HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-03-22, Page 11 !Established 1900 .ATTENDED ANNUAL MEETING - Among the delegates who attended the recent annual meeting IA the On-, tario Hog Producers in Torontoroe tently are:Ross Love,. represeremg Ray Township; Elmer Webster, St- anley; Huron Co., president, Bert Lobb, Vice-pres. Alvin Rau of near Zurieh; and Secy. AM. Warner, of Goderich; Edw. Hendrick, ofStepnen. Mr, Leveler Hay writes an article tor the press stating there were a- round 400 hog producers present. It is felt that it is one of the best marketing systems in Ontario and it is bound to go ahead. Charles Mc- In.nis, president of the Ont. Hog Pro- ducers' Assn. was the main speaker, and calls it a policy of self-help. He +won. ',Nowa* 446 • klo `'4: ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 22 1956 said previously 90 pe. of our nags were dumped at' the buyer's door with no price attached and no under- standing as to price. Hog producers, along 'with other farmers, have the right to bargain for the sale of their goods. If we want this program to develop, yore must share in publiciee ing it.. Canada !increased production of hogs in 1955 by 16p.c.. Canada is our best market, we have to supply more lean, pork to the consumer. Canadian hams are not selling for as high a price as the European prod- uct because they are not as uniform in quality as our oompetitors. The production of logs has increased in Canada faster than our market out- lets and we must be prepared to Lyric Theatre—Exeter PREVIEWS ITS COMING ATTRACTIONS FR/DAY, Saturday, MARCH 23, 24 The Black Dakotas (Color) GARRY MERRILL WANDA HENDRIX MONDAY, TUESDAY, MARCH 26, 27 Five Against The House GUY MADISON --- KIM NOW:IC WED., THURS., MARCH 28, 29 Footsteps in The Fog (adult) STEWART GRANGER — JEAN SIMMONS Saturday Matinee — 2 p.m. Show starts at 7.30 p.m. Box Office open at 7:00 Sttennallnillls Concrete Silos 1956 Will Be a Big Year In Construction! Farmers interested in building a Silo should contact me at once. Get Our Free Estimate Over 20 Years ExPerience WESLEY HUGILL Phone 204 - Zurich, Ont. handle surpluses if we are going to produce them Mr. al/Lc-Innis said. • IN MEMORIANLS In Lee/ling Memory of Lioydon Wolper who Reseed away March 24, 1953. This day we do remember A loving thought we give To one no longer with us But in our hearts still lives. — Lovingly remembered by Vera and Alvin. In Loving Memory of a dear Bro- ther and Uncle, Lloydon Walper, 'who passed away IVIarch 24th, 1963. We often think of bygone days, When we were all together; The family chain is broken, But memories live forever. Many a lonely heartache, Often a silent tear, But always a beautiful memory, Of one we laved so dear. —Always remembered. by Sister Fern and Bro-in-Law and Family. CARD • OF THANKS I wish to greatly thank all my many neighbours and friends who were so thoughtful in sending nee cards, treat e and visits while a = patient at Victoria Hospital, Lon- a' don and at home. An,d especially a the Ladies' Aid for their kindness. = —Mrs. Sylvanus. Witmer. OM. ••••• 1=0 --,== BIBLE SOCIETY SERVICE =Woo 110.11. a as 11 a a • 4 4 4- tr 4 ,•••••••••••• OFFMAN'S Arrange Funeral Service To Or From so• • *est* *4 • 0 ••••• ••••••• • • • • • Out -Of -Town -Points AtEMILA Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- ada, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as members of local and national funeral director's associations, can handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- ciency of Hoffmen'e service. T„ HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME Funeral and Ambulance Service Ilt11,11our Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W ee••••••••••••••••••40**••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• • • • is 0 • • • SAVE At II E S gripe rior Market This Week -End Specials: Swift's Golden Dew Margarine 1 -lb. pkg 95c Kellogg's Cornflakes ige 12 -oz pkg. 73c Doles Fruit Cocktail 20 -oz tin 32c Cr -e -en Giant Niblets Corn 2, 14 -oz tins 47c .. Commencing on Thursday, March I5th. You will receive a Free Chance on every $3.00 Purchase in our Store for a Shopping Cart Full of Groceries. Draw to be made on Tuesda y, May lst OUR NEW WALL PAPERS JUST AR- RIVED. DROP IN AND SEE OUR FINE SELECTION. WE, WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW THEM. PLENTY OF SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM Phone 140 C H. THIEL - Zurich eia/M1.401.1VMMOM10.