HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-12-15, Page 5"'►'RICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association 'Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service forj ex11 heeds of cattle. For service or. information Phone - 'Clinton 242 geollect between 7.30 and 10:00 amt. ;ton week days and 7'f30 and 9:30 a, ,;a. on Sundays. G. B. CLANCY Optometrist — Optician (Successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) Tor appointments phone 33, Goderich - Ont. ST. PETER'S Ey. Lutheran Church, Zurich Rev. O. -Winter, Pastor. Mrs. J. - uerkheim, ATCM., Organist 'Worship -Services: I'0 A.M, and 7:30 P.M. Sunday School (all ages) 11;15 A.M. • AT''he Luiih'er.+ani Church in Zeric'h ex- tends a wenn welcome to visitors. BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELME.R D. `.BELL, A.C. I. EXE'TE'R PHONE 4 C. V.'LAUG ON, L.LB. Wednesday, 2 to 5 ,p.m. at Zurich Ak Town hip Cle it's Office 'ARTHUR FRASER Income Tax Re',srts Bookkeeping Service, Etc. EXETER triricE - Corner Ann" William Sts. Phone: Exeter 504 O'Brien's Produce Kash Market for Cream, Eggs rad Poultry lave Your Eggs • Graded on ,.. AUTOMATIC FGC GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 101 - Zurich Zurich Creamery Your home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry 1•- IGHEST CASH PRIC1 S ATT) PLUS A PREMIUM FOR 'rtEI.TVFRED CREAM. WE ARE `EQUIPPED TO GTVF EFFiCITNT 'ACCURATE SERVICE.- EGG AND. POULTRY DEPARTMENT IN ,CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS. rias. Minshall, Proprietor EVANGFI trAT. Trio CHURCH EMM ANUEI: ZURICH — ONTARIO Rev. T•0 F, D .nn-', 6/1;e4s•er Mrs. Mor•.... . Orpnnie• 13ITNDAY SFRvTenw-- 10,00 a.m n;..;.,o wash;n. I:1:15 a.m. — Sunday School. Welcome Rt ".H Service.* — "Cow - thou wit', us end we will do the.' LOCAL NEWS Miss 'Ethel Hese was a visitor to London for a few days last week. Mrs. Marjorie Williams was taaIcen to London :Hospital last week, but is progressing •very favourably. 'Miss Inez Yunigbl•ut spent e day in London last week. t\1s:. Ed. Beaver was taken. to Victoria Hosipital the past week hind 'is improving very nicely. Mr and Mrs iLd• Raters spent Sun- day and Mondry at London with Mr and ,Mrs Don Taylor. ',Mrs. Ferdinand. Haberer has turned from visiting for a week Parkin, Ontario. DOILN -'At .Clinton Public 'Hos- pital to. Mr and 'Mrs. Edmund •Seb- waxiteentnulber ofel-alce, a son.. Evangelical 'Church The annual, •Christie as Program of the Evangelical U. 13. Church, Zurich, Will be •rendered nextSunday even- , ing, DetTem,ber '18th at 1.20 o'clock. In add'i'tic,,n. to a variety .of children's exercises :a Christmas fientata-Pag- I eant will be given by 'the church choir and Sunday School. ;jurantly. At least 25 •yet(rrg ,people plias :a 'chorus of seingers will take part in this 'pag- earit Don't amiss it. g$'6 li^body welcome. ne- at OBITUARY Louis ,Kraft Louis Kraft' who died at his home Dashwood, ,Satueda-y' Dec. 10th was; born in that ;place and when a young. anan settled in Stephen To'wrisrtip. He fanned there until retiring and mov- ing 'beck to Dashwood 218 years ago. He was a uneniber of Zion Lutheran church. Surviving besides his wife,the former Adelne Rader, are one bro- ther, Edward, Stephen; and two sis- ters, 'Mrs. Laura Preeter, Kitchener, and Mrs 'Clarence Gale, 'Stephen. The remains rested at the Hoffmanfun- eral home until Tuesday, then at Zion C'hur•ch where services were held at p.un. by the Rev. Louis Higenell interment was made in the Bronson line Cemetery. C. W. L. Meet St. Joseph C•W..L. Hold Bazaar The regular monthly meeting of the 'C iW.iL. of St. (Peter's parish, St. Joseph, Ont., was held at :bhe home of )Mrs. Va.lerie'C'antin on Wednesday evening., Nov. 3rd. Twenty-six mem- bers were present. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs Alvan Rau. Plans were completed for the an- nual bazaar to be held Nov. 12. It was decided to hold euchre par- ties again this winter, the first party to take place at St. Josepn, • Nov. 1714- The proceeds of this party will be donated to Mercy :Shelter, Chatham. Afte"'•-tlre7 meeting adjourned a pleasant evening of cards was en- joyed by all present: A dainty lunch was served by the committee in charge. The next meeting will be .held at the home of Mrs. L. Etue. 1 Women's Institute W. I. )Entertained Guests The .Zurich Women's Institute held their lovely ;Christmas regular meet- ing arranged by Mrs. Milton McAdams Mr's. McAdaans and assistants in the town hall en Tuesday evening. ]Dash- wood and Elhnville members of their W. I.s along with Mrs. Gus Roch and Mrs. David Meyers, London, as guests (good." Num. in -29 i were present, olb,out 60 in all. ._., ... L, Rose took ZURICH'S POPULAR charge... of President , IMrs. 'the meeting, opened by A q�� /� �j singing the Institute Ode and praying Mr) A T IdA. A II(E� the Lord's Prayer in union, then • 'LAVE US SUPPLY you WiTH THE VERY CHOICE OF (MESH AAD CURED MEATS, BOLOGNAS. IAUSAGES, ETC., ALWAYS ON. 'I4AND. KEPT FRESH Iia Nit/D- OOM ELECTRIC RIM IGERATION. YUNGBLUT BROS. Phones: 561 Office Royal Bank Bldg. 455 Res. Ratenbury S.t RONALD G. McCANN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT CLINTO_N- ONTARIO t'wtil Weide trumpet, Diad fiE ').`Teel N. L. MARTIN Isaxap'hMle•; tw<3 vo.cai dt)etts, Murray Menkclarrns and lA,SYY. 2 'e Ali ins ; (Mrs. 8esch 'accomp:vited oft Iriano; read- in'g (l'ey 'Mrs. Newell Geiger entitled '`Willy the Chin1'es )ting;" Miss Ethel -able rendered.rendered.•a piano solo; Mrs. J. Drs. COXON & LEITCH Lrxcept Wednesday _ Woods +lirirville a reading "Let's New Idea Repairs REMEMBER — If it's -a New Idea, it's a Good Idea to 'Get. Your Requirements Tlaroungh. JIM'S MACHINE SHOP HENSALL — ONT. Office Phone 9W Res. 'Phone 7l1U'•W JAS. BENCOUGH Operator FOUND A cattle beast has strayed onto Lot 10, Con. 6, Hay Twpe Owner may have same 'by proving identification, ) and paying' all expenses incurred. •sUe meal is ready;' Laird Jacdbe, R.;1t, 1, Zurich, Ont. Dated at Zurich this 19th dray of LET YOUR BAKER November, 1955, - 3tc BeYour Menu Maker! REA on_ the table •FOR SALE A ;11929 Ford Coupe, fair eonrlition $50.00. Apply to •Eanl Uinge ^icb Phone 90 r 7, Zurich. at YOUR (BAKER not only supptres delicious wholesome bread for your ' table—bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of moteth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal!' Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Run: for b,;eakfast, luscious fruit-iillec treats for luncheon. .piping hot Parker House Rolls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any timd of day or night. So don't get wrink. les worrying about variety in meals-- let your baker be your menu maker. See what's on his tray today! 'Tasty -Nu Bakery FOR SALE A Ladies' Muskrat Fur Coat, reas- onably priced. Apply to Mrs. Chester L..Smith, Phone 105, Zurich. ' FOR QUICK SALE A George White Thresher, for quick sale; apply to Louis Thiel, Zeeri•ch. 2tc FOR SALE Choice dreesed turkeys forsale. Apply to Harry Hayter, Dashwood. tf Phone 47 z.• 5. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MRS. MARY REGIER Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of Mrs. Mary Regior late of the Township of Hay, in the Co- unty of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 20th day of November, 1955, are required to file particulars of same with the undersigned ;.Exec- utors by the 7th -day of January, 1956 after which date the estate will he distributed having regard only to those plaints of which notice has been received. Fred Regier, Zurich, Ontario, Edward Denoanme, Dashwood, Ont. Executors. • WANTED Rawleigh business now open in Hue on County. Trade well establishedExcellent opportunity. Full time Write at once. Rawleigh',s Dept. L 458-189,'allonit eal, P.Q. ' • PHONE 100 -- ZURICH "Andy's" Lunch FISH & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 21/2 C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK GENERAL CARPENTRY IN Building and Remodeling SPECIALIZING IN — Build - In Cupboards and Cabinets; Plastic Wall Tile for Kitchens and Baths. Lawn Furniture made to order; Picnic Tables, Chairs, etc. For Prompt and Courteous Service NEIL WALKER 5 6m Ph. 103W, Zurich, Ont. .1, PIGS FOR SALE A nun -fiber of small pigs for im- mediate sale, apply. to Lennis Ging- erich, R.R.3, Zurich. 2tc FARM FOR SALE Consisting of Lot 2,5, Con, 3, HayTownship, Half anile east of Zurich ;and 1.14miles north. 100 acres of land on which is situated a largs bank NOTICE barn 75x40' with ;cement stabling, water pressure system, also small BLUEWATER •GUN CLUB barn 40x30' consisting of hog pen Annual meeting on Friday, Dec- and hen stable, newly built silo 3x12 ember 30th, , at •8.30 pan• in the•and double garage 12!6x22. A well Dominion House, Zurich, The press- 'Wilt brick dwelling with all moderndent Mr. Fend Haberer- urgently re -conveniences, pressure system thro- f uests all interested in the Conserv- tight. Land ;consists of choice clay ation of our (Wild Life to attend loam, 4 acres mixed bush, 45 acres this meeting. To hear financial re- fall plowed, remainder in craw. All pow,; end election of officers. Don't buildings in first class condition.Fann well tiled and fenced, Inspection in - forget l vited, Propr'itt01' giving up fanning due to )failing health. For further par - denies please .contact Henry Clausius, Proprietor, R.R. 1, Zurich, or Alvin Walpee, auctioneer, Dashwood, Ont. • welcomed the guests. Minutes of the making the evening a successful one. last .meeting were read by :Mrs. Doug. By this time Santa Claus has made Robinson, Mrs. Newell Geiger gave his appearance with his lovely reda splendid Measurer's report. All suit and bell,, and splendid personal - were adopted a^ read. The roll call ity presenting a gift to every one,w was ansered 'by. the local me;mbers present with Mud? Sutprize. il@ -WeS donating a gift for the 'Children*' asked t0 pickrz ticket fiend 1IIe )box Aid Society. ,Singing O'Ctnada op- a draw for the quilt aiiade by local ened the program. Mrs. Rose render- W. I. Winner) 'wag Gordon Hess, of ed a Christmas solo, Mrs. M. Oesch Zurich, the ticket was sold 'by 'Mrs• accoanpanted on the piano; Mrs. An, Had Thiel of Zurich. Lunen was derson, Dashwood, recited two ,, 0rnl. eer•vr tl with a good spirit and a ocsial hers, The Village Gee' ,,- hind -A Coed tlin'6 spent. The guest ladies thanked ereeee eervitet. Duett by 'i"1.15s' ,tine local W. I. and extended season kney Maid_ " greetings. OPTOMETRIST Main Street — Exeter Open Eve Week Day y VETERINARY SURGEONS Mice with Residence, .Main a crest, Opposite Drug Store ivne- -96 ZURICH Moble Sewage y Dep j Modern Equiprnene �~^ Pools, Septics, v for Pumping Cess Phone 205 ' .Catch Basins: etc. ORAND BEND, ONT. keep Cheistmas.' by Peter Marshall; Miss Marlene 'Masse sang "The • B iibt e Tells Me So." accoin'panied by her Daddy and his guitar who sang 'Sober and ,Sorry'; Master Richard Thielv ith his two red lighted candles recited a Christmas number title 'Like Candles' his mother read a poems Peace by the: Way; Mrs. John Westbrook rendered a vocal solo, accompanied by Ilh's. Sturdy, both of Godetich; violin solo by Mr. Ed..Stelek, Dashwood, accom- panied by his wife on the piano; a group of ladies were callec:for a West' chorus, all did their best. Mrs. Gus ern Farmers' Mutual Roche, London, former president .of the Zurich W.I. was asked to ' say a ,4eathcr insurance Nfew words. She mentioned of the �j ><I 0. grand fellowship together and fond OF 1TVfZDSTOCKmemories of years gone by.Mrs. 0. 