HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-11-24, Page 1`kEstab1i hed I 900 ST. ZURICH(, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, G, NOVEMBER 24 i 955 1!'azaar Sponsored by - BONIFACE PARISH — Zurich, ;Olt. In the COMMUNITY CENTRE On FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25th. - Afternoon Tea — 3 to 6 p.m. Evening Entertainment Begins at 7:30 FISH PONDS - PRIZES FUN FOR Everybody Welcome IZE COUPON 'ALL NAME M DIR,I SS IPlease Bring this Coupon. Drop it in Box at Door. You may win a Valuable Door Prize. ADiMHSSION FREE TO BAZAAR neartnerassunanumneeneenne 4' 4 it 4 •'p I• 4 4 4 ar George Hardman Skilled Technician AT THE MILT A. OESCH SHOE STORE Zurich, '.Ontario , - Phone 82 or 130 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28th.. CLINIC HOURS — •io a.ni, to 8 p.m. It's plain common sense, to correct a health condition, rather than to ease the symptoms. When it comes to foot pain,, cramps in legs, painful heels, or the more advanced conditions of arthritis and rheumatism, connected with a foot condition, you can't beat the results you get with Miracle Foot Aid. It gets results because it corrects the cause. Indiv- idually •fitted, Miracle Foot Aid; as fitted by George R. Hardman will give you the full benefit of more than 25 years experience. If you want to walk better, in more comfort, .see Mr. Hardman on Mon- day, November 28th. The result will please you! Zurich, St. Catharines, Wingharn, Listowel, Kitchener, London, :Hamilton fliOnfraTIMEZEISMICIIMIKOMMCMIMMIligitiMli SAVE At l .i _ S aTk t I E 'SAVE at Superior Food Markets. Mass purchasing by our central Superior Warehouse makes our LOW PRICES possible. Be sure you check the Sup- erior Food Markets Advertisement every Thursday in :the London Free Press for best foods of the week Our Week -End ;Specials 2Fruit 1Vlatrzxtalade 1 24aoz jar ...: 25c Shredded Wheat, 2 pkgs ...'..... 3 I e a6• -Health Dog Food -sleeve pack 3 tins . 3 3c Aylmer Sweet Gherkin Pickles, I6 -oz jar 29c STORE ,.OPEN EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENING We still have: some Dry Goods to Clear:.. Children's 'Hose, Ladies' 'Hose, Ladies' and Children's Under- wear, Sweaters, Fooling axed' Wheeling Yarns; Joist a few more Wool Blankets.,. For Bargains, See Us Phone 140 C. li-a. THIEL' Zurich CARD OF THANKS A Sincere "Thank You" to all our Friends and Neighbours for the; many :cards, letters, and flowers re - + ceived whale a patient at St, J'oeph'5 Hospital, Lonclon.—John E. Gescho. C ar 1 4 3 4 4 4 ✓r 4. Thank Yon! RAL Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscription in Canada, $2.Q0 a nen Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.50, Mas. Wilfred Weztlio and family IS'PROGRESSING wish to thank all relatives, neighbours London, Ont, Nov. 21st, 1955 and friends in extending their synv- Dear Mr and Mrs C. L. Smith-- A. pathy and kindness in their recent few lines to thank you for resnenrb- (bereavement. 1.ering me and the nice card yon sent me. The doctor tells .me I am doing CARD OF THANKS fine. 1 can get up to sit on a chair The family of the Late Jemima:.tor ten minutes twice a day. I don't Walper Huish to express their silvere'ltnow how long I have to stay rn the thanks to the relatives, neighbours nspital. T hope not too long. They and friends shown them during their are taking good care of me here. recent sad bereavement, alllso .for the Thanks again. Sincerely, — Ted. beautiful floral tributes. . Mittleholtz. Cards ,and anessages of ,syanpathy Special thanks to Rev. Roppel 0oa his Lions Club News comforting;message, also to \frs. Desch, Mrs. Rader, .Mrs. Melick for Zurich Hears Lions Official their messages in song: The West- Monroe L. Nute, of Kennett Square lake Funeral Home. Those who loaned Pa., immediate past -president of their cars and helped in any way. Tions International, greeted Lions —The ,Desjardine Family. of District Al in the Community • AT St. Peter's Parish Hall St. Joseph, Ont. SAT. EVE., NOVEMBER 26th. DANCING 9 — 12 ADMISISION 50c. Good 1'Iusic Will .be Provided. EVERYBODY WELCOME • 'Centre, Zurich last Thursday evening ata dinner meeting when about 350 Members heard Mr. Nute speaat on Lionism. Also briefly addresstng the group were Bruce Malcolm, Toronto, Lions Canadian general secretary, and Ed. Adkin, Leamington, governor oft AI District. It was a big night iii Lionism for Zuai,dh, the banquet was served by the Zurich W. I. and Aux- iliary Ladies. Hunters Return The Zurich and district nunters who journeyed up to .ManatouTin Is- `. hard for the annual deer hunt have arrived .home and were well com- pensated for their efforts, as we un- - elerstand they came home with seven deer, and if they averaged around 200 -lbs. each, which is a fair weight, that would mean about 1400 1,s. of deer, however there is considerable • waste before at is venison on the table. However, besides this volume of meat, there is the great sociabil- ity, the exoiteanent and all the change Of the Hay Township Federation of from: your ds;ily. routine of work, and Agnmcla'rltr(:ie, in the •, -a e:in chengewit ev'ould be to most of us.t These 'Minters .claim that to Community Centre, Zilg'tc}1 thein the season partially opens about a month before the actual going gets On under way, the meeting together and planning, and then ar,ot_,er month • or so after returning home, 'eviewing Tuesday, December 6th. all the incidents. .Strange how this sporting life gets under one's skin. At 7 o'cloek, p.m.' We rem:envber some years ago while Guest Speaker — Mr, Fergus Lanni- touring througah south-eastern Ohio, .�a fishing fan saw our Ontario license f anquet And ANNUAL MEETING Of Dublin, Ont. 'Tickets $1.50. Get your Tkts early All in the ;Community are cordially invited to attend Free Dance to follow program Music by Morris Orchestra Pian to attend and Boost your Fed- atiion of Agriculture. President, Carl Oestreicher. Secretary, Clifford Pepper. Celebrate Anniversary Being married on November 13th, 1900, IMr and Mrs Sylvanus Witmer of Zuri:dh, observed their 55th wed- ding anniversary on Sunday, Nov. le, at their home with their immediate family present. The occasion was also !the 16th wedding anniversary of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mil Campbell McKinley, also of Zurich. Keeping themselves interested in life and particularly in young people, is their hubby. At the combined ages { of 161, they are still very active — with Mr. Witmer •eniploved daily at ithe Kalbflei eh Mills. 1 -Tis wire helps when the mill is particularly busy --- and helped to glaze the windows in the Goshen United Church. They were married at 1)aehweed, the bride, being the former Marion Ian our car and he got busy pumping into us all about his fishing trips "up in Canada" as they called it, we sure had some time to break away from that fellow iar order to get our odd hundred miles of touring in that day. OBITUARY Mrs. Jennima Walper There passed away at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, :11r and Mrs. Hero Lesjardine of Zurich. Mrs. Jemima Sararas, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs David Sararas of the Suable Zine, Hay Township, and be- loved wife of the late Henry Walper, in her 86th. year. She was born en . ipril iuth, .its 7 and diet: on Nov- ember 17th 1955 quite suddenly from a heart attack. She had lived in the district all her life and in these later years had made her home with her uauglrter who so willingly cared for her. She was a good Christian -mother loved and respected by all who knew Tier. A1,vays ready to do what she could unto others, and is survived by her .daughter (Fern) Mr'. Herb Des- jard�ine, one brother Emanuel Sararasof time Blue Water Highway; two sisters, lairs. Ed. Wilhelm