HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-09-22, Page 1ZURICH. If ellmeoreseeseader Established '1900 i S HERAL" ZURICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 22 1955 '4 :4- .4 -4 • -.4 Ham Supper A. N D BINGO in the COMMUNITY CENTRE, - ZURICH On THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, 1955 Supper 6 to 8 p.m. Adults - $1.25 — Children - 75c Sponsored. by C.W.L. of St. Boniface Parish, Zurich Everybody Welcome. Meet your friends at this Fine Social Evening -+ SUMMARY of RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS: ▪ To Amount received. from. Candidate :*r Dis'barstments: .�. .y Statement of Receipts and Disbursements OF THOS. PRYDE, .A CANDIDATE In The Riding of Huron in the Provincial Election held on June 9th, 1955 T . 4 • 4 Ap.,4.4.44344.4*@+*+*A40 '*- HOFFMAN'S • • • rase. L° ,Arrange Funeral. Service II1I SEHYICf ' i f • q.C • Te• o Or From 4 • Out -Of -Town -Points ' i•F e • w Menses .� vs. Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can- + stda, the United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as • • • members of local and national funeral director's associations, can • yhandle all the arrangements,_ You are always assured the quiet effi- A <i ciency of Hoffman's service. e T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME 4 ..o▪ , Funeral and Ambulance Service e • • 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-W 4 Postage ••PrintiYng and Advertising Telephone iaal+l Rent§ and +Expenses Trarveltieeg, telegrams, gas and oil and other sundry expenses 159.30, 1295.47 41.69 98.91` $1765.37- 170.00 : ;$ 1765:.37:. Abated at .Eketei,„ 'ti itjario this -'7th 'day of September, 1955. , (E. H. Beaver) Official. Agent for Thos. 'Pryde. + •ee•••4•t••••4•••••*•••••A• ANNOUNCEMENT Mr and Mrs Gordon Love R.R. 1, Zurich, wish to annonce the engage- ment of their daughter Ellen ,Mar^ieF to Mr. Robert Johan Graham, R.C.A. F. Station, Clinton, .slon of IMr and Mrs Edward Graham, 'Cloverdale, B. C.. The marriage to take place in the Protestant Chapel, RCAF. 'Station, Clinton, on. the afteanloon of October 8th, 19155 at 3 'o'iclo+k. NOTICE Will all parties interested in the Zurich Band and. especially parents and new members call on the band leader Mr. C. Robinsiotn at the town Mall next Monday, 26th, from the hours of four to 5.30 p.m. Lyric Theatre Phone 421 - EXETER Thursday, Fri., Sat. Sept 22-23-24 Seven Brides for Sever L. Brothers Howard Keel Jane Powell CiO'ME'DY SHORTS Monday, Tuesday Sept. 26-27 Wicked Wornan Beverly Michaels Richard Regan Adult Entertainment SHORTS CARTOON 4. +. 4. + + 61` SAVE At TEL'S • Si'ipe'rior Marka For the Convenience of our Shoppers we are open- ing our Store every Thursday evening till 10 p.m. Be one of the Lucky Customers for a Free Brick of Ice Cream at our Check Out We still have some Dry Goods to Clear:.. Children's Hose, Ladies' Hose, Ladies' and Children's Under- wear, Sweaters, Fingering and Wheeling Yarns; Just a few more Wool Blankets... For Bargains, See Us Mass purchasing by our central Superior Ware- house makes our LOW PRICES POSSIBLE Be sure to take notice to our weekly Grocery Specials in the Superior Adv. every Thursday in the London Free Press. LOWER. PRICES SAVE YOU MONEY Zurich Phone 140 C. H. THIEL Wednesday, Thurs., Friday, ,Sat. Sept. 28, 29, 30, Oct. 1 A Man Called Peter Richard Todd Jean Peters CARTOON SHORTS Llash mar CLINTON .- ONTARIO Next to Community Park h At Hospital Master Gary Trnemm+er, aged 4, 1adest son of Mr and Mrs Ellwood uemner, 14th Con., Hay, was tak- en to the War Memorial Sick Chil- dren& Hospital, of Victoria. Hospital London last Thursday, where he was placed in an oxygen tent to, receive treatment. We wishhim a speedy recovery. Thursday, Friday sept. 22-23 Living ol+oIt r U)p Rory Calhoun Jean Summons Three Stooge Comedy Saturday, Monday Sept. 24-261 ATTENDED FUNERAL Mr and Mrs Lee Hoffman, Mr and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien received word of the passing of their cousin Mr. Roy 1. Faust, of Berwyn, I•ll. The late r. Faust who Was in his 62nd year, ;!as a former 'Zuridh boy, a son of the late Mr and Mrs Adam Faust, former residents of this Village. Mr. and Mrs Faust and sister Miss Lorna Faust visited relatives and old friends 'in Zurich about a year ago. He is rvivedl by his wife, two daughters, one son, two grandchildren and his • 14ster Miss Lorna Faust of Chicago. • BACK TO STANDARD With the !approach of the end of e week, Saturday night, midnight, W.41 be the end of Daylight Time for :Pother season. So when you go to retire Saturday night just turn your clock back one hour, (the hour you lost last spring) and you will waken up :Sunday morning on top of the world and on Standard time again, for the winter season. This wall give us an hour more daylight in the .mor- ning and an hour less in the erventng. The advanced hour worked in quite nicely the past summer which was 'un- usually hot and dry, as the .hot sun (vias always an hour later in the Morning, hut now with the cooler Weather not too far off we can en- foy the extra hour's snooze in the Morning. BIG PROGRESS ;VIEW, ;he Lutheran Church Wilt Be Making News in 1956-'57. The United Lutheran Church in America - largest Lutheran body in North America - will conduct the most vigorous- 'e'vang'elism mission in its history during 1956 and 1957. In hundreds of .communities across the United States and Canada, the Luth- eran Evangelism Mission will be mak- ing news. Rooted in Scripture, em- powered by prayer, centred in the congregation, the forthcoming evan- gelism .program will mobilize 2,250,- 000 pastors and laymen of more than 4,500 congregations. The Church earnestly 'seeks the help and co-oper- ation of the daily and weekly news- papers of the United States and Can- ada in making this continent -nide evangelism mission effective. Sines Copies 5 Cents. Subscription in Canada, MOO a X Subscription U.S.A., Year $2.511. NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Znuich NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS. Ona New Modern Loom, Made t Order — Seth 0 Amann, Zwick Ont. Phone 128. The Savage ,Charleton Heston. ,Suzanne Morrow Tuesday, Wednesday Sept. A Bullet Is Waiting (color) Rory Calhoun . Jean Simmons Three Stooge Comedy Cartoon and Short at each Show or fear. Two Shows Nightly, Box Office Open 8:00 p.m. First Show at Dusk. Children Under 12 in Cars _...._._._Free YOUR SPECTACLES DO YOUR SPECTACLES NEED REPAIRING OR ADJUSTING? Why not bring them in and have them fitted comfortably. BESIDES WE ARE IN A POSITION to supply you with new Frames any size, shape or color; your broken Lenses replaced promptly and accur- ately. IF YOU NEED A NEW PAIR OF Spectacles., Why not have your eyes examined at C. PASSMORE, R.O. 2474 St., London. Bring in the prescription we will fill it promptly with the newest in Spectacle Ware at a price much be- low the rates charged in the larger centres. Mr. Passmore is regarded as an outstanding Optometrist. . 27-28 Miscellaneous Shower -On Wednesday evening, 'September 14th 1955, Mrs. Peter Gngerich of Blake welcomed the many friends in honor of her niece, Miss Mildred Steckle (b.ride elect) to her home where a miscellaneous shower many beautiful and useful gifts were presented to Mildred who was ush- ered to sit in a well decorated chair fitted for the occasion. Miss Ethel Gabel read the presentation while the little MoClinchey Sisters, Sandra and Shirley assisted by their cousin Ruth Ov �1U i�rAnn. Geiger, wheeled several loads of l Jr gifts on their d'ecor'ated wagon to the GRAND BEND A. G. HESS THE JEWELLER INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOBNE S. .MILER LOCKER SERVICE. - ROE FEED" WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 -- HEN$ALL, ON$ 00••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••001101:1114414144 • • • • • • • i • TELEPHONE: **MA* ***rat NA** Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS' Day and Night Service RES. 89W • OR 89J, ZURICH 1 •••••••••••••9064/0••MMIR•i •••N•MMNM•••••M•Ai bride elect. Miss Gabel and the girls _ 'assnsted in opening the gifts, 'Mildred Thurs., Fri., Sat. Sept. 22-23-2.1 thanked ruse'tie .every y with the gifts iremem will Soldier of Fortune think of her Zurich friends while us - d CinGahleolpe Technicolor ,in them. Invitingall to come to visit Cbarlc Gable Susan Hayward i g '< Gene Sorry hem. A delicious luncheon was IVIicha•el Rennie served and a splendid social time was Cartoon and Additional Short enjoyed. Wishing Mildred much joy Subjects and biding each other adieau, re - Advanced Admission: Adults 75c. turned to their homes.Children. 125.c (Tax Included) 'Monday, .Tuesday . Sept. 26-27 1 House of Bamboo Adult Entertainment Cinemascope Technical or Robert Ryan Robert Stack 'Shirley Yamaguchi Newsreel and Cartoon. Specials FOR SEPTEMBER ROLCLES 10% 0 �COFFESPECIALSIC`! ALL RADIOS 10% OFF ELECTRIS RANGES, All Makes Electsic Washers 20 p.c. Off Gurney Electric Stove 20 p.c. Off Power Lawn Mower 20 p.c. Off And Many Other Items T -V. Arials and Airal ;Material to in- stall your own. Save 507". ROLLIE SPORTS & CYCLE interment was made in the ,Mennonite Grand Bend Cemetery, Goshen Line. OBITUARY Mrs. Samuel Ropp Passes There passed away at her home in Zurich, on Friday, September 10, 7955 Alvina Baechle•, dear wife of. Samuel Rapp and dear mother of Alfred of London, Vera, +.Mrs. Elam Shantz of Hensall; Ina at home and Luanna; Mrs. Albert Martin of Zurich in her 61st year. She also leaves 11 grandchildren, one sister Mrs. Chris. Gi inigerich of Zurich; one brother, Mr Solomon Baeohier of Zurich and rela- tives and friends. The funeral which was largely attended on, .Moncay, was held .in the Zurich 'Mennonite Church with Rev. Roy Koch of St. Jacob; officiating, assisted by Rev. Moses Roth of New Hamburg. The pall- bearers were six nephews: William 13aochler, Ephriam Gingerich and Stanley Gingerich of Zurich; Ivan Rapp and Wesley Steckley of Milver- ton and Floyd Ropp orf Ailsa Crai o•, 1 ZURICH'S Grocery Store We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH , GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as wed as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supply GIVE US 'A CALL 1 Memo Oeset W f Zurich. PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 1851 1 1 I • Bust Arrived MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES Just Arrived. New Shipment, at Very Low Prices Also some Lines at Special Prices to Clear Men's Summer Shirts, Underwear, Etc. .1..,.-, Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl THE BL4.i .E STORE 1 'hone 11.97 �,. SchWartxc>ntrttbe><t Prop,,. 4