HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-04-26, Page 1+**+f4.+1r+ RI ixp r. Established l';00 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FOR SALE VILLAGE PROPERTY Estate of the Late Marjory Will- iams on Main Street, Zurich; A 1 ;a story dwelling, has large sun perch, ns oil heated, 3 -piece bath, new; hard- wood ,floors two :bedrooms upstairs and one on main floor new roof and inewly painted two years ago; barn suitable for garage, good location. For further particulars apply to Mrs. W R Dougall Executrix, Hen- sall, Ont. 3tc F Star Lite Drive -In Theatre Grand Bend Opening Dates, Friday and Saturday, May 4th and 5th. And during all of May 011514=122= a ,m ro - .sza s rWIse'r, Mt I rrrnant 1114.411111 112.141.1 011111111111111111411111111111111110111111111111 L is Theatre ---Exeter PREVIEWS ITS COMING ATTRACTIONS April 26, 27, 28. THE TWINKLE IN GOD'S EYE Mickey Rooney - Coleen Gray YELLOW ROSE'OF TEXAS (Color) Roy Rogers - Dale Evans April 30, May 1, 2. COUNT THREE AND PRAY Van .Hef'tin Joanne Woodward May 3, 4, Sth. DOCTOR AT SEA Dirk Bogarde -- Brigitte Bardot 11929 TO 1950 ir SERVING FOOT,SUFFERERS Mr. HARDMAN Will be at The MILT OESCH SHOE STORE MONDAY, APRiL 30th. 10 a.m — 8 p.m. G. R. Hardman ZURICH, ONT. Phone: 82 or 130 TESTED BY TIME, PROVED SAFE, SURE! Standing Tong periods, much -walking, lifting heavy articles often timesput an undue strain on your feet and cause fallen arches, misplaced bones which in. turn are the cause of your distress ?Vltiracle corrects these conditions and gives you im- mediate foot comfort again. We invite you to investigate Mir- acle! It has brought such wonderful results to so many others, we unhesitatingly say Miracle CAN help you. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR FEET 193 Curry Ave., Windsor, Ontario. Miracle Foot -Aid, , Dear Sirs; About 3 years ago I fell, landing on my feet on the cern- ent below,.severely damaging my feet. They were so bad l would have pains up my legs and back, which forced me to change my work so that 1 was off my feet most of the time. Well, after trying many treatments and devices, I became acquainted with Miracle Foot -Aid, and started 5 months ago• Now I can •stay on my feet all day and work, so to me the diff- erence between pain and pleasure is Miracle Foot-Aijd. (Signed) A. C. RIPLEY. IINIMPASEMINSMIMMEMMISk SA'VE 4t T1 E S Sueri�:rlMlarket Po rue urwer magma aorrror eroloot maroon rare room 4 3 4 4 Specials for Thursday, Friday, Saturday ,Green. tient Niblets Corn, 2, 14oz tins 33c Cheery Morn Coffee, 1-1b. bag 89c ;Bsarviiew fancy red Sockeye Salmon 7U -oz tin 47c Campbell's Soups, all chicken varieties 2 tins..,35c NT:tat Setts, 3 lbs. for 29c On. SATURDAY, 'APRIL" 28th through the court- esy c.f Westons Bread, you will be given one free Loaf of 19c Bread with every $5.00 purchase. MAY 1st, is the day for the draw of our Cast of Groceries. Get your chance in now. Just a few xiays left, Phote 140 - C. H. THIEL - Zurich PR1L 26 i 956 • - �� Single Copies 6 Cents.. Subscription in Canada, $2.O0 'Y' Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50. rr� rrr RAYMOND KING Born at Port Arthur Ont, Mr. King has been a banker for.th:e past !2;6 years, serving at vaxdorus 'Ontario points before his appgointnhent as manager at Crediton and .Dashwood branches of the Bank of Montreal. Mr. King was prominent in caxranun- ity activities and, at the time of his transfer, was chairman of the Cred- iton Library and also of the 'finance committee of the Dashwood Men's Clu;b,and will be greatly missed. Mr, King will assume managership of the B of M office •at Gore Bay, Manit- oulin Island, and wits leave shortly for that place: • Sunset DRIVE-IN — Goderich 11.4 miles east of Goderich on No, 8 Highway Thursday, Friday April 20-27 Kid From Left Field Dan Dailey Ann Bancroft Sports Reel - _Cartoon Saturday, Monday April 28-30 The Pathfinder` Geo. •'Montgcnnery Helena Carter Comedy - Cartoon Tuesday, Wed. May 1-2 Mr. Scoutmaster Clifton :Webb Edmund Owenn . ' Comedy - Cartoon' Box Office opens 7 p.m. - Two each night. Children under cars free. Snows 12 in r o wnie'4 i' W. I. Meeting The Zurich Women's Institute 'will hold their monthly meeting in the Town Hall, Zurich, on the evening of .May let at 8 o'clock. C!onnmittee Mrs. Nancy Koehler, Mrs. Bryce Mack and Mrs. iBeatrice Geiger. All .Ladies are cordially invited. Left for Eastern Coast Mr and Mrs Norman Gascho left this Wednesday morning on a motor trip to the eastern coast, Dartmouth N 5., where they will visit with their daughter (Barbara) Mr. and Mrs. MIcNebb who, is in the services. We wish them a safe and enjoyable voy- age CLINTON - ONTARIO Next to Community Park Thursday, Friday, .April 0..0-27 •Purple Plain (Color) GREGORY PECK (Cartoon) Saturday, Monday Left for Conference Rev. H. E. Roppel left Tuesday noon for +Selbringville to attend the annual Conference sessions of the Evangelical U.B. Church