HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-03-29, Page 1stab1ished .1:.00 HENSALL Dr. and Mrs. J W. Bell returned home from Orlando, Fla., where they had ;been vacationing .for the 'enter months. l2 iss Marilyn Stratton of . Grand ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 29 1956. Bend, • was a week -end guest with Miss 'Gwen (Spencer. Special Easter services will be, ob- served in the United 'Church next Sunday morning, ,for his suibject,Re-v C. D. Dani+elwill speak on the theme: Mmuitamanavastair Z. Lyric Theatre -Exeter 1910.41 MOW .1407. PREVIEWS ITS COMING ATTRACTIONS Friday, Saturday, March 30, 31 DAWN AT SOCORRO (Color) Rory Calhoun, Piper Laurie Mon., Tues., Wed., April 2, 3, 4. PICNIC (Technicolor) (Adult) Wm. Holden, Rosalind Russell, Kim Novak Thurs., Fri., Sat. April 5, 6, 7 "TIIVIBERJACK" Sterling Hayden, Vera Ralstor Saturday Matinee -- 2 p.m. miry MINNOW Show starts at 7.30 p.m. Box Office open at 7:00 -' 4 a G. R. Hardman You Have Foot Trouble RHEUMATIC - ARTHRITIC SYMPTOMS DUE TO FOOT TROUBLE You Are Invifted To Consult GEORGE J-IARDMAN Chief Consultant Fahr iracL Take the 5 Minute Test You Judge the .Results Corree the ,Cause with "Miracle" MONDAY, APRIL 2nd. 10 A.M. - 8 P.M. AT THE _ MILT A. OESCH SHOE STORE Zurich, Ontario - Phone 82 or 130 Christ is risen. .Special music by the choir, loon Gopd Friday morning at 1110.30 a.an. a special ;yerviee will be (held in the UnitedChurch. CARD OF THANKS T wiih to thank those 'who remem- bered me with cards, 'treats, visits, etc., while I was a patient in St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London and since I ain at home which 1 appreciated. I say again Thank You! - John Gellman, Zurich. Easter Services Services win be held in St. Peter's Lutheran Church as follows: 'Friday, at 10 a.m.. • Good Friday Thank Your j ,Service and Holy 'Communion. I wish to greatly thank all mylEaster Sunday, 10 a.m. - Festive friends and neighbours who so will!. Service and Holy 1Communlon. ingly and kindly assisted me during my auction sale, and again 1 say: --Come and bring your friends. Thank You! -Henry ,Clausitus. Special Easter ,Services in the Ev- CARD. OF THANKS angelical U. B. Church as fellows: Mr and: Mrs W. R. Dougall and Good Friday service and Oomanunion daughters, .Mrs. Mar,ibn Walker, at 8.00 o'clock, p.m. Mrs. Dorothy Hughson and Miss Phyllis Dougall wish to express their Easter Sunday morning at 7 a.m. sincere thanks to the many relatives, Sunrise Devotions and breakfast neighbours and friends for cards, sponsored by the Youth Fellow - treats, floweee, and visits to our ship. Regular services at the sister and Aunt Mrs. Marjorie usual time on Sunday. Williams during her recent illness. Also for theirkindness and seen- Was Big Success pathy during their recent sad berea- The Cooking School put on by the Canada Packers Ltd., in the Com- munity Centre on ]Monday evening sponsored by the C.W.L. and W. In- stitute, proved a decided success. A A THREE ACT PLAY - splendid turnout by the ladies in CRACKED NUTS Zurich, and District. Delicious food 13y the Young People of Parkhill demonstrated and explained, how United Church they should be .cooked and prepared in various ways. Congratulations go Thursday, April 5th, to ;Mr.' Gordon Hess, or the Hess -E1 - At 8.30 :pan. erctric for the splendid display of Town Hall - Zurich . electric stoves, refrigerators and deep Sponsored by the Youth Fellowship freeze;, which greatly added to the display-. Many prizes were won by the ladies in their draws. vement. Special thanks to Rev. ,g, Mr. R.oppel, 'Mrs.. Harold Rader and Mrs. Milton Oesch. of the Evangelical U. B. Church, Zurich, Ont. ADULTS 50c. CHILDREN 25c Euchre Party Will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich On Monday, ,April Oth . On MONDAY, APRIL 9th. r At 8.46 p.m. After Band Practice PRIZES and FREE LUNCH Admission 50cents .".sponsored by the Ladies' Auxilary of the Scouts and Cubs. r -e 4.p e,e9K4170600000n4.. 