HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-10-27, Page 4' :• ONTARIO 7U ICH HERALD Thursday, October 271:11, 1$555 Tr nother'o wi ...rrecr...,. rY at.h 'fie ]pea P41"t4+11 DeatilThiffS/ A Food Editor Dalry Foods Service aureau Whatever �., r you make or bake '"NpVgg it's always better with Fa14r, II .%4" Cr viceg six la k puff's) butter e butter Se PrI4) JIFFY BUTTER cup tte 5 all psi cup ted Crea cIilxlarge ad FltLING cup Water boiling $our pose sifted Icing c• cup butter, �"uds) bo1, Add butter 2 eggs beater rng sugar. ,add / cup ilaAd saucepan salt to boiling bead r4 up thick and�c eatvlth stir vigorously t our a1J $°d bring to cm) bo: Gradually and Contin 1. heaforms a stiff bal. until °nce and tsp• vah�7lag eaterthen io@ Z Iternov�mi from smooth. 13eat until hgb�dd welldd �'r+ntore and ,minute is sin he addition Beat recipes rfrefo 'Ir rester/barter 3. Shape smooth. until his fes Tier Recipe p ar'iePr ,s cookie a stus on asci tablespoon.by dropping 8°okle� henaka a 5 Aping from 375 f r 2S for 54elcOp/ cut mines mutes Crinin Fill with rn iffy side of e CranberryrSa ce andtap$x Butte Dairy Foods Service,. O�� Bureau 409 Huron Srroet, Toronto, Ca„gda HURON COUNTY Apple Festival Town Hall, Clinton • Sat. Nov. 5th 1 to 5 p.m. 0 COUNTY GROWN APPLES SHOWN PRIZE :LAST: $168 SWEET CIDEtR ON SALE 0 DANCE 9to12p.m. LEGION MEMORIAL HALL DRAW — For 5 bushels choice Huron Apples CROWNING OF Apple Queen SPONSOR: Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce for the -Co- unty Fruit 'Growers. Association. 4.1-4--2-4-4-4-4.4++-1-4-4-4-4.+4•460..+4•40+ ++ • Clearing Auction Sale Of Tractor, Farsn Implements, choice Holstein Cattle, Poultry, Hay, Grain slid Misc. Items, Etc. On Lot 7, Con. Z, Stanley'Township, 1, 1-4 miles north of Kippen, 2 miles west. The undersigned Auctioneer received in- structions to sell by public Auction TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th. At 1 .o'clock p.m. Isiharp High 'Grade Holsteins — Cow, mil- king, carrying third calf, bred Oct. 8; cow 'carrying second calf due Dee. 2411; cow milking, carrying third calf sue March 25; scow milking, fresh since end of (Sept; heifer, du,e Dec., 14th; cow, milking, fresh since Aug. bred Oct. 6th; cow carrying fifth calf due Dec. 24th; scow, milling, due March 21st; cow, milking, .due April 14th; cow, mincing, due March. 22rd ; This is an exceptionally good herd of Cows from high producing blood lines. 4 Holstein heifer calves, Holstein bull calf ; 421 part Holstein and Here- ford heifer calves. Poultry — 145 choice Rock and New Hamp.hire pullets, 5 11-2 mons. old. A black Collie dog. Hay and Grain — Quantity of loose haft; quantity of niixe,d 'grain; 10 tons of cob corn. Tractor and Farm Implements — t tcD. Formal' tractor, model "C" in new condition; Inter. 2 -furrow tract - Or plow like new; M -H. 7 -ft. cut; Deering mover, '5 -ft. cut; McD. 13- x°un discfertilizer drill, like new; Intern. 