HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-09-15, Page 8►NTAKIO • iP THE STORE WITH THE STOCK QQ 00 �QO Caml*riJge Clothes A Message of Timely Interest from the folks at Cambridge Clothes: Mr. McKenzie will again be with us on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th. Showing the Newest in Fall and Winter Made -to - Measure Suits and Top Coats. Also Ready -to - Wear Suits and Jackets and Slacks. See the new Forest Green Flannels in variety of new greys, brows, Lovats and Keithdale Suitings, with a silk -like worsted finish, a cloth unusually long wearing and shape retaining. See the New Hunting Tweed Sport Jacket NOTE! As a Cambridge Customer you are eligible to win an all -expense Free trip to Vancouver to attent the Grey Cup Football game by filling in Ballot. Mr McKenzie will be pleased to give you full par- ticulars about this. Qv� IvTELEPHONE ss ate ea e he Dr Y S ZURICH ZURICH t-IERAL13 LOCAs.,. NEWS Mr and Mrs H. Regelle of Brod- lhagen; visited Mr and Mrs Chris Hoist last Sunday. 32r and Mrs Chester L. Sn tended th e Western Fair at on Monday. Miss Gloriia Gingerich has r to her studies at,,. the tMcnrronit School at Kitchener. Q .r Mrs, T. L. Williams spent t Q • days. at London, early .in the 9 visiting friends and taking i y Western Fair. Mrs. Wagenest and Kia Q G ;:P'auline, Mr and +M,rs WM. Tand children of Stratford and Ham uryg were recent visitors Mr -and Mrs Alfred Pfaff -and relatives here, Sunday guests at the hocn Q U Mr and Mrs. Alvin-. GGingerich Rev. and 'iirs Noah Hun;sber,�e St Jacobs, Mr and Mrs, Delton S Q f% lof Waterloo, and lXr and Mrs PI Q l7 `-anus Witmer of Zunneh. Mrs; Elva Young of Ramilto: h recent visitor with her parent fa Mrs Samuel Hey of make. Q two children who had been vi 4D1 T ii? n�aton loon Q , prize at the CNE last week, QWe Congratulate Marlene • Marlene Wagner, daughter of d Mrs Leonard 'Wagner of Zu Q P j has been awarded a $250 domini Q ProVin�ci+al bursuiary, SIIDId'S Q171 heal Sturgis annaun Iw 1 The high school !announced len w graduate, an ace r? i plited pianist who was active .in 'i p' ( glee c1u�b, !plans to enter Lon 0. Tcaohers' College, London, wrote eight grade 1.3 papers and ic&ved five first class honors an , seconds, and we wish her eve', st:c- u rr l ce is in her chosen profession. Q v I POLICE RAID CLUB Carl Reid, operator of a 'bottle del) Q 6! at I3ensall, has !been charged with Q ll 11-^ening liquor for sale following a • raid on the !club (by iHensare and pro- Qvin^iai police Saturday eve last. F'ol- :ice seized a large quntitty of beer, and The club is located in a building he Main St. awned. by E. Fink. all Policeman Ernest Davis, Con- e Elmer Zimmerman, Jo :n Ford -eter, and Hehner Snell of Sea - and .Sgt, Charlie Anderson of rich, conducted !the -raid. Bisycles. Taped at Exeter • eter Safety Council Winstage ycle-taping !campaign sometime all, it was decided at a meeting taping will be done to -comply regulations in the Ontario High - Traffic Act which requires all have reflective material pmt forks and aback fender for Atli at - London $10,00.0.00 for any one .occurrence. et:u nPd ' Three year .Premium $7.50 Uigh l This broad coverage includes the general personal activities ox the In- t few sured and his family in connection tt eek, with residence, repair of premises, or n the erection of new dwelling, participat- 1 ion in sports, games, accidental shoot- ui ' ing, existence of +bi.cycles, dogs, an - 1, tclrler `iis, small boats and other liability, vee.; Sunrrne, cottage or other locations �i.ii:h included at small extra cost. oiher1Farmer's Comprehensive Liability up to 850 acres of land, and including e of animal eollisi'on. were; $10,000.00 for any one occurrence Comprehensive Personal. Liability Policy Covers accidental injuries to the Public Employers' Liability to all Domestic Servants, Damage to Pro- perty of Others. r of i Annual premium $10.00 nider1General Insurance Phone 161 HURON &. ERIE DEBENTURES SOLD AND RENEWED I was J•" W. HABERER M lh• General Insurance Phone 161 Her with the a; s,Ltng ezandparents, returning ° e hoarse with hex. max' Won 'Rest Prize ( DRIVE-IN 1�.