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Zurich Herald, 1955-10-20, Page 8
'1 0 0 • 4 sf + • d 4 40 40 • • • i' 4 • • G 4 P • P ,rf • RIC% 0 ONTARIO li 4D kSD ZC JR: MER 11.0t E STORE WITH THE STOCK New DRESS MATERIALS - New Authentic Wool Tartans, including Dress Stewart, Dress Gordon, Buchanan, and Craw- ford, 54 -in width at $2.25 a yard. Finest Feather flannels 42 -in at $1.10 a yard. LADIES' SWEATERS - See front Centre table for lovely new Sweaters by Rose Knitting Mills, Super Orlon, Interlock knit. 9 Cardigans size 14 to 20 at $6.95 Cardigans, size 40 to 46 at Short Sleeve Pullovers at 4.95 Cashmere finish S. S. Pullovers 2.95 .9 5 L. S. Cardigans Sizes 40 to 46 5.95 Fine Botany Wool pre shrunk at 6.95 SPECIALS - Extra Special 10 Pieces Crepe. Dress Materials Reg. 1.75 to 2.25 for 59c ,, 100 yds fine Linen Tea Toweling 39 75 yds. only Terry Toweling 45 c yd. 100-yc�. is 9c st. Broadcloth 3�. A lot 'Aril `-nds and Prints Wool and Nylon Blend Yarn, 1 -oz balls 29c ea. MEN'S WEAR We carry a complete Newe of 's and let gSuits, TopnCoats; a largeB ys Wearing Apparel. supply of new Jackets, in latest styles; Dress Trousers, new Hats, Caps, new Sport Shirts for Fall Wear and everything in Work Clothes. Gascho TELEPHONE 59 roso ZURICH LOCAL NEWS 1 • Rev. alai Mts. ]:. E, Roppel were Huron Ve. pie at Kitchener Wednesday, where the former attended -executive meetings. Mr. Ruben: Goetz o,f Dashwood, was a .business visitor in town on Tu- esday, Canada Trust Mr, T. Harry Hoft'anan, of Dash- wood was a business visitor in. town Wednesday. DEBENTURES CERTIFICATES Mr. James Bengough of 'Hensall, Now Paying: was a 'business visitor in town on Monday.. Mr and Mrs Edmund GSchwartzen- truber of Blake were several times at London recently with their son Grant, who received an eye. injury and had to • have it treated ib'l'l the city Specialist. e lVlr and Mrs -Chris. Schiwartzen- etru'ber, Me and Mrs Bert Bachert and (J fancily of the Bronson. line were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. n 0 Chris. Erb of town. q' Exdhange Vows .' A lovely but quiet autumns wed- ding was solemnized at Carmel Pres- byterian manse, Hensall, on Saturday last when Grace Edith Love, daught: eer of iVIrs Pearl Love, Varna and the late John Love lbecaAme the 'bride of ge Warren •George Alexander ilo.nip• sunr, only son of Mr and Mrs Samuel 0 S. Thompson, Kippen. Rev D. Mac- e Doi ald•was the officiating clergyman. Q The couple will reside in Exeter. 9 Return from Abroad IQ Mr and Mrs ..Ward Fritz and dau•• IG ghter Mary Louise returned last week from their several months' tour t1 Europe, where they visited a goodly number of countries, and although X we have not had the opportunity of IG an interview, but we know they hal a most wonderful outing which they shall never forget. They arou.ght with them a German made 'Jolkes- avagon, whi'_h is equipped for light Ghou�ieke.eping in which they travelled 406 in the various countries t V visited. We welcome thein back home and.';` ,,}} J J or the purpose of hearing any AVS hope they will feel all the better for Calc so�;nst the assessment. 8 310 `% for 5 years 3% for 3 years J. W. HABERER General Insurance Phone 161 FOR SALE One Lot, with 6 room insul brick covered Cottage in the Village of Hensall, Hydro, hard and soft water, sun porch, storm doors and windows, double garage. Estate of the late Mrs. Alice L'laekwell. D. Dignan Executor. Apply D. Dignan, Hen- sall, Mill St. z t'' "Skinny" Gila! Gain 5 to 10 lbs. Round out bony limbs. Fill up ugly hollows. Get lovely curves. Ostrex Tonic Tablets help build up body skinny due to appetite impaired by lack of iron. Im- proves digestion, nourishment; then food builds more flesh. Increases pep. 