•11.....M91131.111•01.081MMFBANO.CmOa. To Have Cooking School The Catholic Womens' League and the Womens' Institute of Zurich are sponsoring the Canada Packers Ltd., cooking school held in the Cornanun_ ity Centre, Monday evening next at 8 o'clo.ek p.m. Come and bring your friends. Admission only 50 cents. HAVE DEFICITS South Huron Hospital, Exeter, op- erated at a loss of $2,000 in 1956, 'according to the 'balance sheet re_ leased by the board of directors. The annual meeting is set for Monday, March 26th. When the exact figures will be released. The Seaforth Hockey Club also shows a deficit of over pm) for the season's activit- ies. LATE MRS. LESLIE WILLIAMS Mrs. T. Leslie Williams, the form- er IVIarjary Lindsay MacDougall, died .orr iMondaY, March 191h, 1956 in the South Huron Hospital, Exetes, after a brief illness. She was tee daugh- ter of Peter MadDougall and Christ- ina Fletcher who came to Canada from ,Scoeland. She was born in Us - borne Township and had lived in this dietriet all her life. lierehusb- and predeceased her several years ago. Is survived ;by three sisters, Mrs. Marion Campbell, Seaforth; "THAT THEY MAY HEAR" 020. W. l.. Dougall (Anna) of Hen- sel', and Mrs. William IVIcEwen. (Isa- Is the title of a Sound Film, Service bona) of yainton. The body is rest - to' be held in the ing at the Westlake funeral home in AMISH MENNONITE CHURCH Zurich mitt Thursday When servic- es will be held at 2 p.m. with Rev. (Bronson Like) H. E. RoPpel officiating. Mrs. Wil - On liame wa an active member of the 8 pea -Evangelical U. B. -Church, the Lad- ieee Aid Society and the Missionary Rev. Leonard Schnell, Secretary of -Society. •:Before her .marriage she the North SaskettheSvan Auxiliary of followed tlhe millinery profession, be - the iBible So.ciety Will present the _jug engaged in the Mer ner store Sound Films: - "THAT THEY MAY HEAR" TO BALA FOR A BIBLE The Story :of Mary Jones According to sohedule a public THE BIBLE HOUSE IN SASKAT- meeting of those interested in Zur- 0 ON. iech's Centennial this -coming summer You are cordially invited to this was held Monday night in the Com - Service. Imunity Centre and was well atten- Menno Steckle, Secy- Zurich Branch, detb and much enthusiasm was man - fest. Mr. Albert Kalzfleiech acted as chairman and a lot of business was transacted, and the slate of offi- cers as recommended by the nomm- ating Board was taken through and BROADCAST passed as follows:: "BAC K TO THE BIBLE" Honorary Presidents. Louis Prang, Frank Denomme, Wm. O'Brien, Sim- reVIONDAY, MARCH 26th, at Zeriehler several years. She will indeed be greatly missed in the vit.. lage. Centennial News Tune In on On C.H.L.O., Si. the Dial. Every 10 a.m. Thomas; 680 week -Day, 9.30 DANCE on to on Hoffma`n, J. W. Merner, Wm. S. Johnston, Elmer Klopp. President, Ivan Kalhfleisch! Vice Presidents: Dennis Bedard, Jack Pearson, Will be held in tee Community Centre, Zurich On Easter Monday, April 2nd. Music Supplied by • The Melody Makers AND Disjardine's Orchestra Admission — 50 Cents PROCEEDS TO BE USE]) FOR ZURICH CENTENNIAL Cooking School CANADA PACKERS COOKING SCHOOL will be held in the • Community Centre, Zurich On MONDAY, MARCH 26th, 1956 At 8 p.m. Admission 50c Canada Paekere are donating 12 free Draws. Would you like bo donate something to make .more free draws available? Your gift wilt adveltise your business. Proceeds of this school will go to the Ca'holic Wmeen'a Teague and the Women's Institute 'organization:: who , are sponsoring this •School. !Someone will call et your place of business ,on Thursday to 'pick up your .donation. Thanking you for your -co-operation ill this matter. Zurich cw.L. and Zurieh W. T. C.W.L, President. Mrs. Lon 1:Ne tlIgehlt.: W. f, President, Mrs, Lerina Rose, ere. Geiger, Charles Thiel, Mitfred Schilbe; Secretaries: Wm. A. Siebert and Victor Dinnin; Treasurers, Earl Weido, and Jack Bannister; Decorat- ion Committee: :Milton Oesch, Law mace Del Bella, Mrs. Lorne Rader, Ernie Laidlaw, Mrs. Charles Thiel. Ray Fisher, Keith Westlake; Invit- ations: Whitney Brokenshire, Mrs, Hubert Sehilbe, Mrs Earl Ytmgblut, Mrs. W. B. Co.Xon, Miss Inez Yung- blut, Mrs. Elizze Hey, Mrs. Doug, 0' - Brien, Mrs. L. Rose, Miss Anna Tiess; Historical Committee: A. J. Kalb- fleisch, Olive O'Brien, Lee Hotelman, Harry Hess, Gordon Hese, Wm. Edi- ghoffer; Publicity Corn: Reg. eilack, C. L. iSmith, !Mrs. Merino Oesch, El- gin McKinley, Mrs. Gideon Koehler; Concessions and Grounds. Lion e "tub and the Charriter of Commerce; Par- ade: Charles •Thiel and the Women' Institute;- Program Com: Excentiv e (President, vice prevident, See'v and Treas.); Reception fecom: Chairman-, Ted Haberer, Valentine Becker, Re- eve; Jack Turkheim, Chairman Tres - tee Board and the ,following ex-reev_ es: George Armstrong, Wm. Haugh, Louis H. Rader, Earl .Camp -ell, Alf. Meikk, Elmer Klopp; Finance Corn: Ross Johnston, Orville Witmer, Geo. Deichert, Lennie Prang, IL F. Stade, Albert Hess, Oscar Klapp; Traffic and Poliee: Earl Zimmer, Gordon Bloch, James Parkins, Lawrence Be- dard, It is necessary to mention Iwo Helve. First, that any Public don- ations should be forwarded to, either of the two treasurers. eend, that the name and address of any 'Kneern1. or personswho might attend he for- warded at any early date to any member of the invitations cortimittee. At a meettog, held on Merril 1 9th, the .above committeee were .accepted as appointed by the Steering Committee A motion eves presented to the meet- ing to re -affirm the dete of the Om- tennial, and the dates are now eet July 1 to July 4th11).0111$1.1"0, Single c,oples 6 COS. Subscription in Canada, $2.00 TAINNt Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.56. NORMA'S EAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zitrich NORMA STEINBACH - Prof,. Rontor Lighfers REGULAR PRICE $6.75 FOR $4.95 ENGRAVED WITH YOUR INIT- IALS FREE LET US SERVICE YOUR RANSON ALL REGULAR PARTS IN STOCK WE STOCK EVERY REPAIR PART ALSO GENUINE RONSON FUEL WICKS, FLINTS, ETC. A. G. HESS RAGS, RUGS and CARPET* On a New Modern Loon; Made rot Order — Seth 0. Arnann, 2a/r1ck Ont. Phone 128. Se-Werig,i• * INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOBNE S. EILEa LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL THE JEWELLER Phone 10 — HENMLL,, IIIMMIMMI1046M0110_ ...,,IBMI111061•111,1after 1111MORIAMIEIBMIMIONSININIZIONMER etaseeesseitseseetateeseeseetteeeeseeeseeseesseeeeemesseee a • • • a toe • • • tottakt isatrat ,konte Licensed Etnbalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair' for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL. OCCASIONS Day and N' ht Service TELEPHONE: RES. 89W • otieeetteg-**Qeme*o eetteoweee ,L• 4.It 89J, ZURICH 4449104044 4410063 Sege OHM CO zuRiews Grocery Store This Week -End Speciais Maple Leaf Sockeye Salmon 7 3-4 az tin Robin Hood Cake Mix, 1 choc, 1 white,..,,,,,.,., 45c Chocolate Chipits, per pkg. ........ ... ...... .—..23c Strawberry Jam, 2-1b, jar n • Shortening, Easifirst, 2-16. ...„ ..... Memo °est* Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. .". •'••••. • Hamm 165 Chick Brooder Specials 1, Jamesway Electric Brooder. 500 Chick Size I. Warner Electric Brooder 500 Chick Size Either of above Brooders at $39.95 PIONEER CHICK STARTER, ETC. Get your Chicks off to a Good Healthy Start With Pioneer Feeds See Us for all your Chick Starter Requirements ..h.h.N.4004.16141.!.*,,pallOrtehOrte*:'t"1., • ...ht.** THE BLAKE STORE Schlwartzentruber, 410waasalaaaaManioaltaava Phone 11 lif7