4-lbar side delivery rake, use! ane season; M -H. shay loader; 1M -H. spring tooth cultivator; 4 -section diamond harrows, like new; Cockshutt 2 -section drag harrows; rubber tire' wagon, 16 -ft, hay rack; Renfrew el- ectric cream separator; 8, 8 -gal. milk cans; ,Cockshutt root pulper; 75 -ft. endless rubber belt; hay fork; 150 -ft bay fork rope; shovels, forks, chains, and many articles too numerous to mention Terms — Ca»h Robert Flood, Proprietor Ross Love, C1erl:. • Alvin Walper. Auctioneer. St. Joseph & Blue Water Area Had I3irthday On, 'Saturday last the home of Mr and Mrs Adolph Sophia, on the Mile Water Highway was given .full access to all of their children, to some re- atives and friends of the surrounding, community. The whole ufIair came to light on the occasion of Mrs. -&opha',s 'fifty-seventh birthday. The erhildren had previously made plans to gather together to show the high esteem- they have for their kind par- ent.a, And singe it was mother's t17'itllri^ ,onv good ' w"ishea were txtenek 1 to hnr, and .as well ;gifts. Thr' r? ,%!: of4> at:ury >,r,ir.<.. ,..:'d� y .est was an enjoyable one for the fam- ily and will long be _remembered by those who attended. .Children came from Detroit, Windsor and other points to be present. Mr. Ted. Laporte and son Jackie of Windsor spent. the week -end in their cottage in Laporte's Grove. Mr and Mrs Pete Milne and Mr and Mrs. Michael Masse all of London, were Sunday visitors with the Leon Bedard Family. Mr and Mrs Leonard Jeffrey and Mrs. Josephine Duchiarane, motored to London Sunday last. :Mr and Mrs Bob • Mervonidge of Detroit spent Sunday evening at the latter's home. 'Phe Mervonidge's made up their mind after the evening meal to take off for a motor rltde, landing in near St. Joseph, for the evening, spending Ia few hours, then again took off for their home to Detroit; Well, what about? Can you beat it?. A record. Mr and Mrs. Pete !Geoffrey and Mrs. Ed. Oorriveau motored to Lon- don on Monday last; object, a busin- ess trip. Well, we are not too sure if pre- dictions -always come true. But if so no xziild winter is in sight, for al ready quilting bees is .the order of the day. So the old ]girl sees extra coverage needed. DASHWOQD. On Wed. eve Oct. 19 Mr and Mrs Plhilip Fas laid were pleasangy, sur- prised when their family arrived to celebrate their .56th ,'wedding anni- versary and Mrs. Fassold's birthday. Those present were: Mrs. Nelda Routledge and Mr and Mrs Walter Fassold and family of London; Mr and Mrs Melton Walper and girls of Ingersoll, Mrs. Ada Ratz, IMT and Mrs Jack Ratz and family of •Shipka, Mr and Mrs Fassold received many lovely gaits.• Neighbours Aid. Farmer •Confined to Bed! Attend Rally A number of ladies : from Zion t Lutheran Church attended a Luth- eran Missionary Rally Wednesday evening last at Monkton. Miss Helen Nadiger and Mrs; Albert Rader sang a duet. Eleven formers plowed 25-' acres on Friday afternoon, Oct. 21, fax Mr Russell Webb who is suffering frons, a heart attack, Mr. Henry (Link .or- ganized the group. Miss Anne 'Taylor of London spent the week -tend with her mother, llfrs, Letts Taylor. • I ]Miss Marion Heckman of Exeter, spent the week -end with 'Mr and Mrs. V. L. !Becker and family. Mrs. GordonBender and ibaiby da- ughter returned Thome from South Huron Hospital on Sunday, 'Miss Barbara Becker spent Sunday and 11Vlonday with Mr and Mrs, V. L. Becker and family, Mrs. 