of Strat- ford, Ont., and Mrs. Harry Taylor of Exeter; one grandson, Elroy Desjar- dine of Zurich; two grandchildren, Sandra ,and Ronnie Desjardine, be - Anne Millen After farming near 7ur- Bides many close relatives and friends ich for six years, they myna to his Her husband predeceased in Apa'il father's tam. .Members of the Zurich Evangelii•al United Brethren Church, Mr. Witmer taught a young men's class for many years, and 'bis wife was a member of the thumb choir, and took part stn the (various woe -elm's lcrganisatione. Sev- eral years ago, after selling their farm they moved into the village or Zurich, Their home was beautifully decor- ated with flowers for the a'nniversar'y, The table centred with a three-tier wedding cake was . arran•gea with lighted tapers, pink and roses and 'mums. Present for the event were Mie Couple's seven children, 12 grand- cih,:l;dren and two great -grand children Their four daughters are: Mrs, Wilfred C. (Aden) Jervis, Clinton; Mrs. E. (Leila) Welds, Preston; !Firs, (Olive) McKinley, and Mrs. William P. (Ruth) Giarbone, Woodbridge; and their three sons are: Garfield, Lond- on 'Orville, 'Zurich; and Neil, Godes- 1952; her soar Lloyd predeceased in March 195.3. The funeral took place on Saturday from the Evangelical United 'Brethren Church with inter- ment in the Bronson line cemetery. Rev, H. E. Roppel, ofI3ciatinl;. Mrs. Elizabeth Martin Mrs. Elizabeth .Martin, widow of the late Sol Martin, of the Babylon Line, (Hay Township, died a: the home of her daughter and sewn -in-law, Mr and ;Vire Oscar Gre`r, on :Friday, November 1 8th, in her 91st year. She was a member of Zurich Evang- elical U.P. Ohurch. Her husband died in 1935. She was the doughttrr of the late Tonins and Catherine Guenther and .-•'ae ,".ori', in Pelham. Ont. She res - NORMA'S BEAUTY ST-IOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Zurich NQlltilIA STEINBACH , 'fine, Bridal Bell And Blue Bird Diamond and Wedding Rings Best Value in Canada We have many Styles to show You Over 35 Wedding Rings to Choose from Have your Diamond Ring Remounted in a lovely New Setting. ided in Cowlesville, N.Y., for e num- ber of years. ,Surviving besides her daughter (Lilian) M+rs. •Gi'eb, is a grandson, Glen. 'rhe body rested at the home of hem daugiiter where funeral servieo was ich; also etterrding the event were tht: hrld r n, !;17ond•ay tit; 2.30 p.in, 'I"he bride's sister, friss M. M. Miille>, of Bev, )1. F. Rorrlrbl. of 'Zurich Evan - Woodbridge. `lW'oodbridge. airem d the groom's sister :ne:li''ni 1T T3. ('hurrh. ofilriattedfend d lvix Tillie rt)r�est, iw1 the 1 nylon Line Ceari- A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Modern Loom, Made Order — Seth O. Amann, Zarlefe Ont. .Phone 128, INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LDBNE S. EILEB LOCKER SERVICE - - IRE FEED% WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phoma 10 •— l<IEN$ALL, DFT 000000•004000 ea 0000 CND 4 6 .0, O • TELEPHONE: fn 6 ottato 0 60000000:60004,001100 'wait 'am Licensed Embahner and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rerz FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS DaY and Mika &r ic1 z RES. 88W • OR 89J, ZURICH • z 0ii109>P0:0000000000000000 mews tore We are ever at your service with the best lin obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables,, Fruits in Season as weld Canned Fruits and Vcgetabtea on hand Candies Nuts and Confectionery in supply GIVE US A CALL 'l e n i; Oesehh , Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. k5 Just 12.4 _X.a'1651 I e Deli ed MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES Just Arrived. --• • New Shipment, at Very Low Prices Also some Linos at Special Prices to Clear Men's Summer Shirts, Underwear, Etc. Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Hand! nd! THE RLUF STORE 1' a Schwartzentruber, Prop, phytrto i l `