HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-02-23, Page 7MMhat 17 A Stroke? We read or hear about strokes *knout every day and the word fe rifies us. A friend or neigh- bor may be stricken, a public figure suffers one. Franklin, D. Roosevelt died of a stroke; so did, supposedly, Russia's Stalin, New York's famous Jimmy Walker and many others. To most persons the word means sudden, bludgeoning heath --a man or woman in the prime of life complains of a blinding headache, slumps to the floor in a coma and never awakens. Or, at best, it signi- ittes a lifetime of hopeless para- lysis. This is by no means the cor- net picture. It is true that stroke - known medically as apoplexy or cerebral accident -- is the third of the Big Three killers, following heart disease ain•d cancer. It takes nearly 170, - UCO American lives each year, which is four times as many as both diabetes and tuberculpsis, combined. But it is also true that de- alpite popular misconception, the slaajority of victims not only eurvive attacks but are actually able to live normal, useful lives thereafter, writes Lester David' iia CORONET. Dr. Irving S. Wright, a former president of the American Heart Association and one of the na- tion's foremost authorities on heart and blood -vessel diseases, asserts: "In a very large pro- portion of cases, individuals who leave suffered strokes make complete recoveries and are able ^ao return to comfortable and )productive life." In addition, medical science is now discovering that the out- look for paralyzed persons is lar from hopeless. In many centers throughout the U.S., doctors have been performing Itaear-miracles of rehabilitation. At the New York University --Bellevue Medical Center in New York, Drs. Howard A. Rusk and Joseph G. Benton con- ducted a rigorous course of raining with about 1,000 par- tially -paralyzed persons, and rtecently reported that fully 92 per cent were discharged from Within six to eight weeks. All these people were able to meet the needs of daily living wad at least 40% of them were capable of returning to sant form of work. Here are eight of the most frequently asked questions about strokes, and the answers: 1. What, actually, is a stroke? There are two main types, and each is literally an accident occurring within the brain. One form is cerebral hemor- rhage, in which an artery rup- tures, suddenly spills blood into the brain and deprives vital areas of their normal blood sup - The second form is cerebral thrombosis, or the blocking of anartery by a clot which also , cuts off the necessary blood supply to brain cells. Brain tissues cannot live more than a few minutes without the oxygen supplied by blood. Un- like skin, they have no power to grow back. Thus the impor- tant centers, those master switchboards which control all senses and bodily functions, break down from the abrupt stoppage. When large quantities of blood are forcedinto the sub- stance of the brain, as in the case of a massive hemorrhage, the delicate cells and fibres are destroyed and death can come within days or even hours. In other cases, paralysis can oc- cur in varying degrees of severi- ty to facial, arm and leg muscles. 2. Why does stroke cause paralysis? There is a definite parallel be- tween a stroke victim and a city devastated by flood. When rampaging waters overrun an area, they sever communications lines - bridges collapse, tele- graph and telephone wires are swept away, roads become im- passable. So, too., with the human body when an artery breaks down or dammed -up blood pours through the walls of a vessel. Communication lines -' in this case the nerve pathways - leading from the brain are flooded and perhaps destroyed completely by. blood which has suddenly been diverted from its normal course. The severity and location of the paralysis depend on how much of the brain has been in- jured, and *here. If the left eese E'S GOT HIS NUMBER - When i. L. Goldenstein got his first I;eet cif license plates in 1919, he liked the number so much that he requested and got 1t every year since. He's shown above, Baa his garage beside his collection of plates - complete from 11919 through 1956. This year's plate with the favorite num- her Is being carried on his son's car, however, as Goldenstein has decided to pass on the family "heirloom." dee saa seaelleeeetele UNPOPULAR VERDICT - Cuba's Kid Gavilan (left), former wel- terweight champ, is despondent as he moves through a crowd of supporters after losing a 10 -round decision to Great Britain's Peter Waterman in London. In the stormiest scene in modern British boxing history, many of the 10,000 fans jumped on chairs and booed the decision, which newsmen at ringside had scored for Gavilan. side of the brain is damaged, - the muscles on the right side of the body will be affected, and vice versa. This is because the nerve pathways cross over in their passage through the brain. 3. What are the immediate warning signs of a stroke? Many victims experience headache, dizziness, ringing in the ears, numbness of the limbs and nausea for several days or just a "few minutes before the attack. 4. How can you recognize a stroke victim? If it is a cerebral hemorrhage, the individual will lose con- sciousness 'suddenly, in most cases complaining of a violent headache before collapsing. The face may become waxy -white, but more generally it is flushed. Breathing is labored- the lips are blown out and the cheeks flap with each expiration of atir. In most cases there is definite evidence of paralysis. For ex- ample, the pupils of oneseye may be more contracted than the other and the face may be lopsided. In addition, the limbs may be more rigid or loose on one side. An attack of cerebral throm- bosis is less dramatic. The in- dividual often wakes to find an arm, leg or even an entire side fuseless, or there may be an un- explained difficulty in speaking. It is possible that the patient will gradually lapse into a co- ma. 5. 7't at first aid measures should you take for a stroke victim? Summon a doctor, of course; and gently - very gently - turn the patient on his back and raise his head and shoulders en pillows or a folded coat, Loosen the clothing about his neck and chest. Don't try to rouse the patient. Don't carry him upstairs and put him to bed. Any but the slightest movements may in- crease the escape of blood com- ing from the ruptured. vessel, 6. Are strokes always major, dramatic attacks? No. There are `little strokes," i grat soul prcfcr dcration S'1 'N'e,CA B.C.-.A.D.65 ) the 3-kuse of Seagrctn 4 • • r s • 1 • s o ;Ven who thr`k of tomorrow practice moderation today no more than oozing in' the brain, when victims are una- ware anything has happened. Sometimes a little stroke causes slight but confusing changes in character: A person with a fine memory finds himself forgetting things; an orderly individual loses interest in neatness; a friendly one turns quarrelsome. Little strokes, points out Dr. Wright, do not necessarily pro- duce serious consequences, but they should be regarded as danger signals calling for at- tention by a doctor. He may be able to suggest treatment which will reduce the possibility of a major cerebral accident later on. 7. What causes strokes? The chief culprits are high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, or both. If the water pipes of your house are old and corroded, even the normal pressure of the water might cause them to burst. If the pipes are old and the water comes charging through at a particu- larly high pressure, the pipes will probably burst sooner. 8...Can anything be done to prevent a stroke? Yes, and the rules apply es- pecially to persons past middle age. Although strokes are not uncommon before 45, the large majority of victims are in the older age groups. The primary injunction is to keep the blood pressure from soaring. If it is too high: avoid excite-. ment, stay home nights instead of going to parties, keep weight "down, get eight hours or more sleep nightly and take time for a rest period every day. If it is normal but you are middle-aged or older, are over- weight or have a family history of high blood pressure: have a regular medical checkup. A great deal can be done to avoid complications before they have a chance to develop. Strokes come without warn- ing, but the conditions that bring thele about have been telegraphed to you long before. Don't miss the message. Life on World's Loneliest island CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ISA. BY CHICKS STARTED SPECIAL* ADLAN Approved. Barred Rocks, paRocks, White Rocks, New hires, Light Sussex. Reed or pReds. Pullet Col- umbia weeks old 00. 4 weeks old $40,00: 6 weeks old 00 r 100, Mixed chicks same ea, $10.00 less per 100. White leg. oras; Red X Legriorns Danish Brown ghorns and Minorca 'X Leghorn pul• 2 weeks old $36.00. 4 weeks old 00; 6 weeks old $52.00 per 100. uaranteed 100' , live delivery 51.00 Kent Hatchery Chah am. Ontario sly. BeRAY Broilers for April -May should on order now. Ask us for prices 11 information. Pullets day.old and torted. Special strains Pullets, Ames In- RRY, 120 etc, available. rAMTLTON ATCIi- They don't marry in haste on the loneliest island in the world - engagements usually last at least five years. When a young man begins courting on bleak, storm -swept Tristan da Cunha, 1,500 miles from Cape Town, he goes each evening to his girl's house and just sits by the fire. No word of love is spoken be- tween them, but the family all know why he's there. When he has shown clearly that he really loves the girl, he gives her his weekly washing to . do. If she undertakes to do it, it's a sign that she has accepted him. They then begin to walk about the island together on Sunday after- noons and always dance the first and last dances together at so- cial gatherings. Sailing to this island with his wife and three children soon will be the Rev. P. H. Bell, who has been appointed chaplain there. Women on this tiny voldanic island wear long, heavy skirts and chin -high collars. The 250 people, mostly of British descent, pay no taxes and have waged a dour struggle for existence since the island became a British pos- session in 1816. They live in stone cottages and are proud of the fact that they are descendants of British sol- diers who were placed on Tris- tan when Napoleon was sent to St. Helena, EGGS by the Carload! Meat by the Toni Arbor Acres White Rooks! Egg - famous Foreman Leghorn! Other breeds to suit your needs! LAKEVIEW HATCHERY increased its setting ca- pacity by another 100,000 during Janu- ary, 1956. Order your February or March chicks NOW. For "Quality Un- excelled" broiler chicks, or egg- pro-ducers, phone or write: THE LAKEVIEW HATCHERY LTD. Tont. Phone No. 7 WHETIHER you are a commercial or a farm poultryman it makes little dif- ference. Tweddle series 400, 401, 402 will fit your poultry operation giving you efficient egg production, hen house livability and above average pro- fit. We also have three other special Begg breeds and three special dual pur- best bwith sTwedbroilers generation tIn- dian River Cross and Arbor Acres White Rocks. Turkey poults. Free Ca. talogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. Fergus Ontario 130 BABY CHICKS 13C CANADIAN Approved. Production breed. Hemp X Sussex Barred Rocks. Red X Rocks New flames, Reds. Sussex and White Rocks. - Mixed 513 per 100. Pullets $19 per 100. White Leghorns Red X Leghorn Brown Leghorns and Minorca X Leghorns. Mixed $13 per 100. Pullets $27 per 100. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. $1 down, balance C.O.D. Sun Valley Hatchery: Chatham, Ontario. STARTED COX CANADIAN Approved Heavy Breed Cox. Day old 6¢: 2 weeks old 120:; 4 weeks old 20¢. Leghorn Cross Cox. day old $1.50 per 100. Guaranteed de- livery. 51.00 down. balance C.O.D. Maple. Ci t v hatchery Chatham Ontario. BOOKS SENSATIONAL OFFER: 2 FOR PRICE OF 1 THE 11 MASTER KEYS TO FAME, FORTUNE & POWER. Keys to Dreams and Visions, Black Magic, Love, Health, Good Luck and Prosperity, Power, Af- ter Death, The Future, etc. Amazing Book. PLUS FREE with every order our Big Entertainer of Fun, Magic and Mystery. Both books sent to you in plain wrapper Postpaid for only $1.00. Send your order to: WAL TRADE, 111 King Street, West, Sherbrooke, Que- bec. MUMMIES, Jewels, Bars of Gold, Buckets of Placer Gold, Historical Data. I've handled some of it. Amazingl Thrilling! 