'Wellwood Gill and Mrs, Ada Patterson of G. Bend spent Monday 'afternoon with Mrs. Ervin Rader. Anniversary Services. Calvary E,U.B Church held anni- versary services on Sunday, Oct. 23, The guest speaker was Rev. Anne P. Graham of London. Li the morn- ing her theme was: 'New Beginners" She called on the audience to make anniversary time a new beginning in consecrated service in the same spirit in which our forefathers :began their work. In the evening her theme was on the power of prayer. Special musiical numbers were ren- dered in anthems by the choir, by the Zurich (Men's Octette and in a piano concert by /Miss Nancy Tiernan, ac- companied on the organ by Murray MacDonald, organist of St. .Mary's United Church. Many guests from, Zuridh and Crediton, �Itev, H. E. Rappel of Zur- ich Ipamjticipated in the evening ser- vice, Mr and Mrs Leonard Restemayer and fanvillyt spent title week -end in Windsor with relatives. Mrs,Roy Guenther darec1 leeY linens, Mrs. Lloyd 'Guentlh:er bedding" and (Mrs. Ray 'Guenther, the raid clothes. The tea table was decorated w�lh1. white, green and yellow ]candles ani/.. a, boupuet of snap dragons. Rollie Sports & Cycle GRAND BEND We Can Supply You OF ALL Y®UR ]HUNTING NEEDS. LICENSES, RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, AMMUNITION OF ALL KINDS; CLAY BIRDS, HAND TRAPS, DUCK DECOYS, DUCK CALLS, COMPASES, CLEANING RODS, and PATCHES; GUN BLUING; HUNTING KNIVES, BOOTS, HI'P OR LACE KNEE BOOTS, WADERS, HUNTING JACKETS and CAPS; BOWS and ARROWS, FISHING TACKLE. A LARGE SELECTION FOR SPORTSMEN. GIVE US A CALL UNN1 as you pay for it on the KITCHEN—running water cuts kitchen chores—laundry and • dishes are done in half the time. BATHROOM—all the conven- ience of a city home to protect your family's health and add to your comfort. BARNS—So much easier to water the stock ... and so much extra protection against fire. Empire) Brass; Mfg. Co. Limited T1-54 Rev. budget plan! Why lug water by hand any longer? Install 1t Duro Pumping System now and enjoy running, water as you pay for it. Save time, save labours cut operating costs. AS LOW AS 1O% • DOWN UP TO 18 MONTHS TO PAY for pump, fixtures and installation, too The EMCO Budget Plan will cover your com.. plete water system—pump, tank, pipe, kitchen', and bathroom fixtures, taps in all buildings; and the cost of installation. I,'ou can have the; whole job done NOW—and pay for it over the,• next year and a half. Ask for an estimate of thy' cost of labour and material worked out on the EMCO Budget Plan., Visit Or Phone Us Without Delay • STADE &WEIDQ Zurich - Ontario r Jiili'oduci»g.. the car with the Magic Bach/ NEW 1956 DE SOTO 3:w ?\�.J.,\•. � ,v\ { \\ ,�1.t+4:;in}tti�:'n •tit:'v'+•i: •::;%i, ': i.,,�y •coo ✓• • \• \ �a vn,}+ .,� v;::;;;•xx� fix;; •;r?'�?'•\'+�',"•4'' �Q�� +;; 4n 4 De Soto for 1956 truly has a magic air about it! The first thing you'll see is new pace- setting style. Start with the distinctive new grille . . let your eye sweep along the sleek side of the car ... and then thrill to the new upswept rear fender lines. 'HS MAGIC PERFORMER WITH But the real magic is in the performance of this all-new automobile. Picture yourself here. You've started the new, more power- ful Fireflite engine with a turn of the key. Now you press a button to put the Power- Flite automatic transmission ,in driving range. Step on the accelerator and ... GO! THE FORWARD LOOK HENSALL MOTOR SALES Telephone 31 )o i De Soto Fireflite Four -Door Sedan You'll find lots more that's new in„ the magnificent new De Soto for 1956. Visit your Dodge -De Soto dealer now for the complete story. • manufactused lby ChrysnernCo porationvof Canada, Limited AT YOUR DODGE -DE SOTO DEALER'S NOWT, Thos. Coats - Proprietor Len McNight Sales Rept. HENSALL, ONTARIO ;em •