HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-03-22, Page 4T u CluA gond iPoretta Chateau Y,nurtm IIotel A Canadian National Railways Hotel noftdngcn repaCe ZURICH HERALD If ever you have dined at Ottawa's famous Chateau Laurier, you'll agree , .. Chef Freitag knows whereof he cooks! In all his tempting dishes, he uses only butter. No substitute could possibly give the delicate flavour, the .smooth, golden richness of fresh creamery butter. Taste Chef Freitag's.own -4" recipe for BUTTER MEUNIERE a sauce for sauteed fish, steaks or chops When fish or meat is ready to serve, squeeze the juice of a quartered lemon over it. Sprinkle" with fresh chopped parsley or chives. In a frying pan, brown 2 ounces of butter for each person. Pour over fish or meat.' As every housewife knows, for good eating and good living, youjust can't beat butter. From the simplest hot biscuits to the most elegant layer cake, everything you make tastes so much better with butter. For our Marie Fraser's free booklet of tasty, tested buttes recipes, write:—Dairy Foods Servioe �ureau D . iRY FARMERS OF C.A.NADA, 409 Hpron Street, Toronto FOR SALE •ei•l2GAN FOR SALE — In good 'playing condition, as has been used every Sunday in the Lutheran Sun- dy •Sehoof. For any further particu- lars contact with, Mrs. Ernest Laid.. tad:, Phone 83, Zurich.. 2t* 'FOR QUICK SALE Clare Jewel Combination coal, wood and Electric Range. A -J. condition, Like new. Priced resonable. ' Apply l,etuiis Gingerich,:Babylon Line -- Phone Dashwood 37 r 12. 2tc FOR SALE ;t,1 Hillman Motor equipped with .Marine 1'ackag.'. 2nd U.P. Propeller, Housing, used in boat 2 years. Low mileage, overhauled •last spring. Ideal for boat or power plant. Apply Gerald Gingerich, Phone 134, Zur- ich. 2tc EASTER IS APRIL 1st THIS YEAR better have your dry deaning done r EARLY! Call now for anitone DRY CLEANING to be sure you look I your best in the EASTER PARADE! Give us time to insure true Sanitonc thoroughness and still iguarantee delivery before Easter. Phone today sure. LOCAL AGENCY had been visiting their children and relatives in Windsor and Detroit, re- t turned to their home on the Blue Water Highway, accoanpanred by Mr and Mrs. Tyrus Stansberry of De - h cit. Mr and Mrs Alphonse Masse of London, were weekend 'visitors In this vicinky. - Mr Peter Geoffr.eol of East Grand Forks, Minn., its visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity. • • • • s • • • • 6 tt • • t • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Westlake Furnitu e Store • • • 4• • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF ALL• v • Home Furnishings 4 •• • • • • • • • • • + • • COME IN AND COMPARE OUR ZURICH PRICES Phone 89,E THERE'S MONEY FOR SEE c. t B of M `MY BA H' .3t!01/C4,4 $ WORKING smogs lot many farmers, operas+ funds are' loi,v at this time of year. It's the in-between period when there's lots of expanse, little i.,;,}t.tc. 11' this is your problem, talk it over :th c ear B of bi manager. If you can plan repayment from your farm income, there's stoney for you at the 13 of M — for seed, feed or fertilizer. BANK OF MONTREAL e?a as 54'4a Vt1.e4 Zurich Branch: JOHN BANNISTER, Manager. Hensall. Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager Crediton Branch: RAYMOND KING, Manager (Open Tuesday and Thursday) Dashwood (Sub—Agency): Open Mon., Wed, & Fri. WITH CANADIANS iN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1117 . 1 CONTACT EAR OESCH, BARBER — ZURICH • • St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Was A Bad Storm --- A few days ago a dreadful storm played its role in this district and the surroundings, perhaps one of the wwonst wt.tn,essed in many years; it Was a rom'sination ,af rain, sleet and Mil winds, which levelled the tele- phone system to till. Damage was also done to buildings and roadway. However in this district we can boast of being lucky by escaping destruc- tian caused by brewed up storms; therefore we should not complain too label!; if once in a Blue 1fVIoon we Face such hotvac,. Old settlers pause Alia silence to see if they could bring ixack memories of such to be near Me the later one in due time all will tot patched up and the late storm !rill be only a passing incident, which pay not again oceurr within the life tri one other generation or mora, ,twit^ and Mrs Fred nuellaii, c; wbe itt • ADtal, Geo'. T. Miekle & Sons Ltd. for THE NEW MALTING BARLEY CONTRACT We offer Improvement in price. The insures the farmer a higher than formerly. 2. Choice Seed. Supplied to you in ample ,enough to seed your acreage. 3. Fertilizer. We will supply fertilizes of your required analysis at competitive prices. We will give credit on fertilizer if desired. If inter- ested, call, phone or write us. We will then contact you. GEO, T. MICKLE & SONS, LTD. Hensall, Ontario Phone 103 new contract average price quantity • iMr. Geofirof lett thils parish when a young man to make his home on the Wester Prairies, and now lives retired in his home town. Mr. Geo- ffroi is 81 years of age, hale and' hearty. We hope he will enjoy the visit in his native parish. DASHWOOD Is Improving— Leon 'Treiber, of R.R. 3, Dash- wood. who was injured in the traffic accident at Huron road and the 2nd 'Con., Stephen 'Two, Past Tuesday, is retorted ilmuroving in .St. Joseph's Hosnrital, London. Messrs. Reinhold Miller, William Haugh, Otto Willert and Reuben Goetz attended the Underwriters Fire Insurance Convention at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, last, week. • Mr and cMrs Harold Maine and girls of Kitchener were visitors with (Mr and IIVGrs Rei'ihold • riViiller. Mr and Mrs C-orclon Weiberg of Waterloo spent the 'week -end with Mr and 'Mrs Fred Weiberg and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Tyler. Mrs. Ivan Tavlor and bovs of Waterloo spenbt Siinday with Mr and Mrs. L. H. Rader. The Ladies' Aid of -7ton Lutheran ehm oh . met after the Lenten service Wedn:esdav nio:hat for the business. Lilies are to he placed ;on the altar for IPahn Sunday. Group 3 are in .chases, o+ catering for a wedding in April. Group 2., who were in charge served. lunch. Had ConEregational Supper— Ladies' upperLadiies' Aid Meet— ''Dhe'W.S.W.S. of the Evangelical U.B. Church were in charge of a St. Patrick's Congregational supper, on Friday, March 16th, at which ;one hundred and thirty-three were -1res- ent. Following supper all joined in a sing -song, while the ladies cleared the tables. A variety program fol- lowed. The aneli of the -choir sang MacNamara's Band. 'The young People ;presented a splay "The Min- ister's Trousers." Messrs Stuart Wolfe and Mervyn Tiernan sang Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Shea. Linda Tiernan and Mary Jane Hoffman sang a duet. All repotted a fine time. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Wellington Jacob Johnston, Deceased A11 persons having claims against the estate of Wellington Jocob John- ston, late of the Village of Zurich, in the County of Huron, who died on + or about the 11th day of February, 1956, are reouired to 'file particulars of sane to Bell & Laughton, Solic- itors, of Exeter, Ontario, by the 31st day of March 1956. after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice 'lila hr en received. BELL '& LAUGHTON, Solicitors for the Executor, Zurich, Ontario. SATURDAY, MARCH 24th, 1!156. At 1.30 o'elock, part. (Property consists of three acres of good garden land, On the presnisos are. A six room red brick house; shed 20x30 feet; stable for six cat- tle; .heir house, feed house; good water supply. Everything in good condition. A very desireable prop- erty. Terms -- 10 p.e, on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Will be offered for sale subject to a ressen- abble reserved ;bid. Immediate pos- session can be given. Household Effects, Etc.—Good Cheer stove; dining room table, and chairs; 2 rocking chairs, drop leaf table, ,small table, cupboard, chest of drawers, ceder chest, 2 Alladin lamps sofa bed, fruit jars, Kitchen chairs, 3 0 0 • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • e 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • { t• 4. 4. k 4- + 4. Thursday, March. 22nd, 1956 pots, pans, dishes, knives and •1"or'lts„ Singer sewing machine; dresser, stands, bed springs and mattress, meat ,grinder and press, quillts, gnats, feather ticks, coal oil stove, coal on heater; coal oil lantern, washing ma- chine, tools, •cross ,cut saw, spades, shovels, hoes, rake, axes, pails, forks, 40„gal. 'coral oil barrel, 5 -gal, coal oil barrel; '11 -gal, coal oil can; lawn mow er, hand scuffler, bathtub, colony house l0xJ2, some cedar posts, iron kettle, some feed bags, barrels, a'botit 8 cords of nixed wood, rubber tire. buggy, 11 -disc Cockshutt drill, '1'ua.. hope Anderson dump rake, etc., ete,, TERMS -- CASH Ira Desjardine, Proprietor, R. F. Stade, Clerk. .E..MeNeil, Auctioneer. H E N.S A L L 5c to $1.00 store EASTER WEEK — MARCH 26 - 31. Easter Baskets Chocolate Novelties 115•c to 85e NEW LINE OF CUSTOM JEWELLERY Children's (Shirts at , , 2 Child's Training Pants, white and colored 19c Good Selection of Children's ,Socks, Vests and Polojamas. Children's White cotton eyelet Slips 2 to 1'2. Ladies Cotton Dresses $1.98 to $3.98 First Quality 51 gauge Nylons ........................99c New Shipment of Boy's and Men's Socks, .Shirts and Briefs, Terry Wash Cloths, each ... 5e. Striped Bath molwels 17X33" at ............. .. ,.....35r 10e Cotton Dish Towels 15x25 at .Extra Large Dish Towels 25x36, at Water Glasses each 4? 8 •• 8 4+e Oda 8 4f� 39e: • 7c White Cups and Saucers at .. ,. L. 2`tc- Large bottles of ,Crean Hair Oil, after shave lotion and • IShamipoo at 2t'. • AUCTION SALF'— Of Property, Household Effects, and Some Implements, Etc. On the Premises — Part of North - half Lot 7; Concession 16, Hay Twp. 21e; miles west of Dashwood and two miles north. The undersigned Auct- ioneer has received instructions to sell by public Auction on + • 4. + 4 f 4 + + 4 4 8 4 4 4 4 4h 4 ♦• 4 4 a Contract Barley BEST NO. 1 SEED SUPPLIED HIGHEST PRICES PAID MODERN UNLOADING FACILITIES Reid Beans 86 Seeds Ltd DASHWOOD PHONE 87. ... '3= $w 41- 4.. •1- diZ-i- 8 e .s. 4. . 4 �F- 4- 4, 4 4y 4 BEST CUSTOME R 11HE STEEL INDUSTRY'S best customer is the farmer. Directly, the farmer as an individual is a buyer of steel and on: the farmer's prosperity rests the prosperity of the farm implement business, which is one of the three Canadian Indus- , tries using the most steel, The two other largest diire:ct cusl omers of the steel industry are the railways and the automotive industry. These also are largely dependent on the farmer's prosperity. Mbotving crops to market is the pert of railway business on which nearly all the rest tis based. Motor vehicles owned by the farrier or by other pope =W- ing foodstuffs account for a large part of the total auto- motive business. Because it is in the steel industry's interest that the farmer have profitable crops, the industry must try to keep down the cost of steel products the farmer must buy. This company is constantly acquiring new facilities to produce more steel for inose people, THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANANOGUE HAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO