HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-10-06, Page 3THE aiVe t SPORTS COLUMN
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• There has hardly been a world series
in which a whole batch of new records
didn't go into the book. liiere's a thumb•
nail collection of general records and
The longest game went 14 innings.
That was in 1916, and Babe Ruth, then
pitching ler Boston won over Brooklyn, 2-1. Last year marked
only the second occasion the National League (New York
Giants) took four straight. Boston Braves did it in 1914.
Longest: nine. -Inning game by time went•3 hours, 19 mire•
Utes (1947, New York Yankees vs. Brooklyn). Shortest game
by time went 1 hour, 25 minutes. Chicago N.L. 2, Detroit
A.L. 0 at Detroit, Oct. 14. 1908.
Smallest attendance, game, 6210 at Detroit, Oct 14, 1908
Largest attendance, game, 86,288 at Cleveland, 1948. Largest
share, winning player — $11,147 Giants vs. Cleveland, 1954
Largest share, losing player — $6,712.50 to Cleveland, 1954.
Smallest share, winning player — $1,108,45 — Boston
A.L. vs. Chicago, N.L. 1918. Smallest share, losing player --
$382. — Philadelphia, A.L. vs. New York, N.L., 1905.
Oldest pitcher to start a World Series game — John P;
Quinn, A's, 1929 — 44 years, 2 months, Oldest pitcher to
finish a Series game — Quinn, 54 years, 2 months — 1930.
Youngest pitcher to win complete World Series game —
Leslie A. Bush, A's, 1913 — 20 years, 11 months
Winning Series after winning one game and losing three
— Boston, A.L., vs. Pittsburgh, 1903; Pittsburgh, N.L ;' vs
Washington, 1925.
Winning Series after losing first three games — never
The New York Yanks played through a five -game Series,
1937 (Giants) without making an error. Fewest errors both
clubs in a seven -game Series — 6.
Triple pitching feats: Old floss Radbourne for Provi•
deuce, N.L., 1884; Bill Dineen for Red Sox, 1103; Christy
Matthewson for Giants, 1905; Babe Adams for Pittsburgh,
1909; Jack Coombs for Philadelphia Athletics, 1910; Smokey
Joe Wood for Boston, 1912; Barry (The Cat) Brecheen for
St. Louis Cards in 1946.
Your comments and suggestions for this column will be welcomed
by Elmer.ferguson, c/o Calvert House, 431 Yonge Si., Toronto.
A. party of officers from the
claval survey ship Vidal were
stretching their legs ashore in
British Honduras recently, when
a mangy little pup began frisk-
ing around their legs. "Poor
little devil!" exclaimed one of
the officers. "He looks half
starved. Let's see if we can buy
him and take him aboard."
"Sure, boss," grinned• the an-
imal's owner, a native labourer,
"dat dawg ain't no good to me.
You can hey him fer nuthin'.."
And so "Heinz" became one
of the crew. Since he joined the
Navy he has put on weight, is
bright-eyed and glossy -coated.
He knows every man in the
ship's company, and growls at
any stranger who comes aboard.
Bulldogs, despite their tough
appearance, are inclined to be
too delicate for life at sea. But
in one warship the captain was
presented with a very young
bull -pup he was determined to
rear. Accordingly the dog was
placed in the personal charge
of his marine sentry, who had
strict instructions to let no one
touch the animal.
A diet sheet and a "routine"
were solemnly drawn up and
formed part of the sentry's or-
ders. Periodically the beefy
marine ceased pacing his beat,
took up a fountainpen filler full
Of milk and carefully fed the
tiny animal as it sprawled lux-
uriously in its cushioned basket.
"Buster," wartime mascot of
R.M.S. Stork, was a real sea
dog. He was picked up towards
the end of the war, a lonely pup
floating on a raft in mid-Atlan-
tic. Despite his unpleasant ex-
perience "Buster" preferred to
remain at sea, and -before the
war ended was "in" at three
U-boat kills.
Then there was `Able Seaman
Nuisance," a Great Dane who
became the mascot of a naval
shore establishment . in South
Africa. His certificate of service
gave his civilian occupation as
"bonecrusher," his religion , as
"scrounger," and stated that he
had volunteered to, serve for the
period of the emergency. Alas,
he did not last that long,and
when he died was given a full
naval funeral and a monument
was erected over his grave.
Ships' pets taken back to .Bri-
tain must be declared to the
customs authorities. , On one
occasion a corvette had declared
two cats which had joined the
ship at Gibraltar, and the cus-
toms officer demanded to see
the animals before clearing the
But both cats had sneaked
ashore and were nowhere to be
found. The dockyard was hast-
ily scoured and two indignant
strays from other ships were
grabbed, brought on board and
duly presented as the new ar-
rivals to Britain.
Cats and dogs are by no means
'the only animal pets carried in
warships. The ill-fated battle -
cruiser Hood once had a walla-
by, a destroyer boasted a full
grown black bear, and during
the war the cruiser H.M.S. Kent
actually had a pet seal.
DROOPING SPIRITS --With children back at school, there were
fewer visitors to throw peanuts at the elephants in the Bronx
Zoo. So this poor fellow hod to drape his trunk over the wall
and hunt for tidbits that might have fallen in busier days. His
woebegone look indicates the pickings were slim,
NET RESULT—VICTORY—Tony .Trabert sprawls on the court after
a fall while smashing a point past Australia's Ken Rosewell,
in finals of National Tennis 'Singles Tournament.
Do You Fear That "Unlucky" Number?
Would you worry if, upon
arrival at a hotel, you found you
had been allocated room •unmber
thirteen? Would you feel un-
easy if you found yourself sit-
ting thirteenth at table?
Would you object to living in
a house numbered thirteen?
11 your answer is "Yes" to
each of these questions, then
you are only one of many thou-
sands of people who believe,
without knowing exactly why
that there is something . sinister
about the number thirteen -
that it brings ill luck.
In many of the big European
cities the "thirteen" supersition
still flourishes. When asked for
room number thirteen at a
French seaside hotel, the owner
looked aghast.
The very fact that anybpdy
should want to sleep in a room
bearing the dreaded number ob-
viously appalled him. He said
his hotel had never had a Room
13 and never would while he re-
mained its owner. He offered
Room 12a.
Even: in Britain inquiries at ,a
number of holiday hotels show-
ed that many hoteliers in 1955
are still superstitious about the
number thirteen.
Some have no room thirteen.
The proprietor of one hotel said
that most visitors would •rather
sleep in a haunted room than in
a room bearing that number. In
some 'big hotels it is sometimes
the practice to begin numbering
"the rooms at 14 or 15 in order to
avoid 13 and its so-called evil
It is said that visitors rarely
notice the ommission of 13 and
the substitution of 12a, which"
as in some Continental hotels,
sometimes takes place.
But is number thirteen really
unlucky? One of the happiest—
and prettiest—women of my ac-
quaintance was born in 1903,
the digrits of which, added up,
make thirteen. She was the thir-
teen child of a couple who lived
for years in a London suburban
house numbered thirteen.
This woman married a Lon-
doner, whose surname has thir-
teen letters, on May 13th, and
their first child was born on
August 13th of the following
year. The husband has been his
own boss for just thirteen years
and is very prosperous.
Can you wonder that this con-
tented couple scoff at any sug-
gestion that the number which
has so dominated their lives is
Or consider the case of 52 -
year -old Mr. Roy Glynn, an
Australian. No one specially
noticed him when he arrived at
Romford railway station one
night in 1949. But a month
earlier, when he had left Rom-
ford for New York, he was con-
spicuous with a white stick
and a nurse to guide him.
He arrived blind at the New
York Eye and Ear Infirmary
and had two operations. The
doctor removed his bandages
and asked if he could see.
"Yes, thank God, 1 canl" he
Said Mt Glynn: "1 must be
lucky. I am a thirteenth child,
enlisted on the 13th in the 13th
Battalion, passed thirteenth In
my civil service examination,
was in the 13th garrison in the
second world war, and the New
York hospital where 1 recover-
ed my sight -as in 13th Street.
Who said thirteen was unlucky?"
When a man named W. J.
Protect your BOOBS and CASH from
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145 Front St. E., Toronto
Established 1855
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Uruckshanks won a big prize in
a sweepstake many years ago,
his ticket number ended with
"13" and the news of his win
reached him on the 13th of the
Two hundred years ago an
English soldier named Hatfield
found that thirteen was indeed
his lucky number, for it saved
his life.
He was condemned to death
on a charge of sleeping while
doing sentry duty outside Wind-
sor Castle. He stoutly denied
sleeping, declaring that he was
so wide awake that he had actu-
ally heard a distant clock strike
thirteen at midnight.
