HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1956-02-16, Page 4FOR SALE •Now ready, a hid quarter beef, ,old. -Jacob Gingerich 2te FOR SALE SPRAYED APPLES - For sale; y, Talman Sweet and Greening. .S1,00: a bushel and up -Fred CcCly- mant, 1. mile south of Varna. 2t"' • FOR SALE • Wing,iliam Clipper cook stove in good .conclition, new lining in .firebox ..-4Lonis Farwell, RR. 3, Zurich. 2t* 'FOR SALE 3 Choice Dualam Cows for quack Sale, due in March and April. Apply to Jacob •Gingeritch lt* LOST On Sunday, Feb. 12, a small all - brown dog, resembles a small fox, nns--ers to "Nipper", last seen on farm of AP Haioh near Dashwood. 'Reward. .T, N. Cowan. Har.P. 0. rho Ile Dashwood 27 r 18. Clearing Auction Sale Of 'Mob eualitv T-Tolsteins, Tractor and Igachinerv, feed and Misc. items, On the nremi:es. Lot 1.0. Con. 1. Hay "Townshiin.. 2 1-2 miles south of Hen - or 2 1-9 miles north of F.xeter. or, No, Hia+iway. The undersign.,d Aucti-neer is instructed to sell by public A nc.tion on WF.D. FEBRUARY 22nd., At 1.80 ran. sharp the following: Liveitor,k - Pure bred Holstein cow.. fresh two months: grade Hol- stein 'ow, duo a\larch 16th; graife Holstein cow, fresh 6 weplcs; grade I1t-ph a.w. milking. due August. '7; *rade H'olstein cow. due April 10th; Pure bred Holsten cow. milking; grade T-folstein r.ow. milking, due May 2-3rti: mire bred Holstein row., due ill'arch. 11th; pure bred Holstein cow, fresh one more! grade Hol- stein r''S.V, -cine March 4th; grade Rol - stein CONV, clue sale date; grade Hol- stein row. fresh one week: '5 Holstein 1.,..ifers. rine in Mar^h: Yearling., Hol- stein. This; is an ontstnnditur Herd of Cattle. rich in 'blood lines, are -r-ar,*ipated. and blond 'tested. Tractor and Machinery - 1:954 Ferguson Tractlr .completelir eonlo- ued, in .....nananteed new condition. Tutor -el -Ho -la? 11(11W," tek..-off binder. lTfl . wf1irro-her can VaiN, in new 4.1yrylition: Corkshntt. - f 1•1...nv - f n'w gurc...e ana-hioo new: coal ter wood bean l^r-e tan.k. 9i -row beet ty) r•-1 .-,A• • rAlfrIr (1:11-0 • Pri fen C F-41 •,..‘,4-•••• h ,•‘ ose: -rrirlso •04111TIS, - £tn1 701=0'd bev in fn., rl •c1 -,A•1•-•- • cm qntitv of bean straw and turnins. No Reserve - will he sold. TERM S -CA SR A. Haverl-arnin: Proprietor, Garnet T-Tickg% .Clerk. Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. Farm Forum Parr Line Farm -Pommel met at the home of Mr and Mrs David Bairey with 01 menaJlp-s present.The t opic for discussion "Government or ProduPer Marketing?". covernment farm mark4ing boards r.,ther than producerhoa.rds. An sw Pr On- tario's point. producers bards sho- u ld nrove more satisfacto---. The Government hancllp OM' wheat and hlltter anrarra e rprnai nin trry- 1111 etS the nTroducer could set no its own marketing. ;hoards. A Govt. floor price such as we hay., on hr,peig necemitv. halt in .orrlev to rpreninte marketing Win Weni 1 ri iwvp f ry production. We think we cnil' ree-n- late the volume of nrorinetion hv ed- ucation, c. Tt is very hard ti stabil- ize farm pric.s eveent. to wit a floor price on Products or a eon loss price The Forum then played a few game of nrovressive euchrp. Thr winners being% ladies. iMrs. Gordon Yl and :M1/1 grlflon. Pants EldonJarrett and G.1,,,nn Weido. Lunch wt,s then served by the hostess There will he no meeting next week as it is reviev- niciht, The next meet - on F..b. 27. v,ill be heli at the home of Mr on. Charles Rohin- son. On Fah. 94, the Parr Line 7or- um is holding. 