HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-12-01, Page 6c'Dear Anne Hirst; I love my
my boy friend dearly, but he
has two bad habits that to me
are alarming, and I'm wonder-
ing if there is any way I can
break him of them. They are
drinking and fast driving. He
is 22 (I'm 17) and he's recent-
ly discharged from the Army;
I don't think he has settled
down much yet.
"Ile seems quite serious over
me, and wants to marry me
in the near future. I'm al] mix-
ed up! Do you think he will
straighten out and. be .a good
husband instead of a drunkard
or a hot -rod racer? Shall I wait
to marry Until I see what hap-
"I need advice to help me do
the right thing. Please give me
* For more years than you
* know, various national or-
* ganizations and institutions
* have stressed „the nationwide
* need for safer driving. Their
* influence is far-reaching; it is
* not considered smart to hot-
* rod it over the roads, and
* youngsters who persist in this
* only show how adolescent
* they are. Stiff jail sentences
* are being imposed, as they
* should be; offenders are
* scorned and their licenses re-
* yoked, which to a young pian
* is the ultimate disgrace.
• Drinking while driving in-
* creases the chance of tragedy
* It gives the youth a false
* sense of power and an in-
* satiable determination to pass
* the car ahead; normal reac-
* tions are upset, judgment is
* impaired and he becomes a
* menace to every other driver.
* There is no escape from the
t° consequences; he is tested for
* drunkeness and the punish-
* rnent is severe and sure.
• Knowing these facts, how
* can a young man deliberately
* invite such consequences, par-
* titularly when his passenger
* is the girl he hopes to marry?
* Such irresponsibility is un-
* forgivable. I do not wonder
* she worries. Apart from the
* danger both are exposed to,
* what of other cars he may
* smash? The young man may
* be all 'of 22, but he is acting
* like a 16 -year-old — surely
* not the mature, protective
* male she would choose to
* spend her life with.
* 1 am sure you've tried to curb
* your fiance. You will have to
• be severe. Refuse to go out
* with him if he has had one
* drink, refuse to drive with
a him unless he lets you set the
" speed. If he laughs at your
* fears, all he needs is to scan
Two -parts perfect! The more
you wear this two-piecer — the
more you love it! Accent is on
the nipped -in waist — see how
that curving in -and -out midriff
minimizes the inches around?
Contrast collar, bow add crisp
Pattern 4898: Misses' Sizes 10,
12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 takes
31 /al yards 45 -inch fabric; 1/4 yard
35 -inch contrast.
This pattern easy to use, sim-
ple to sew, is tested fox fit, Has
complete illustrated instructions
(350) in coins (stamps cannot be
accepted) for this pattern. Print
Send order to Box 1, 123
Eighteenth St,, New Toronto,
', the daily headlines with their
* news of the maimed and the
* dead who are victims of such
* drivers as he. Be firm. for
* his sake as well as your own.
* I am amazed your parents
* have not forbidden,your seeing
* him at all; they may not know
* of his speeding but they can
* hardly be ignorant of his
* drinking.
* If more girls would demand
* that their boy friends be sober
* and careful — or else — the
* country's roads could be as
* safe as the front porch, Use
* your 'nfluence wisely and
* prayerfully, even though it
* means giving up this lad until
* he proves he can control his
* dangerous habits. No smart
* girl will tie herself to a young
* man who is a slave to such de-
* sires.
11 the young man you love has
any alarming habit, use your in.
fluence to help him break it
BEFORE y o u marry. Anne
Hirst's sympathy and wisdom
will help guide you. Write her
at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St.,
New Toronto, Ontario.
Geie.tectoline P Clcete e
Jack Frost is definitely a kid -
joy. Here was everybody enjoy-
ing the riot of colour in late -
blooming gardens and aloafg
comes Jack Frost and spoils it
all. One day Lots of colour; the
next a sorry looking mess of
black leaves and stems. But I
suppose everyone was on r,ie
alert for frost and rescued what-
ever it was desired should be
saved. We did anyway — so
now the garden has moved in-
My "redding up" operations
have been temorarily suspended
by other jobs, and also by visit-
ing and being visited. Monday
night and Tuesday I was in To-
ronto: Wednesday and Thurs-
day in Guelph; Friday • and
Saturday back in harness, mak-
ing up for lost time with our
guests. Yes, I actually went away
while they were here. Awful,
wasn't it? But you see our visit-
ors come and go as they please.