1 'Meyers, London, expressed her great - LARGEST RESERVE BAL- fulness of beingpresent and wished MON OF ANY CANADIAN 'MUS'- all a (Merry Christmas and a Happy *L-OOMPANY DONG imams New Year; !Mrs. Jiobnns af. EIunvife District President, spoke a few words OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO on her work; Mrs. T. 'Meyers thanked RATES ON APPleICATION the ladies for the giflts to the •Child - E. F. KLOPP - ZURICH run's Aid Society and explained the A G N ,t need for such children and the re- sponsibility which lacks with some %LSO DiEALER IN LIGHTN1N(" parents, All numbers were well re - .CDS AND ALL l NDS Of FIR! ndered end enjoyed. !Mrs, I? (1;1, erg'ain lt'dSMANCE ;hanl:c:! e'iery. one for: c,. ring and 11 WANTED Wall pay 3c a Ib. for old Horses for Mink Feed.—Phone collect, Goderich 1936 r 21, or 936 r 32. —Gilbert 1'Bros., Goderich. tfnc WANTED { Will pay 4c. a lb. for old homes. Phone tolled 58 r 24, t}ay�il�i•d• Roy Seoteharrer. p12'5s; 1, See Us for STEEL ROOFING — ALUMINUM ROOFING -- FENCING - BARB WIRE FENCE POSTS, • ETC., ETC. Fresh Feeds Always On Hand 0 TRY OUR CHICK STARTER! • I-ilShipped o s Shi Tuesday aid Thursday _ r ;attic on Saturday I • Hensall District.004p. w Phone IHlensalll 11Zurich 220 • 4 • • • • • ineinneas • • • A • • z • • 1 1 Thursday, December 15th, 1955" 4 1 4 • 4 4 s 4 a • 3, • e • 3, • • • • O • 4, 4 s • 6 0 0 4 4 6 4 4 Your Urdvare Store Free Free FROM NOW UNTIL CHRISTMAS We are giving away Free a Eureka Vacuum Cleaner with the purchase of an Electric Range or Refrigerator. Wishing You all the SEASON'S GREETINGS And Thanking each of you for your Patronage Lorne . Rader - • and - Ted Mittleholtz • • • • • • 4 • • • • • • O • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • O .4 4. • U 4 4 • • 4 4 a We are deeply grateful for the loyalty of Old Griends and proud, too, that many New Sriends have been added to our list. It's a pleasure to express to you Sincere Appreciation and extend cordial Greetings With Warm Good Wishes for the NEW YEAR INUEBTB ELECTRIC Phone 84 Zurich • a i 4 k 1 4 4 4 • t • 4 4 b 1 AOC • • m • • • • 1' • • • • 2r • •• • • •• • • • Only 9 More Days For CHRISTMAS SHOPPING .Here are a few Suggestions: FOR MEN -- Genuine Horsehide Romeos, the best in its class. Aliso other various house Shoes that you will wear for Comfort. ALSO various and beautiful Shades for Women and Children, including the Davie Crocket for Juniors. Let Us Show You Our Luggage. Oesch Shoe Store Phone, Res. 130. Store 82 • PAINT WITH T ' • SCARF PAINT • JELLIED • • • .ALKYD 1 1 • • It Doesen't Drip • • • • •It Doesen't Run • Never Needs Stirring • = To be used on Wood, Old and New Plaster and ICement. In a choice of many beautiful Colors • • • Comes in Flat, Semi Gloss and Primer Sealer • 1 You can do your painting job in half the time with • THIX. It needs no thinning or stirring. Try THIX • 1 ili for your next paint job. THIX goes farther --- easier. Available at • OUR AIM—To Serve and Satisfy. Datars A �► rien Phone 213 Main St, Hardware Store • • 1 2 3 1 1 • 1 2 4 4 • .i a 4 4 44, 11. 4 i J 41 -4 4 .r 4 4 .i J .41 4 .f 1 41 a 4 41 4 •d 4 4 4 4 4 41 a 4 . a 4 4 4