HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-04-19, Page 4" 1 RIb tAS -(WOOD Volunteer Fire Brigade Treated— . Dashwood held the annual turkey dinner for its volunteer fire brigade in the [Mens' Club Rooms Wednesday April '18th. The Reeves from Hay and Stephen v:% V,.L. Becker and Tack 1Miorrisev were present. •Guest streaker was F. Andehson of Guelph in charge of this area under the fire Matsha'll. Be spoke on fire peevene 'latch and use of equipment. Shower Bride— Mrs. Milford M,erner was Imetees xrt a miscellaneous shower for Miss lVi'aa'ior e Keller. bride -elect of •Sat- 'trrdav last Friday evening for • the 'neie+hbours and friends. The even- ing was spent 'plating Contests and bunco. Winners were: Mrs. Max. tearn and Barbara Fohner. Miss "ieTanev-Fa'hner read the address and IIVIariorie was nresented with many .useful eifts. Marjorie made a suit- able reply and the hostess served a lunch. i4liss Barbara Becker of Kitchener spent the week -end -With Mr and Mrs V. L. Becker. Mr. Ervin Latta and Mr and. Mrs Cordon Weibers of Waterloo spent the week -end With Mr and Mrs. Frei WeiL'erg. Mr and 'ribs. Elgin Rader and farai'v spent -Sunday at Waterloo with Mr andlirs. Ivan Taylor and Frio s. Mr and Mrs Ernest Hutchinson and Alva of Blair spent the week- end with relatives here. aft -s. Lydia Rinker who spent the winter months with there and at Ottawa, returned home.. St. Joseph & 1311le Water Area Mr and Mrs Victor Brisson of De- troit spent the week -end ev'ith the later's mother in St. Joserpli. Mr and Mrs Thomas , Hetsell of Seaforth were Sunday visitors in this neighborhood. Mr and ;liars Melvin Bedard of De- troit were visitors with the former's mother and to Mr and Mrs Leo Be- dard over 1 h -e week -end. Mr and :I11ir s T!heod.ore Laporte and family of Windsor spent the week- end in their cottage at the Laporte Summer Resor. Mr, Gerard •Geoffroi of Walkerton spent Sunday last with has mother and other member's of the faanily on t . 'the Blue Water so}rth. Gerard rs iii partnership in an electrical appliance strop and has a widefield to cover: Mr and Mrs Leo Corriveau of God - elicit were Sunday visitors with Mr and. Mrs -Ed. Corriveau of this High- way. Not much work' has been done on the land, and farmers around are all ready prepared for the big spring rush. At time of writing we regret to renort the serious illness of Mrs. William Ducharme .Tr., who has been ill for the past eight days. At time of writing there is a slight 'rnprove- 4 ANEW • 4 4 4 4 • 0 • • • 44 4. 4 • • • • • • • THE NEW MALTING BARLEY CONTRACT 3 • • 1. Centennial Spirit CENTENNIAL YEAR IN ZURICH SPEND A DOLLAR - MORE EACH WEEK IN THE OLD HOME TOWN! CON f ACT Geo. T !Cale ,s;; Sons Ltd. for 4, a 3 4 4, 4 1 L We offer Improvement in price. The new contract insures the farmer a 'higher average price than formerly. 'Choice Seed. Supplied 'to you in quantrty ample enough to seed your acreage. 3. Fertilizer. We will supply fertilizes of your required analysis at competitive prices. We Will give credit on fertilizer if desired. If inter- ested, call, phone or write. us. We will then contact you. GEO. T. MICIKLE ez SONS, LTD. Hensall, Ontario - ' Phone 103 • • • • • 0 et to 1' 41 1 g 1 4, • e • • • • • • • • • • 4 A • • -# .,• 4 4. • • • • 4 • • 4. • 4 ,a• • • • ,• 4 4 4 • 9 4, •- 4 4. 4, .,t. ,i• 4 41111111110 Westlake F urniture Store THE STORE WITH THE STOCK VACUUM CLEANERS - FLOOR COVERINGS CONGOLEUMS, INLAID, Etc. FLOOR POLISHER FOR RENT A large variety of Mattresses always in Stock. New Shipment of Space -Savers just arrived! Good Choice of all other lines of Home Furn- ishings. ZURICH Phone 89J Contract Baxley BEST NO. 1 SEED SUPPLIED HIGHEST PRICES PAID MODERN UNLOADING FACILITIES Reid eans 86 Seeds Ltd DASHWOOD PHONE 87 • • • • • • • • • 4• • • • • • • 4 0 •0 • • • • • • • • s • • _• • • • • • •F • • • a .i, rs TRtf">i HERALD anent if any. her daughter, Sister Marie Mathew aeconrpaniied by sister, We wish her a speedy recovery., On The Alert— Our dear stook seems to be a Wee girl. We had agreed on hours, wag- es and days off. My husband is very pucbual, "I said; but sometimes, I Gadd apologetically, he brings home unexpected guests for dinner; I would suggest you always be pre- pared for such an emergency; 'yes Mori' Eliisor nodded; I'll keep my bags packed." AUCTION SALF Of Valuable Tractor and Farm Madhinery. On the Premises, Lot 8, Con. 16, Hibbert Township; 1 l miles east of Farquhar and a half mile