HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-12-01, Page 11 'Established .1900 70 Y•, ver ERAL -ri ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY 111010NU G, DECEMBER 1 i 95 5 _ .. ws. .-_ter-....-..r-.�.-..+�..irxAr�-...-.-.•M-..-+.n. •b C�. 9 .9 .l. 9 9 9 .4 9 9 t. To the Electors Vote To Elect OF HAY TOWNSHIP �' �t-ecker� � Having allowed my name t � ti • gdaleD REEVE FOR HAY TOWNSHIP FOR 1956 Having served the Township forfive years as Councillor and two years as Deputy -Reeve I am now in the field for the Reeveship. I have endeavored to serve all parts of the muni- cipality without fear or favor and have worked -unceasingly in the interests of the -whole Township. 1 regret that I will not be able to see you all person- ally so now respectfully solicit your vote and in- fluence on my behalf. Vote ec%Ger 4. 3. 4. 4. 4. }� ?apemmiwrmrr.�utmrorYa.s r.mya r White Ele hant action Sale Of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items HELD IN THE COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH ON Saturday Afternoon, December 3rd. AT TWO O'CLOCK, P.M. 4. ELECTRIC' :STOVES •'1 STUDIO COUCri 3 . QC1 SEO H7EA`'IErt' '° 2 COUCHES 1, INCUBATOR,. 1 WASH STAND INCHAIR • ' 2IRON BEDS • 2 WOODEN BEDS 1 ORGAN 2, 3 -BURNER COLEMAN STOVES 1 JACKET WATER HEATER 1 CHINA CABINET LAWN CHAIRS LAWN MOWERS 1 RADIO and RECORD PLAYER 1 WOOD HEATER 1 EECTRIC WASHING MACHINE. 1 VACUM` CLEANER 1 Axtninister RUG 10'x12' 1 ANNEX STOVE LAMP SHADES 1 TRI -LAMP ELECTRIC FIXTURES LAWN FENCE TOASTERS ELECTRIC IRONS POTATOES APPLES AND NUMEROUS OTHER ARTICLES - Terms — Cash We will still pick up any Donations-- • The Arena Board - Lions Club - Chamber o of Commerce. - Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. a - SAVE, At TfiIEL'S BuperiorMarket SAVE at Superior Food Markets. Mass purchasing by our central Superior • Warehouse makes our LOW PRICES possible. Be sure you check the Sup- erior Food Markets Advertisement every Thursday in the London Free Press for best foods of the•week Come in and See--- - WHAT $1.00 BUYS BIG SUPERIOR $1.00 SALE THURSDAY -- FRIDAY — SATURDAY STOCK UP ON GROCERIES N O W STORE ..OPEN EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING Children's We still have some Dry Goods to Clear:.• Hose, Ladies' Hose, Ladies' and Children's Under- wear,Fingering and Wheeling Yarns; Sweaters, Just a few more Wool Blankets... For Bargains, See Us C. H. THIEL - Zurich Phone 140 M for Reeve on Monday, ec: 5th, I would appreciate your. support. And if elected I will serve to the best of my ability for both ratepayer and Hazy Township. Delbert Geiger eE i 4. 4. At St. Peter's Parish Hall ST. JOSEPH,.. ONT. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2nd. Dancing 10-1 Admission 50 cents Good Music Provided Everyody Welcome HENSALL ARENA Skating Every Saturday Afternoon and Nite Skating - Adult Sunday Nite All Rural Schools Can Skate Thursday.. Afternoon 3.30 `. to 5 p.m. 10c Hockey - Monday December 5th. Watford vs. Zurich 8:30 p.m. yrs �.��� k • Sing10 Copies 5 Cents. Subscription in Canada, $2.00 a Tore' Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.51. The Scout's Corner The L.A. to 'Cubs and Scouts are llholding their meeting at the home liof Mrs. Earl Zimmer on Thursday, 1 beeeanber lst at 8.00 pan. All moth- ers of .Cubs and Scouts are welcome to .attend these 'meetings. Mr 'Gordon Hess made a business trip to Toronto last week. HAD BANQUET Stanley Federation of Agriculture held their annual meeting and Ban- quet in the Community Centre, Zur- ich on Thursday evening last with a usual turnout of near the 200 mark. The Evangelical Ladies doing the cat- ering when some 250 lbs. of choice turkey was served, and all were well fed and went horn with the Inner person well looked after. iVir. Anson McKinley, `the president the past year acted as chairman, Delbert Geiger was song leader and Mrs. H. G. Hess pianist. Both Members of Parlia- ment were present and gave brief addresses. Wilfred Shortreed, county president and Gordon Cregg, secy., were - present and also spoke. It was an. interesting meeting regardless if you were a farmer or not. Arthur Bolton, Asst. Agric. Rep., of the Clinton office spoke on 4-H. work, he i being intensley interested in this line N ° RMA' 5 BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NORMA STEINBACH . Prop. of 'work. At the reorganization Mr. Alex :MCBeth was named president, and Elmer Hayter as vice-pres. The ' main guest speaker was Dr. W. R. Mitchell, •O.V..C., Guelph wno was very interesting. THE NOMINATION Bridal Bell And Blue Bird Diamond and Wedding Rings Best Value in Canada We have many Styles to show You Over 35 Wedding Rings to Choose from RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS Have your Diamond Ring Remounted in a lovely New Setting. A large -crowd of ratepayers were W A N•T E 1) out in the local Town Hall on Friday APPLICATIIONIS for Caietakei r?t afternoon, it being nomination day the Zurich Arena for Season 1955;'- for Hay.'Cownship, and after that '56. -Must be in the hands of the part aeaays commpleted, Clerk H. W. A. G HESS THE JEWELLER 0 Ona New Modern Loom, Made tat,. Order — Seth 0. Amann, Ont. Phone 128, .�_ INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOQ NE S. .