If we have previous committ-
ments before they come they
just move in and make them-
selves at hone. That method
simplifies everything for every-
body — and so far as I can see
it is the logical method for
busy people. Partner has his
own way of entertaining. He
generally has a few jobs lined
up at which the gentleman of
the party can assist. You see,
we have not yet acquired a tele-
vision set so we can't while
away the time that way. Who
wants to "while away the tine"
With two men on the job I
now have a nice new clothes-
line ready for next washday. I
wonder — why is it so hard for
a woman to get a clothesline
fixed? When Art and Des moved
into their new house it was sev-
eral weeks before Art had "time"
to put up a new line. It was just
the same here. I bought new
galvanized wire months ago but
as long as the old rusty wire
didn't collapse Partner couldn't
see that a new line was neces-
sary. Men must be allergic to
clotheslines. Thank goodness my
worries in that respect are over
for awhile — or they should be
with a new wire and two new
Our twin heifer calves are
coming along fine. Partner has
decided not to sell them for veal.
but raise them for breeding pur-
poses. That, of course, brings up
a controversial question ... are
twin heifers sterile? For years
old-timers advised us not to
keep twin heifers they would
never get in calf , .. so they told
us. We believed it until we
found it to be false. Some time
ago we kept twin heifers and
they each had a family. In one
case twins were also born to
one of the twin heifers. So that's
one theory exploded. Now we
would like to know if there is
any proven theory as to what
causes feather -pulling in pullets.
Last year, 'as I may have men-
tioned before, we bought ready -
to -lay pullets. Some of them had
last a lot of feathers before we
got them but we thought lee*
surroundings might prove
distraction and break them of
their bad habit. Not a bit of It
—they kept it up until they
started killing each other, sal
then we sold the whole pen.
'Phis year we bought pullet*
from •the same farmer -- same
age and same breed. They have
never lost a feather. The farmer
who raised 'them thinks that
last year the feather- ,ullisne
SHORT CUT TO POPULARITY—Nancy Wichlei ignores her pet
French poodle to gaze at her other pet—a Ilama. She gave the
llama a poodle haircut, making the llama her favorite.
.i.•.b... .
'•.�•,;1;.;;;•a ell:: mo -i'>.
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,•Z.,ii� 111; v�\\11jy-,;It e"li• 11.d;iit4111
s se ..ie f.k,moi o•• 'V0e".CI
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£4WU.€ UYItne '
Easy to crochet this lovely
cover for any size TV set — in
your favorite pineapple design!
- Crochet pattern 891: Direc-
tions for TV cover, 25 inches in
No. 30 cotton; smaller in No. 50;
larger in mercerized bedspread
cotton. Four make a 50 -inch
in coins (stamps cannot be ac-
cepted) for this pattern to Box
1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Tor-
onto. Print plainly PATTERN
NUMBER, your NAME and AD-
LOOK for smart gift ideas in
our Laura Wheeler Needlecraft
Catalog. Crochet, knitting, em-
broidery, lovely things to wear.
Dolls, iron -ons, quilts, aprons,
novelties — easy, fun to make!
Send 25 cents for your copy of
this book. NOW! You will want
to order every new design in it.
habit developed through the
chicks being raised under infra-
red bulbs. This year's chickens
were brought along with an
ordinary coal -brooder stove and
gave no trouble at all. What is
your theory?
Honey, our cocker spaniel is
now unexpectedly proving the
truth of another theory. You
may remember that Honey is
now a city dog. Honey and Dave
are almost inseparable. One will
hardly move without the other,
in spite of the fact that Honey
gets some awful mauling from
Dave. We have always under-
stood that cocker spaniels were
good guard dogs for children but
we had an idea that Honey was
too friendly with everyone to be
much of a protector.Well, the
other day Daughter ,had to go
to a funeral and asked Mrs.
1f lifa'a not worth living
it relay b* your lived
It's a foot! It taken up to two pinta of liver
bile ,1 dozy to keep your digestive tract is toy
Antral If your lives' bile ie not flowing freely
you food may not digagt ... goo bloats u
yoeelllthetfunalaand cps you goeout of life. That''ss
when _you rued mild gentle Cotor's Lit u'
Liver PilIe. `Ghee footing vegetable piths her 6
stimulate the flee' of liver bite, Hoagout
+dl nation pterin functioning property And �ya
feel happpy cloy* are here again! Dona
eq* ably sunk, Avon keep Carter'* Little
t:A1<er Pills on band.