which is officially opening on Wednesday noon of this week, and is being presided over by Bishop R. H. Mueller, of In- danapolis Ind The Conference will officially close Sunday evening, and on Sunday morning Ordination ser- vices exvices will be held. The local layman Mr A Melick will be attending most of the sessions ROAD WILL BE PAVED Mr. Thomas Pryde, Y,i.P.P., of Exeter w'lrile in town on Monday, took a few minutes of his valuable time !off and said hello to the Herald Publisher, and in conversation Mr. Pride assured us that he ,nas the promise from the Minister or High- ways, Toronto that the No. 84 High- way reaching from St. Joseph to Hensall through Zurich !will definitely be improved and brought up to st- andard and receive its coat of black top dressing (paving) within the next few years. This indeed will be good- news; for the citizens of this vicinity and will• greatly benefit the valuation of our farms and village properties, and of course we will have the pleasure of gliding over the smooth new highway as well. Thank: lIr. Pryde, we have waited patiently for just such good news. Auto Accident: Two cars damaged in a head-on collision at Zurich incurred a total of $150 damage. No one was injured. A car driven by_ Harold ,Shore, .of Goderich, west on Highway 84 coll- ided head-on with a car reported driven by Mr. Alfred Proff of Hay Township. When Victor Overholt, of Central - •a, was driving ,his car south on Highway 4, a few miles south of Hensall Saturday night last, car trouble caused his car to go into the east ditch, travel 140 feet and strike a telephone pole. Damage to car estimated at 8800 .by Prov. Constable Cecil Gibbons of Exeter. Driver was not injured. Centennial News NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH • t°rrp, Coen a is `i`:'dory Received a large Stock of Summer Jewelery Necklets, Earrings, Bracelets, and Pins Priced from $ 1 to $5.00 Come in and see our Table of Fancy- Jewellery A meeting of the Centennial Exec- utive was held in the Arena on Tu- esday evening and the Finance Corn- mittee met at the same time in the Hotel. Progress reports were gig en by each of the committee chairmen. Historical Committee under Albert Kalbfleisch report that much material has already been gleaned and a meet - April 28-30 ing will be held this week to nego- tate the sane. Milton Oesch reported The Farmer Takes A Wife that the 'decoration committee rs pro- (iColor) gresathg favourably. Name,h and ad- ]3etty Grable Dale Robertson dresses are being redeived in good Th'elm..a Ritter (Two Cartoons) Tuesday, Wednesday May 1, 2. Jamaica Run (Color) Ray Milland Arlene Dahl (T•,vo Cartoons) BOY OPENS 7.30 P.M. SHOW STARTS 8 P.M. Over 100 pairs of Earrings Necklets at only $1.00 11 oo HESS THE JEWELLER GDO®$066619000a'> .�' as 0010101:ir 6 a • et go • RAGS, RUGS and CARPE'1 On et New Modern Loom, Made taara. Order -- Seth 0. Amann, Zurl Ont. Phone 128, INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOFNE S. EIL> LOCKER SERVICE, -- ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phones 10 HENSAJLL, Ol< X000.00,010.0100 6.0,01011 datttni Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Sete TELEPHONE: RES. 89W - OR 89J, ZURICH tee 10941•0141101V a Samtone DRY CLEANING Exeter - Ont. Fcw Good Dry Cleaning Prompt Service CALL—Mondays and Thursdays Deliver --- 'l hure,days, MIondaye, EARL OESCH (local Barber) ZURICH ---y oir'r, numbers by invitations Chairman Whitney Brokenshire. It is requested that names be submitted at once as the first mailing will take place very soon. Publicity will soon be stepped up •with the signalizing of program plans. Chairmen in change of Pro- gramme Days reported and we And that except • for a few 1005.1 ends the rrogramrne is almr,st complete. Don O'Ilrien and Bill Yunabhtt are appo- inted to take charge of ('hilrens' spits on Monday, July 2nd. Char- les Thiel chairman of the Parade Committee and Monday' pros;a';cmine reports a full slate of aet;vities in order. Gordon Hess, chairman of lighting and sound, is ma:t;ne his preparations. Finance committee, under Rosa Johnston report they will hold a draw on a boat, motor and trailer. Ted Haberer reported on the work of the Reception Committee and requests that anyone *ho ha;, rooms to rent during the Centennial report same to ltint, His comm at, is in charge taf the billctting• • • 3 rocer This' Week -End Specials Seeded Raisins 16 -oz, box ,,,,,,,,,,, Soap, Many Flowers 3 bars Corn Syrup, Crown brand, 5 -lbs pail . Olives, salad style 12 -oz. jar 15c 7 3c 25c Pastry Flour, Hunt's 54b bag ,,,,,,,,,,,,,>,,,,,.,>,•,,,2'ae Y ' euiio Oesch Zurich. PRODUCE WANTED. Special Fhone i 65 PIONEER CHICK STARTER, ETC, Get your Chicks off to a Good Healthy Start With Pioneer Feeds See Us for all your Chick Starter Requirements Men's Dunlop Rubber Boots at $3.98 SHOES FOR BOYS, MEN and LADIES TUE BLAKE STORE E. Schwartzontruber, Prop. Phone 1 i -11'l' 1 4 1+1 4 1 4 4 4 4 4