HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-10-13, Page 4-- 7eITATAICi' 5 C) 6 r Waterloo Cattle reeding Association WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED AT THE FALL FAIRS AND BREED SHOWS you will find in the 4 TI and open classes, ntunerdus offspring of .the bulls used by the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association,of the Those sired by our bulb may not be at the top class each time. However, they, will win their share of hon- ours, especially when cared for and presented to the hest advantage. ON THE FARM since April 1st, 1953, 1519 1au,hters of our Holstein eires have been graded 515- G. P. or better as compared to the breed average of 47,P;. G. P. or better for the same period. To assure better than average money making qualities in your young cattle. dairy or beef, use our artificial breeding serviie. The cost i' low. Where can you getas much for your money? Non -Profit, Farmer owned and controlled. Life membership $5.00 $5.00 per cow for members $6.00 per cow for non-members For further information or service, phone collect to: CLINTON 515 between: !'30 7:20nd and0:00 e 804. M. A..M, oweek on Sundys ays and Holi- day;. Thanksgiving Visitors- 1 isitors--- !(1'Irs Ivan ''Taylor and boys of Wat- erloo, Ontario, and Mr and Mrs. Elgin Rader and boys with Mr and. Mrs Leonard Resteaneyer and family.. Mr and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and family of Waterloo, Mr and elYirs. Wendell Gamble and boys 'of London and Mr and. Mrs Ervin Rader and family* with Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and family. , Mr and Mrs Hubert Wether and 11 Mr and 'Mrs Cordon Weisberg of Waterloo with. Mr and Mrs Fred Weibere. ' Mr and Mr, Ward Kraft and .fam- ily of 'London with Mr and Mrs. Bei - 0 eel; Koehler and family. . t\frs Nelda Routledge of London with Mr and Mx, Philip Fassold. Miss Anne Taylor of London with 'NrsLetta Taylor. I Vise Nancy Tiernan ofLondon and Mr Bob Stormer of St. Thomas with "' Mr and Mrs Mervyn Tiernan. Mr. (Mervyn' Stelck of Bradrford el and Miss Pntsv Stetck of • Toronto, 4m i with Mr and Mrs Ed, Stelck. I Mr and Mv=• Donald Resteaneyer Viand girls o!f London kith Mr. Otto V Restemeyer. ZURICH HERALD miles east and half merle north of Hensali, The undersigned Auctioneer received instructions to sell by pub- lic Auction on • WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 19th. Commencing at 12.80 pm. sharp Tractor and Threshing Machine -..- Oliver 60 row crop tractor in A-1 condition, equipped with new 2-row scuffler; George White No. 0 Thresh- er 'cnnpletely equipped with 120 -ft. thresher belt. Farm Machinery — M -H. binder, 6 -ft. cut; Oliver 2 -farrow tractor plow, like new; Geo. White tractor spreader, like new; McD. 13 -disc fer- tilizer drill, like new; John Deere - section lever harrows'' like new; 4 -see. diamond harrows; McD, team ecuffler, •.etiif tooth cultivator; dump rate; 1V1r_I H. hay loader, like new; 'rubber tired .wagon; 10 -ft. hay rack, 2-wheel trail- er; l Frost & Wood mower, ; Smalley grain blower with 82 -ft, pipe, Gehl hammer mill, like new; 7i2 -ft rubber belt, double disc; set *of sleigh 54 -.ft 5 -inch belt; ravel box, fanning Thursday, kOetober 13th, 195 mill. 2 chicken shelters, new colony ins Hhens� 400 bales Timothy aiic house 12x12 -ft; forge, •Stewart 'c1I1 per, 3 sugar beet knives, sugar beet t forks, cutting box, lost roller, 2, gal, gas drums; rotary pump, emery tl Viking eiover dray; 1:0 tons mixed hay, 10 acres ,eo(b corn, Household Effects - Findlay Coit-• world ,bench, 2 sugar ket es, dor •cook stove like new; oak dining •cream separator used one season; . 5 chairs,i.suite con sting China round table, Universal Co -Op. milking machink completely .equipped, root pulper, cit I squax a top extension table; 6 kitchen cular saw, brooder stove, snow :fence, ..halm; cupboard, baking •cabinet,arni, 2 logging chains, 8 cords furnaee kdiair,-table lamps, fern stand, 'centre wood; 14 cords stove wood, 0 coil, .tables, 3 complete bedroom suitest cedar wood; quantity cedar post.., electric radio, cedar ,chest, Aladdin forks, shovels, etc. etc. 'lamps, trunk, large section of n.ew • Cattle 2 white Durham cow ri est arlous bedspreads,. linens, and linolemn t Henn* v mats,. i xg due in March; red cow, rust rnforters, curtains drapes, 2 toilet 'milking, c o rarhnnr s, L,Jra., �*..