'Get -acquainted" size only 600`. Try Ostrex for lovelier body. new pep, vitality today. At all A',,'orsts. COURT OF REVISION Thursday, October 20th, 1955 • TOWNSHIP OF HAY 1956 ASSESSMENT ROLL Notice is hereby given that as :Court of Revision on the Assessment Roll for 195,6 will be held in the Hay Township Hall, Zurich, Ont., on Wed - =day October 26th at 8.00 p.m., • • • • • their big summer's visit to the con I al against t;nent. All appeals heard will be those according to notice, on Assessment notice, sent or delivered in 1955. Robert J. Jarrott of London, a' H. W. Brokenshire, Q native sof Hensall area died Saturdayi Clerk if Hay Township. Oct. 3rd at Victoria Hospital, Lon - %/U don where he was admitted a few Died at London. 00© weeks ergo suffering from a fractured hip he received in a fall. In his 85th! year he was born in Hillsgreen, and farmed there ,and in iSea£orth ciistr'icts vnost of his life. In 1942 he retired • I 'and �p seven ;years ago he went to •Lon- ®, don. His wife, the former Bertha Troyer, died in 1949. Surviving are ai three daughters and a idol Jack H. • of Toronto. Services were held from • I the Millard George funeral home, London, conducted by the Rev. E. R. 3 • Steinway, of Robinson. United Church Interment in Mount Pleasant cern:- 4; ean-4; etery. 1 The Drysdale Store We have purchased Stock and Fixtures of Drys - 0 dale Store from John Denomy and have added various lines of Drygoods, such as Prints, Broad- cloths, Flannelettes, Men's Overalls, Work Shirts, iJeans, Gloves, etc. Also a line of smallwares. ' We are remodeling the Store and intend to have Grocery Department arranged for semi self -serve in • the near future. • • Mr. Denomy will continue in charge of Store. • Your Patronage Greatly Appreciated • GASCHO BROS. Phone 98 r 1 I4. HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURk Your Fuel eeds a • • • • • • • • e • SHUR.GAIN Pig Booster Little pigs started on SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster weigh 40 pounds and more at weaning -and tests at the SHUR-GAIN Demonstrations Farm prove that 40 pound ,weanlings save a month's feeding time. A feeding program of SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster from 10 days to 10 weeks of age will fit your pigs to make the best use of their feed and reach market sooner. Start Every Litter on Pig Booster MILT DEITZ 8z SON - Zurich, Ont. 1111 )11111 mIKEINii la' 11J.aff J ,111.111011 110 11111 1111I1111 11 1 I Illilllllhl • • g • For the Lord Himself shall (lest, •• with a shout, with the voice of tl e_archangel, and with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first: was secured in 'dry' Huron.. The CTA. is our present law, In Huron County no legal outlets for liquor sale, such as .beverage rooms, eiock- tail )bars as beverage rooms, cocktail bars, lounges, etc., can be licensed. Let us hold fast to our ".dry' status. -Advt. HENSALL CHRIST IS ! COMING DOWN TO EARTH ! • • • • O • 0 • • • • • • • • • James A. !Paterson, clerk, treasurer and tax collector of Hensall, report- Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to-gether with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: And So Shall We Ever Be With Him. - Thess. 4: 1 6, 17. ARE YOU READY - GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER Box 50, R. R. 1 - Zurich, Ontario ;A191111111111 111111IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllll 1111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111I1111111111111111II1I11111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111I • • • 0 •0 0 • • 0 • 0 • • 0 0 • • • • i • • ed that 90.7o of the taxes were' paid toon due date, that of Saturday Oct • Huron Co. Temperance News . as LEST NYE FORGET ober 15th. The clerk reports this k as an outstanding record for Hensall The Ashler Step Dancers compos- e ompo - eel We, of Huron County should be ed of Mrs. Ed. Dick, Cromarty, Mrs. 6 ve=1y proud of our unique 'dry' record Harry Burns, London, Miss Greta O Hullett