HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-12-22, Page 4MAIM AI r'7 ; OItj`i'A*.yo 4 4+4.44.4$4444+4 • 4 4r t• + • • • f 4 4 •• • i • •• Christmas Gifts O AT REDUCED PRICES General Electric Vacuum Cleaners . General Electric Floor Polishers General Electrical Food Mixers ... . General Electric Steam Irons , . . . General Electric Featherweight Irons General Electric Kettles . , ..,.... General Electric Frypans General Electric Automatic Toasters West. Roaster Ovens Reg 49.95 West, Elec. Blankets Reg 49.00 .Sunbeam Elec. Frypans Reg, 38.90 •Dormeyer Deep Fryers Reg. 29.95 Refrig. Aut. Defrost Switches Reg. +13,50 . Reg, 99.95 " 54,50 . Reg. 24.95 .. Reg. 19.95 .. Reg. 12.75 . Reg. 13.50 Reg. 21.95 ..Reg. 27.50 now now now now now now now now now now now now now $89.50 47.25 $21.95 $17.50 $10.95 $11.50 $19.95 $23.95 $45.00 $45.00 $31.90 $2,6.95 $12,50 Drop In And See Our Selection of Table Lamps And Floor Lamps HESS -ELECTRIC * ZURICH Rollie's Sports ag Cycle DEAR FRIENDS - JUST A FEW THINGS TO SUGGEST FOR THE CHRISTMAS GIFT SEASON --- LOADS OF QUALITY AND VALUE ADMIRAL and MOTORLA Telivisions, also Mantel Radios of many makes Sleighs, Tabbogans in all sizes, Skies, Ice Skates by Bauer for wee Tots, Youths, Boys, Men's, Ladies; Hockey Outfits, Shoul- der Pads; Shin Pads; Hockey Sticks all prices; Glouco. Tricycles all sizes; Bicycles for Boys and Girls by Ralughs. Wagons, Toys, Games, Cowboy outfits and Gun and Holster sets, large and small sizes; and for the Boss, or call him The Old Man. Remington telux Electric. Shavers; Sunbeam do; Philishave and S -Chi; Elec. Shavers; Shot Guns, all makes; Rifles, several calibres; Ammunition for most any gun; and many other Items and Things. FOR BEST PRICES COME TO SHOP AT ROLLIE'S AT GRAND, BEND Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Extend best wishes for .a Merry Christmas and a. Happy and Prosperous New Year to everyone No service on Christmas or New Year's Day. So that the technicians may enjoy these two holidays with their families, no service will be a- vailable on Sunday, December 25,'55 which is Christmas Day and Sunday, January 1 st,'56,..New Year's Day. For artificial breeding service of for more in- formation call collect to our office: Clinton 515. Between 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. on week days. 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays and Hoiida:.., ANNUAL HURON COUNTY MEMBER'S MEETING December 28th. at 1:30 p.m. in the board room at the Agricultural Office in Clinton. At this meet- ing your nomination for a director to represent Huron County on the board of directors of the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association will be de- cided on. information in regards to 1955 operations will be given. Dr. Fish of the O. V. C. will speak on Vibrio Fetus in cattle. Vibrio Fetus is a disease, now recognized as being on the increase in the Province, which sometimes causes early abortions and breed- ing troubles. ZURICH. HERALD Auto Insurance 1 CRASH VICTIMS AWARDED $96,781, HIS ONLY ASSET IS $20,000 IN INSURANCE ---Headline, Toronto Star The unfortunate driver who must pay is not a rich mean, He estimated he'll be 114 years old when free of debt. All because he didn't carry enough car insuyanee at the time of the accident. How about you, Have you enough insurance for a judgment like this? Enough, you know, costs little more; $100,000 for death or injury to one person $200,000 for death or injury to two or more $100,000 for damage to property. Get the full story from; Bertram Klopp R:R. 3, Zurich, Phone 93-1 Zurich Co -Operators Insurance Association. Automobile