HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-12-08, Page 1,Lr rq,pmewf naaim....mmaese•••••••••..........."..4a....aucypos•••••.% L's tablished 19ac IC ERAL r- ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 8 1955 THE IDEAL GIFT! We know of no finer Yuletide Gift, one that will remind the receiver every week, than a Year's Subscription of the Home Paper to a friend at a distance or at home. A few cents a week will do it nowl Canada, anywhere $2.00 U.S.A. $2:50 ZURICH HERALD Phone 80. ••••••••••••16, nk ou! I wish to Thank all those who. gaye me their Support on Monday's Election for Reeve of Hay Township. In return I will do my very best Lo transact my duties faithfully to one and all. Again Thank Your; Valenti e -ee:esemameammmemermameesemesm George I-lardman Skilled Techniciam eck 4. 4. 4. 4, 4. :1" 4: 3: 4. +4. 4. 4. 4+4-4. . • - - a c AfTe ATTHE MILT A. OESCH SHOE STORE MONDAY, DECEMBER 12th. . Zurich, Ontario - Phone 82 or 130 CLINIC HOURS - 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. ••••••••M ..1.011•14•11 • During the past years, those who have attended our Clinics for the relief and correction of foot ills, have found the answer to foot problems with MIRACLE FOOT AID. Many with arthritic and•rheumatAic pains associated with a foot condition,--- have found, noticeable and prolonged relief. If your feet hurt, if you have a circulation problem, if cramps. or muscular contractions trouble you, see Mr. Hamm an on Monday, Dec. 12th for a complete 'explanation on how Miracle Foot Aid may be the solution -you..seek. You have your health and well-being to gain, if you -come. ,IMIIMMMINI1•10111111.011•1111•1MINI.011 'Clinics at - Zurich, St. Catharines, Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Brantford. SAVE At E S 1penor Market SPECIALS - 'Thurs., Friday, Saturday Stock up no at these BIG SAVINGS One Free Loaf of Bread with every purchase on Thursday Eve., Dec. 8 only See Our List of $1.00 Bargains Nobob Coffee 1-1b. bag jams and Jellies 2, 9 -oz jars at . Stokley Peas 15 -oz, 2 for .. Stokley Tomato Juice 2.for corn 15 -oz, 2 for', Hood cake mix Choc. 1 'White both for $1.11 47c 53r 25c 27c , 45c Fresh roasted peanuts 3' -lbs. for $1• Sugar 100 -lbs. bag only . .. .... . . ... . . . ............ Potatoes 75 -lb bag only $1.49 Gold. Medal Tea witli snoon, reg. 75c for ........65c It Will Pay You to see our Meat Specials e very week -end. Visit our China Department, we have assorted Cake Plates Novelty Salt and Peppers, Large etS-- sortrnent of Planters, Tea Pots,. Water and Juice Sett,. Etc. Phone 140 -C. H. THIEL Zurich 4.• 4. + 4. 4; Lync Theatre Phone 421 - EXETER Friday, Saturday Dec, 9,' 10 Prince Valiant James Mason. Janet Leigh News Shorts IVIonday, T.uesday Dec. 12, 13 You're Never too Young Dean Martin Jerry Lewis 'CARTOON ,COIV1EDY Wednesday, Thursday Dec. 14, 13 Pirates Of Tripoli Patricia .Medina eaul taenreid ()AK uON C OcilED CARDS OF THANKS [wish to extend to lox. Monaghan Dr. St Pierre and Friends many thanks in appreciation for the. kiud- Lie.."S exl,nueu to me miring my stay at St. Josepets .c.rospitar, . 'through prayers, flowers, treacs, _Visits and as. -.ed alittlenoitz, . HENSALL ARENA Skating Every Saturday Afternoon and Nite Skating - Adult Sunday Nite All Rural Schools Can Skate Thursday Afternoon 3.30 to 5 p.m: - 10c. • The, many .friends of Mr. Ted. Mittleholtz will be pleased to learn that "he has returned froan the St. Josepb's 'Hospital, London, and is progressing nicely in health -which we hope will continue. RAISES $1,400 AT BAZAAR Over $11,400 was raised when the members of St. Boniface R. C. Church Ziirich held their annual Christmas Bazaar. A gay array of gift items and novelties were featured at the varloils, booths in the afternoon and tea was served to the shoppers. 'Many people' from Zurich and surrounding distr.