0 44'.04.444,40@,0440031.000 ,HOFFMAN'S Arrange Funeral Service ▪ To Or Frorn Out -Of -Town -Points 4 a a 4 b c sunset 9 ,fc Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in'Can- uads, the United States or other .points of the globe, Hoffman's, as b 'm members of kcal aid national funeral director's associations, can 4. • ;• handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- 4 •ciency of Hoffman's service. F Et T. HARRY HOFFAN FUNERAL HOME : M Funeral and Ambulance Service 4 • 24 -Hour Service II3ASHWOOD Telephone 70-W 4 '>D.4.44.44'44604416PO4.4,44 404.04.0044 m4.000fOeao4@4.a sero F0o4ra•n.4 44 S+ v E At T 111 E .L' Superior M This Week -End Specials: Heinz Tornato Ketchup :1 1 -oz. bottle 23c Green Giant tender Peas .2, 1.5 oz tins 31c Instant Chase & Sanburn Coffee 2 -oz 10c off jr 57c " 6 -oz 25c off jar 1.65 Ingersoi Chees.+e Spread 5c off 8 -oz jar • Z9c Dellmar Margene 4 -lbs for ., . 99c. .. Commencing on Thursday, March 15th..,...... You will receive a Free Chance on every $3.00 Purchase in our Store for a Shopping Cart Full of Groceries- Draw to be made on Tuesda y, May 1st OUR NEW WALL ,,-PAPERS JUST AR- RIVED. DROP IN AND SEE OUR FINE SELECTION. - WE WILL BE PLEASE() TO SHOW 'STEM. PLENTY OF SAMPLE: TO CHOOSE FROM Phone 140 - C> H. THIEL Zurich Paper Drive The next ZurMi. Boy Scout Paper Drive will be on TUESDAY, APRIL' 3rd. People are asked to have their waste papers well tied and deposited on tine sidewalks in front of their residence, where they can be readily picked up. -Thanks for your co-operation in the past. -The Scouters. Itc Easter Flowers EASTER LILIES, HYDERANGEA DAFFODILS, TULIPS and SNAP- DRAGONS. FREE DELIVERY TO ZURICH, on 'PHURSD AY, MARCH 2,9th. BAILEY'S FLORISTS Main St. Exeter. Phone 276 TO PRESENT PROGRAM The Touring Chorus. 'off Eastern Men- nonite College, Harrisonburg, Virg- inia, will present a program of sac- red music at the Blake A. Mennonite Church cin Thurs. Eve. March 29th. at 8.00 o'clock. This chorus is composed of thirty- two college students from Eastern MM17.ennonite College, tinder the direct- ion of J. Mark Stauffer, head of Cie mu,,ic department of the college. i'lteir tour includes programs in Pennsylvania, New York, Ontario, Michigan, and Ohio. They will leave the campus on Friday, March 28rd, and render their last program In addition to a number of select- ions from the master composers, the chorus will sing two standing hymes, as well as scveraI rpiritnnls. The mucic numbers will be interspersed with testnanoni•es from several of the students. Eastern Mennonite College i 10W11ed and operated by the Virginia Mennonite Conference, and offers' work en both the college And high weheol 1ev s, The enr, dhn4lt!, f+.)1 (the *1{Y'F''.Il't t4.,"aitln is 0?. , • HAD SUCCESSFUL SALE -Last Wednesday afternoon was a big• day for Mr and Mrs. Henry 1 Clausius of the Blind Line, when '-their auction sale of farm stock im- i plements, etc. was held. The weatn- ernnan was very kind and about the finest 'flay we had all spring pre- vailed:' The exceptionally large 'at- tendance was also a feature and un- less you were one of the erly ones, you could not get within a half mile 1•: park your car. Mr. Alvin Wal 4.e the efficient Auctioneer welded the hammer very satisfactorily and good prices Were realized, in fact tine sale was handled in a most masterful way and good prices realized, especi- ally for the fine herd of Holstein cattle. The proprietor is very grate- ful and well pleased, Centennial News Do you know? - That Zurich had a post office 99 years •ago, in 1857 with Frederick Knell as Postmaster. Finance Com. Meet. - The finance committee met since our last meeting and they report a complete attendance. The details were discussed relating to the Cele tenial and they advise a meeting of the various chairmen for tentative plans relating to required disburse- ments, Any donations by the public to help with the costs of postage and advertising will be accepted by the chairman of the Fnance Committee, Mr. Ross Johnston: To Hold Dance - A Dance is to be held on Monday April 2nd, at the Community Centre. -Lets all turn out to support the fund. Presentation Prior to them moving off their farm, Blind Line, Hay Twp., Mr. and Mrs Henry Clausius were very pleasantly surprised one evening when they were highly honored by good neighbors and friends who made a very sutable presentation and the £olllowing address: to which the recipients made suitable replies: Mr and Mrs. Henry Clausius and Clifford: - We, your neighbours and friends have gatherer here this evening be- fore your departure from our midst to do honor to you and to express our regrets at your leaving. You have been exemplary citizens. You have taken. your part in any move- ment which is necessary to promote the very 'best qualities in rural 1•ife. While we regret your removal we have the satisfaction that she 'li;:t••- airce will not be great and re can assure you that the friendships gest gained while .on the .131;nd Line. will not soon be forgotten. In the thirty- seven years as a resident of this Liue you have learned that our door, will always the opon to you Wienever that feeling pervades you to. visit with us. Asa gesture off good will we lag.; you to ae•crot this teko , not fcir . iry matnriarl value but rather for the sentiment it contatius, With tide gift goes our +best wishes for 0;00(11 seal's, also ninny years of happiness in your h Tfl.t1 in Zurich. GSi oriptl, Your Nei; hthottrs. Bingle Copies 6 Ceuta, Subscription in Canada, ;2.00 a Talk Subscription U.S.A., 'x ear > .,ss NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - Prase. Rnnsor Lighters REGULAR PRICE $6.75 FOR $4.95 ENGRAVED WITH YOUR INIT- IALS FREE LET US SERVICE YOUR RANSON ALL REGULAR PARTS IN STOCK WE STOCK EVERY REPAIR PART ALSO GENUINE RONSON FUEL WICKS, FLINTS, ETC. A. G. H ESS RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS(:: On t6 New Modern Looze, Made Ls Order - Seth O. Amann, Zurict , Ont, Phone 128. INVITEES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOFNE S. Er b; LOCKER SERVICE - - . ROE FEEDre WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL THE JEWELLER Photo 10 .-d a • • i 1 ht take @490400060P3141 06+ 140®1916 -'. ;;! atilt'. 80 IC'6ti * Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Re :sir FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Day and Night Service TELEPHONE: RES. 89W OR 89J, ZURICH SS* +Ztte*S TS11419Pliesegi)S SO 47410041440478•613 SOS 1 ; Grocery or 84941 This Week -End Specials Peaches, 15 -oz, Can ........................ .......<,.,.„ 17c Grapefruit 96's 10 for . <,.....<,...,o,,,... .... 45c Pickles sweet mixed 16 --az Jar ........ ..... ..... ...23c Good Luck Margarine per lb. ..... ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,....,29c Catsup, Aylmer, 11 -oz b9ottle •,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,19c Ieiino Oesch Zurich. PRODUCE WANTED, k�liar ! t; r6 Zurich Oentenniai JULY 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th. This Store offers a prize of 1 -pr, Scott Mc Hale Dress Shoes value $14.95 to the person growing the best BEARD from April lst to July 4th. Length thickness aid shape is considered. in the judging. Open to all interested in the Centennial Celebration. The ckinor reserves the right to remove the prize winning Beard at a later named place on. July els. Oesch Shoe Stot Phone, Res, 130. M Storei 82 1 4 1 4 •1 s 4 4 4 4 1 4 44 4 s 1 4 1 4 ".4 • 4 4 1 4 4 1 1 1 s 4 y 4 4 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 4 4 d 4 1 1 w