HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-12-15, Page 1'4 411011 •vr. HERALD tabl,iahed .1900 ZURLCH, OfffAR O, THURSDAY .MORNING;DECEMBER 15 19+55 THE, IDEAL GIFT!' We know of no finer Yuletide Gift, one that will remind the receiver every week, than a Year's Subscription of the Home Paper to a friend at a distance or at home. A few cents a week will do it now! Canada, anywhere $2.00 ZURICH HERALD U.S.A. $2:50 Phone 80. Zurich Lions Club ANNUAL Fowl Bingo 'At COMMUNITY CENTRE,.. ZURICH On Thursday, December 15th. 1955- At 830 p.m. There will be an Abundance of: CHICKENS GEESE �. COME` ONE: DUCKS TURKEYS COME ALL! WIN YtIR'AS, FOWL EARLY! e Work ee•••••••••,•••••••r•••••••.* ••••••••:'••••••••••••••• • • HOFFMAN'S s ,+►, Arrange Funeral Service 4 To Or From Out -Of -Town -Pointe • • • • • • • • • • *a Wherever femora •service es required, to oa• from any place in Can- enda, the United States or other parietal oll the globe, Hoffman's, as it ' 'vnembere of local and national funeral director's associations, can • "mss handle all the arrangements. Yea .are always assured the quiet ell- cioncy of H.Rman'e service. • • T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL. HOME • • 1 Funeral and Ambulance Service • • r 24 -Hear Seri ie DASHWCOD Telephone 70-W o •+••••••••••••* '+NU!•+•+••••••••••••4••4•.oa•e•.es•sa• SAVE At THIEL'S Superior Market +� GROCERY SPECIALS .L •o r Thursday, F$M py, Saturday ;Rost 'av,,rett Mixed .Pickles 16 -oz. Jar .,.•. 29c `L,ib is Deep Brown Po&'and Beans, 20-oz....21 c Nestles'Quick 8. -oz fn. 29 -ca 16 -oz tin 55c 'McKertni a So 1-1b 32c FacetIlle Kle.enex 6 f •$1.00 Stow: Open .ail day Wednesday, Dec. 14th. and TInitolky, December 15th till 10 pan. Also every Evening Dec. 21, 22, 23, 24. Extending to One and Alit f SEASON'S GREETINGS P*i.ne 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich Notice WE, THE POLICE TRUSTEES OF THE VLLLAGE OF ZURICH DO HEREBY DECLAREDECEM- BER 27th, 1955 AS BOXING 'DAY,.SANTA TO APPEAR Santa: Clause. will be presented at IN THE VILLAGE OF ZURICH, the Zurich ICemmunity Centre this Saturday' afternoon when all the kid • AND JANUARY 2nd, 1955 AS THE dies present �r'11 be treated to some jreal• Yuletide entertainment. Don't forget it will start at 2 p.m. and the date , is Saturday Dec. 17th. • -Did Practice Teaching iili:;ees !Marlen Wagner and iMar- ilyn Iialberer who are attending Tea- che'.�s', College at London practised teaching in Mrs. (Mewno Oeseh's school, Bronson line the past week. Also Mr. IWilliami Yungblut practised NEW YEAR• HOLIDAY. BY ORDER OF THE ZURICH POLICE VILLAGE TRUSTEES. Lyri c Theatre inthe.:uameprofessionNew BarberPhone 421 - EXE7_ER Mr. Earl Oesch of Blake and who has been barbering a that, place for around a year and a half, has pur- Friday, Saturday ( Siege of the Red River VAN JOHNSON Joanne DRU JOANNE DRU Cartoon Comedy Dec. 16, 17 ;chased the equipment and good will of the late Dennis Denomime in the Mrs. F. Bender block. Iannnediate possession will be given. Mr. Oesch will continue with the dry ,cleaning trade Mr. Denomme had enjoyed. Getting Closer With only a week and a half a- way:from 'Christmas, we would urge Dec. 11'9, 20' all buyers to move quickly as these few days will soon slip by, the local. business seen are offering many nice things for the occasion, and the plac- es of business are very attractive with many lights and lovely oecorati- ons..; ,Make this Christmas a real happy one and shop to your ^best ,advantage. Nativity Scene Wednesday, Thursday Dec. 21, 22 S%.. Peter's Lutheran .church is dis- playing a fine Yuletide appearance, Monday, Tuesday We're No Angels HUIMPHREY .BOOGART JOAN BENNETT (Adult Entertainment) Cartoon Comedy Dam Bustrs RICHARD TODD (MICHAEL REDGRAVD (gartoon Comedy • on kale south side of the main ent- i-arc ce is a plyboard carving rof the Bethlehem scene of long ago. Mary and Joseph, the babe Jesus, the shep- ardr.s, wise men, and a real orentiaI set, 'i.p. If you have not visited this place try and do so. It wascarved out land painted by members of tie W A N,T E 1) ,sat 4,4y ;4c>iooi :and is`:a credit to -APhPLICA.'PIONS for :Caretaker cif any church t 'present at this season d'5 f "the Z utic-h Arena for Season 19av'- othe year. '56. .Must be in the hands ,of the( THE NOMINATION Secretary by. December 10th, 19.a. Monday afternoon was Nemrnation —Milfred Schilbe, Secy, Zurich. 2te'In the Hay Township Hall to fill the one vacancy of the Hay Township council and a nice turnout of rate- payers 'were present. Only two nam- es werenominated, namely Carl Through this medium, I would Decker„..a young farmer just east of like to express . my sincere sympathy Zisvichi acid Oscar K1opp of Town a NOTICE to the family of the late Dennis Denomaie and to announce that I have taken. over his barber (business, also the dry cleaning. - I have a vier and a half experience and I would appreiiate your patronage and will. try to serve you to the best of my ability. Sincerely, EARL O'E'SCH Santa Clause former meaniber of --Hay Council. At the close of the nomination Mr. Klopp signed' his qualification papers and Mr. Decker withdrew his name not to cause am election. A"nuinber of the 19515 tconn.ciI including Reeve V. .L. Becker and Deputy Reeve L. H. •Itad'er made short addresses and the meeting was closed with the Nation - ;al Anthem. Clerk H. W. ,Brokenshire acted as chairman. IN THE Community Centro, Zurich On Saturday, December 17th. To which all Children of School Age and younger are invited, where the usual Santa will appear and thy, treats for the young folks will be distributed. Don't mass it! Yes, and many grown-ups will there to enjoy the funs.. Come One! Come All! Sponsored by Zurich Lions 'Club' be Huron Temperance Notes AN EXCELLENT RECORD 'For nine months from January 1 to September 30, (1955) there were only 17 eases of liquor violation, end the (majority of them applied to out- of-town people." This was the record in one of our beautiful Central Ontario -towns. where there are no legal liquor out- lets. I "We feel," editorial from which we quote continues, 'rand ,feel strong- ly, that the easier alcoholic beverages are to obtain, the more will be con- sumed. We offer no apologies for what may be considered in some quartet: as an old-fashioned attitude by a gra,phobeaded enough to reniemibeded editor, He is r the day, of a liquor store and bar -rooms i' {iv tt hotel(. Sines (Dopier 6 Coats. Subscription in Csned,a, ;2.08 s Yese' 8ubecaiption U.S.A.. Year 12.55. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH • rem, RAGS, RUGS and CARPET On New Modern Loom, Made is Order -- Seth 0. Amann, Zurl+d. Out. Phone 128. Bridal Bell And Blue Bird Diamond and Wedding Rings Best Value in Canada We have many Styles to show You Over 35 Wedding Rings to Choose from • -lave your Diamond Ring Remounted in a lovely New Setting. • Tlx Scout's Corner A three Chapter Serial of a weekend •camping trip in the Pinery by the 1st Zurh IBloy ,Scout Troop' on Olctolber 21, 22, 23, 1955.Chtr L Oct. 21, 1955. We .packed some of our cagear and food into the ibiac'k of our Scoutmaster's truck, and the rest of it went in the .back. of one of Thiel's Transport trucks, in which all the Seouts got in to go to our camp spot in 'the Pinery. We left Zurch at 5p.m. We larived at our camp at 5.30 p. an.., and unloaded the trucks, •and set all the equipment in one pile on the ground. The Troop 'was then divided into three groups; one group went to get fire wood; one group put up the tents (5 in all). Pat O'Brien and I made .the fire ..place and put the food in the food supply tent. When everything was finished we Went on a short hike, along the river bank north, dovµrn to the Sarnia Boy Scout's Can'e. We stayed there for a whil, while our scoutmaster talk -ed withtheir Scoutmaster. Then we walked back down the Boiler Road to the highway, and •then. walked on the hihway the rest of the way black to vamp. It was about a three and a hallf mile hike in all.After the hike Patrol Leaders, Dan easrho, Keu Weido and myself and Scout Pat OBrien made coffee and we also had li.mberger cheese aid bis- cuits to go wifth dt for the troop. ,Ater we were finished eating, we aid the Lord's Prayer, haad a Couet f .honour Meting. Then all ,Scouts went to bed or were etpposed to. A. -beat 15 minutes later our Scoutmast- er blew Taps on the bugle. (CContinued net week) --13 1''rat 1ead r A. SIA ■ HESS THE JEWELLER INVITI_S YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOBNE 8. Eir * LOCKER SERVICE - ROE FEEDS: WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL name 10 --- HXNIA L, 01011 i **tlake I**t,*$ iso* Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheticheir for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS TELEPHONEt RES. SSW . OR 10.I, ZURICH 'M+ slMSNN.IMSSMMM AOMPRIONONOMMIONONOMMINI StoreZURIC'H'S 1 Store Grocery Ws are ever at your servics with bolt linos . , obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season al wed ma Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candied' - Nut. - and Confectioner' in supply GIVE US A CA,L 1 Merano Oesch "or Zurich PRODUCE WANT MEIER IMO The Christmas Store We have a► fine selection, of Gifts suitable for every member of the family for Christmas Also a good stock of staple Merchandise and Warmer Clothing 'for the colder weather coming on ./ Give Us is Gall, and see our Fine Display Extending to One and All; t ,°SEASON'S GREETINGS THE RLAKE STORE ,L Se kivort*lntr'ubora Phone 11