* attended the eveningevents highlighted by a bingo. 'ConV•eners of the afternoon featur- e,s were Fancy work, Mrs. Willard Conti-0du; home baking, Mrs. Geo. FarweR; tea room, Mrs Edwin Reg- ier tail pond, Mrs. Alph. Dietrich and Mrs. Dennis Bedard; religious artic- les, :Mrs. Richard Ayotte; toyland, Mrs. Roman 13.deidinger; candy, Mrs. Lawrence Brisson; kitchen, Mrs. Ted Mittleholtz; white elephant, Mrs. Wm Dietileh; 'Christmas cakes, Mrs. Don- ald Hartman. OBITUARY Dennis Denomme Passes The • sad and sudden death took place an Zurich on Monday, December 5th, 1955 of Dennis E. Denceire, 46, welleknown local barber for some yeaat. He was stricken with a heart Seizurit Awhile doing some chores a- bout the house. His early life was :. sRerreAn the homestead 14th Conces- .„tenMey7Township:,, corning to Zurich . ,.. . t some,',1_ yearago, .he soon became a'''popn l'r • deliver or .driver• of trucks pf. . the-e4rich- Bakery before .geeing ,,, • , into- the barbering bisinees and Was. a,Ro-- -O,lader of , RR.,....:3--la1-,,Reute•.: ..Surviving• 'besides his wife, the for- mer Olivia Masse, of Zurich, are his parents, Mr anti Mrs Frank Denomme of Hay Twp., ' and., two -thiughters, Martha and Cecilia; seven brothers, .Augustus, 1.. „, ; Adrian, Zurich. Andrew and Harry, Windsor; Alfred, Loftus and Matthew, Hay; and three sisters, Mrs. W. Ducharme, Jr., Mrs. George ,Grenier and Ms. Louis Ayotte all of Hay. Twp. The body rested at the Westlake Funeral Home until 3 p.m. • Tuesday, then at the family residence until Wednesday -morning, when Requiem Higli Mass was sung at 10 a.m. in St. Boniface Church,Ly Rev. Fr.11V1, •D. 'Monaghan. Interment ollowed in the adjoining parish cem- tery. The funeral was largely at - ended. The family have the sincere ympathf-- of their many friends. ANNUAL MEETING lay Township .Federation of Agric- ulture Hold Annual Banquet and Annual Meeting ' In the' spacious Community Centre Auditorium about three .hundred sat own to a surnptous turkey dinner anquet on Tuesday evening, same •eing catered by the Evangelical 0. . Ladies. 'All looked so comfortable nd the setting was super. Soou fter seven the grace was sung and he many hungry ones were served nd dined to their hea-rt's eontent. Ir. Carl Oestreieher, president, act - d aa 'chairman, who introduced the ong leader Delbert Geiger, and Mrs Lilt Oesch was Pianist. The chairman hen introduced the ohes sitting at le head table, and Mr, Wm. Hyde f Hensall, the district fiddler, 94 ears of age, who played a few mint- ers with Wan..,Stephenson of Hensall t the piano. The chairman then gave ome interesting highlights . on the istory of the Hay Federation watch ere very interesting, Gordon Gregg, he County Field Secretary took up le reorganization. of the society with ie following results: First the secv- 'reasurer, Cliff Pepper gave his re- orts which were good; Preeide nt, loyd Hendrick; Ross Lo.'', First ice pres; Herbert Klopp, 2nd viee; liff. Pepper, secy-Treas; Directors re: Harold Willett, Treodote Geoff- ey; Harold Rader, ' Clifford Weido, eorge Greriter, Wilfred Mousseau art caal,pbell, Jack Faber and Leon - rd Erb. everal speakers ?,ave hot -address- s including Thos. Pryde. M.LA. . Cardiff M.P., Wilfred Shortreed, 2 , , 24 aunty President, Jerry .Montgoreery, gric. Rep., for Huron; Ford Love of 89 the 'County •Hog Producer's Assn.: 8. ..... . . .. 99 110 The guest speaker vvas Fergus Lennui 4 ...... .. 103 67 of the Mitchell area, a farmer who 5 ...... , .. , 66 35 gave a very interesting talk with a 6 ...... . . 155 • 35 . lot of helpful hints. The mlf e 0 00 • 7 ---------7 20 tette of the Evang, church gave sev- 59 22 eral numbers. And after "0 Co.nada" the 11,0or was cleared and a dance 575 84 followed with b8i erweie y the Siorril, I‘Lajerity Poi: Docker - 101,. , i Orchestra, , .A,P1 for Caretaker of the Zuiiich Arena for Sea:SOri: 1955 - e '56. •IVIust'be in the hands .of the 4 4 4 4 4 J Secretary by *December 10th, 1955. , Schilbe, Secy, Zurich. 