-i.ILE LOCKER SERVICE -- ROE FEEDS WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL • Phone 10 HENSALL, Off' Wee • 0 + Secretary tary by December 10th, 950. Brokei shire diverted it into. a publ• ic et —Milfre c i e; a Alice ' • > a d S h ib S cy Lurrclr 2 t tui nd the -various members m 'Mike the past � e , ar including i.,/ CARD OF 'THANKS new candidates nominated had ah 1 wish to thank Father 1Vionagh1 n oppprtunity nover the past year's lex s. $ and also D. "St. Pierre and all°' The result is. that the reeve for the gondleie friends and neighbours for the + flowers and many cards :and treats 1 past number of years, and who was ''''''.=,,,,,,.— + ,� .+ while I was in the Hospital and at. Houron County Warden of 1955, Mr. a home. I thank you once again. - Earl Campbell, has stepped out of *-office and two of the Council were sass �e;.,000064:0410/008e00a* �� 0a e04(0e�® t.,,;, ..1 d 4 gVo�,.14101** Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Ren FLOWERS FOR ALL ,OCCASIONS Day and Night Service TELEPHONE: RES, 89W . a OR• 89J; ZURICH **Oleo ezoN eactoseaeatrio.geeee000969 60110.090001110 —Peter Denomme. rendinated to run for: the reeveship, .1. namey, Mr. Thank You!T l ,Valentine Becker wno 4,The bereft fannily of the Iate Mrs.lwas Deputy Reeve the past year, and I Joseph, Regier wish to greatly thank i Delbert Geiger, a 1955 Councillor. r the neighbours and cfriends for the•Louis H. Rader, also a 1955 council - amany tokens of kindness and prayers 'man stepped up to Deputy Reeve, 4 offezed •dui g ] ' this left only two men nominated as + 4. 1• t 1• 9. during the passing of t 'err Beloved Mother. Again, thank you. all. --- The Family Thank You! I wish to express my gratitude to all neighbours and friends who .called sent cards and remembered me m any way since my fall and subsequent illness. very kindness was deeply appreciated. —Mrs. K. M. Breakey. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Martin wish to express their sincere gratitude to friends, neigh- bours and relatives for visits, cards, :flowers and treats, sent to mother during her illness, .and also for the !many kindnesses shown them during their recent bereavement. Banquet :1956 namely L. Greb and A. ous seam who qualified and are elected. A second nomination is being called for December 12th to fill the vac- ancy of one councillor, and should more than one qualify then there will be an election a week later. The election: for the Reeveship will be on Monday next, Dec. 5th. So far It le an around shakeup with only one new man namely Mr Mousseau on the board. And ANNUAL MEETING Of the Hay Township Federation of Agriculture, in the Coinrnlunity Centre, On Tuesday, December 6th. At 7 o'clock, p.m. Zurich HYMENEAL Walper - Willert - In a setting of mums, fern and .candlelight at Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood, vows were exchanged by Jean .Marguerite Willert and Alvin Henry Walper. The bride is the daughter of '11Ir and 'Mrs. Arthur Willert, Dashwood, and the groom is the son of Mr. Edmund Walper, Dashwood and the late 'lvtrs. Walper. The Rev. L. F. Higenell, pastor of the church performed the double -ring •eere,mony.. The bride was charming in a white waltz -length gown of chantilly lace and net over satin, fashioned with bouffant skirt accented with rows of ruffled net. She wore a matching lace jacket styled with lily -point sleeves and Peter Pan collar embr- oidered with seed pearls and sequins. Her fingertip veil of silk illusion was held by a tiara of small seed pearls, and she carried a bouquet of red roses and white pompoms with ribbon streamers. Attending her sister as bridesmaid, i\lrs. Edward Wurni, Exeter, chose a waltz -length gown of heavenly blue nylon net over taffeta with brocad- ed lace bodice. She wore a harmoniz- ing French velvet leaf headdress rind carried a bouquet of white pompoms and prink rosebuds. Edward VTurm, Exeter, attended the groom as best man. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents. For a wedding trip' to the Southern United States the bride donned a "Wiconstoee Bort" topcoat over a eoral en,hos:Ied faille dress with •peatoek accessories, Her eowal e was 4f pink and t\iuie carn- ations. O:rS their return 'Mr. and Mrs Walper viii reside in r€ hwood, Guest Speaker --- Mr. Fergus Landon Of Dublin, Ont. 'Picket, li;1.50. Get your Tkts early All in the Community are cordially invited to attend Free Dance to follow program Music by Morris Orchestra. ;nark to attend and Boost your Fed- ation of Agriculture. President, Carl •Oestreicher. Secretary, Clifford Pepper. zuRIW-VS rocery Store We are ever at your service with the beat limes obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, fr ruits in Season as well peso Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies .. Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL I 11110 eseh Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Plans I dust Arri'ed MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES Just Arrived. --- New Shipment, at Very Low Prices Also. some Lines at Special Prices to Clear Men's Srtwnrner Shirts, Underwear, Etc. Goods Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand! notTuIM ,HE BLAS STORE Phone 11 -P1 .M211:11-1=..1^ :