HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-04-05, Page 3c `i ureS ayr April 5th t 3;056 lea ZUR•u H HERALD in the low -prime fie1dL cwt push- button ru rs Step into a '66 Dodge ... and you step into a new world of driving pleasure! For new Dodge push-button PowerFlite makes driving as easy as ONE ... (press a button), TWO ... (step on the gas), THREE. _ . (go!). It's so smooth and effortless, this most automatic way to drive ... like magic in its simplicity. You can select your drive without taking your eyes from the road. SIZE is still an;ether reason why Dodge is the big buy in driving ease. Dodge is the biggest car in the low -price Held, more than 9 inches longer than one competitor, more than 10 inches longer than another. Yes, Dodge for '56 is big in everything . , . except price! You'll be surprised how little it costs to put your family in this glamour car with the Forward Look. Come in or phone ... see, drive, and price a new Dodge—at your dealer's today! Manufactured in Canada by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited Dodge—the BIG buy in safety! 15 outstanding safe - driving features are standard equipment on any Dodge model you choose. Dodge is Canada's "Safety - First" car! e; ;Feed' Dodge—the BIG buy in power! Choose the lightning quick getaway of the new Dodge high-torque V-8 with up to 200 h.p.... or the new livelier performance of the Dodge PowerFlow 6. Higher compression means better gas mileage, too. GET THE yBIGyy GUY IN TI -IE LOW -PRICE FIELD-- GET IELD—GET DODGE! „IssitslingC7.14 fe#�: Dodge—the BIG buy in beauty) From Forward -thrusting hood to skyward -soaring tail fins, every Flight -Sweep line of the new Dodge says "glamour" in a great big way! Looking for a good used car or truck? For the best buys in town, slop where you see this sign! HENSALL MOTOR SALES Telephone 31 Thos. Coats - Proprietor Len McNight - Sales Rept. HENSALL, ONTARIO WATCH CLIMAX—SHOWER OF STARS WEEKLY ON TV. CHECK YOUR NEWSPAPER FOR DATE AND TiME. Clearing Auction Sale Of Choice Holsteins, Tractor, Truck Farm Implements,. Hay and .Misc. Items.. On the Premises, Lot 2, Con. 36. Usborne Twp.. 1 mile sou0. , of lilensall and j mil* `•ae4, A1he tla 1ei�signed Auctioneer is in structed to sell by Puiblic Auction on TUESDAY, APRIL 10th. Commencing at 1 p.m. sharp, High Quality Holsteins — 3 Hol- tein Cows, .carrying 4th .calf„ due in aWay; Holstein Heifer freshened in December; Holstein cow* with calf at foot, freshened in February; part Holstein and red Poll. cow, carrying third calf, due .before day of sale; Holstein heifer, freshened in Febru- ary; Boilstein cow, carrying 3rd calf, slue in March; Holstein cow, carrying hcl ,calf, due „in Junie; Ho.lstetn cow, with calf at foot, tireshened in Feb- ruary; Holstein cow,- carrying 3rd calf, due time of sale; part Holstein and Jersey •cow, carrying 4th calf, due in /March; 2 Jersey cows, freshen- ed in February; Jersey 'cow, carrying ..2nd calif, due in May; . 7 Holstein yearling heifers. This is a very. choice herd .of dairy •rcatble. • Tractor and Truck —-Minoeapolis iloline B, F. Tractor, completely equipped with starter, lights and hy- dreul.i•e life, used on'e season, in brand new •condition, Ford 1946 It .l f -tori pickup truck in A-1 condit- lion. Farm Machinery and 1Vliisc. Items-- IVIcCoranec'k - Deering 81/2 -ft. stiff tooth cultivator, John Deere 2 -fur - Ivey tractor cultivator, like new; 2- rkum steel roller; 3 -section diamond 45rrows, Gockshutt beet lifter;Woods 't,,reit anillaing nnachine, completelly equipped, like new; 6 nnnik cans, set 'Of sleighs, mower, binder, manure spreader, hay ..rake, Wagon, gravel box, snow fence, riding pliaw, mete aauffler, quantity of ,cedar posts, and (Many articles too numerous to men- tion. Hay --150 bales of ,mired hay. Household .Effects --- kitchen table and chairs, etinbinet, sealers, crocks, -etc, etc. Ne reserve, as the faran is sold! . VismErmmat y — TERMS — CASH press, fancy hanging lamps, coal oil. :Saetse Damm, iP•roprietor. heater, pictures and frames, kitchen Ross Love, Clerk. utensils and many articles too num- Alvin Wainer, Auctioneer. ergine to mention. • Nle reserve, as the facie is sold! Clear;4= -Auction Salt TERMS - CASH Frank Wildfong, executor of the Of Tractor, Combine, Farm Implem ants, Feed;-. Household,. Effects and ' Misc. Items.. On the Premises, Lot 9 I Con. 4, Hay. Township; . 