Zurich Herald, 1956-02-23, Page 1Established 1900
St. Joseph & Blue Water Area
Away •back iin the year 1882 Mrs.
aioseph Bedard of this parish known
before marriage as Seraphine Masse
'When eighteen years ,of age' was mar-
ried to Joseph Bedard, two years her
genior, also a native born in this par -
Westlake F u rniture Store
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v , 1... s Home o+
j 5trlrvive to greet their aged mother The 81st Annual Meeting of . the
`� • Hay Townahi Farmers' Mutual Fire
.♦ on this occasion. We are pleased to p
• COME IN' AND COMPARE OUR PRICES i gave this short ' account of those Insurance Company was held in the
e • i many long years past, it will perhaps Town Ha11,, 7,urich, on. iVIonday, Feb,
• ` y •• '13th.. _ .1 r raved ,was in attend-
,* • � bring 'back memories to the "few ee- •• 4 age: c
• • �;nainm+g ones of yrester y=eats; rt�vrll•-anceto hear the presentation of the
.� ate` •,' • 1955 Annual, Statement. The meet-
" •4 • I bring beck recollections of past m-'
ZjDRICH„ .— Phone &9 • cedents that took .place neatly fou..=, ing was adciiessed 'bv the retiring
i scare. yearn ago. , ...President, Mr. Wm. H. Haugh, and
* ! . • Mrs. Bedard has been a••r'esident ot`'by' `the •Fire Hazard Inspector, :rir.
the area all her ifs and lives rn re- Arthur Geiser. The retiring Direct -
r ors Slessie ▪ Elmer Webster, Otto
ish. They were married in the bea-
utiful month of June, when already
wild flowers were pouring out to
scent along the shrubby roadway to
add to iits joy. The ceremony was
today in a fast moving auto over
well paved roads, Contrary to all that
Transportation in those days were
behind horse drawn vehicle. Either
of the high type carriage or two
wheel &arrebt, whicli would seat the.
bridal company.
The old Sauwble Lime road known
today as No. 21 was new at that
time; the travelled road was crooked
to avoid stamps and bog holes. Oth-
ers in the 'wedding company would PJ+eased to report that Mrs. Roy
travel by foot behind .in precession, Lamont who has been a patient at
The distance to church was not far Sit. ;Joseph's Hospital, London:, was
as the pariah was yet in its infancy. able to return to her home. We wish
. After the marriage ceremony had her .continuedn recovery.
been performed the .bridal company I 1Viidgets Outscore Hensall
and the wedding party travelled to
the hone of the groom's parents,
the local arena the Zurich. Mid
was a short distance away. gets, whipped Hensall 6-2 rase Satnr-
Mrs Bedard recalls that few gifts day` and along -with their earlier 5-2
were given as it was not in order at
that time, but goad wishes ' were ex-
tended to the young couple. Dinner
was then served a la mode of the day
The afternoon was then spent m
gaiety, chatting story telling and put -
win gave the homesters an 11-r4r edge
in the WOAA Midget irloan+e and
home play-off. aeries. The'locals now
melt Londersboro-Blyth winner. Pat
O'Brien wi�th•a pair led the winners,
ting -away well brewed shots which while Don Gaacho, Joe Overholt, P.
were manufactured on the ;back lots; Over iolt and Geo; Supblat had sing -
in the late afternoon the Bedards and 1es
their company moved to the bride's Liberal Meeting
parents' home where a well prepared The annual Huron Liberal meeting
supper was served. There Mrs: Be- is being held in the Community Cen-
dard again recalls. with :clarity, how tree Zurich this Friday evening. A
merriment took place after the sup -banquet is being tendered and will
per table was cleared, 'dancing was the followed by a public meeting at
the go of the evening in the old log 8&0 p.m. at which time the Hon.
house, somewhat different in them Paul Martin, .Minister of Health and
days; it was more than "walk rue Welfare will be guest speaker. Mr.
performed by a parish priest station- around the trill. Jolrnie," trot rather Martin is a very .capable speaker and
ed in the parish at the time. an 'old time shake down. Some- it will be well wi5rth 'you while to
Their wedding day was not as of th:ng that the bridal company rem: hear him. Don't forget the tnne, at
emrbered for all time to come. 8.30 p.m. in the Zurich Community
Please sir, or Madam, if we are not 'Centre.
too ancient as we seek, we believe HAD CARNIVAL
it is yet the best way, those old The .St. Valentine's Carnivval held
tuners took enjoyment out of it, and in! the Skating Arena last Friday
besides, the day was spent with rd- evening was a decided success and
latives and friends. Mrs. Bedard has w1l attended, the ice was good and
many times conversed:freely of her 'keen.. The event was .postiponea rrom
wedding day and the gaiety of it all. a 'week earlier when mild weather
After their marriage the young set in and could not be heli. All
couple settled in this parilsh, and the various classes were well filled
where they became prosperous farm- and keen competition was a result,
ers Mr. Bedard died in the year of The-commilttee as well as ,the public
1943: From this union seventeen`..ate` verya_�i*ell pleased. 'with .tr e event
children were ibor.n. Eleven of them
f••o•••••••••e*••••e•:•r•••• R<76'P•a�,o-.ws.nea*as4o�lt�l�♦
• Arrange Funeral Service
3 To Or From
.Out -Of -Town -Points _
na- Wherever funeral service' is required, to ,er from any place' in Can- •Sister Eugenie, of Breseta Hall, Lor.-
'ada, the United States or other 'points o`f the globe, Hoffman's, as don; Melvin, Detroit. There are 81
ay snembers of local and aationa'1 funeral director's associations, can • grandchildren, 144 great grandelrildr-
• en .and four creat -great-grandchildren
.♦ 'handle ail .the arrangements. You -are always assured the quiet effi- •
• on, August, and Mrs Lawrence • ( Be-