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H.n d W. d LDeser Canary Hatchery Hans von Bulow, the famed pianist. was always irritated by the super -abundance of ,applause and the inconsiderate demands for encores after a concert. On one occasion he became so vexed by the continuous applause that he came to the edge of the stage and said sharply, "If you do not stop this ridiculous applause, I will play all of Bach's 48 Pre- ludes and Fugues from beginning to end without interruption." It worked. (The audience knew that he could carry out his threat.) IT AY BE YOUR LIVER if Life's not worth living it may be your liver( it's a tact! It takes up 'to two pints of liver bile a day to keep your digestive trent in top chapel If your lfvar bile is not flowing freely your food may not digest .. , gas bloats up your stomach ..:you feel constipated and all the fun and sparkle go out of life. That's when you need mild gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills. These famous vegetable pills help stimulate the flow of liver bile. Soon your digestion starts functioning properly and you tee) that happy days are here agarol Don't suer stay sunk A!u,aus keep Tarter's Little Liver Pills on fiend OMRENAND TFORIES WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER. 10114 CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn_ Hairdressing Pleasant, digm8ed orofessiun Rued wages. Marvels graduatesrcessfu) America's Greatest System Illustrated Cetaloa Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHCItILS 358 Bloor St W Toronto Branches 72 Rideau t SL 17 Ottawa MAKE Investigations! Special Canadian Course in Detective work written by ex -Mountie. Now operating- private de- tective Free particulars. 951 HamiltonRoad, London. CLEVELAND is Booming! High -paying jobs plentifuL Send 51.00 for classified opportunities in varied industry cen- tre. Martin, Box 5127, Cleveland, Ohio. CARICATURE all Movie Stars have comic likenesses self, friends, 8x10". uar- Black beautiful white paper; $3 Ry Olihan, 3237 North Market, Wichita, Kansas. MAKE up to $75 weekly, mailing cir- culars for advertisers. H. E. Harvey, Box 43, Pottstown, Pa. RING - VALVE JOB - $8 IT'S TRUE I 1 I MOTALOY DOES IT I 1 I In amazing and proven process that gives you a ring and valve job through tin plating process while you drive. Effective for life of car PHONE: MOTALOY SALES CO. West St., Goderich, Ont. (240) PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company Patent Attorneys,' Established 189b. 600 University Ave. Toronto. Patents all countries. AN OFFER to every Inventor. List of inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Pat- ent Attorneys, 273 Bank St. Ottawa. PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest cata- logue included. The Medico Agency. Box 124, Terminal "A". Toronto. Ont. STAMPS FREE! Mint set of stamps with appro. ChhaarlesdMoore,p postage and C Div , Navy 103, eau FPO, New York, N.Y. WANTED WE need an unattached, aggressive woman as resident Kennel help in gunny Southland. Send photo, write: Dr. Schaffer's Animal Hospital, St. Simons Island, Georgia. NEW GOOSE AND DUCK FEATHERS. we pay 51.40 per pound for goose, 65¢ per pound for duck. We also buy Ship co collect. We $1.10 per posed FEATHER goose and COMPANY duck. BaldER wiin Street. Toronto. CONFIDENTIAL MAIL one dollar for information where to buy electric razors $3.50 each. Perfume advertised $18.50 for 51.00 each. Quarter carat genuine diamond $38.00 and special infor- mation of confidential nature for men only. Post office box 229, Dow. ney, Calif. EAT Wti'`'G WITH F,, LSE TEETH It you have trouble with plates that slip, rock and cause sore gums -try Brlmms Plast( -Liner. One application makes plates fit snuotti without powder or paste, because Demme Vaal -Liner hardens per- manently to your plate. It relines and rents loose plates in a way no powder or paste can do. Even on old rubber plates you get good results six months to a year or longer. YOU CAN EAT ANYTHINGI Simply lay soft strip of Plast(-T,iner on troublceomo upper or lower. Bite and It: molds perfectly. Easy to use, tasteless, odorless. harmless to you and your plates. Removable as directed. Plate cleaner included. Money back if not completely satisfied. Available ct all nCort WILDROOT LTD FORTDig ERIE ONTntrrs. STOPPED IN A JIFFY or money hock Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid D.D.D. Prescription positively relieves raw red itch -caused by eczema, rashes, scalp irritation, chafing -other itch troubles, Greaseless, stainless, 39¢ trial bottle must satisfy or money back, Don't suffer. Ask your druggist for 0. 0. 0. PRESCRIPTION ILL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES CIGARETTE TOBACCO 4 ISSUE '1 195E