1 Aninmunity nigbt in. the school, S S. No, 3, Fay. rxery- one in the conamnnity is welcome. The ladies please brinn: sandwiches, n n Evangelical WSWS- The regular WSWS meetinx was held Tues. evo. in the E.U.B. church with the Youth Fellowshiil as guests. The Young People Provided the pro- gram with Ruth Schade takingthe ohair. The meeting opened with a itrymn followed by prayer by Joyce Haugh. The scripture was read by jack Gaiser. .A. trombone claret was given by r on a Eagleson and Jack Geiser, The chapter in the study 'bOok "Wh't it Means to be Hungry' was pr-serted in dialogue form by Ruth Schade. Fay Ford., Joyce Baugh Jack Schade, Donna Eagleson and Ronrid Snell. A reading was given by Carol Schade. Ronald Snail sang a solo. Mrs. Letta Taylor presided for the business. World Day of Pra- yer is to• be 'held Feb. 17 with the churches of Grand Bend joining in at 2.30, Fifty dollars was voted to the General Church. Fund. Plans were anacle for a Congregational I -upper on IMarch 16. Lunch -was served and the ?meeting dosed with the Mullah Ben- ediction. Personals - Messrs. Gerald lgartene and Rob- ert Hamatber are on a trip to Florida Mr and Mrs C. Bruer and daugh-, ter of London spent the week -end 'with Mr and Mrs Ed. ,Stire. 11/fr Gordon Wr.aern;of Waierl ' the NVI1-IP10 wtth Wir and 7,41,.: Fred Woilseric awl :qt. nd M.. Victor Tyler, • • • • 4 4 4 4 AIRIBIA HERALD TENDERS WANTED Tenders for Cement ,...The Township of Hay is calling for. tenders to supply 600 Sags of Cement laid clown in the Hay Township Shed.on OM 9-10, Lot 21, Hay Township. Tenders to state price per bag, Approximate date Of delivery. - Preferably in month of April or May. Tenders to be in by Manch 3rd, 1956. H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Hay Township. New Low Prices New Design! Top Quality! Top Performance Mrs. Martin Lamb of Exeter spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Herb Wein. Mr.. Laub spent Sun- day With them and mrs Laub return- ed home wilt Wan, Mr and Mrs Elmer Rade; Philys and Douglas spent the week -end at Waterloo with Mr and Mrs. Garnet Weibeag and family. Had Silver Weddi6g- The amiiversary of the Happy Gang .gathered at the home of Mr. and IVIrs Garnet )Wiliert last Thurs- day evening in honor of their 12th wedding anniversary. The evening • + was spent in playang euchre. Win- nrxers were. Elmore Deters, and Mrs 4. A. V. Tieanan, ,consolation Alvin Wal - per and Mrs Elmore Datars. Miss + Helen Nadter read the •address and 1 1 • 1 1 0 0 + !Mrs Elmer Rader 'presented Mr and • iMrs Wfllert with ,Silverware, Lunch g and anniversary cake closed the ev- ti; -:- DELCO - HEAT -:- CONDITIONAIRS CONVERSIONBUR-NERS -Product of General Motors - We are Happy to pass On to you Special Price's. For a Limited • Time only. Conversion Oil Burners - INSTALLED rN YOUR FURNACE OR BOILER Complete with 200 Gal. Tank, Burner, Electrical Installations, Combustion Chamber, Heat Baffle, FREE 1 YEAR SERVICE GUARANTEE - Standard !Models Delux Models $269.00 $299.00 4' ALL WORK FULLY GUARANTEED- + 111 + ORDER NOW AND SAVE! 24 HOUR SERVICE - • LIFETIME SATISFACTION ;I: .11 Gerald GINGERICH'S ,ening. • 1051Ell'illanmmilinnonsmiricu:;:ornmszminti EtlanagmainiamterommarliticousagramomiTtMEGEESEMEMSTISEMISZEVEll Here's Proof Positive - Thursday, February 16th, 10 HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION t ANNUAL MEETING At COMMUNITY CENTRE,- ZURICH FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 24, 1956 SPECIAL SPEAKER - HON, PAUL MARTIN Minister of National Health and Welfare An outstanding speaker, Mr. Martin