HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-11-24, Page 8lIt11C)1 ONTARIO Ii i,R/ / THE STORE WITH. THE STOCK 4G NewQoy F.11 <oodso0 DRESS MATERIALS — New Authentic Wool Tartans, including Dress Stewart, Dress Gordon, Buchanan, and Craw -- ford, 54 -in width at $2.25 a yard. Finest Feather flannels 42 -in at $1.10 a yard. LADIES' SWEA'i!'ERS — See front Centre table for lovely new Sweaters by Rose Knitting Mills, Super Orlon, Interlock knit. Cardigans size 14 to 20 at $6.93 Cardigans, size 40 to 46 at 8.95 Short Sleeve Pullovers at 4.95 Cashmere finish S. S. Pullovers 2.95. L. S. Cardigans 4.95 Sizes 40 to 46 5.95 Fine Botany Wool pre shrunk at 6.95 SPECIALS Extra Special 10 Pieces Crepe. 59c Dress Materials Reg. 1.75 to 2.25 for 39c 100 yds fine Linen Tea Toweling 75 yds. c},1 ., Terry Toweling 39c 100 -yds. asst. Broadcloth 45c yd. A lot Mill Ends and Prints 39c Wool and ., Blend Yarn, 1 -oz balls 29c ea. MEN'S WEAR We carry a complete range of Men's and a Bloys Wearing Apparel. New Suits, Top Dress supply of new Jackets, in fates Spstyles; irts for Trousers, new Hats, Caps, Fall Wear and everything in Work Clothes. Gascho QP0 TELEPHONE 59 400 ros ZURICH Thursday, November .24th, 19'55 ?I TCH LOCAL NEWS !Mrs. 'Conrad !S'iemon spent the Huroni Er e week -end in New Hamburg anct Kit- hen,er. She also attended the wed- DEBENTURES ding of a relative in Kitchener, Miss Joanne rBedard, R.N., of St. Joseph's Hospital, London, is spend- Canada Trust ing a day or so in town with ' her mother, Mrs. Emily Bedard. The WM.'S. of St. Peter's Luth- CERTIFICATE S eran Church, Zurich, held their an- nual T'hankoffering meeting ,on, Sun- Now Paying: day evening with agood attencanee. ' Had Painful Fall. 31/2% for 5 years Mrs. , Kenneth Breakey received an injury when she tripped .on a' step 3% for 3 years while helping to adjust a storm win- dow and struck her Bead on the cem- J. W. HABERER ent sidewalk. Medical attention was given at once and the patient ms' ;get General Insurance Phone 161 ting along nicely. ' Week -end visitors at the home of Zurich Mennonite'• Church .Mr and Mrs Alf Ige1'ielk iottoWn. Were his children : Mr. and 'Mrs, Edgar . `Geiger of Pigeon, Mich;,Ma.- :i yT Mrs Maurice Neil of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Clare :Melick and daugfiter of Dashwood. • - Mr. Patrick Cunningham, who has :been on a survey jab in the Red Lake district, near the Manitoba bor- der, spent a few days here with Mrs Cunningham, who is staying; :for a few weeks at the horr'e of lac!. par- ents, Mr and Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mr. Cunningham has left for Port Credit where he has surveyingwork to do and where they will reside in future hav- ing their effects moved from rem - 8 D broke, while Mrs. Cunningham is •re- p maining in Zurich. >V W. I. RALLY AT GRAND BEND Q ✓7 The Huron County Rally o r the ,r, 0 Women's Institute met in the United k Church, Grand Bend on Tuesday 40 morning and afternoon with' Presi- v dent, Mrs. Johns of ElimvilIe in \y charge. Discussions and resolutions, The Lutheran Church in Sunday School (all ages) 11:15 A.lvl. � along with other important..businessZurich e1- b� being dealt with. The Provinelal tends a warm welcome to visitors. Pre •:dent, Mrs. Gordon McPhatter, ! '' of Owen Sound being time guest s.pe. QOG. aker,° and outlined many •imrportaiit items of Educational progress to In - 40t stitute work. Mrs. Filsinger, health tinurse of Hurian County, gwve an C interesting talk on her work. The lnstltute choir 'favored the .gathering j: with the anthem "The Song of Peace" with Mrs. M. Tiernan of Dashwood U accompanying on the piano. A film 400 on "Beautifying the ft utile 'Wit, shru'ms was given. This • meeting b - 4V • ah ut 100 ladies in attendance, with the lovely day of sunshine, along with the social -time is to be remem- bered by every one present. Pastor--;- Albert Martin rTNDAY SERVICES: 1:00 a m. — Sunday School 00 a.m. — Worship Service R:00 pan: ,-- Bible Meeting Wednesday, 3.00 p.m. Prayer Fellow- ship in the . hoanes. YOU ARE INVITED WORSHIP WITH US You'll Enjoty! Listening to— "THE MENNONITE HOUR" Gospel) Preaching — Inspirationa Singing. Sundays--=CHIVIL-900 k.c. 10.30 p.m. —WRVA - 1140 k.c.