2to Mr and Mrs Jack Henry and fam- ily of S.outharappn were week -end guests at the home of their friends, Mr and Mrs Keith Westlake. Last Tax Day Council meeting were held early in the week. Usually the final meeting of the year is on December 15th. This is also the last day for paying tares without the penalty of 10%. Surely no one would try to evade paying your municipal taxes. Let's all ibrace up and have a clear sheet and pay our taxes BANK OF MONTREA?- Reveals New Gains Revealing new high records in deposits, loans and investments, the Bank of Montreal shows a growth of a quarter -of -a -billion dollars in • re- sources in its 138th annual statement covering the 12 months to Oct. 31 last just issued. Thus, total 'assets at $2,796,1740•64 were the highest in the bank's history. Maintaining its traditionally strong liquid position, the B. of 13I reports quick assets of $1,730 million which is -equal to 65 per cent. of all its public liabilities. Contributing heavily to this posi- tion is the large investment •portfolio, valued at $1,214 million which -not- withstanding the enlarged demand y for credit -shows an increase of $44 b 'million over the total for investm- a ents a Year ago. MONDAY'S ELECTION 9511 voters turned out on Monday w to elect reeve of Hay Township for 11 1956, with the result that Mr. Val- -LI entine Becker, Deputy Reeve for ti 11)55 defe-ated Councillor for 1955 Delbert Geiger by a ,margin of 191 majority. It was. a fairly well repre- sented vote ;for just the one position. And considerable interest was shown. A year ;`,0 On slips around and an- other nomination will be facing those in office. Now Monday next will bo another nomination for one council- lor, and should more than one qualify then a week later these will he an election for that position, f e t s 1- d lb 13 a e IV ti 0 Monday's results: p L G 13 a A Becker Geiger Poll No, 1 42 56 T Sines copies Cents. Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a Taatt Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.51, NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINEIENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH - RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made ffit Order - Seth 0. Ama-ma, Zurla, Ont. Phone 128. Bridal Bell And Blue Bird Diamond and Wedding Rings Best Value in Canada We have many Styles to show You •••••••....m.amamsa==. Over 35 Wedding Rings to Choose from -lave your Diamond Ring Remounted in a lovely New Setting. A7 G HESS THE JEWELLER sesteessoleesoc000 a amnitMaffigilltedil9ZIT i4"121V. PHONE YOUR INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOAF NE S. EILER LOCKER SERVICE ROE FEED WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 - HENSALL, ONS: Geseeesectsese essoseesommesse•st to -litho ipura #414* a • Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service - .,•ee .• • Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS • Day and Night Service ▪ TELEPHONE: RES. 89W 1111,011111611104411 WACO I& ea OR 89J, ZURICH OS* .11,0 800111006111111110 41141.01191144114/011 t • Grocery Store We are ever at your service with the beat lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well its Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies Nuta - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL I Menno Oesch Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. ?hon.- 16.5 111111====.eeeeee. Just Arrived MEN'S AND 130YS' SHOES Just Arrived. -- New Shipment, at Very Prices Low Also some Lines at $pecial Prices to Clear Men's Sumner $hirt8, Underwear, Etc. Good Supply of Frosh Groceries always on Handi FA Tit tfr, LAKE STORE Schwerteentruber, Prop. Phone 1147 4