has played major roles In the United Nations and in the establishing of a plan of health insurance for Canada. The meting will be preceeded by a Dinner, commencing at 6:30 p,m. Tickets to the dinner are available from municipal chairmen. The public is -urged to attend, and a particular invitation is extended to ladies and young -voters. ' HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION HAROLD SHORE, Secretary - Goderich, Ont. • • 4 1111111.11111111/111V SALES AND SERVICE Heating - Lighting - Plumbing Electrical Repairing - Motor Rewhiding Zurich - Phone 34 - Ontario assessmassz......-rsznesm CONTACT Geo. T. Mickle & Sons Ltd. I for THE NEW MALTING BARLEY CONTRACT We offer 1. Improvement in price. The new contract insures the farmer a higher average price than formerly. 2. Choice Seed. Supplied to you in quantfty ample enough to seed your acreage. 3, Fertilizer. We will supply fertilizes of your required analysis at competitive prices. We will give credit on fertilizer if desired. If inter- ested, call, phone or write us. We will then contact you. GEO. T. MICKLE & SONS, LTD. Hensall, Ontario GIENZISMICIMMINVIARI • Phone 103 oisix0s• • • 8 • a a 2 111 111 111-1 V.! 1 ays to ve ur Seed Cle-ned in Our Mill • HERE ,ARE THE FACTS: The 1955 Seed Drill ,Survey in Huron, ;which was reported at the recent meeting of Huron County Soil 'and Crop Improvement Association, shows that plant -cleaned seed was much superior to farm - cleaned :samples. Here are ,the figures from that revealing report: • Grade No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 Rejected .. FARM -CLEANED 58% 14% 14% 14% . PLANT - CLEANED 75% 10% 10% 5% ' DON'T GAMBLE WITH POOR SEED. -HAVE IT CLEANED PROPERLY • BE READY FOR SPRING- DO IT . NOW! EXETER .Q1 WHALEN CORNERS ilig2=1721o1MTAMITgareraitIEV4EZIMEEMIMISEXcit'' Seed Oats RODNEY GARRY CARTIER BEAVER CLINTON LARAIN ABEGWEIT AJAX $1.60 ALASKA SHEFFARD No. 1 Certified $1.75 Seed Barley ,MONTCALM GALORE BRANT REDMAN SPRING WHEAT REG. $1.65 NOT AV A ILABLE $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 $1.60 Reg. $2.25 $2.25 NOT -AVAILABLE Com. $1.45 $2.70 $1.40 $1.40 $1.40 $1.40 $1.40 $1.40 • $1.40 Com. $1.90 $1.90 $2.95 • $2.00 CANN'S MILL LTD. , • ••• •• ' • •••• • • , • .40:11111•1.1,1••••••<.,....,AA./...AmI;;Ax<AAv-rm-AA.••••••• • • • • �i ...4•0'- '6 4%) • 44450SatlialtitTh:f "Xr .• • ................ $A. 10 ways betteLfor your job...for your bud,' et ! PRICED WITH THE LOWESTI HERE'S WHY DODGE IS •. 12 -volt electrical system! Higher reserve of current. • More forward vision! Biggest wrap-around windshield. • More powerful engines! 120-h.p. Six; 175-h.p. V-8 on models of 19,000 lbs. G.V.W. • More payload capacity! Express bodies up to 9 feet long, 4 feet wide. • Greater handling ease! Shortest turning diameters. ... imintmoimig- mio . _ ___, irecis,..i•-•immi A TRUCK TO FIT EVERY HAULING NEED b Raitivi Va _Ingimik „ii.,...,,,,,,,,,, Thos. , Coats - Proprietor Len Mc/light - Sales Rept, Telephone 31 YOUR BEST TRUCK BUY! • More modern stylingl Means extra business prestige. Low loading heights! Body floors less than 2 feet from the ground on .4.' -ton models. PowerFlite automatic trans- mission! Available on all X2 -ton models. Many models! From ,lAi.ton to .60,000 lbs. G.C.W.! Lower price tags, too! Come in for a dollar -saving deal! Manufactured in Canada by Chryoler Corporation of Canada, Limited 1-4-4.47,4r Watch Climax -Shower of Stars weekly on TV. Check your newspaper for date and the, HENSALL • MOTOR SALES 4. HENSALL. ONTARIO