- 10.30 p.rn• rhe Living Christ for a Dying World." ST. PETER'S Ev. Lutheran Church, Zurich Rev. O. Winter, Pastor. Mrs. J. Tuerkheim, ATCM., Organist Worship Services: 10 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. -- -• I The Drysdale Store We have purchased Stock and and r have aof Drys- dale Store from John Dd n my such as Prints, Broad- various lines of Drygoods, Flannelettes, 1\r,n's Overalls, Work Shirts, Jeans, Gloves, etc. A >o a line of smallwares. We are remodeling the Store and intend to have Grocery Department arranged for semi self -serve in �► the near future. • Mr. Denomy will continue in charge of Store. • Your. Patronage Greatly Appreciated • GASCHO BROS. - Phone 98 r 1 "Old at40,50,60? 77 — Man, You're Crazy Forget your age! Thousands are peppy at 70. Try "pepping up' with Ostrex. Contains tonic for weak, rundown feeling due solely to body's lack of iron which many men and i women call `old." Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for pep, younger feeling, this very day, New "get acquainted" size only 60c. For sale at all drug stores everywhere. • • • s • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 s Krauskopf, in her 87th year, beloved wife of the late Joseph Regier, and dear mother of John of Seaforth; bred of Zurich; George and Edwin of ' Hay 'Township; Lawrence of Stanley Twp; Anthony of Detroit; Louise (Mrs. Walter Millen) of Hay Twp; Martha (Mrs. Edward D'enomme) of. Stephen Twp; Mrs. Irene Ducharme, of Windsor. The family is well known in this vicinity living on the Goshen line, south a few miles. The body Farm Forum • 1 The Parr Line Farm Forum met at the home of .Mr and Mrs Stewart Blackwell. There -were 19 adults and ®3 children Present. It was revise 6 night, so there was •nio .given topic foi rested at the home of her son, Edwin, 5 discussion. During the business per: iod, the ladies •made plans to have • Goshen Line, until Thursday, Noy*em- * a booth at Mrs. Dick's Auction Sale, ber 24th, 1955, when Requiem High 4 while the men discussed things in mass :is :being sung in St. :Boniface .I general. Progressive euchre was then R.C. Church, Zurich at 10 a.m. In- ' started. The winners were, ladies first teunent in the adjoining cemetery. Mrs. Charles Rohin•son; Ladies, Con.- Prayers were said on !Wednesday, solation..41 Mrs. John Soldan; Men's Nov. 23rd at 8.30 p.m. - ® first, Wilfred Mousseau; Men's con Harry Zimmer .Dies Suddenly • sohtion, Carl Reichert. Mrs. Howard • Adkins got the prize for sitting on Harry Zimmer, 49, garage operator • the lucky chair. The hostess then at Dashwood for 30 years, died sud- e + served lunch. The next meeting will denly from (heart attack at his be held at the home of Mr and Mrs home on Saturday evening while in Soldan when the topic for dis- counts?" the home. He had lived there all hiss ember of St Boni. • • • • • 4 • • • • • b 0 6 • • 4 a 6 • a e d 3 O a 6 SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster Little pigs started on SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster weigh 40 pounds and more at weaning—and testa at the SHUR-GAIN Demonstrations Farm prove that 40 pound weanlings save a month's feeding time. A feeding program of SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster from 10 days to 10 weeks of age will fit your pigs to make the best use of their feed arid reach market sooner. Start Every Litter on Pig Booster. MILT DEITZ & SON - Zurich, Ont. 4, . 