HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-10-06, Page 51d'(' ea lies Sb. thei 16, uct ane Ids did ity6 this not, " ICH ONTARIO Correction In so East week issue Mrs. 0, Koehler was named as one of the ,fudges in the public speaking contest In connection with the concert tai the Community Centre, Fall Fair night. This should have read, Mrs. resale Desch. Sorry, a Printer's mis- take. { Cr EXETER ARENA Friday, October 14th. 12 Regular Games for $:50 each 3 Special Games for $200 each One Special for 1956 FORD COACH Admission $1.00 Extra and Special Cards 25c, 5 for $1,00 - Car Special $1.00, 6 for $5.00 Gaines Start at 9 p.m. - Doors Open at 7.30. Sponsored by Exeter Legion and Lions Prceeds In Aid of Scout House For Quick Sale 1 - Clare Jewell White Enamel Kit - then Range, has oil burner instal- led (cheap). 1 - Wingiham Clipper White Enamel Kitchen Range, for oil, wood or 'coal. (like new) 1 - Warm rMorniing Coal Heater with Automatic Draft. (A bargain) 1 - Duro Therm Oil 'Space Heater with Blower. (used 1 year) 1 - Evans NuStyle Oil Space Heater with Blower. (A !bargain) 1 - Norge Oil Space Heater for large home (cheap) 1 - .Southern Air Oil Floor Furnace ii - Coleman Oil Floor Furnace with Automatic clontroll. (like new) (It's 'a steal). Other stoves, space 'heaters too 'num- erous to mention. ALL BARGAINS Gerald Gingerich's Heating, Lighting & Plumbing Electrical Repairing Motor Rewinding Zurich Phone 314 Ontario STANLEY ' TOWNSHIP The Goshen church service +on •uun- day Oct 2nd was a rally service and special programme was used. It was well attended. Messrs Hugh :McBride. of London and brother login of Goshen Line and Elmer Oesch returned to their homes after spending 6 weeks aro- uud Camrose, Mb. While there they tetrad with the harvest and Jahn Worked with his uncle on. roil wells in that country . Late Wm. Slack The death occurred on Sept: 22. Baker's Private +Hospitar, .1,ucfiinc«, of William Slack, in his 88th year. Born on the .Saulble Line, Stanley Township. _ he was the last of a fain fly o>f ,6 daughters and four sons He spent most lolf his life in Stamey where he farmed and which he sold in 1950 to Russell Grainger. Always of a jolly nature he won 'many ileat friends who have fond 'memories of the departed, he went to' Lucknow in 1951. 'The funeral .servrice was con- ducted by Rev Jennings .of the Ang- lican Church. Interment in Bayfield Cen etealy. CA , E p PRODIJ CE 'Cash Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry *lave Your Eggs Graded on AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Proprietor Phone 101 - Zurich Zurich,• Creamery if tour home market for Cream Eggs and Poultry HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID PLUS A PREMIUM FOR DELIVERED CREAM. WE ARE !EQUIPPED TO GIVE EFFICIENT ACCURATE SERVICE. EGG AND POULTRY DEPARTMENT IN -CHARGE OF THOS. MEYERS. as, Minsball, Proprietor .LOOAL V Ned Mr and 'Mrs, I. J. Swartz of De- troit spent.a day in town last week. Mrs. George Reid :from Alberta, 1$ visiting relatives and friends hi Zur- ich and Bayfield district. !Mr and Mrs Charles Pulford and eon Brent were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Ferd }Laberer. Misses Arlene 'Hiaberer and Kathie Kalbfleisch of London were week -end visitors with their parents in town. Mr and Mrs Arthur tlYieClinchey, and. Mrs. Meliza Geiger spent a day in London last week, Mr and Mrs Thompson of Park- hill were Sunday guests at the home of Mr and ,Mrs 'Geo. Bullock, Mrs. Banks of London spent the week end at the hoarse of her parents, rMr and Mrs Wan. H.ay. Mr and Mrs Coreless of Clinton., were week -end visitors with their daughter, Mr and Mrs, Ken. Breakey Mrs. Wan. Carne of Milton is vis - awe. relatives and friends in Zurich and Bayfield, also with Mr and Mrs Peter •Gingerich, Blake, Mr and Mrs Page and Miss Ger- trude iSahade of London were Sun- day guests 'at the home of Mr and Mr. Syler. Witmer of town. Mr and Mrs Harvey Pfaff of Dashwood were Sunday visitor's at the hcane of the latter's parents, 1VIr and Mrs L. W. Hoffman. Mr and. Mrs Archie :Mustard of Brucefield spent 'Sunday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs Samuel Hey, Blake. :Mr and Mrs. Nelson Welber and family of Conestoga spent Sunday at the home of their sister Mr and Mrs. Alvin Gingerieh. Mr and Mrs