Insurance for Careful Dri vers Notice CARS, CREAM and MILK CANS ARE NOT. TO BE LEFT ON THE ROADS OF HAY TOWNSIHIP IN j SUCH A POSITION THAT THEY HINDER 'TELE PLOWING OF SNOW TI -JE TOWNSHIP WILL NOT +3E HELD RESIPONS!IBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUSTAINED. BY ORDER: JAMES MASSE, Hay Township Road ,Superintendent. Santa appeared with an exchange of gifts: Rev and Mrs Higenel•1 were each presented with sweaters, The group in charge served a delicious lunch. Had Christmas Party - Mrs Ernest Koehler was 'hostess fo. :e ,G.N.O. CI4:) Christmas party last week. All enjoyed a Christmas t dinner followed by 'bridge. High lady 4, was Mrs. R. Hoperoft and low Mrs. Stuart Wolfe. Followed by an ex-: change of gifts. - • • • • • +a • 4 4 • • •• • Y• • + 4. + a 4 4 4, -DASHW 001._1 CARD OF THANKS l would like to express my sincere thanks to, the neighbours friends and 1001atives for visits, treats and cards during Mr. Kraft's lengthy illness and for the floral tributes, sympathy cards and all who helped in any way during my :bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. fligenell, the church choir Ladies' Aid, pair, bearers and T. Marry Hoffman. --atm Louis Kraft Dashwood IW.I. along with Elm - vale W.T. were guests of Zurich W.I. at their Christmas party Tuesday evening Dec. ,113th. Hold Annual Meeting -- The Ladies' Aid of Zion Lutheran rfhurch .++'d their annual meeting on IPS'edner'lay to,. 14. The trea,urt:; • • • • • • • • !Mrs. E. Ktein,-ttiver reported receipts for the year as $1717.64 and a bal- ance, on hand of $516.0.2. The miss- ionary League receipts were $60.93. It was decided that a letter be given to the -church. Board recommending the holding of a Decoration 'Service next summer. Election cof officers results: President, Mrs. M. Merner; Vice -Pres., Mrs. Ervin Rader; secy- Mrs, Ernest TCoeihler; Treasurer, Mrs. E. IGeinstiver; 'pianist Mrs. Edgar Itestemayer; librarians, Mrs. Elmer Rader and 1VIrs, Rudolph MxlleriCard secretary, Mrs. ITarb Wens; flower and treat seey., Mrs. Albert Miller; Reporters Luth, Witness, Mrs Lorne Genttner; 'local, .Mrs E. Rader; Aud- itors Mrs Arnold Becker and Mrs Charles Martene, Group 4 with. Mrs. Schenk in charge took over the Christmas party; carol:, were sung; St. Joseph & Blue Water Area A Joyous Christmas to You! 'arid You all! GIVE A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE ZURICH HERALD For A CHRISTMAS GIFir OR A NEW YEAR'S GIFT IN MEMORIAM Kipfer - In Loving memory of our dear Mother Leah Kipfer who passed away December 214, 1942, and our Dear Father, Menno Kip.fer who pas- sed away, August 7, 1922. Please God for giving' a silent tear, A silent wish that they were here, There are others yes, we know But they were ours and we loved therm so. God took them home, it was his will, But in +our hears they liveth still. -Sadly missed by their daughters, Mrs. Ella Desjardine and Edith Kip- fer of Exeter. . through through despairing moments trying to console themselves sy bring - rug back Znemories of yesterdays; From the Loss of a wife, husband, or other dear ones, who have just passed on to their eternal reward, Christ- mas is a feast of great," significance and should be +o!b'served with great piety. Christians throughout the ! world united in spirit with the ang- !els of old, singing praises to the Christ child iii a manger at Bethle- heimi on that first Christmas morn. It is regrettable that some should stray away from it by sinful deeds; to some it is only a passing day; to others a day of gaity, where families gather to exchange gifts, and to 'celebrate to their heart'scontent, and not once realize