1 lII�II11,1111I 11111111 1 111 li MH 11p,I II11111111It 11R1101111+ VIII ATS ' NTION 11#1111 11 ' fill kr WHITE ELEPHANT and COMMUNITY SALE December 3rd, in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH It has been decided to combine the White Elephant Sale with a Community Sale. Anyone wishing to have articles sold on this day on a commission basis please notify the chairman of the Committee:. Mr. Milfred Schilbe, for particulars. Phone 143. We will still pick up any Donations— The Arena Board - Lions Club - Chamber of Commerce. - Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. ., ;`1111111111.HI1I1111111111111111111111111I11111111IIII II II I II 111 I1II IIII I 1111111 I II 1111111 1 11 ,II 111111I11111111111111I11111111h • 0 • • • John n o an cussion will be: 'Why keep Farm Ac- life and was a m face Church, Zurich, and of Dash- life Business 'Men's Club. Surviv- OBITtIA R1' ing besides his wife, the f•oriner Lor - Mrs. Joseph Ravelle etta Ziler of Dashwood, are his �harine Zimmer, three • Mrs. Joseph Rexene, the former mother, is. Mary lsche, of Grand Bend, died at daughters, Theresa, R.N. of the staff I St. Joseph's Hospital in her '77th yr. of Victoria Hospital, London; Ruth She was 'born in Perth Co., and was and Helen and one son, Joseph, at "6"24 * " *"1" '.�41 444^t* ' 9 'a member of G. B. United Church. home; and three brothers, Elmer, of • Surviving are a son, Wilfred of. G.B. Grand Bend; Louis Dashwood; and, • HARDWARE – SEEDS and FURNIT Rr. Your Fuel Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. • • 1 e We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating " equipment. But to a insure deliveries in time always leave yo�zr ri"=-?-. 'a early with us so we can arrange for your -•- i ply. e e YOUR HEATING EQUIPMEi 1T ' Have You Looked Over Your Heating ' :?rent? i Does Your Furnace or Stove need attention; or prob- ably you need a New One. . Let us look these over for you and offer Our. Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, 1-urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmit�i ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stook. STADE & WEIDO LUR►GH - ONT. QUAI..tTY - num SERVICE two! daughters in Detroit. The remains Earl of Lune a. were laid to rest in the G.:3. cemet- at the family residence, Dashwood, ery. ;till Wednesday morning when l e - Mrs. Joseph Regier Iquiem High Mass ,has sung in St• There passed away in St. Mary's .Boniface Church, Zurich. at ,10.30 a. Hospital, London on Sunday, Noven- 1 m. by Father M. D. Monaghan. In- ber 20th, a well known Hay Twp.'terment in.tlie adjoining' church cem- , p. .:Lary etery. resident in the person of Mrs, .,. 4. a' + •1 misionnummoursonnameninammouno VS + i 4 'he remains rested I,-. j 01"S aid W.ar FALL SUITS ARE BEING ORDERED NOW WORSTED FLANNELS, MELANGE WORSTEDS. CHARTONES, CATHEDERAL TONES, ALL SHADES AND MATERIALS. TOPCOATS AND OVERCOATS AT SPECIAL PRICES. SUITS - MADE - TO - MEASURE $49.00 UP SLACKS — MADE -TO -MEASURE $13.95 UP COMPLETE SUPPLY OF SMOCKS ` $3.95 UP GWG AND WALKER WIO.RK CLOTHS. FALL JACKETS AND COATS IN SUPPLY BOYS JACKETS, ETC., RIGHT PRICES. SPECIAL — We will deduct $1.00 from total price of two suits of Winter Underwear. Agents for Mid Town Cleaners Pick Up Mon. "Thurs., Saturday's • 2 c carpet Time This is the time' of year to buy your Rugs or .,,wall to wall Carpet . CALL US, WE WILL GLADLY . DROP AROUND AND SHOW YOU SAMPLES Inlaid Ltholeums We Carry A ..Wide Range of Patterns Best Selection to Choose From WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL TYPES OF INSTALLATION T. and T. FLOORING Your Decorating Headquarters Phone 133 Zurich 11111 - Phone 718 Exeter Opmpfigmmonium'' 1 1 lllllljITl111111111111111111 111(IjllgM if II111IIIII111N11111Illlllllillilli',,: Winter Special ON • , is -a; 4 1r 4 4 Etrrn Windows AND Combination Doors WE ALSO CARRY ALUMINUM DOORS, 4 WINDOWS AND AWNINGS Phone 69 - Zurich Call Ed. Deichert Salesman SEE US FOR ANY OF Your Building Needs Fred C. Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies)