HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-09-08, Page 4• R•; Pr • rINTARVO tart Drive -In Theatre �y,,, (NEWLY OPENED) 5 Miles East of Grand Bend, on Crediton Road Thursday, Friday, Sept. 8-9 Curtain Call at Cactus Creek (Technicolor) Don O'Connor Eve Arden '; aturdays liond:+.y Sept. Tanganyika (Technicolor) Van Heflin Ruth Ii:oeiin txesday, Wt :lee:day Sept, Man With a Million (Technicolor) Gregory Peak berg; Mr and Mrs Gordon Weiberg of Waterloo with stili and Mrs Fred. Weisberg and'Mr and Mrs Fred Wei - berg and Mr 'and Mrs Victor Tyler, :Vir and Mrs Lloyd Weide and VIx and Mrs Albert Getz :and Patsy of Stratford with Mr and Mrs,. Reu- ben Goetz, - Mr and Mrs Roy Bender and fam- ily of Toronto with Mr John Bender and other relatives.; Miss Luella Kuntz has returned home after spen- ding two weeks in Lansing, Mich, Mr and Mrs Arthur ICo•essel, Nor- ma of Lan: in„ 'Mich„ and '.Yrfas• Len - 10 -12 sere of Washington, D. C. with Mrs J. Kuntz and Mr and Mrs Clayton Pfile. Miss Virginia who spent the summer here returned home with them; Mr and Mrs Howard Knipfel and family of Kitchener, spent Thu- rsday with Mr and Mrs C. F. Pfile. Mr and Mrs W. Mcisaac and sons /3_44 Miss Rose Denomne; Mr and Mrs. Howard Spear all of Detroit with Mrs Lucinda 111IeIsaac ; '..lies Gail Sper returned home after spenurng the stunner here; Lynn Griffith a.nd Kathy ';\ler aac returned after vn'at- ionin' hare; 'Mr and Mrs Glen Brawn of London with Mr and Mrs Win. Wein. Miss Shirley \Vein of Exeter vac- Mr and Mrs David Baird of Load - atoned last week with her grandp ir- on with .Mrs. Matilda Peifer. Outs Mr and Mrs Art Willert. Miss Lois Gainer of London; Mrs Week -end Visitars: Albert See:iach. of •Sebrongville and Mr., Nelda Routledge of London, ' Ir and •1Irs Bruce Seebach, newly id Mr an Mrs. and :lire. Melton wed., who left Tuesday to make their Walper and girls of Ingersoll, with home at Naperville, Ills. with Mrs. Lr and ?.i:s Philip Fassold. j Caro Geiser, a Mr anti Mss Ervin Latta of \Vat-. Mr Garnet Wildfong of Sarnia, ,,Ir ' loo with Mr and Mrs Fred Wel-'.and :Mrs Kieth Wildfong and daug'h- DASHWOOD 1 I TWENTY YEARS After• sleeping peacefully for 2.0 years, Rip Van Winkle awoke to a world vastly different from that which he had known. Great changes could enter our lives too — but in these modern times we and our de- pendents need fear no sudden awak- ening to a drastically changed exis- tence provided our Life Assurance programme is adequate and up to date. See me for full information. trey tipfrimen NORTH AMERICAN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY A Mutttal Company All Profits for Policyholders Phone 70-W Dashwood, Ont. -40 Welk %V iih��+'stts+ J • ,:µms - )` �a,y,Caa +t 1n Vit If eesou run short of water hi the late summer on your farm, you can probably cure the trouble for good with a well-placed farm pond. Built where it will catch the spring run-off, your farm pond would provide a ready supply of drinking water for • your cattle and a useful reservoir in times of drcught. It's a born to any type of farming, as many Canadian farmers stave already discovered. Don't let a shortage of ready cash delay this or any other farm improvement that will make yrr.+.r.farm a better farm. D':.ct;.', your needs with your local B of M manager. Ile"I,1 tlly tell . 'au what a Farr I nipre e. ,11f • Loa•ncan dofor .::li '1$1•.11y1 yj¢�" +ypElidr ,161 46� 6t 0,4, . farm --h a t tt hGost ► your prof; .. , In y:1u time a,. :..':,. ,a`r • t ibANIK S: t — the flxor . . tux full name is Tarn Improve- ment Loan. Give hint a chance to help fix up your farm ... he's eco- nomical, conven- i.•:,t, versatile. He can do almost a -^;ye ing in mak- in„ your farm a Netter farm, Zurich Branch: CAR1. SCOTT, Manager Hensall Branch: KENNETH CHRISSTIAN, Manager Crediton Branch: RAYMOND KING, Manager (C)pen Tuesday and Thursday) - lJashwood (Sub -A ent' •) : Open Mon., Wed. & Fri. "i'1E :PM. URICH HERALf 0 s 0 lo1Iie Sports & Gyne GRAND BEND We Can Supply You OF ALL YOUR HUNTING NEEDS. LICENSES, RIFLES, S1-IOT GUNS, AMMUNITION OF ALL KINDS; CLAY BIRDS, HAND TRAPS, DUCK DECOYS, DUCK CALLS, COMPASES, CLEANING RODS, and PATCHES; GUN BLUING; HUNTING KNIVES, BOOTS, HIP KNEE BOOTS, WADERS, HUNTING JACKETS BOWS.. and ARROWS, FISHING TACKLE. SELECTION FOR SPO•RTSIVIEN. GIVE US A CALL Aittff.VRENLat. OR LACE and CAPS; A LARGE We films running water now -thanks to the RudgetPani Let us install a new Duro Water System and get all the water you want, instantly, at the turn of a tap. It costs you only about le per 1,000 gallons. ONLY 1 . %DOWN �pq W ?r,� TO UP TO 18 fi 'sl � �A +...5" PAY for pump, fixtures tin::i our installation -charge Our all-inclusive EMCO BUDGET PLAN covers your complete system—pump, tank, pipe, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, taps in all your buildings and the cost of installa- tion. You can enjoy the comfort, savings, leieure and safety of water while you pay for it. We will be glad to gi•-e you a free cetimate of the cost of labour and materials. Phone or come into our shop and see how really inexpensive running water the DURO way can be. ST Iq DE &WEIDO Zurich ...1164..® Ontario phre Bwass ' o o.. LIE- naited D-1.55 Rev ter, Mr Grant Wildfong and Miss Marion Wildfong with 112sr. Mary Tiernan. Decoration Services were held here at the Evangelical U.B. Cemetery on Sunday Sept. 4th. Dashwood Baud provided the music. Rev. W. Krotz assisted by Rev. Glen Strome, ttif Crediton officiated. Mr. Harry Hoff- man read the financial statement. , St. Joseph & Blue Water Area 'flickering lights at night, we will miss their going in and out from Hiediway to Lake, and in all we will miss; their 'presence for Sunday attendance at church. On their departure after Labor Day we wish them the best of all in their old homes, till their re- turn. in the summer of 1958, Many from a distance vi:+ited with their relatives and friends on this highway and others over the Iabor Day holidays, and for most of theme it will be the last for the year. Monday, Labor Day, one of the I HENSALL last important holidays, people tray - Mrs Edna Corbett sold the winn- eled the highways and by -ways in all • ing ticket for the Cadet Model Vac - directions, :that they •lay land et atoll •Trailer won by 'Miss Marilyn their destination. And of course Pollard, on the staff of the Soutb Labor Day will put an end to sum- Huron itcspital, Exeter; Mrs. Cor - mer resorting and camping along ',he bett will receive $100. Lake. It is again, school. days, there- Winners of the gate prize at the fore that is the rajor cause, and Bean Festival here Monday were Mrs naturally the most important one; Inez Mel wan of Hensel' ; se•conci and this Blue Water Hi:he:Ay always had third prize winners went to Denfield a record for the motor traffic this and Zurich. hummer and in all we areglad to say Mr William Cleaners'• has taken over that very few ftccidonts were re- the MMcColl. Frontenac Service Station ported, and that goes to say that operated by Mr. Legate, who is mov- those imho travel by auto have • a ing to Windsor this week. great respect for their fellow ;citizene, Week end guests with Mr and Mrs and as well for their own safety, This N. E. •Crook were their daughter Ttr. summer the campers had a long stay Nonina 7+;. J, Hopkinson of Lions at the cottages and due to the extreme Head. Mrs, E. E, Corlett of Learn - heat, it made it all the more enjoy- nigton and Mr Gary Corlett of To 17 - able for them. They say the water onto. of Lake Huron s warmer then George McAtteer of Sit. Thomas previous years and they would cool won top honors in the annual Labor off with an occasional dip, and then Day Registered Shoot of the Flippen relax on the beach for -a deep skin Gun Club, had :0.0 out of 100 and tan. Those who live along the Lake won they Kippen Gun Trophy, Pun- i ore much impressed with the re sorts n.er up for top honors way Harry' and their conduct, they are a folly Mathers of Irixeter with RR out nrf i nd respectable pectable gr'nup of people; 100. Dr, .Tim Tarrott London, woe! i s ein r ail,, .1T , reedy to greet those •17:ig,h in the C (p^ Tl 2t1?wi 'l l rlttilf•. , : ho, :i..+ pp?,� Cp".aa'ute go .o11 their"t'v, as high fa the Ir (�l ,cti; `ch .: a.ile ! . �t ee,l�, ,'e, oa tta ,;til anis the I5'mith way high hi the A. class, i Thursday,September 8th, 195:$ •+, .4ao,ouw.**4am*t...+i?o HURON COUNTY All Huron County Girls, 15 to 25 years of age, from town or country, are eligible to compete for the title of Huron County Agricultural Queen In a Beauty Contest at EXETER FALL FAIR • Wednesday; Sept. 21 DRESS: Skirts and Blouses PRIZES: ---x$50, $25, and $15. • Entrit s :must: be �in the hands of William M•eKenzie, Exeter, by Sattre- urday Septemlber 17th, Ellen Marie Love A.R.C.T. Teacher of: Piano •— Theory ate. Classes +begin Sept. 10,'55 Studio: L. Wagner, Res. Appotaitmente Zurich, Ont. Ph. 99r7, Zurich FEMALE HELP' WANTED At once, Good working conditions Apply at Dominion House, Zurich.. WANTED FARM — On shares or rent. Apply to Ilerald Office, Zurich. 2t* WANTED MAN for Rawleigh business. Sell to 1500 families. Write today. -•--• Rawleigh's Dept. 1 -458 -SA, Montreal,, 1'. Q. LOST ENTER NOW A hound Dog — Finder notifye. Elgin .3Ic:?' inl'ey, Goshen Line north, R.R. 1, Zurich. Hen. all Firemen responded to a filen at the .1IcCoIl Frontenac station on the corner of 84 and 4 Highways on Tuesday horning,. Mitchel Quintin who live: vent to the a:tation :saw the flames shooting in the station and gave the alarm. lir. Larry Legate who operates the service station stated that some garbage had caught fire. It could have proven serious. The local W. Int:Aitute expect to resume their program of meetings on Wed. eve Sept. 14th. There will be a pot luck supper beginning at 6.30 followed lryl a program. Roll call is to be answered by A Household chore my husband does. Tho Dingo held Saturday the 3rd spon::ored by the Legion was well patronized and winner.; were: Mrs. Wes Veinier, :Bert Wren 2., Bobby Smale, Mrs R. Y. McLaren, Mrs Ray Foster, Mrs Johnston, Mrs. Gould, Mrs Tom Brintnell, Mrs C. Knight, etc Next •Saturdny the jackpot will be worth $80.00 in 61 calls. WANTED Cleaning lady on' da' a ,,vee7c, Good wages for right person. Phone 1811 after six o'clock. 2tt I - WANTED To purchase :i second hand cook• stove apply to Karl Hxnl:•at, Zuriclr.- FOR SALE 158ED ITEMS TO CLEAR 1, •2• -burner Elec. heavy duty stove a.t $ 4O, 1, 1212" Northern Electric: 'i'V in A 1 condition at 05 - A number of Bicycles all sizes, Cheap 2, 1-4 H.P. Electric Motors 2 used Rifles 1 single, 1 repeater 22 ROLLIE SPORTS & CYCLE Grand Bend Monday and Tuesday afternoons — Col. Jim Eskew's• Rodeo — 100 head of wild horses and cattle — 40 cowboys and cowgirls. Friday and Saturday afternoons John Baldwin's Cherokee Ranch Rodeo will perform 20 exciting events—stn entirely different show. Produced fey Geo. A. Hamid & Sons—New Fork. Each ,avenin; . ,'1t 8:15 p.m. Featuring :fie Roxyetfe :ar:Ce;e and 9 eree.i- `'"p,_., vaudeville acts. 4$ talk ',, '^t. Ce,' 14'. At the Grandstand Wednesday and Thursday Afternoons. 2 and 3 -year Siandaid ;iced i ...Miry ;aces. Featuring other class races and light and heavy harness events. A xr Many New Shows, New Rides brought to Canada for the first time. The outstanding attraction of the Midway this, year will be the Globe of Death from Germany. , a. xi .F ,,, Old favourites will ha back at Kiddie Land this year along with new rides all the children will enjoy. More than 15 Kiddie -Rides. Tuesday to Saturday at 8:00 P.M. Special Attraction—Captain He'y-r's Saturday Matinee at 1:30 P,M. High School Horse "Starless Night" Canada's finest cattle are brez.! in Western Or:aria. And no fly' r shows exist than the champion Holstein and Jersey Shaws at Or:. Was?: -on Fair. These are the cattle that are sold all over the va 'cps EXHIBITS and COMMERCIAL. DISPLAYS . . NANDiCRAFI and ART DISPLAYS . - . PRIZES . , FLOL1AL DISPLAYS, � q� � Err'"'T0(Ato Ft LOW soh W, D. JACKSON, Manaper ADVANCED TICK VVillert's Variety Store grlelk'' iLiLz:ir Sure 4-55 TS ON SALE AT: Zurich, Ont, M" il�ris;ree><lt, ..sig