216 miles 1north of Exeter, or 236 miles south of Hen,all and 2 miles West.. The undersigned Auctioneer is in- structed to sell by Public Auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 6th. Commencing at 1 pan. sharp. Tractor and Combine - Massey -Har- ris 101 tractor, in A-1 condition; M- H.Clipper Combine, .No. 6, in good 'condition. Farm Implements - McCormick Deering rill -run fertilizer drill, McD. 4 -row bean drill; IM -H. 12" 'bottom 2 -furrow plow; McD. 6 -ft, mother; 3-ibar side rake; mower, hay bade., 3 -sec. lever harrows, 4 -sec. diamond harrows; 3 -see. diamond harrows; cultivator, double difsc; Iand roller, rubber tire wagon, steel tire wagon, hay rack, circular saw., teener with racks, M-H.:bean puller, set of sleighs cream separator; 2 -row scuifler,single stuffier, electric fencer, electric mot- or, 25 -gal. gas drum, 4�gal. sprayer; tip -toe • wheels- for M -H. tractor ,11-28 tractor chains, hay fiorke; sling rop- es, root pulper, wheel ,barrow, tann- ing mill, 10,000-1ib. cap. scales; 1942 Dodge cal; . fence stretcher, chicken shelters, incubator and brooder; em- ery, buggy, Gutter, single harness; quanitity oaf lubber, scrap 'iron, tog- ging gin;g chains,, ladder, tree pruner, Coleman lantern, erlosscut saw, car- penter, tools, forks, shovels, etc. Feed --- 100 bales red clover hay; 100 :bales straw; quantity of mixed grain. Household effects -- Clare Jewel arangtx, eoal heater,- .ehestehield suite 2 diningrocm ;tables and chairs; kit- chen table and chairs, enamel top table; three Complete bedroom surges, antique &glee, and lamps, writing, desk, pieno, aulpboard, eideiboar••cl', din. ingrooun furniture, 'battery radii,, Congoleum rug, . sealers, sausage • Estate of the late Amos Wildfong Ross Love, Clerk. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. E STATE AUCTON SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock,. Machunery and Household Effects, at Lot 27 Con. 2, Stanley Twp„ 134 west and 1 mile south of Clinton Radar School On FRIDAY, APRIL 13th At 12.30 p.m. Horses --Matched black Percheron team, (1400 -lbs. each) Cattle — Durham cow, due time iof sale; Durham, tow, due in June; 6 Durham cows, fresh: with calves at foot; Durham Bull, 2 -yrs. old; 2 steers ready for market, 1 heifer ready for market, 4 Hereford and Durham Steers, rising 2 yrs old; 2 Durham heifers weight 850 lbs; 5 •Durham steers and heifers Ili yr. old; Hogs — 2 York sows bred 2 tenons; 20 York chunks 90 -lbs each. ,Farm Machinery — Oliver 77 Standard Tractor,. fully equipped, (like new); ,Olalver 2 -furrow-' plow; McCoomick Deering 3 furrow plow; John Deere tractor disc; 24 -inch Dion threshing machine (like new) ; shred:der, and drive belt; IMC. 15 - disc fertilizer drill (like 'new), man- ure spreader on rubber;:McCormick D. Side rake (like new) ; 8 -ft. mower, spring tooth •eultiv'ator, 3 drum steel ,roller; r.5 secton diamond harrows; 141.-11. 7 -ft, binder in good ocndition; M -H. hay loader; sulky rake; 6 -ft. mower; 7 -ft. 'C•ookshutt tractor mower will power lift; rubber tired faum wagon, flat rack, scuffler, set :rarm sleighs and rack; set of scales, teens treys' cream separator, with. motor; !fanning mill with motor; Gehl hatit- nhea n:,ill (like new;) grain thrower, and pipes (new) ; •extension straw lblower pipe, root pulper, grain grins der with •3-h.p: motor; power emery, Auto Insurance CRASH VICTIMS AWARDED $96,781, HIS ONLY ASSET IS $20,000 IN INSURANCE —Headline, Toronto Star The unfortunate driver who must pay is not a rich man. Be estimated he'll be 114 years old when free of , debt, All because he didn't carry , enough car insurance at the time of the accident. How about you, Have you enough insurance for a judgment like this". Enough, you know, costs little more; $100,000 for death or injury to one person $200,000 for death or injury to two or more $100,000 for damage to property. Get the full story from: Bertram Klopp R.R. 3, Zurich. Phone 93-1 Zurieh Co -Operators Insurance Association. Automobile Insurance for Careful Drivers rip sawcircular saw, aluminum wheel barrow (new) ; quanitity of syrup equipment, sap pails ane pan, colony house 12x.12 (new) ; brooder, quantity used steel roofing, new steel posts, cedar posts, steet water trough, 1500 -ft of :cne inch hem- lock lumber, quantity 1 -inch and 2 inch elan ,: ,carpenter and other