� Goderrch - The Co.a t.• -' lisuderlCig Band under manic �zl. erect G " 1 J . direction of First Concession east of Goderich, on MayorE. Hnelc ns and Parade In- structor Ke Fennr• No. 8 Highway first ; an Thursday', Friday Sept. 15-16 Mr Southwest Passage rich, Rod Cameron on- Joan Dru. nc- Comedy Cartoon eek. mu -1 Sept. 17-19 the don She re - 3 Saturday, Monday Lone Gun Geo. Montgomery Dorthy Malone Comedy Cartoon Tuesday, Wednesday Sept. 20-21 Q Iale. Dion t Hens stab] Q0tof Ba l forth u•..��' Go de We have purchased Stock and Fixtures of Drys- dale Store from John Denomy and have added various lines of Drygoods, such as Prints, Broad- cloths, Flannelettes, Men's Overalls, Work Shirts, Jeans, Gloves, etc. Also a line of smallwares. We are remodeling the Store and intend to have Grocery. Department a: ranged for semi self -serve in the near future. Mr. Denomy will 'ontinue in charge of Store. Your Patronage Greatly Appreciated GASCHO BROS. - Phone 98 r 1 Ex P .a bic 'this f with way t haific bicycles to on fr safety a•t naght. Many hicyeres do not have this protection_ The es I plans to work in ,c0- court -with operation with 3itz the echoois. A fee of 5c will be char- ged to partially cover the cost of the t tape, .Mrs. Don Southcott was ap- pointed head of the project. - ® agricu ton, w Count Beef as an ereed, .Bob :. 0 vias, Londe, in the 4ddres preside eel's' A rie, tie•] purpos lyinI of Agri racers' 'will be .Federa t Forst Huron Beef Group pedal meeting was hold in the ltu,ral office !board rooms, Olin - hen beef !producers from Huron y organized a Huron County Producers Association. Elected executive were Wilfred !Short- Waltan; Bat Campbell, Dublin; •cGregior, Kippen ; Charles Co- 13eigrave; and Jack Armstro• g sboro, The executive pill meet near future to pick a chairman sung the group, was the pact nt of the Ontario Beef ?rodu- ssociati.on, Bert Warnic;j Par- ts explained the needs and e of a cotunty group, previous- uron County, the Federation culture sponsored a beef: rod -f committee, hut the new group totally independent Of the 1 t0 c9�@la tsistsv,si� 3{3,F7A'i ew:vv,Tri;'.v:m.:a+.,.. .i:*t.s44-N' 4y,,-,Pt3-„,Y 6,.,k5 HARDWARE SEEDS aid FURNI'� air our . Needs Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. 1 We always try to supply our Custon ers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But t, -- insure deliveries in time always leave yc-ie o -le :s early with us so we can arrange for you -:3pl,r. YOUR HEATING EQUI MEP'T Have You Looked Over Your Heat n. ' ' :u pment? Does Your Furnace or Stove need attention; or prob. ably you need a New One. Let us look these over for you and offer Our Suggestion. to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor was, OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmitt', ing our Specialty: Full lin of hes vy Hard- ware always in stook. and shelf Ffard- 1 STAD . QUALITY -. WEUOC ONT.1 '14 CE M SERVICE es t• tti • 4 • • a All American Toni Curtis Laurie Nelson Comedy Cartoon Box Office opens 7.30. Two snows nightly. Children under 12 In ears free. a,,err;+act'„�,��a�ea�tlaca.&ma�•aarru�ifr�sspr6:s�bya4lB COME TO xete Fair Wednesday and Thursday Sept. 21, 22nd. WEDNESDAY NIGHT -Junior Far - niers Variety Show and Beauty Contest Thursday ---Sarnia Lionettes Band, $2,000 Horse Show, !Parade, Midway Five 4-I3 Exhibits, Big Lovestoci: SHOW, Dance at Night. Huron County's LARGEST FAIR 004.00 EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL . EI13. CHURCH ZURICH -- ON'1•&EIQ Rev, H. E. R E. Minister Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist "NDA.Y SERVICES 10.00 a.m. ---Divine Worshin. 11:15 a.m. - Sunday School. Welcome at all Services -- " Foix - oa with 4 e ton. I food.". Num. 10:29. us and w will do tl..,, erraexeurt.aa .. 4and Bos' Vicar Winner of Saturday's `Count the Beans Contest': Don O'Brien - 2077 beans Winners of Free Dry Cleaning GERALD SREENAN EPHRAM GlNGERICH MAURICE FINKBEINER KEITH W E STLA I5 E LEROY O'BRIEN EDWIN REGIEH The management wishes to express thanks for ' the kind patronage giVen during recent Sale • Fall Suit Samples on display. School and work clothes in good supply. Agents for Mid Town. Cleaners Pick Up Mon., Thurs,, Saturday's 4. 4 4 4, 4. 4. 4. Thursday S's„ ctem+ber 4.5th, 1$514 le 49 • -GAIN Pig Booster Little pigs started on SH;UR.-GAIN Pig Booster weigh 40 pounds and rrlore at wean as ests • 0 at the SHUR-GAIN. Demonstrations weaning-and prove e that 40 pound weanlings. save a month's feeding, e tirne. A feeding program. of SHUR-GAIN Pig : Booster from 10 days to 1.0 weeks of age will fit a your pigs to make the best use of their feed and reach market sooner.. 0 Start Every, Litter on. Pig Booster 0 MILT DEITZ & SON Zurich, Ont h�'Ii18110�) liltllillljn(( !!U (I I�UIU i lliIi�lll- lfy11 l fl� ii 11 1 I I(j(1llf !! (j a 4 0 4. 6606000OG 4. 0 4. sr Lw 4 e 4. 4. 4 4. 4 4. 146• 4. 4. a 4. 4 0 4. a WFL <T° IS' LIFE? DO RICHES and PLEASURE SATISFY? DAVID SAID: They that trust in- their• wealth, anal; boast themselves in the multitude of their. riches; None of them can by any means redeem hii'sbrother; nor give to- God a ransom for him. Pra. 491-6, 7. SOLOMON SAID: He that ioveth pleasure shall be a voor• man, he that loveth wine and oil shall not he rich: Proverbs 21: 17. PAUL SAID: For me to live is Christ! ..Phil. 1: 21. JESUS SAID: ,>Z am come that; they might: have a Rife, have it more aru�tdant,,. John 10: 10. . that they might I am the Way, the Truth and Life. No man cometh unto the Father but by Me. John 14: 6 GOLDEN RULE GOSPEL MESSENGER Box 5,0s. R. R. 1 - Zurich, Ontario l/16111l111111111111111lflGfililllllllN111111IIIIIIIII1111111111111Ii11111!(IllIIIIIII MIIIH!Ill 1111llfl111111l!Illlillllllliil!IIIIII!11011llllllMNTIIfI 11111IIIII;iI,,:,: Att Its tion! TO ALL OUR FRIENDS We AND CUSTOMERS: are still in a position to serve you in all your Floor Covering Needs.., A Sample Book on all Floor Coverings will be at Gascho Bros. Store, or you can contact the residense of Herb Turkheirn, Phone 133, Zurich, and we will be glad to call on you and discuss your problems. We will still give you the same prompt service as usual. WHEN IN EXETER DROP IN AND SEE OUR NEW STORE, Carrying a complete range of Floor Coverings, Paints and Wallpapers, Prompt and Courteous Service is our Motto Your Decorating Headquarters T. and T. FLOORING SALES AND SERVICE LINOLEUM, TILE and FLOOR -SANDING Phone 718 Exeter Phone 133 Zurich 0101141,11.Ill 3111111111111IMIIIM HMI 111111111 IIII11111171Hi1iii111111MIl111 „MOM-' .11 WALL BOARD Easy to paint or paper. Many grades and types in stack.. Per Square. Foot as IOW as 5 Cents MA -'LE FLOORING Select grade, end -matched Maple - Flooring. Per 100 Square Feet $23.00 CONVERT YOUR ATTIC 10% Down 30 Months To Pay Waged Attic Space can be *ass*, and Economically Converted) lai- extrai Bedrooms or on income pyo. ducing Apartment. . You can de most of the work yourself, our collection of plans and Must. FREE, ESTIMATES See Us for all your Building Needs Fred C KaJbflejseh & San Ltd. Lumber, Shingles and Builders' Supplies 1144611114747142', 9ffinweirsarsompormoinswaRtmayorsommomemommavroureiftwastwornamirtOmemot 4. 4 4. • 4 •4. •h • 4. 4 • R • 0' 4. 4 a