the real meaning of it. Late Philip Bedard Word was received here on Sunday of the passing away of Mr. Philip Bedard of Tilbury. in his 68th year. The deceased was a native of this parish, and in his early years he and his brother Lawrence left this 'com- !Christmas Day with all its splendor -111 and .Glory will in the near future be '?' with us; it will once more give those of us who are spared, a privilege to greet one and all; it will also .be a privilege to once again render thanks to God for the many .graces and fay - ours we have received during • the passing year. To you and I, all will mean much, we have been blersed abundantly and we have been for- tunate to escape accidents, P;•ials and sorrows; It will be for us to approach those with worth- of ,uonsoladon,who were more fortunate, for those who have to carry the burden of grief, trials, and sorrow, by the loss of some loved !ones, in this Yuletide sea- son when all the world seer -4; to he rejoicing in some way. Let us share with ous neighbours who are going jj{[l{n F4i Thursday, December 22nd, 19501 munity and went to Tilbury on .:r new venture and where they. opened up a shoe store in 191.8, during the flu epidemic; Lawrence contraeting the !flu and passed away, leaving the late deceased to carry on alone, After about forty years the deceased had built up a prosperous business. The !church service and interment were held in Tilbury. The deeeased leaves to mourn has loss, his wife, a son, his aged mother Mrs. L''gseph Bedartt Sr., of this parish, seven br.'oV.se s,, Joseph of Chatham, Leon and Thea... file of Hay Township;; Charles of` Courtright; Simeon and August of Windsor and Melvin of Detroit; titrett sisters, Mrs. Lawrence Jeffrey and ;Mrs Gilbert Jeffrey of Windsor and Sister !Bugenie of Chatham. We joint with the bereaved family to offer. our deepest sympathy. 7 4 Season's Greetings We Count this a Great Pleasure and Opportunity To Get Away a Few Moments Froin the Routine of Daily Affairs, and EXTEND CORDIAL REGARDS To each and Everyone, with Sincerest Good Wishes For the NEW YEAR The Management and Staff Gerald GIN: (i E R ICH 'IS Heating - , Lighting - Plumbing Electrical Repairing - Motor Rewinding Zurich Phone 34 Ontario A Merry Christmas and Prosperous" NEW YEAR. TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS SUGGESTIONS FOR LAST DAY SHOPPERS: -End Tables -Step Tables- -Cocktail Tables -Coffee Tables -Card Tables -Floor Lamps -Table Lamps -T.V. Lamps -Bridge Sets -Hassacks -Mirrors -Magazine Racks -Small Electric Appliances -Sandwich Toasters -Automatic Pop-up Toasters -General Electric Kettles -G.E. ' (featherweight ) Irons -G.E. (featherweight) 'Steam Irons -Deep Fry Cookers Electric Clocks • -Portable Food Mixers 3 Lucky Tickets .. Free Draw 3 Turkeys will be given away FREE on Xmas. eve. 2 -WEEK -END SPECIALS 7 -piece Recreation room group Reg. $185.00, Special $1.59.00 Hostess Chairs, ass't colors, beautiful coverings, Reg. $22.50, Special $17.95 BLACKSTONE'S FURNITURE PHONE 240 • GODERICH, ONTARIO man's best frien A B of M passbook showing a nice little balance makes a big bit with the youngsters at Christmas .. , saves last•tuinute shopping, too. Gift -wrapped with a Christmas Over. "MY BANK" in your neighbourhood will gladly take care of your needs. BANK OF MONTREAL 744Vair Zurich Brandt: CARL SCOrI', Manager Hensen Brands: KB/VI: ETi•# CHRISTIA.tNt, Manager Crediton Branch: RAYMOND KING, Manager (Open Tuesday and Thursday) Dashwood (Sub -Agency): Open Mon., Wed, 84 Fri, 'MY BP K/iya"^ tom'. TO 2 811110N 011/401014:0„: l414! r✓..q 1,1'70. :; taitKING WITH CANADIANS IN- Il Ye it WA.K A IN3!NCO 1917