tools. Grain --- Mixed grain, suitable for seed; tian.othy seed, 300 bales of mixed hay, some loose hay, body hard wood, limb wood, pile cedar rails. Household Effects — 2 . stoves, Jewel • range, day bed, 5 chairs, arm chair, fculpboard, 3 rocking chaise, card table, spinning wheel, eloanptete dinner set, pillows, 3 bedroom suites, inner springs, niattresses, toilet set, dirningroo i table, milk tans. FA12:!M — At the same place the farm wit be offered for same (3 pan. t 150 acres, frame house with all erioo g at Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" 1 W• e rece1....tved a news release from the Holstein-Fresan •• I 0 Associ:atirocn of Canada stating that Lochiaavar 1.3onheur Roch- •*s arta made a record •of 33108 lbs. of milk containing 1326 1'u. • aP • of ifat, 3.98 pee 10 s i 0 e a • O This is a new .South American record. This cow was e • o exported as a calf coming from the herd of Lorne B. Reid a.f Ripley, Ont. She is sired by Keendale Lochinvar and her ° •y •another by College View Governor ranting her a 3-4 sister to • m• Maple Lea L.G..Roeilne, Ex &All -Can. who is the dam of our s' young bull, iYIaple Lea Skokie, and has 5 records on 2X that • average over 20,0.00 of 3.8 p.c. milk. a Then we remembered that another close relative • of the ek • co Rosine cow had made a high record andaon checking back • 0. e found that her 100 p.c. sister had produced as a two year old, so • 22,765 tbs. of milk, test 3.64 p.c., 828 • i re.:ord ' as also made in South America. • • 4 Thbs of fat. Thi. • Wonderful production for any country. 0 1 4 • This is the type of family from which we are choosing - 4 A our yowng• (bulls to carry on the high production established by •' e bulls that nv s l7he are using now and have used ,previorusly- i 2 I' •a a r ✓ 0 g r 0 FOR SERVICE or more information phone collect to:— CLINTON 515. Between: 7.30 and 10 a.m. week days 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. Sundays and holidays. COWS noticed in heat later in the day should be bred the • following day. r a Guaranteed Life Incolne WITH ASSURANCE :MEANS THIS TO YOU --It creates an immediate cash estate —It guarantees a monthly life income —It provides freedom from ijnvest- ment worries. —lt guarantees the privilege of re- tirings when you want ta. North American Life's Pension Plan guarantees the largest possible secure inseam at the time it is needed, ow- ing to loss of health, disability, pre- mature death or oldd age. Parry tioffrnan NORTH ANIEI!CAN LITE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutual Company -- All Profits for Policyholders Phone 70-W Dashwood, Ont. • THF E' NONE' FERTILIZE at the of At 'MY DANK„ 0 2 011100 MA0101 The purchase of fertilizer is sometimes a headache. Because the need for it usually comes at a time when there are a lot of expenses and little income. Avoid that headache this year. See your 13 of M manager about a loan. Repayment terms are easy—suited to a farmer's require. ments. Drop in at your nearest B of M b ranch today, or as soon as convenient. BA.NIC OF ON`tREAL eardd44 " 6nd:r Seutd Zurich Branch: JOHN 13ANNISTER, Manager Hensall Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manage;;, Crediton Branch; RAYMOND KING, Mariner Tuesday day and Dashwood (Sub-Agency):OPenltaoet p wed. & WORKING WiTH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OP LIFE SiNC '1a'ty. modern conveniences, new 2 car , garage, L bank barns, with goacl stabling and water; 130 neress shot. able for trop and pasture, 20 acres of hardwood bush. Innnediate poss- ession. Property -- 10 per cent doarn, 4halance in 30 days. Sold sub- ject to reserved :bid. Chattles --- ,Ce yh. Estate loaf late William Sinclair, Clerk — E, P. Chesney, :Auctioneer --- Harold Jackson. !Meet 'n s have ,been exceptionally well attended and prospects are a- • gain for a def'nite• inicrease in the number of members in this pro' ram. Approximately 70 Growene attended •" the Annual Meeting and •!Sanquet of the Oounty Fruit Growers' As n.and 75 iMuaiitipai Officials, Inspe•ctore and; Spray Operators, Defended the Annuttjt' 1 Warble Fly School: held in tine Coe 'linty (hate past week. Inquiries ip re• gard to information on new serial Agricultural Office News grains, grasses and legumes are. rile To -date 4-H Club Organizational creasing each week at our office. 4. 4 4. e 4' 4 4 9 4 w 4 y 1 r 4 1 1