oesell Zuricl PRODUCE WANTED iffiMaree elai Phone 165. eel r1' -,s, "Ag5.41,z1,,,k- u Special ,r.d110, . PIONEER CHICK STARTER, ETC. Get your Chicks off to a Good Healthy Start With Pioneer Feeds See Us for all your Chick Starter Requirements tY, t. ;rA Men's Dunlop Rubber Boots at „ .... .....$3.98 SHOES FOR BOYS, MEN and LADIES TIE BL4IiE sill it et F Schwartzentruber, Prop, •11.137 "eateaaa' t • 4 4 4