HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-10-13, Page 8MAUCH ONTARIO ZURICH 1.1 RAL D �?D tQ BUD 40D �QD THE STORE WITU THE STACK. 40G ds 9G DRESS MATERIALS - New Authentic Wool Tartans, includirng Dress Stewart, Dress Gordon, Buchanan, and Craw- ford. 54 -in width at $2.25 a yard. Finest Feather flannels 42 -in at $1.10 a yard, LADIES' SWEATERS - See front Centre table for lovely new Sweaters by Rose Knitting Mills, Super Orlon, Interlock knit. Cardigans size 14 to 20 at $6.9.5 Cardigans, size 40 to 46 at 6.95 Short Sleeve Pullovers at 4.95 Cashmere finish S. S. Pullovers 2.95 L. S. Cardigans 4.95 Sizes 40 to 46 5.95 Fine Botany Wool pre shrunk at 6:95 SPECIALS - Extra Special 10 Pieces Crepe. Dress Materials Reg. 1,75 to 2.25 for59c 100 yds fine Linen Tea Toweling 39c 75 yds. only Terry Toweling 100 yds. Broadcloth 45c yd. A lot N ; , s is and Prints 39c Wool aI,.1 ',en Blend Yarn, 1 -oz balls 29c ea. MEN'S WEAR • We carry a complete range of Men's and Boys • Wearing Apparel. New Suits, Top Coats; a large supply of new Jackets, in latest styles; Dress T1:01.1.53, new Hats, Caps, new Sport Shirts for Fall Wear and .everything in Work Clothes. 39c asci ao TELEPHONE 59 ros. ZURICH' • F.YI..'^i:F b :..•nnn: r.,M.,iiQ a.v�e: �. �..F.: Jt 'TJ.'FT.K+'ANt,', S.'.:n.. :L.>.'•1. _, heP ysdai y• ed ft - 1G ;�0 were guests with their mother here. .0 , i Mr Werner Winter of., IW�uterloo College was a holiday isit c:i..: ),VP his parent;, Rev. and Mrs, O. Win- e1ter at. the Lutheran Parsonage. ' 'ji Mr and Mrs James Hat;>etc and �': ' baby Linda, Marie of Belleville spent the week-enii at the home of their p Q parents, Mr and Mrs Ted Steinibach. ;, The former have been transfered � ITrini 'Belleville Bank of (Montreal to d 0 1 St. Catharines 1 -Jr_ Il4i's1 p ...'a V 1 Marie s pendnp: a few wet' with D her grandparents, while her parents DI are getting moved. QMany Strangers In Town vDToday, Wednesdaywe notice a nar:e nu'%er of strangers in trn' ., �n .fact ,�Qm. the downtown section is just -filled '' Vi9 wth thein, the Municipal Officials of i,p this district are holdng their' -annual , iJ, convention or get-to-gether ani will' Q Q discuss their problems. �UD;i .i The Scout's Corner I LOCAL. _ NEWS (Kr and Mrs C. L. •Smith were at London on Friday. • 11r and Mrs Ted Laporte of Windsor spent a few clays at their summer lrcime at the lake last, week,' Mr and Mrs Lawrence Bedard and family spent the- holiday 'Week -end in Detroit. Miss Mary Hagan oJ' the London teaching staff spent the 'long •week- end at her home here, :Mr and Mrs Ed. Datars motored to Hamilton over the holiday. weel- en d, Mr. 'Henry Clausius ,has hao :•new garage erected on his property just north of the Zurich Dairy, Mr, Arthur Truemner of 'Toronto, spent a few days with his sisters and friends 1rnt'e. • sirs .Margaret Hooper of London, n. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey of 'Ci^e'diton, Huron & Erie DEBENTURES Canada Trust CERTIFICATES Now Paying: 3',')% for 5 years 3% for 3 years J. W. H'ABERER General Insurance Rhone 161 ST. PETER'S 'v. Lutheran Church, Zurich Rev. O. Winter, Pastor. Mrs. J. Tuerkheim, ATCM., Organist Worship Services: 1 We have purchased Stock and Fixtures of Drys- dale Store from john Denomy and have added various lines of Drygoods, such as Prints, Broad - i cloths, Flannelettes, Men's Overalls, Work Shirts, ;es jeans, Gloves, etc. Also a line of smallwares. aWe are remodeling tie, Store and intend to have a a 1, • aMr. Denomy will -ontinue in charge of Store. o Your Patronage Greatly Appreciated Grocery Department a ganged for semi self -serve in the near future. GASCHO BROS. - Phone 98 r i Annual Report of Ladies' Auxiliary Iof The Cir and :Scouts. The Exec- utive ::ec- utive for 1954-55 : ,_Presi lent, Mrs. :Earl Zi nuc; vice cpres., :Mrs. Clar- e,, .� Jeffrey; F ceretar, Mrs Harold Thiel; Treasurer, Mrs: Arnol.i Mer - I r , r. 'The monthly meetings are held at the hones of the member s every ;third Thursday of the 'month.. All lo'hers or anyone interested are :-welcome at these meetings. In September of 1954 at the Fall Fair we rented a pop corn stand with the Cubs and Scouts in charge. 'in October the mothers entertained• the boys to a,.Hallowe'en party in the 'town hall with. 45 'boys present. On February 22nd a euchre partly was 'held in the town hall. On April Ilth a Father and Son 'banquet was, held in the Lutheran Church haseinent. In June 1955 the Auxiliary purchased the second tent for the •Curbs and Scout. The Auxiliary had pur:chaaed the first tent when Mrs. James Reid teas in office. The present executive • 8 HARDWARE - SEEDS a.nd FURNITU - J Your Fuel. Needs vt Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their beating equipment., But to insure deliveries in time always -leave yo-• cearly with us so Bre can arrange for yof ' n ,,, . A YOUR HEATING EO1..iiP1`,Ei.h, i" Have You Looked Over Your Hea.tinr- "'.qv ipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove need atieniion:; or prob- ably you need a New One. Let us look these over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsrnith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stook. STARE & VVEIDO !URICH ONT. i QUALITY PRICE . SERVICE 5 0 0. • T. At Zurich held in the Evangelical Church. Avail yourself of this wonderful opportunity • Services nightly, October 13, 14, 15 at 8 p.m. COME - BRING YOUR FRIENDS Everyone is Welcome! 