� •- m yam • ., , s : w 6 ()Hie . Sports Cycle GRAND BEND We Can Supply You OF ALL YOUR HUNTING NEEDS. LICENSES, RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, AMMUNITION OF ALL KINDS; CLAY BIRDS, HAND TRAPS, DUCK DECOYS, DUCK CALLS, C'OMPASES, CLEANING RODS, and PATCHES; GUN BLUING; HUNTING KNIVES, BOOTS, HIP OR LACE KNEE BOOTS, WADERS, HUNTING JACKETS and CAPS; 0 BOWS and ARROWS, FISHING TACKLE. A LARGE 6 SELECTION FOR SPORTSMEN. GIVE US A CALL WANTED IReliable man as Dealer in Huron County. Experience not necessary. A fine 'opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big Profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept,_ J- 458-163, !Montreal, P.Q. 3 'St. Joseph & Blue Water Area ' ,Tr and Mrs Pierre Ducharme. of f, ' h�ni rstburg spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr and - Mrs. e I", De rharme. cs Mr Pene Primeau of Chicago spent an o a few d?vs in this neighborhood, vis - o itin°' relatives and friends. He left for his home on. Wednesday last. • , The sunny week and Thanksgiving e' ;Holiday meant much to those who s, i have cottages along the lake, and ;las usual cottages were filled. . . e l We are not too certain if they took 1 I their• daily dip as they did during the g past hot summer deeps, never -tire -less 2 they enjoyed the Balmy breeze of the Lake which is very agreeable, 8 • 'and at the same time very refreshing p Dedication of Statue . ' This week a Mission is taking place • in this parish and given by Rev. Fr. 9 ; Berrnud C:S.S. of 'St. Joseph's Or- O atorv, Mont Royal, speaking in 1'p 0.6 • 1Fren:ch Enid English. The unveiling! e of the Statue will take place on Sunday, October 16th at four o'clock in the afternoon; then the tlessine D A S H W O O D s"Mr, Robpxrts", Mrs, RC Y Morelz o f theStatue of St Jose s1i, tnia , d ?VMrc, Rei, i°fivienz, Mrs. Hugh Mor- enz, Mrs Leslie, Adams, Mrs, Irvin Bader and Marian, members of the Huron Waves Housewives group a- long with other members from Thed- ford, Zurich and Kippen were guests of the Londn Free Press last Wednes- day. Accompanied by Mr Art Cartier, public relations manager. They tour- s CFPL and the Free Press. After won a lovely violet .cull an sauce a which was drawn for at the cafeteria,'S ace does not permitus giving Aidthe ;^rgenealogy of the'., venerable man • Zion Aid Zurich Ladies' tertained by( Brother Andre, but we say in a few - The Lutheran Ladies'Aid eni words that the Laportes, Durand = and tertained the Ladies' from. Zurich i Sauves are affilliatd in relation hip Lutheran church at a turkey dinner `with this man of miracles; Iniac in it - last Wednesday evening. Following i self is an honor for this parish and dinner films were shown,ilMarie and' for the families concerned. Ruth Samon. favoured with claronet 1 Clearing Auction Sale and cornet solos; Elenor Becker and I Of Tractor, lirtock,gpoult y,ne, farm l' and r i Brother Andre will wage take place. I dinner at the cafeteria an journeyed Barbara Koehler played piano duets. i rnac yet to the Odeon Theatre and enjoyed Bingo was enjoyed. • `household 'effects, on the premises, Lot 7, Con. 2, Tuckersanith Twp., '1?i r To Ha die ot r Corn MODERN, LABOR SAVING, AUTOMATIC EQUIPMENT FOR FAST HANDLING AND ACCURATE WEIGHING —FULL PLATFORM HOIST - Watch this Hoist unload your truck or semitrailer at the touch of a Button! —LARGE CLEANER AVAILABLE for Fast Unloading. —TWO ANTOMATIC WEIGH SCALES for Fast but Accurate weighing. —LARGER and FASTER CORN SHELLER, To eliminate waiting to Unload. —NEWEST TYPE DRIER, To Custom Dry your grain. d --HIGHEST MARKET PRICES Paid for your Corn, Wheat, Soyabearis and Mixed Grain, —CUSTOM PICKER SHELLER Available -w- 36 -in. rows $7.00 per acre; 42 -inch rows $6.00 per acre ♦rtexv.ins✓ww�ra..vrrt+�awuw:.rmtlYauuy+sa++ewanwwam...exiav^VVicirvasewn9d'F'!M'M.az.agwn�r�XnM'7�::v�uvrvaa inM liimromP.nren.mrteetm (511n FM MI Lin [ti ed Mri:rs.::�'SYJ! y, Phone 735 king clue in April, white D cow milking, due in April; part Hol- stein and Durham cow, due before sale date; roan cow, with calf at foot; Durham. cow, milking, due in (MMlarch; 2 steers rising 2 yrs. old;roan heifer, rising 2 yrs. old; 2 heifers rising one year old; 4 Hereford calv- es. This is a•choice herd sof cattle.. Hogs -- 10 stocker pigs. Poultry — 175 Rd. Is. /ted yearl- sets, large quantity of dishes, some antique; 'churn, crocks, seaters, etc.e. etc. All houseb.old effects in new condition:•-• No Reserve, as the farms is sold. Owing to extra large salsa, selling will start sharp on time,.: Terms—Cash Wilbur Dining, Proprietor Garnet Hicks, Clerk: Alvin Walper, Auctioneer. We are pleased to announce that MR. KEN ETUE Office in Pearson Building, Zurich Telephone: Zurich 33 has been appointed our official agent for the sale of s As our agent, he will be glad to call upon ,rou with complete details' of the issue and to service your order. Please telephone. "eel OTTAWA CALGARY i t LIMITED INVESTMENT DEALERS TORONTO ,. —�, MONTREAL LONDONwiNNIPEQ w' HAMILTON VANCOUVER SHERBROOKE NEW YORK fra IVA KITCHENER QUEBEC D Did u say: "Who told you—you can't save? 'Course you can ! And a lot more and a lot easier than you young 'uns may think ! Ever hear of Canada Savings Bonds? There's your answer ! Put a percentage—even a small percentage—of your weekly or monthly earnings into 'em. It's easy. Have it done automatically for you if you like by your Bank. Like surprises ? You'll be surprised how your savings pile up in short order .. tucked away safe from your own 'easy spending' earning you good, steady interest. And any time you want or need money for an opportunity or an emergency, your Canada Savings Bonds are cashable right off for full face value plus earned interest ! _ Don't tell me you can't save 1" Anyone can save—easily, regularly, safely—with Canada Savings Bonds! • FOR CASH OR P. N EASY S A 1FiT loth Set; ,.ad's