HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-04-05, Page 4ris 741 $t. Joseph & IEIIue Water Area -RECEPTION— A reception wall be held in the Voranunity 'Centre, Zurich, Satur- ,day evening, April 7th, 195'6 for ''1heodore Robinson and Sarah Du- The Faster Spirit--- leh .rme, «' !n will ibe married on. ;at- Easter has more than the spiritual +a rday morning. Desjardiue's Orch- side—it has the gaiety and glamour estra,will furnish the music. Every-1that exists; people try to look their body weIeote.best to create attention by wearing Mr. Reineo 'Bedard and Mrs. Phil -1 new robes, new makeups, new nacr Ip Bedard of Tilbury and Mrs, EI.,:t I do's; and certainly for the Lady, the $edard of Zurich were Sunday call-' most risible her bonnet. The fair ers at the home of Mr. Leo Bedard ;sex. had long made preparation for f this Highway, i the occasion, they had placed in their :Km ' Fred. Sienian of near it.1 cedar chest spanky clothes, some dif- 'jeseph left on Sunday last for .� ( ferent than their rivals, they had week's visit in, Windsor. Malt of the cottages along the Lake front along Duohart e's sum- mer resort, were well filled up over the week -enc. -3 PIONEER. ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAW There's a Pioneer in your past. There's a Pioneer in your future! FOR INFORMATION AND PRICES ON PIONEER AND SUPER TWIN CHAIN SAWS SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER: RADER & MITTLEHOLTZ Phone 63 TENDERS For Coal .and. Coke ,Federal Buiidin;gs—,P1rov:nce Of Ontario SEALED TENDERS addressed to the ;c f Mr and undersigned and endorsed as above, will be received until 3.99 la,nt. (1';.5. T.), THURSDAY, APRIL 2G, 195d, presided at the organ and the Pas- tor, Rev, W. F. Knotz (brought a brief message At the morning service the choir rendered special Easter anthems. Three infants were dedicated in 'bap- tism. Owitis Keith, son of Mr and Mr Syd. Neeb; Patricia, Anne, daughter. Mrs .Gordon Bender and far the supply of 'coal and coke for the Federal Buildings tha anghout the (Province of Ontario. •Forms of tender with speciffeatco and conditions attached• can be n''. tamed from the Chief of Pt9acha'i .g and Stores, Departinent of P3,+.1,d. Worse, Ottawa, and the Distri'et \'•- ch.itect, 385 Young St., 'Toronto, ftnt Tenders will not be considered unl made on or according:.to the piiin 1 forms sa piied by the De15artI.1: and in accordance with coni tons forth therein. The Department reserves the rtr to demand from any successful tend-, erer, before awarding the Harder, seen ty deposit in the foam of CE11TI1!'IED cheque drawn on a ,*an'-: �= neorporated under the Bank Act the Quebec Savings Bank Act to able to the order of the RrCET'+:' ^ GENERAL OF CANADA, equal +:•, E- ten per cent of the ;;mount of tender, in accord:lrt' e with.. tete r,- - ernment Contracts Re2•ulations z in force, or Bearer Bonds, with un - :natured coupons attached, of. Government of Canada er or Canadian National Railway Comp' and its constituent companies,. ug,: ditionally guaranteed as to rrin^ip i .mss and interest by the Government of Canada. - The lov.."est or any tender not I:ec :. arily accented. ROBERT FORTIER. Chief of Administrative Services and Seeretarv. 