north. The undersigned Auctioneer is by in- structed to sell rib Action on Public u WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25th. At 1.80• o'elisck, p.an. sharp VALUABLE TRACTOaRS"= Fordson Mayor Standard Tractor, fully equipped, used `_two seasons •in brand new a condition. aleDeering Farmall , Super "`,C" Tractor, fully equipped, also includ- ing 4 -row souffler and bean puller. McDeeaing 33 -plate Tractor Disc, like new. McDeering 8 -furrow. Tractor Plow. •OTHER I'TI'�Ms— ilVGcDeering 4 -see. lever harrows: 3•7 section diamond harrows; Fleury Bissel heavy duty rurbiber tired wagon, like nerw; McDeeriing• side delivery rake; 3 -drum steel roller, 2- \\hee1 trailer; 36 -foot extension lad eon• like new; 15 bags of Triple Ten e—eilizer: 7,6 electric fence posts. eta " " fencer, And many armies to- ' '- 'erous to mention. No reserve, as proprietor 'is giv- ing' up far"' rtg due to other interests TERMS—CISH Ed. Weesies, Proprietor. Garnet Hicks, Cler'-. Alvan Valuer, Auctioneer. Clearing Auction Sale - Of valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, and Misc. Items.. On the Premises. Lot 71, K.S., M. Res. in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH The undersigned Auctioneer is in- structed to sell by Prrl'r,e Auctibn on SATURDAY. APRIL 20.0t, at 1.00 e'elock, p.m. Sharp REAT. ' " 'ATE:— ro',sistin.g• of Lot 71, Knell's Sur- vey, in the Village of Zurde'i, on ,which is siteeeed a well built 1?% storey frame dwelling with Mare sun pdrelr, dining and living rooms; three bedrooms, new ° 3 -piece bathroom; modern kitchen. Also• good sized summer kitchen. Oil furnace, and large cellar. New hardwood floors throughout. Small barn suitable for double garage. New roofing on house and barn. Property is in firef -class condition, nicely located. If interested inspect this property be- fore day of sale.... TERMS of Real Estate — 10% on 'dayof sale. Balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserv- ed Household Effects — 3 -piece ches- terfield. mak dininc roomy exeension table with 6 matching cheiee and. buffet; China cabinet: r: •*Miter -!hairs. 4 reckine• •chairs: a boo'- ease, various centre tables, fern stand, day bed. Conch. antique rocker. kit- chen table, Singer sewing machine. Edison [Phonograph and Records: quantity of rugs. various sizes: 8 bedroom ;m,ites. mirrors. •nict"res. electric larrene, quantity of bedding-,' quilts„ comforters, assortment: of silverware, glassware, antique dishes, Toilet set, electric washing anachine, kitchen utensils. vacuum cleaner, sten ladders, lawn mower„ -garden tools, Targe aseartanent -of fruit sea- lers, crocks. and many articles too numerous to mention. Plan to at- tend this Sale. • No Reserve - 'Prvtl,inlo- will be sold. TE:RaiVFS — CASH Estate of the Late Marjory Williams. Mrs. W. R. Dougall, Administrix. W. G. Cochrane. Solicitor. Alvin Wolper, Auctioneer. Ontario Farmers' Union The Ontario Farmers' Union Local 206 of Zurich had am interesting meeting on April 13th, The farmers in this 'district were very forrtunate to have as their iguest speaker very able, Mr. 'Gonmsck, president of Ont- ario Farmers' Union. He congratu- lated this Local for having clone such a good job in having 50 many members fin so short a time and to keep up the good work. He stated that this situation persisted all over Ontario and as a nretter of fact ac- ross Canada. Where .last year they were not heard off, this year they are -met with open arnvs. In soane provinces there are over 50 per cent of the fanners in this Union. 'organ- ization. Ile spoke' on the price srpr- ead 'between the producer and the consumer and if this situation per- sisted much longer many farrners would have to 1earve their fames as stated by D. R. Campbell, head of the O.A. C. Dept. of Agriculture E!eon- orm ist. Now would that be a healthy sit- uation for the small town Who get three parts of their .business from rural areas. Also for the labour class of people many ofwhich are out of work! The speaker told of these ach- ievements of the Farmers' Union; the ;+ greatest achievement to date is the !. retieeetet ._r e-e—ele r,:,e f .- that there erre over 25 Neal o ganisations in 'Ontario. Eastern farm- ers were paying $45 per ton for No. 1 grain ecreeninlgs. After the Union made representation to the Grain 'Commission Board in Winnipeg N.o,1 screening will contain 35 p.c. of cracked grain where previously the content of cracked grain could be as low as 10: ip.fc. and still be graded No. 1 screenings. The cost of the Prov, Hansard was $7.50. per year as ,compared with Hansard fromOttawa which could be obtained for $2. per yr. After neagoblating between the Ont. Govt. and Parmmer& Union, Hansard was fixed the same price as Ottawa. The speaker charged that when. we have a surplus we 'must take lower prices, but figures showed that when production was lowerthat corn- modify was imported to keep the price down. Resold- that if the law i • control- led, alone cif supply and demi led, prices 'fai.^ni- machinery, could be bought for half than at present pric- es.' I1VIr. Cormack told of the long struggle to help western .farmers. The Fanners' Uniion was the only or= gamiizati'on asking' for eash advances on stored grain, all others were con- tent with asking for cash loans. Con- cessions have been earned and the Dominion Govt. has .promised to pay 3324000,000 storage on V78,000,000 bushels of. grain. The Union farm- ers -contend that if Ottawa had list- ened to them last fall they were sat- isfied to have cash advances on their own, stored grain and the yearly stor- age payment would have been saved by the Governnnent. When the Farmers' Union make representation to Agriculture Com- mittee of the House of 'Commons they get snore satisfaction than in dealing with. the Cabinet for the Op - i • • • • • 4, Thursday, April 1t)Vb, 1950 position as well as the Government is represented on thiscommittee, There has been more real ,progress in e nvinrcing mnennbers of the neem for parity prices than ever imagine 'possible., Three years ago 'Opposition members were in favor of parity price. It remains now to convince 'only those parity of the need. Mr. Gardiner said in his speech against 'parity price is that the farm- ers do not want them, TheCanadian Federation of Agriculture agree d one year ago to accept 65 to 85 P.C. of parity prices or lower than we are now receiving. We need 100 p.c parity. . The Fanners' Union is Preaching all acrossCanada. The only thing holding'.thenn back is the reported advance• -from Mr. Gardiner to go back home and convince the farmers what ip good for them. SHIIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. Weston, Ontario Reliable Grading Direct Settlement Obtain seeks and twine without charge from RUSSELL MANSON • Local Dealer R. R. 1 - Zurich or by writing to . CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada 1 Property for Sale IN BLAKE 1 acre of land, more or less, frame: house with 3 -piece bath, built-in a - cupboards, Delco automatic oil fur-. Dace, floors covered throughout with inlaid (blocks or linoleum, reasonably priced. — Earl Oesyih. 3ce- FOR SALE 200 bales of good quality, mostly• timothy hay for sale, Apply to Arne old Keys, Varna, 1t*•' FOR SALE Reg. Holstein Cows, fresh, and Springers. Accredited and Vaccinated. —Wes. (McBride, Phone Heneall 687 r 21, P.O. Varna, Ont. it* FOR SALE Milking CO -Op. Universal Mi g Mach- ine, 2 single units, like new; Mont-' calm Barley for seed, from First Generation, Reg. Seed. — John Arnictr•nn'a•, Plireane Hensall 697 r 14'•' „cern For Sale A New reverieer, located on Mary Street in Zuarich;20x22,has stairway, toilet, 2 bedrooms, living room and' kite'hen.• clothes closet. Lot is 60x 100 feet, has oil furnace. Very desirealble little home. Apply to Joseph Gelinas, Dashwood, Phone 36 -r 16. lta. • WANTED MALE HELP. Young man to work on a farms, anarried or single: Mush have experiencewith modern mach- inery. An apartment with all nvod- ern conveniences supplied to reel -Sid man. Amply to M. J. Geiser; Phone Dashwood 1614 r 14 7te • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 • • • • • • • FOR A FIVE YEAR TERM •, ea • •. a DEBENTURES • D GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES • • s • • • • Head Office — London, Ont. District Representative - J. W. Haberer, Zurich • • • .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a a •,, • STELCO HISTORY began with incorporation in 1910. In the 46 years since then Stelco has Made 28,000,000 tons of steel; .. Paid $717,000,000 to employees; Paid $179,000,000 to government in taxes: Spent $1,356,000,000 for materials and services; Invested $232,000,000 in plants. The above figures show how Stelco has contributed to the wealth and progress of Canada, THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA • LIMITED 41ONTRFAL GANANOQVE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO 5' 1040101440041.040,401.