Harry Johnston of Kincardine were week -end visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Julius Thiel STORE OPEN — Don't forget, :for the convenience of the public Thief's general store will be open every Thursday evening till 10 o'clock Mr and Mrs 'Cliff Beynon and son of Ingersoll were Sunday guests at the home of .Mrs. Melizza Geiger and Mr and Mrs Harrison Schoch. Mrs. Thos. Meyers has returne home from Streetsville where sh visited with her daughter, Mr an Mrs. Floyd Hope. Mr and Mrs Chris E..Sohwartzen truber of Petersburg, and Mr. an Mrs Dan. Licht of New Hambur were week -end visitors with Mr an Mrs. Mose Erb.Rev and Mrs. Gordon Geiger an amily of Binbrook, were week -en uests at the home of their aunt an uncle, aVlr and Mrs Blake Horner 4th Con. The big Teeswater Fair was belt his Wednesday with its usual big ttendance. Rain greedy' hampered re event. The first time they nave ave .experienced rain in 1213 years. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred ,erv+is of Balton, and Mr. Garfield .Witmer of ondon were Sunday, visitors at the ome of their parents, Mr and. Mrs.Eaylv. Witmer, also attending the E . B. Anniversary, Had Fine Social Evening The ham aupper, followed by a ego and' sponsored Eby St. 'Broniface urch on Thursday evening was well tended, and they sure served a fine upper, nicely put up and very tasty. d a f g 1 a ti C h S bi ch at s d g, d d d 1 Harvest Home Services :Spacial Harvest Horne services will be held on Tlhanksgavrn.g Sunday October 9th, at St Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich, at 10 A.M. and at 7:30 P.M. Holyi .Coananunion will be .administered in the :morning service. A cordial invitation is extended tlo all members and friends of St. Peter's to worship with us Our Next Holiday Monday, October 11.0th has been proclaimed as Thanksgiving for :Can- ada, it runs very close with the sec- ond Monday in October, and should be an occasion of much thankfulness by people the world over. And esp- ecially No- here in Canada, the land of peace and plenty. Let us all ob- serve th day in a very spiritual and thankful manner. Our nei.t holiday then will be Christmas. The Scout's Corner On Tuesday, October 11, the Local group of the Boy Scouts will have a big paper drive again,. wltn the help of one of Hess's trucks and one of Yungblut's Please co-iolperate by having your papers and magazine ready by four o'clock and outside on your sidewalks. Any rural residents who wish to help with this worthy .cause please contact Tlhiiel's Delivery and arrangements will be inade to pick up your papers. ' OiDD AND SINISTER Nobody. likes them and yet these international Cocktail Parties are al- ways crowded to the doors. Just why? Perhaps diploanats feel compelled to attend them in the hope that `under the infflunce' some other diplomat will betray vital state sec- rets. This rarely happens we are as- sured. Sir Anthony Eden, answering a'crit- icism against the 'lavish' expendi- tures of diplomate abroad, declared of the iCeektail Party "'It is one of the burdens of a *diplomatic life. It Is done strictly in the line of duty." It would seem then that these un- pleasant, unwanted occasions are an indispensable arm of international diplomacy Duty alone causes Cock - tall Parties to be tolerated.' Surely there is something odd and sinister about this Cocktail phen- omenon, detested but always well pat- ronised,—Adv t. at-ronired Advt. ZURICH HERALD BELL & LAI)OHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS NOTARIES PUBLIC EL+MER D. BELL, Q.C, C. V. LAUGHTON, L.L.lL Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m, at Zurich At Township Clerk's Office EXETER — PHONE 4 GENERAL CARPENTRY IN Building and Remodeling SPECIALIZING IN - Build. - In Cupboards and Cabinets; Plastic Wall Tile for Kitchens and Baths, Lawn Furniture made to order; Picnic Tables, Chairs, etc. For Prompt and Courteous Service NEIL WALKER Ph. 103W, Zurich, Ont. 56m Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all +breeds of cattle. For service or information Phone - Clinton 242 - collect between 7,30 and 10:00 am, on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a. m. on Sundays. Mobile Sewage Disposal Modern Equipment for Pumping Cess Pools, Septics, Catch Basins, etc. Phone 205 GRAND BEND,' ONT. FREE INFORMATION We are happy to announce our 'franchise to handle all makes of firearms, and to help you in 'choosing riffles or shotguns', for the coming seasons. Also we will line up all guns for accurate shooting at target or game. Give Us a Call ! ! Harrison Schoch, Zurich Ph. 96-15 4 WANTED Will pay 4c. a lb. for old horses. Phone 'collect 58 r 24, Bayfield. Roy Scotchmer. p12'55 FOR SALE First class table potatoes. Apply to Wm. Pepper, Phone 41l -W, Hensel]. G. B. CLANCY Optometrist — Optician (Successor to the late A. L. Cole, optometrist) For appointments phone 33, Goderich - Ont. WANTED Ash, :Maple and Hickory Logs. -- Kalbfleisch Planing Mills, Zurich. 2tc WANTED Man for steady travel among custrorrn- ersnn, Huron County. Permanent 'connection with large rnannifacturer. /Only reliable hustler -considered. Write R•aweligh's Dept. J-458-131, n REAP .....on the table Thursday, October •6th, .1955 the meal is ready LET YOUR BAKER Be Your Menu Maker! YOUR BAKER not only supplies delicious wholesome bread for your table bread for your recipes. Out of his fragrant ovens come all man- ner of mouth-watering goodies to crown the menu of every meal! Frag- rant Coffee Cake and Cinnamon Bun, for b.'eakfast.. luscious fruit-fallee treats for luncheon... piping hot Par ker House Rolls for dinner. Bread in variety, too, for snacks any timl of day or night. So don't get wrink, les worrying about variety in meals -- let your baker be your menu maker. See what's on his tray today Tasty -Nu Bakery PHONE 100 — ZURICH "Andy's" Lunch FIST -I & CHIPS and LIGHT LUNCHES Try Delicious York Ice Cream for Picnics and Parties, in Bricks, Half Gallons and 2% Gallons C. ANDERSEN B.A. Station - Dashwood OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK BOY PARALYZED For Life, $77,213 Is Jury's Award St. Catharines, Nov. 11— • Yor• Ifa dware.tore• WE SUGGEST; 4• Have a look at our Paints and select your color 4 and kind suitable for yourneed4 1 • We carry the usual line of Shelf and Heavy ` 0 Hardware. kh 4 3. See Us for your Heating Equipment or New •Bathroom • We Specialize iBn : ffi 44 9 PLUMBING - HEATING - TINSMITH INC a 1 & RaderJttIeE7 a, , olfz - Hardware i 5 Phone Zurich - 63. Q✓f:esiumrrsrecvow- 9 sir. ea®. uaK it One of the largest single awards made in a Lincoln County Court — Young McLean was injured May 27, 1953, when knocked off his motor- bike by a truck as he was about to make a left turn— CIA recommends third -party coverage of $100,000 for bodily injury to one person, $200,000 for bodily injury to two or more per- sons, and $100,000 property damage. Bertram Klopp R,R. 3, Zurich. Phone 93r1, Zurieh. Our Motto—Prompt and fair CIaim Service FOR SALE Ladies' Hudson Seal Fur Coat, nke ew. Very Reasonable, apply to Inez Montreal P.Q. Yungiblut, Phone 11126, Zurich. 2t''i For New and Modern 36 urniture M1 • Westlake Furniture Store Come in and visit the 4' 5 • We - Just Recently Opened - carry a Large Display of all Lines! Special Sale Price on Vacuum Cleaners Phone 89J ZURICH 1 • 1 • • • • s 0 • i • dee Us for STEEL ROOFING --- ALUMINUM ROOFING -- FENCING -- BARB WIRE FENCE POSTS, ETC., ETC. Fresh Feeds Always On Hand TRY OUR CHICK STARTER! Hogs Shipped Tuesday and Thursday Cattle on Saturday Hensall i trict Co -tip. • Phone Hensall 115, Zurich 220 Phone 84 Counts AND Thor Means Quality for STOVES REFRIGERATORS Washing Machines Clothes Dryers GLADIRONS and FIoor Polishers 9 9 4 0 9 4 4 4 i 4 4: • • T •i • 4 0 • • • For all Wiring Jobs - Call. • ELECTRIC a Notice Zurich s TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OCTOBER DISCOUNT ON COLD WEATHER AND WINTER FOOTWEAR 10% OFF ON ALL WINTER FOOTWEAR FOR OCTOBER ONLY Oesch Shoe .Stott Phone, Res. 130. IIIIMINIwommoommogormr- sower Store 82 0 • • PAINT SCARF'S ITI-i il X • • • JELLIED ALKYD PAINT •• • It Doesen't Drip •• • 0 • • 0 0 • • • • 0 • 0 • • • 0 • • 1 1 It Doesen't Run Never Needs Stirring To be used on Wood, Old and New Plaster and Cement. In a choice of Many beautiful Colors Comes in Flat, Semi Gloss and Primer Sealer You can do your painting job in half the time with THIX. It needs no thinning or stirring. Try THIX for your next paint job. THIX goes farther easier. Available at OUR AIM—To Serve and Satisfy. Deters ac O'Brien Main St, Hardware Store Phone 213 A 4 a b 1 1 • 3 • •• • • • • • • 0