7-7.; • 71- tuent of Public Works,: r,:..r:a• March 16, 1956. g 11111 11111 1111111111111111H111111111111111111111 1111111 r t: 7.7 ont:-° their latest make-up t' t -tote e- s of Faster: al' of that was to -he Fri;• ono- and all -.,,-a not in vain. as in. ,heir dr...s, in their +M'twenties, and others a t:: ,e .adv::::- eed age :nr_,', ". Moms, las: but not eat also played their role 1-a7 ":-:4 ' th and it too� the .eco :a ?ec^ii to see who was �v..a. Fa-'_•::e'ors. were ae-.? trimmed up • for the da-- :- v -ere prompt .. " the t rack^ With tr thoverht. in mini, arr.? -"-e._ to be . fnle o - , T.. '� Y ,, :dri--e ready : roof.. --.. ) • �r.. -- ... the v.._,. the 1 -r n_'' - of the ye.:r. are no-?- participants of low, -_y brides. _ __ _. .I a day to hr: tidings of ;1ysni _welly, or utter .'.e. • Zurich CONTA.CT. Mick!? & Sons Ela for THE NEW MALTING BARLEY CONTRACT We offer l Improvement in price. The - new contract insures the farmer a higher average price than formerly. 2. Choice Seed. Supplied to you in quantity ample enough to seed your acreage. 3. Fertilizer. We will supply fertilizes of your required analysis at competitive prices. We will give credit on fertilizer if desired. If inter- ested, call, phone or write us. We will then contact you. GEO. T. MICKLE & SONS, LTD. Hensall, Ontario - Phone 103 ' Westlake urnitu e Store WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF ALL W 4 + O Fiorne Farms r • pings • COME IN AND - COMPARE OUR PRICES • • 4 b s 4 ZURICH — Phone 89J DASHWOOD Easter Visitors— $ Ha : er elient loo_. • a. : her n. ._ and aant, 3a: 7.`7Zn Harry Htf.yter„ (_. 2 sMiss Lar': T�.__..n o Ler::':. '. • and 3I= . Bob S t rms of St. The ---,,F, "with Mr and Mrs Mervyn yn Tiaras— Miss Barbara Pecker of Etoehener g - V-"'" MIr and Mrs V L. Becker. E ~Dr and Mrs A. C. i�', .ti 'er aT t children of Peter o.o, M,_s Ern:.a QWein: of Clinton, Messrs. Car: ani? Pe. -her.: Wein of S- ri 'ary s -`-- . EHer") Wein. f Mr and utrs Patz' Ness 7 Douglas of Stratford w • Ness. Mrs. The --"7-a Gar =.-e and of arraw - r iatir . e Mr and izrs Ar- Ar,en-tars relatives at Lapeer, Mich. eMr and Mr's. Ivan 3 a 'C:• • Mr and ii" Garnet W' 7". .... 4 fainily.'r `, 4>' 1!er n .. 'a Mrs. Wende:: Ga.nb e and47 London, ...:: Mr. B' x •' Rader. TT f Mr and Mrs Garnet � e J sfamily, Mr and Mr. Hiner ' •, Mr and Mrs Gordon ii ei:zero _ .... cs • Mrs Ervin Latta, Howard ,'. - * M. Harold Bauer and Pa . . . $ of Waterloo with :Ir and• Weiberg. • Mr and Mr • Gordon 3Tr e wt • :31r and Mrs Victor Tyler. • • Mr and Mr- :tie:to:; V. a:pe. • girls of Ingersoll with 31r at • Phtiip Fassold. • 31r and fairs H. Gr f and ., 4' Lou, Miss Ellen Gilbert of a ^re,sci, •and Mr and airs WN. Hau,._. ' a «- • Shirley with Mr and airs C , w:t- o J • Burmeister. • Mr and Mrs Victor Krar: s ily of London and Mr and '+:+ Herbert Miller and fan -::;.and Mrs Louis Re terneyer. Miss .Jane Res,s tr aver * I. -dor• with Carolyn Kraft. Mrs Louis ii'"s w per !p• +,M,re Carolyn of Clilr,rd with Mr ardi. Mrs 'Carl Oestreicher and the bap -ism of Myren Leoaat'q' r,G7- treieher. 3Ir. Louis: .3'rplfe **'•o _:�-1 spent a few weeks here r._.rr4edt home with them. Contract arley BEST NO. 1 SEED SUPPLIED HIGHEST PRICES PAID MODERN UNLOADING FACILITIES 414 md Beans : &ied DASHWOOD PHONE 87 4 + + + Mr and Mrs r...: Telfer a o d si"t" family of Brantford with Mr and + 'Mrs. Adolph Rellr-r, :t'r and Mrs. \V F:l=:it: arc' .1 ,s,., * + of Howell, :inch., with :kir:. "Wm. +. 