He was laughted at, but his
story got round and shortly be-
fore he was due to die half a
dozen people carne forward
with affidavits which established
that the clock had struck thirt-
een on that particular night,
owing to a defect in its mechan-
ism. The soldier was pardoned
and always after that declared
that for anybody to say thirteen
was an unlucky number was ab-
Thirteen was always the
favourite number of Woodrow
Wilson, who became President
of the United States in 1913 and
whose name contained thirteen
His car number figures, when
added up, made thirteen. And
he used to tell his friends that
he regarded Friday the thirteen-
th as "a day of double luck."
'Those people who think thirt-
een in a family is unlucky
should listen to the evidence of
a Lowestoft man, Mr. William
"I'm one of a family of
thirteen," he said in 1924, "the
eldest of nine brothers and four
sisters, and we have always
been lucky. For instance, five of
us boys served in the war and
all saw service in France, Bel-
gium, Germany, Italy and the
Dardanelles. We all got back
safely to our dear old home
Quite a number of famous men
have counted thirteen as their
lucky number. Arctic evplorer
Dr. Nansen, who between 1893
and 1896 led an expedition
nearer that North Pole than any
man had reviously been, started
his great voyage on March 13th
with thirteen men.
He reached civilization again
on August 13th and was enter-
tained at the 13th dinner of the
Scottish Geographical Society
on the following February 13th.
"Dr. Nansen had forever set
aside the evil influence associ-
ated with the number thirteen,"
said one speaker at the dinner.
Twenty-five thousand wild-
fires annually burn 306 million
board feet in Florida—enough
to build 40,000 five room houses.
TO be sure of chicks when you want
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delivery order now. 3 Special egg
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HA I'CHING eggs wanted by one of
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ed hatcheries, On some breeds eggs
taken every week in the year. L arge
premium paid For full details. write
Box 136. 123 Eighteenth Street New
Toronto Ontario,
'rhe Ontario Red Poll Cattle Club
Consignment Sale at Orangeville Fair
Grounds Thursday, October 27. 1,30
p.m, T.B. and Bangs Tested, 10 Bulls.
28 Females. A. ROY COULTER, Sec-
retary -Treasurer. Campbellville, On-
tario, R.R.3
For fall planting, the surest way to
success. Viking, Lathem, Madawaska
and others. Edenvale Gardens, Mine
sing, Ont.
Dress shirts, white and plain
colours, sizes to 21. Trousers, over-
alls, windbreakers, underwear up to
size 60. Apparel for tall men. Refunds
68 guaranteed. Saint Hubert, fMontreal 10Rdor,
and universal iotnts repair kits for
every popular ear and truck at com.
petitive prices
1438 Guy 5t., Montreal
NEW perma-bronze oil filter element
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One size fits present ease on all ears.
trucks and tractors with standard by-
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filter for all engines and oil furnaces
Box5154WChathamoOnttd Enterprises
APPLIANCE salesman preferably
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pliance store better than average
Opportunity for experienced man.
Write for appointment. Harold C.
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OUR company requires two young
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ence necessary. but applicants should
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mencine salary 935 per week. Write
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BANISH the torment of dry eczema
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Poste; Eczema Salve will not disap-
point you. Itching scaling and burn-
ing eczema acne ringworm pimples
and foot eczema wilrespond readily
to the stainlessodorless ointment.
regardless of how stubborn or hope
ie.SS they teem
Sent Poo Free on Rereint of Price,
889 Queen St. E, Corner of Logan
see cneAr
335 Elgin, Ottawa.
$1,25 Express Prepaid
BEFORE buying, be sure and write
for our latest. Free catalog on guns,
rifles etc. Large assortment. Scope
Sporting Goods. 250 Bank St. Ottawa.
Great Opportunity
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MAKE money quickly selling Stand
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Grow beautiful hair and Look 20
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FALLING HAIR? Don't worry Hair
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$250 first pay. STENOGRAPHERS in
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Write Cassan Systems 20 Snadina
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LADIES buy your nylon stockings and
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in your spare time taking orders from
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We carry the stock for you. Write
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poration. 4444 St. Catherine Street
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IDENTIFY and uersonalize everything.
Your name and address on checks.
stationery. books, etc. Saves time.
avoids errors. Finest three line PER-
for 81.98. Fowler's Snarl -ales Drawer
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AN OFFER to every Inventor List of
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RELINE your own loose plates per-
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