HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-03-01, Page 1C Established-:190 ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNINa, MARCH 1 1956 The Scout's Corner illad'Tirst Outing. The first Zurich Boy Scout Troop weiner Roast was when the Boy &outs left town On Wednesday Feb 8th, 1955 in the afternoon at 5:30. We went on a weber roast in Aim - old 1VIerner's bush, where the Owl Patrol has a den. We walked on the higihway part vf the way and through fields Che .rest of the way. We cut off from the highway just before we came to Ted ,Steinbach's farm. After we had gone three fields back the Scouts were divided into two teams, then we had a snowball fight. After this we tramped on till we mire to :a creek dined in with snow, from emeemeamaaveleaseaseeetteatemeseeteet, 4. 3 4 1' ror•• 4. eet * • Skilled Teclaniciata 4. .4 .4 4. this we formed a straight line, hold - ing hands we walked across sideways After we were ,across we went on to the bush. When we got to the bush We help- ed push. our .Scoutmaster's truck out of a hollow besides the road in which another Scoutmaster had put it. We then 'marched through the bush. to the Den The troops then set out to gather wood for the fire. After the fire was started, the Scouts made sticks on which to roast the wetners. We ihad mustard, ketchup, onions and, tea to drink. After the tea was ready to drink we found out we had no cups to drink it with. But our Scout- master found clean can in the den sa each Scout in turn had a drink Feet Hurt? SEE— George Hardman 4 plira die ,_T7.4772, MONDAY - MARCH 5th. 10 A. M. — 8 P. M. AT THE MILT A. OESCH SHOE STORE Zurich, Ontario - Phone 82 or 130 You'll find it a pleasure to 'walk with Miracle Foot Aid. Your walking, standing and working, will be helped right away. And if you have a rheumatic or arthritis pain due to foot- trouble, you'll enjoy the difference Miracle Foot Aid can. make in these symptoms. Come with confidence that you can be helped! "34.• Clinics: Zurich, Leaden, Hamilton, Kitchener. ..eteeeeteaoret. e e 4,40 400 4400 *44 • ,N• Nt 4..40 14, trN HOFFMAN'S Arrange Funeral Service To Or From Out -Of -Town -Points 114. 0811 * DIII ct . SERVICE ' 4....,...6 irInc. Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- -4> *de, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as 'members of local and national funeral director's associations, can * handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effl- : 'oieney of Hoffman's service. . • • T„ HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME 6 Funeral and Ambulance Service 4 24 -Hour -Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W : from the cans, There were seven- teenScouts and two ,Scoutees °tithe weiner roast. There was a total of seven dozen buns. So each Scout had three or four dogs each. The hotdog tasted better titlark the ones you can buy in any resturant or at any bockeyagame. After the weiner roast the fire was put out and we walked back holm again. On the way home the Scouts made up a new Scout Song and sang it all the way home, hut when vee reached town we sang it extra loud. As we marched dorwn down the road singing people came to the doors and Windows ,of their houses. to see what all the singing was about. 1 think everyone that heard us singing thought it was a nice song or they wouldn't have come to their doors and windows of their houses to hear us. 1 know now that every Scout and Scouter that was on the weiner roast enjoyed it very much. —The End. — By Pateal Leader, Louis Willert. New Deadline Set The new deadline set for the pur- chasing of the 1956 auto: licence pla- tes has now been shifted on till March zoth„ this is definitely the final period so says the Minister of Highways. Only about 50, per cent of the new licences are taken out. LATE MRS D. DESJARDINE Service for Mrs. Daisy Desjardine 61,. a former resident of the Blue Water Highway, a few miles south of St. Jeseph, and who died on Sunday Feb. 26th, at the Green Gables nues- ing home, Parkhill, were held on Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the Hoffman funeral home, Dashwood by the Rev. T. Wilkie and Rev. W. Fletcher.,In- terment was made in Grand Bend cemetery. Her husband, ,Seanuel Des.. jardine, died one year ago. They farmed on the B. W. Highway for 35 years and then moved to con. 16, of Hay Township. Sarvivirug are two daughters, Millie, Brookline, mass,; Ella, Bowmaiiville; two sons, Ira, Blue Water Highway; Arnold, near Grand Bend; and one brother, Tho. Smart, Toronto. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of a dear Hub.. and, .Augast H. Koehler, who passed away one year ago March 1st, 1955. My lips cannot tell how I miss .him 4 My heart ,cannot tell what to sal', God alone knows how I miss: him I In a home that is lonesome today. —Ever remembered by his ware, 4 tiPt`9'09-44, *-?,1-994911-4>999.411,99•94, 9•994.0460-4) 944.99 +.4 q.o 4,e. •". SAVE, At T IT I E. oaperior Market This Week -End Specials: Apex choice fruit Cocktail, 15 -oz tins 22c Apex fancy Special process Peas, 20 -oz. tins22c Cheery Morn Coffee, ground or in bean 1-1b89c Tender Leaf tea bags, pkg of 30s - 5c off deal 38c Tender Leaf tea bags, pkg of 60s - 10c off deal 60c OUR NEW WALL PAPERS JUST AR. RIVED. DROP IN AND SEE OUR FINE SELECTION. WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SHOW THEM. PLENTY OF SAMPLES TO CHOOSE FROM Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich Tune In on BROADCAST "BACK TO THE BIBLE" On .C.H.L.O., St. Thomas; 680 on the Dial. Every week -Day, 9,30 to 1140 aan. Farmers' Union MEETING IN THE Town Hall, Zurich On Wed. Afternoon, March 7th. At 2 o'clock pm. Every Farmer in this Area is urged to attend this meeting SPEAKER —Rudolph Urick, Mani- toba. Director. No job on your farm is more ilea portant Come out and learn more about PARITY PRICES FOR FARMERS T. J. RAWLINGS ACCOUNTANT Income Tax Returns ZURICH - PHONE 33 Bingo ,SHARE THE WEALTH AT TOWN HALL — ZURICH 44. aie-,,F4 Returned From Hospital Mr. Allan ,Sevartzentruber has re- turned to his home a week ago. in New Hamburg after being a patient in St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener for about four weeks, after having his left eband treated, when he had hie index and ring fingers amputated at ,the third. joint in an electric saw he was operating in the York Wood- craft factory at New Hamburg. His many friends wish him continued re- covery. W. I. To Meet The regular meeting of the Zurich Women's Institute will be held in the local town hall on the evening of March 6th at 8 p.m. Mrs. Leon- ard Erb, Mrs. Thos. Meyers, Mrs. Ed Schrader are in charge of the com- ittee. A fine program is berng pre- pared.Agricultural Representative Mr. J. Montgomery of Clinton. with illustra.ted pictures will be the guest speaker. The Goshen Line Ladies are invited to be present. All memb- ers are cordially invited to bring a friend. A few Huronian meanners 'will be present to take part in the program. FIGHT TO SAVE FROZEN MAN • -Willard Sturgeon, Hayfield, was found unconscious early Monday morning on the street with his hands arms feet and part of his body froz- en, .he is 60, and is fighting for his life in Clinton Public Hospital, and with constant messaging and rubbing the Hospital staff has brought him back to consciousness. He wore no outer clothes and was the subject of a heart attack, living alone. lie was discovered by Harry Daraborough, who went for help to get his car st- arted. Dr..Thompson of Clinton was summoned and who stated he had ever seen a person so severely frozen ar,ct still live, as the man s entire !body is affected. • HOCKEY NEWS Zurich Midgets Top Blyth Last Thursday evening on the Zur- ich Arena the Midgets copped a 3-1 victory over Blyth i n a WOAA Midget gaeup play-off. hp till this game Zurich Midgets are undefeatea in the round robin play-offs, and will give a good account of themsel- ves. On SATUROAY, MARCH 3rd, Time: 8.30 pan. Special Door Prize of $10.00 Winner r'eceives half ,of the money of each round. Jackpot now $35 and in 45 numbers. Sponsored by C'WL. of ZUPICil. Everybody Welcome To be 'followed Every Saturday Night 4. INTERMEDIATE B PLAYOFFS. Mitchell at Zurich this Friday night will open the Intermediate B. Play_offs., and some real hockey is in anticipation on these rounds. Mit- chell has a strong team, and the 'Zur, ich Flyers will be doing their best to get a win on home ice. Comc out and cheer for, your favourite team, and don't forget, this Friday even- ing e,t 8.30 pan. A good head of natural ice has been built np and the boys Will really be flying. LIBERALS HOLD BIG RALLY The Liberals of Huron held a big Rally and annual meeting in tee Community Centre, Zurich, last Fri- day, evening when the Evangelical ladies catered to a, turkey and salmon supper which needless to say was enjoyed by all those who were ahle to be present, as owing to the bad weather, many from a distance were unable to be present, as it wag too dangerous to cone far over the icy roads. Mr, Hugh Hawkias or Clin- ton, acting president, was cnatrinan and Master of ceremonies. The en.. tertainers • were from the Clinton Radar School, whose numbers were well received. It was indeua a tine affair with only one regret, namely the bad weather outside. Short ad- dresses were made by various mem- bers of the party, and reorganization taking place with the following re- sult: president, Hugh Hawkins, Clin- ton; vice pres., CUI1 Dunbar, Ethel; Iran Ralbfleisch, Zurich; Secretary, Harold Shore, Goderich; asst., Bruce Erskine, Goderich; treasurer, Roy Lamont, Zurich. After the business was dealt with, ale, Andrew Y. alcLeae, ex-M.T. for 1-luron inti aduced the guest sneaker the Hon Paul 1nrthi, .\linister o f National Health and Welfare at i(i.Ictateat‘ivnli, t.o‘Nf.hohisPNN‘'•eorlat ‘1-lesrYweilliteals'a'4 ithe live subjects of the day, in his fluent manner of speech he held the huge, gathering in full ,attention. Dunbar thanked 'the speaker for so fine a.n addreas. And the cloeing tied, came all too quickly, and it will 'be an evening not so easily :foegotten by those who were 'fortuneA in be- 'ing preeent, SI e Copier 6 Ceuta. Subscription in Canada, $2.06 a Trat Subscription Year $2.56, NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Znxich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAGS, RUGS and CARPETit On a New Modern Loam, Mader Order — Seth 0. Amami, Zurl,tk Ont. Phone 128. FAMOUS SILVERWARE PATTERNS Sale in Corrinxunity MILADY ADAM GROSVENOR DEAUVILLE, - Add or replace pieces To Your .Present Set This is an Opportunity Don' Miss It! A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER asornaloassaammemm=atauxutmeucttoormim ri4.14r4rb),LD20,-----173 INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOB NE S. EILE LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEEDE; WHITE ROSE FUEL ,011. Phone 10 - HENSALL, ON velIMMINVIMI4ZR 100•00.1110•00000e001N100000040000010111.410•00061104111004111100414 4 9 0 4 6 0 a 2 • $ tottato ktatV41 gym* Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Night. Service TELEPHONE: RES. 89W • OR S9J, ZURICH ega4040411406:8•00adeaarraereeneeleen 0110041•042066004:0000449••••••• CAMINNIPILM p••••11•1111113, 4 1 ZURIell'S Grocery Store We are ever at your service with the best obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES Ali Fresh Vegetables, fruits in Season, as well lag Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies . Nuts and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL Tenho Meech FRODUCE WANTED. 00000001=========== rick Elcina Chick Brooder Specials 1.. Jamesway Electric Brooder. 300 Chick Size I. Warner Electric Brooder 300 Chick Size Either of above Brooders at $39.95 PIONEER CHICK STARTER, ETC. Get your Chicks off to a Good Healthy Start With Pioneer Feeds See Us to all your Chick Starter Requirements ,• • R.. • THE BLAKE STORE Schwartzentruber, Prop, Phone 11.47 00440.10001101111arairessiiiiiiliaallialillassiairsassaaramessaamasemplo 11 4