Township was one of the first Pfaff, Cromarty; Frel urn 2 municipalities to carry a Local Option. Ken McKellar, Staffa; Leonard Claranldc O vote. That was 50 years ago. By 1913 Kippen; who have been appearing • almost all of the municipalities had ' every Saturday nig it on the A7 ,., '' '= •1 • • followed suit and tried by L.O. to go' Holiday Rene program on , dry. 13y that date there were• only 3 have been engaged for the season • Itownships, 2 villages and 3 towns re- ' and will appear every Saturday night nlaining in the wet column. In 1914 until the end of March. the whole'county voted dry by carry -1 Winner of Bingo held Saturday ging the Canada Temperance tct with night at Legion Hall, sponsored: by `a majority of 2,608. Five years later Hensall Legion are: Mrs. C. Van - '1s • our dry sentiment ;was clearly evid- horne, Mrs"T. Brintnell (2) ; Mrs. M. ei enced again by a vote in a new re- McLellan (2) ; ,,Mrs Bob Baker; T. strictiv:e law, the Ontario Temper- Schwartzentrwber;Mrs. A. Foster; ance Act. Not only then, but later in H. S.chwartzentruber;' Ray Kenny; 1924 was this law carried by largo 'Wilfred Do:tlpe; Sam Ronnie; Mr. majorities. In 1924, of the majority J: Paterson. Next Saturday jackpot of 34,051 in the Province; ,71,945 will be worth $65.00, in 5., -;calls. se* w•• ees ;r: o % tvti<ig.K.-.ve..xwbv : 4Y.4"i f yas 1FNfk r Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to • maminiansmenamainaansaimassatiannamairsaandataamaamer .E#61. tilM5 + + + . insure deliveries in time always leave your ()riders early ! 1 with us so we can arrange for yo 'ir sup,): y. y •t• 44. YOUR HEATING EQUIPM_NT o 4. Have You Looked Over Your I leatin ' Ec,uipment? a + Does Your Furnace or Stove need atten;.x.,:a; or prob- ably you need a New One. Let us look these over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Bea Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, f' urnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stook. • STADE WIDO , UR CIH - ONT. QUALITY PRICE - SERVICE Men'z and Boyz' Wear FALL SUITS ARE BEING ORDERED NOW WORSTED FLANNELS, MELANGE WORSTEDS. CHARTONES, CATHEDERAL TONES, ALL SHADES AND MATERIALS. TOPCOATS AND OVERCOATS AT SPECIAL PRICES. SUITS - MADE - TO - MEASURE $49.00 UP SLACKS - MADE-TO•MEASURE $13.95 UP COMPLETE SUPPLY OF SMOCKS $3.95 UP GWG AND WALKER WORK CLOTHS. FALL JACKETS AND COATS IN SUPPLY BOYS JACKETS, ETC., RIGHT PRICES. SPECIAL .. We will deduct $1.00 from total price of two suits of Winter Underwear. Agents for Mid Town Cleaners Pick Up Mon., Thurs., Saturday's 4. + + + + + 4. + a+r + + 4. t 4. 4. if •>�',Miff;111111111111iIInIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11fNlIIIII' 111111n81illllllll_''I(11I111InlOfii11nuiI(IIIA I(11(IIIU(11111111111111111� - Attenti. n! TO ALL OUR. FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS: We are still in a position to serve you in all your Floor Covering Needs... A Sample Book on all Floor Coverings will be at Gascho Bros. Store, or you can contact the residense of Herb Turkheim, Phone 133, Zurich, and we will be glad to call on you and discuss your problems. We will still give you the same prompt service as usual. WHEN IN EXETER DROP IN AND SEE OUR NEW STORE, Carrying a complete range of Floor Coverings, Paints and Wallpapers. Prompt and Courteous Service is our Motto Your Decorating Headquarters T. and T. FLOORING SALES AND SERVICE LINOLEUM, TILE and FLOOR -SANDING Phone 718 Exeter - Phone 133 Zurich + + 4. 4. + + + + + + ÷÷ + + + .f. 4. 4. + + WE ALSO CARRY ALUMINUM DOORS, Winter Special ON Storm Windows AND Combination Doors WINDOWS AND AWNINGS Phone 69 Zurich Call Ed. Deichert - Salesman SEE US FOR ANY OF Your Building Needs Fred C. Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies 4, 4 4 8 4 A • 4, .fig• 4. + 4. 4. + 4, 44 + 4. + + + 4. 4. 4. 44 + + 4. 44 4. + + 4 4. + + 44 +