10 A.M. and 7:30 P.M. Sunday School (all ages) 11:15 A.M. "'he .1 utheran Church in Zurich ex- tends a warm welcome to visitors. EMMANUEL 2VANGELICAL . UB. CHURCH ZURICH - ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Roppei, Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist tii)AY SERv1Cl 5- 10,00 a.m. - Divine Worship. 11:15 a.m. - Sunday School. Welcome at all Services= 'Tom,' au with us and we will do thc.c ood.". Num. 10:29. FOR SALE One Lot, with 6 room insul brick covered Cottage in •the Village of .Hensall;'Hydro, hard and soft water, sun 'porch., storm doors and windows, double garage. Estate of the late Mrs. Alice Blackwell. D. Dignan Executor. Apply D. Dignan, Hen- sall, 51111 St. zt'' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE - House in Hen - •e11, 7 rooms, solid brick with furn- ' ace, 'bath, excellent location on Main street. Double garage with work shop, suitable for business. purposes. Immediate possession. Apply to 1\IIrs D. L. Geiger, Zurich, Ont. 2tc have oeen re-elected for the new year of 11955-'56: Treasurer's Report 'Dues and projects $101.37 flank Balance 50.33 'Mise., Interest, Donations 3.45 I` Total expenses Bank Balance Zurich Crusade $155.65 112.3.1. 43.34 CLINTON AREA YOUTH FOR CHRIST Sponsor Three Special Nights with Evangelist Cedric Sears in a Special Crusade for Christ. +4. o + + t { 5. 4. + .ri JIM& FALL SUITS ARE BEING ORDERED NOW WIORSTED FLANNELS, MELANGE WORSTEDS. CHARTONES, CATHEDERAL TONES, ALL SHADES AND MATERIALS. TOPCOATS AND OVERCOATS AT _SPECIAL PRICES. SUITS - MADE - TO MEASURE $49.00 UP SLACKS - MADE -TO -MEASURE $13.95 UP COMPLETE SUPPLY OF SMOCKS $3.95 GWG AND WALKER WIORK CLOTHS. FALL JACKETS AND COATS IN ,SUPPLY BOYS JACKETS, ETC., RIGHT PRICES. SPECIAL - We will deduct $1.00 from total price of two suits of Winter Underwear. Agents for Mid Town Cleaners Pick Up Mon., 'Thurs., Saturday's UP Thursday, ,O,ctdber 13th, 1.055 • ela irt m5 4' 0 3 • a SHHUR-GAIN Pig Booster Little pigs started on SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster weigh 40 pounds and rnore at weaning ---and teett3 at the SHUR-GAIN Demonstrations Farm prove that 40 pound weanlings save a month's feeding time. A feeding program of SHUR-GAIN Pig Booster from 10 days to 10 weeks of age will fit your pigs to make the best use of their feed aid reach market sooner. Start Every Litter on Pig Booster { MILT DSITZ 61 SONt1 1 Zurich, Ont f ti[114 � 11 11jtI )C 1 111.11171f. • ti�+. -+, e3 Wh vx _..•, , .4 Y 'l 4. JESUS SAID! Whosoever therefore shall confess Me, before men him, will I confess also before my I-Ieavenly Father. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in Heaven And he that taketh not his cross and followeth after -me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life -hall lose it, and he that loseth his life for .y sake shall find it. Math 10: 32 to 33. (Read also Math. 16: 24-26) GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER Box 50, R. R. 1 - Zurich, Ontario 44 9 9 45 4 4 • +T • • •• • • • • v • • • •e • • • 410111110101111111111111111111111 IMI111111IIIIIIE 111111 011111111 11111111111011111111111111111111111111111111 011111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 tte tion! TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS: We are still in a position to serve you in all your Floor Covering Needs... A Sample Book on all Floor Coverings will be at Gascho Bros. Store, or you can contact the residense of Herb Turkheim, Phone 133, Zurich, acid we will be glad to call on you and discuss your problems. We will still give you the same prompt service as usual. WHEN IN EXETER DROP IN AND SEE OUR NEW STORE, Carrying a complete range of Floor Coverings, Paints and Wallpapers. Prompt and Courteous Service is our Motto Your Decorating Headquarters T. and T. FLOORING SALES AND SERVICE LINOLEUM, TILE and FLOOR -SANDING Phone 718 Exeter - Phone 133 Zurich ' MIlI 0110 Nil' I , timi IHIHH i1 1 11(Miufilft p iing lo mint 1 s 1 + Winter S ecial • .n, y4 .i; ,n. .a. ON Ptor .a Windows kND- vmIbIn.tion 0 /PS 0.,/ WE ALSO CARRY ALUMINUM DOORS, WINDOWS AND AWNINGS Phone 69 Zurich Call Ed, Deichert - Salesman SEE US FOR ANY OF Your Building Needs Fred C. Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies +