HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-12-22, Page 1Established 1900 HEF1AL ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22 195 5 GLORIFYING CHRIST ON CHRISTMAS Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men—Luke 2:14. And %She shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus, for he shall save his people; from their sins -- Math. 1:21. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abideth on him -- St. John 3:36. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER4. :zaimmausessamatuisummumlBox 50, it R. 1 — Zurich, Ontario • areetinget St. Boniface Church Christmas Schedule Masses on Sunday, Christmas Day, December 25th. Midnight Mass Morning Masses 9 and 11. Thursday: 3:30 p.m. — 5:30 pm. Sacrament of Penance • 7:30 p.m. --- 9:30 p.m. Saturday:' 3:30 .p.m. — 5:30 p.m. 8:00- p.m. -- 10:30 p.m. To Our Friends and Neighbours May all the Joy And the Beauty Of that still, Holy Night Be with _you At Christmastime And make the -whole yeal bright Father Monaghan Notice WE, THE POLICE TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH DO HEREBY DECLARE DECEM BER 27th, 1955 AS BOXING DAY, IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH, AND JANUARY 2nd, 198E AS THE NEW YEAR HOLIDAY. BY ORDER OF THE ZURICH POLICE 'VILLAGE TRUSTEES. Lyric Theatre Phone 421 EXETER A MERRY CHRISTMAS FROlVi THE • • MANAGEMENT and STAFF • • Friday, 'Saturday Dec. 23, 24 • • • Run for Cover • James .Cagney • Jean Hersholt • • •47_,F047// '14;1 e'ese, Returns from Hospital Alt..c4eorge Hess 'who has been a •patiett'fkt :St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon don for a few weeks, has returned home •,t,nd, is much improved in health At Hospital Mee and Ms Clarence Schade and fatniIy motored to London Sunday last (;ff:vierit with their daughter Elaine who isa patient in St. Joseph's Hoe- pitaL. e'• Attended Funeral Mr ;and. Mrs Ted Rader, Mr and Mrs, Harold Rader and Mr. W. H. Brokenshire attended the funeral of Mri;•. Leonard A. Birk nee (Ida Rout- ledgeY, held in Guelph last Friday. Our .empathy goes to the 'bereft fam- ily. 1Had Christmas Program The'Cllstmas program held in the EVangOical U.B. Church on Sunday evening was well attended and a de- eided,"euecess. Rev. H. E. }topper, the Pasta acted as ,chairman. Little ehildr intermediates all did t heir parts well. The seniors who render- ed a e;antata "Dreams of Christmas" • Monday, Tuesday Dec. 26, 217 'lighted the Christmas spirit to every one. ,171iIn all a fine memory prevailed Seven Little Foys of the birth of the Christ Child. Bob Rape ' MERRY CHRISTMAS 11111y. Vitale , Wet. wish all our readers and fri- Matinee Monday Dec. 26 at 2 pan. ends 'a very 1Merry Christmas, in fact, I • we wish you the best ever. And as Wednesday, Thursday Dec. 28, 29 we will he in another year by the time we pUblish again, we wish you one aila all a very happy New Year. 1955 Was very good to most of us, Lorna Turner and eve 'hope '5.6 wil continue on with this ••,4e goedness. Na wars that we A HAPPY NEW YAR FROM THE lene,A0 of are prevailing. at present. All seems serene and peaceful, and • • • • • • • • • . • • * • ,0 • • • Sea Chase John Wayne MANAGEMENT AND STAFF. it sure. is a blessing to have it thus. , Friday, Saturday Dec. 30-31 ' - e -.NO PAPER NEXT WEEK . s we mentioned last week there Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent Violent .Men • will re no paper next week, Monday ' Glenn. Ford being'ithe Christmas Holiday and Tn.- FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 10, 'Barbara Stanvwick eeday, proclaimed as Boxing Dee, • News ' 7 . Cart°11 ..' an reeltell(tee SP ... e PO c e.C't-Y... -, -, -- - .. _,-..., -- ,tslid.Night Seririco- ' aV Mr arm • Monday, Tuesday Jan. - 2, 3 nesday. 'But we hope to be able to I serve you the first publishing day in sizeo copied 6 Cents. Subscription in Canada, $2.00 si Teat Subscription U.S.A., Year .$2.51. , NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH Prep. Bridal Bell And Blue Bird Diamond and Wedding Rings Best Value in Canada We have many Styles to show You Over 35 Wedding Rings to Choose from -lave your Diamond Ring Remounted in a lovely New Setting. A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS goaramtempoadmimmegoromi¢..... On a Nem/ Modern Loom, Mad, fot Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zarl Ont. Phone 128, EXTENDING TO ALL A Very Merry Christmasi A Very Happy New Year LORNE S. EMT; R LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEED* WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 HENSALL, ON'S lers.tagrar;aw ',81INIIININM=i11111111113111t 10110000•00110•111•1110$0,11141114H1114•61110•410110001141•410111•11100110104111411111 • 1 Mitotiattit Stilter4i NM* • Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service • 2 p• • • •••••••(-0-..•••••••• • •••t. w..,>4.4,..,.• ***** •••••••••• • 1,4 HOFFMAN'S 1 3 To Or From n.. i * Inc. illif • 4) • 4 -4 ssSO 1,---- V • 14 Arrange Funeral Service i * Out-Of-Town-Pointsr ti.' 1 (C.1-0 *VIKA 4 44 * ra Wherever funeral service k required, to or from any place in Can- ..", ada, the United States or other paints of the globe, Hoffman's, as • t-nembera of Iocal and national funeral director's associations, can 4 4,4 • 4, klandle all the arrangements, You are always assured the quiet effi- • 'v4 •eiency of Hoffman's service. 4 4 T, HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME • .4.• • Funeral and Ambulance Service 4 ii Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W •••• • • *,•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••e4 e • doges. eeeeee e SAVE At THIEL'S Superior Market Our Prices Compare with the Chain Stores. ..Give us a call and take Advantage of our many Specials from Time to Time. This Week -End Specials: Maxwell House Coffee, 4-1b. bag $1.03 Clubhouse Stuffed Olives 8 -oz Jar 39c Green Giant Niblets Corn 2, 14 -oz Tins 33c Cigarettes, all brands, Cartons of 200 $2.99 Mixed Nuts, 2-Tbs. for 89e Facelle Kleenex, 6 pkgsJor 1.00 Cookies, 2 pkgs for the price of one 39c Store Open all day Wednesday, Dec. 14th. and 'Thursday, December 15th 61110 p.m. Also every Evening Dec. 21, 22, 23, 24. Extending to One and All: SEASON'S GREETINGS Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL - Zurich Hit the Deck' Jane PoWell Tony 'Martin Matinee Monday, Jan. 2nd TELEPHONE: RES. 89W - OR 89.1, ZURICH - . I the. New Year. We have a lot of ollientemeres•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0111•00. j.bookkeeping waiting for us besides I trying and conditioning some of our at 2 p.m. j equipment. Si we extend our best Season's Greetings for now. Wednesday, Thursday Jan. 4, 5 An Old Time Winter Sign of the Pagan Jeff Chandler Jack 'Faience Added Shorts NOTICE, Through this . medium, Iwould like to express my sincere sympathy to the family of the late Dennis Denomme and to announce that I have takenover his barber ibusiness, also the dry cleaning. - I have a year and a 'half experience and T• would appreiiate your patronage and will try to serve you to the best of my ability. Sincerely, EARL OESCH Those of us who remember the Canadian winters of 40 and 50 years ago, are reminded of the past week's weather with piles of snow and the meecery.around the zero mark Only in those days there were nu plows to hoist the snow over in the fields and clear the way . for traffic. A more simpler way du those days was to open the rail fence and drive through the fields which went some times for several miles at a stretch. We hardly realize what an advanced age we are living in. Bull'hurl the snow about as you like we can do nothing about those cold artic waves with their zero temperatures, we just have to dress warmer and .fire up the furnace or stove till the cold spell subsides. Thank Youi I wish to thank all my ruany*.tri- ends for the -cards, treats, visits, and well wishes sent to me While a pat- ient at the Hospital and at home. again. I say Thank You! —George Hese. CARD OF THANKS The bereft ' family of the .late Dennis Denomme wish togreatly thank the 'neighbors, friends and relativs who so kindly gave of their assistance during our recent beieave- meet. Also the kindness of Father ;Monaghan and the mane prayers offered, the many floral tribute. --The family. HEAR YE! HEAR YE! NEW YEAR'S EVE. DANE IN THE Community Centre, Zurich Lions Club News The Zurich Lions Club enjoyed the Christmas meeting at the Dominion House, Monday*evening. . This being a rather unique meeting as they en- tertained their ladies to the fine turkey dinner served at this noted place of 'festivity, and needless to say, everything was of the very best. Ow- ing to the stormy condition of the weather five Lions were absent. Pres- idept Ivan Icalbfleisch welcomed the ladies or Lioness. as we sometimes ,call them. The lucky winner of the draw went to Lion Jack Pearson, Lion Ted Haberer, :chairman of the Wel fare committee reported of having donated $50. to each of two needy families of the community. Also a few statistics of the T.D. in other Provinces Off Canada. Ottawa reports that this year's report is the best that Canada has. ever had. Lions Leroy Thiel and Jacob Habermereported as net receipts of the fowl bingo as $39. It was a lbad stormy 'night ,and few people could attend. Oviument was given to the Boys and Girls' Com- mittee for the good work they did. Moving pictures were shown by Lions Pres. Ivan and secretary Vie Dirmin, :onsi ting of pictures the former had taken this included baseball and hoc- key teems ,.ef Zurich, parades and demonstrations, a trip to old histor- ical Quebec, and the mighty St. Law- rence river, and many ether interest- ing ,paces. Lion Ed, Gaseho cond- ucted the eharing or distribution of gifts to the ladieellre Sohn Robinson pave a hearty Vote of thanks to the Lion e for inviting their ladiee, On Friday, December .30th. Dan cing 9 pan. nit? DANCE ,OXIT' THE OLD -- 1 DANCE IN THE NEW YEAR MUSIC 13Y Diejardine's Orchestra Hats, Horns - Fun for all 'Sponsored by your Como-mu:1.y Centre 'Board Plan now to attend this Gala Cele- bration and Derma 1 zumews Grocery Store At this time of Year we can en no greater or more impressive mess- age to our Many Customers than by Extending a A MERRY CHRISTMAS and as HAPPY NEW YEAR Menno fiesch mi Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 unmwamm:=====mm'uc=a==2u...II.mmmuiin•af•umgaaasz maiwomminommoompiwammummmairrommommilimmumenorambi The Christmas Store We have a fine selection of Gifts suitable for every member of the family for Christmas Also a good stock of staple Merchandise and Warmer Clothing for the colder weather corning on Give Us a Call, and see our Fine Display .Extending to One and All: SEASON'S GREETINGS THE tilt AKE STORE .. Schwartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-17