ISSUE A!3 •--• 1954
- -in the apartment up-
stairs to look after Dave. In due
time Dave wakened from his
afternoon nap and Mrs.
ran clown to pick him up.. But
Honey snapped, growled and
showed her teeth and refused to
let Mrs. • come anywhere
near Dave. Eventually, with
Dave's help, Mrs. got
Honey into a more friendly mood
and all' was well. She wouldn't
have acted that way if Dee had
been there. But since Dee was
out out Honey evidently thought
it was her duty to take over.
My niece in Deep River has a
cocker. spaniel who acts the
same way as Honey. He sits out-
side by the baby carriage while
the baby is asleep and woe be-
tide anyone who comes near that
So, mothers with young child-
ren, if you want a guard dog for
your infant better try a cocker'
spaniel. But don't overfeed him
or he'll soon be as broad as he's
long. When Dave's cookies go
overboard it is Honey who gets
them. She is always on hand
watching hopefully. As a result
she is like a little round, honey -
colour, furry barrel.
"Aren't you ashamed o1 your-
self?" asked the temperance
reformer. "Day in and day out
you are in a state of alcoholic
"Already you show the symp-
toms of a man on the verge . of
delirium tremens. And I under-
stand that some poor girl has
been foolish enough to accept
your proposal of marriage. I
shudder for her, and for you."
"Never mind, old chap," re-
plied the hopeless case, with a
grin. "The girl I'm going to
marry is a snake charmer."
Fewer Carloads of Grain Moved
Only 364,160 railway cars were
loaded with grain last year as
compared with 522,763 cars in
H. w Can ✓
Q. floev can 1 wash a feather
A. Dissolve 1 lb. sal -soda and
1/2 !b. soap in / gallon boiling
water. Put about 5 buckets of
tepid water in a tub and pour in
the above solution. Then dissolve
1/2 lb. of "hloride of lime in 1 qt
boiling water, let it settle, then
stir in tub, Beat pillow well and
put in tub, pressing down. Let
soak for an hour, stirring and
pressing constantly with a stick.
Rinse in several changes of water,
wring, press out all water pos-
sible td hang on line to dry,
turning and shaking them often.
Choose a windy day for quick
Q. How can 1 avoid having lop-
sided house plants?
A. All potted house plants
should be turned once a week, so
that all sides will face the sum,
If this is not done, many of the
plants will become lopsided.
Q. How can 1 whiten the teeth?
A. Apply peroxide of hydro-
gen, diluted with one half water.
Or clean with prepared chalk
and orris root every morning anti
Q. How can I test potatoes?
A. Before buying the winter's
supply of potatoes, test one tf
see its quality, Cut into halvee
and then press tonteher, ane' if
juicy enough to stink together the
potato is good and can be bought
in quantity.
Q. How can I clean aluminum?
A. By applying a mixture lox
ammonia, borax, and water with
a soft cloth. Then wash it in
warm, soapy water, allow it to
dry, and polish with whiting.
Q. How can 1 soften a paled
brush that has become hard ase
A. Heat some vinegar to the
boiling pbint and soak the brush
in it for about 25 minutes. Thera
boil i gently in a strong soapsuds
for a few minutes, The bristles
will be as soft as when new.
Q. How can 1 shape') knives?.
A. Sharpen a dull knife by
folding a piece of emery paper
in the center and drawing the
knife blade rapidly back and
forth several times.
1ULL -
PUBLIC MARKET—AI/ buyers may see your
stock and bid against each other for its posses-
sion when it is offered on the public market. On
as normal busy day, more than 100 different buyers
operate on the. Ontario Stock Yards market at
Toronto. When your stock is sold through the mar-
ket, competition influences the price you receive;
competitive bidding assures you of maximum
well -trainee buyers tact for them; their first
aim is to purchase as cheaply as ,possible. You
need a fully -qualified salesman to represent your
interests, to make sure you receiver full market
valuta for your live stock.
REMEMBER—The Public Liv Stock Market is
the only place where salesmen arse
always available as your representatives;.
This advertisement published in the Interests of the
by two of Canada's loading live stock commission agents ---
Ontario Stock Yards, Toronto
A great soul
Men who think of tomorrow practice moderation today