'tiarf =deo. I 4- Special Easter Services Observed-- +. Special Easter f r ke were held' in both the Ev. T..I. Church and .s. pion Lut heran t`htlr^41. An Easter' S,.nrise Serbi'e at Calvary clrnrrh, + Wass sponsored h:: the choir and eotle.. It centered around the „Th„ Hour of Trill/nub" and -f -ori of Foster rear] Hers and ;•ho nh'1r. Thc t•^alers r•Ttt S. -bode. Joyce I h and In7o: •.iyo'r ram., e'noniies :yr Or9 Kellerman 4. 1 b Tay= Leonard, son of Mr and Mrd Carl O estrei)ohor, In Zion•..Lutheran church special promotions were held in. the Sunday School. 'Special music rendered by the choir and communion. Other Easter Visitors-- a41'r and (Mrs J. Beavis and -Barbara of Detroit; Mr and Mrs Joe Bruce of 110110M11411151011113111 1111111111 I If 1111111111III 111111 11111 1111111111111111 111 UMW() APtil to, x`956 Mrs, Lydia Oestreiclher 'of 't anover' icav and Mr.; J. IM. Oestreither, Mai sand Mrs. L. C. Wolfe, Sheldon and; Katherine o1 Clifford were recent, viAtors with Mr- and Mrs Cali tresicher, Qes.. lit i !i 'ilmm1 (illin 111111 11 CLOVER SEEDS Seed Oats SEE US FOR: est! 11111 11 1 1111 11111 II I 111111111 10 11 — GRASS SEEDS No. 1 QUALITY AND PURITY Excellent Quality ---- Contract Barley We offer You a Minimum of Delay when Unloading your Trucks at Harvest Time 4 UNLOADING PITS. SEED OAT CONTRACTS ---- FERTILIZER, C. 1. L. BRAND Very SEED CORN Competitive Cash Prices FUNKS and PFISTER Modern • NEW SEED CLEANING PLANT Machinery to Clean and " Treat Your Seed. Tho'n i:rson & . HE MSALL — ONTARIO ons PHONE 32 f1118IHHIHI ! 11111111111OIIHI111IIHHIIIHHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHII11111IIHII IIIIII111111IllhI1IIIHIIIllI11fu111111IIIg111111IIIIIIIII11011IHIIHIIIIIIHIIIII.III11I11111111111HIIIH!IIIUIIIHIII 7.7 rich FOLKS IN ZURICH AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT ! N PITT Sales and Service Phone 34 FOR H S Ontario APT:TE1 RSE-. BARNHIDE Barn Paint The Best Barn. Paint Mr.;ney Can BUY i We now have the famous family of .Pitts- burgh Paints! Here is where you will find all of those high-quality, field-tested Pittsburgh finishes for every paintable surface inside or outside of your home. Get Sun -Proof House Paint -- Wallhide Rubberized Satin Finish or the new Wall -- hide Alkyd Type Flat for any interior wi.all surface — Satinhide Enamel in colors that that match Wallhide Wall Paints - Flct'. hide for wood or cement floors and step$ — Waterspar for furniture and wood- work inside and out. Featuring MAESTRO COLORS • Hundreds .of To -days Most Wanted Hues h These Great. Pittsburg Paints Including Rub. bea'ized and Alhyd- Ty'pe Finishes, -. Free - INTRODUCTORY OFFER Free: - To the First 100 Pittsburg Paint Customers: l . Giant size 84x96 Splatter Cover (FREE) 2. With the purchase of 1 quart of Paint (Free Draw Ticket) 3. 'With every 3 quarts•of Paint of your choice and 50n you 'Receive n Roller Koter and Tray worth $2.95 or Brush of same value (Absolutely FREE ) 1st Prize - All Steel Ironing Board. 2nd Prize - Floor Waxer. 3rd Prize -• TV Snack Table (Only 100 Tickets) OFFER STARTS SATURDAY, APRIL 7th, 1956.