HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1955-09-08, Page 1TI ''Established 1900 irrtn;rn^;! ZURICH., ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER. zs 19 55 Returned from Hospital Mr Morris Weber returned home 'after an operation in St. Joseph's Rospital, London, feeling much bet- ter. ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Irene Farwell of Zurich, wish- 'as ish'as to announce the engagement of her '<only daughter, Helene Marie, to Wil- liam Michael .Regier, son of Mr and {Mrs; Joseph Regier, Mt. Carmmet. .Che marriage to take :place in St. Boniface. i Church, Zurich, on October let, 1955, kat 1.0.00 a.m. WEDNESDAY NIGHT —Junior Far- ? Cte,49inCJ3t:,ntasInBCC:amsneeval 9WaStlQethaepi . COME TO ss air r Wednesday and Thursday Sept. 21, 22nd. 0 ut t'' a t rtfr qA. Phone 421 - EXETER EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL . UB. CHURCH ZURICH — ONTARIO Rev. H. E. Koppel, Minister Mrs. Milton Gooch - Organist tiUNDAY SERVICES— 10.00 a.m. — Divine Worship. 11:15 a.m.. — Sunday School. Welcome at all Services — ''Conv `lsou with us and we will do the: wood.". Nam. 10:29. ST. PETER'S Ev. Lutheran Church, Zurich Rev. O. Winter, Pastor. 44rs. J. Tuerkheim, ATCM., Organist Worship Service 10:00 A.M. Sunday School (all ages) 11:15 A.M. ''he Lutheran Church in Zurich ex- tends a warm welcome to Visitors. Zurich Mennonite Church Pastor— Albert Martin SUNDAY SERVICES: n:00 :00 ann..— Sunday School 11:00 a.nt. — Worship Service a •00 p.m. — Bible Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8:30 p.m. •b'rayer Fellowship niers Variety Show and, Contest Beauty :Thursday — Sarnia Lionettes Band, $2,000 Horse Show, Parade, Midway Five 4-H Exhibits, „ Big Lovestock SHOW, Dance at Night. Huron County's LARGEST FAIR .q,,g,����sAt•vw+v+raa-rvv�•d:ra.?,.m m�.ea� • Receives Degree Miss Catherine Fingland, daughter of Huron County Judge and Mrs. F. Fingland, Clinton, received her de- gree in General Arts, with second class honors, at the convocation cere- monies held in University of 'Western Ontario recently. HURON POPULATION INCREASES • The population of Huron is increas- ing, but the increase is going ;.o the urban centres, it was indicated in the annual county assessment report, pre- sented by Assessor Alex Alexander, to Huron County Council. A populat- ion increase of 712.2 in a year is shown in the latest assessment report for IYOU ARE INVITED TO WORSHIP the county; the eight urban municip- WlTH USI elites had a total increase of 592 'iYou'II Enjoy Listening, to— people in, a year, while the 10 rural ``T ETE MENNONITE, HOUR" municipalities `had: anincrease of t' Friday, Saturday Sept. 9.10 Three Young Texans MITZI GAYNOR.. KEEFE BRASSELLE. Here's' one with all the exciting ingredients that make a good West- ern. Monday, Tuesday Sept 12-13 Vice Squad Edward G. Robinson Paulette Goddard This is a day in the life of a busy Dective. Wednesday, Thursday MAMBO Sept. 14-1 Michael Rennie :Shelly Winters The stony of the famous Mambo 5 Llashmar : 1 MEAT E CLINTON - ONTARIO Next to Community Park Thursday, Friday . .Sept. 8-9' THE STOOGE Martin and Lewis' Saturday, Monday Sept. 10-1 Bounty Hunter • Color Randolph Scott Aoleees Dorn • 2 tr;;;;d�,"-'4"!r Has Moved to Hamilton Dr, Bruce' Eickmeier, son of Mr and'Mrs Henry Eickmeier of Zurich, ha+ +nvoved his dental practice to Ham- ilton where he will form a dental clinic in accosiation with Dr. D. A. Shearer. Dr. Eickmeier also tn.tends to take ,some post graduate ,t.tdies,on gas' anaesthesia at the University this corning winter. The Holiday Week -End /lany visitor were in and out of town over the week -end, Labor Day, as this was universal to both Canada and the U.S.A. A new record has been set for fatalities, which does not solvzd so good. However, what can be done about it, less speed and that extra moment of precaution will do a`Iot towards overcoming much of it. Played at C.N.E. `7lliss Dianne Thiel and Mr, 'Paul 'S Ung,blut of Zurich and Miss Marie S ippon of Dashwood, some of the .oai {,standing members of the Zurich IBdys and Girls' Band joined the Lis- tdre11 :Band under the leadership of 1YI s; Russell _McBeth, assistant of Mr. A iC. Robinson, to play at the Tor - on iii Exhibition recently. We are v IT proud of these young musicians. ibng so much in demand far their fl .e performances. The Western Fair takWestern Fair, London, Sept. 12-17, es pride in being a Family Fair. Itt has something for every member• a • the family, from livestock and in- d'strial displays, flower.and grand - et. nd shows, to Conklin's famous !hid' ww+ 'y and the largest farm machinery 4 play in Eastern -Canada. Despite 1 weather Western will again have largest fruit and vegetable show n all Claritario, Eibators wine from !.'04114e1 Preaching' ;- Inspirational 130: The latest official population •,, - s � �•P�ta. Siisgingg: j ftgux e ? of"the cownty ' ce,ot ding ao. 2vTi Tuesday, Wed;nesda.Y Seliit: 53=1 c r. etef r $5 < inio-- c money. y. r.undays—�C1 900 Inc, a'7 30 aim.+ A'lexat der's tiguies is 49,966a.a year compete far $50,000 in prize monel... —WRVA -. F40.k.c: _10.30, p.m. ago, at the. June.J.954 session of co- I'll See You In My 'Dreams That's why' a day at Western i� ter 'l°T'he Living Christ for a Dying uncil, he reported the county's popu- beats best days'- an;,r�ihere. It witi be Color the best in history. Advance aa.le Iation at 4G,244'. Doris Day tickets are three for $1 and entitles holders to draw on two sedans Sat - Cartoon and Short at each Show urday night, Sept. 17th. Write We.r- Two Shows Nightly, rain or 'clear. tear Fair, Queens Park, London for Box Office Open S:00 p.m. First Show reserved' grandstand seats. Evening at Dusk. Children Under 12 in Cars prices. are $2, $1.50 and $1 Enclose Free stamped` envelope with money order or cheque payable at par in London. World." ' `44 4 4.o4 ,4444-4+t4•ti>4 ,*44 + HOFFMAN'S ▪ Arrange Funeral Service 1 To Or From +0..040 e•4e-g*4, a•a•G-r14.aa4.4a+O.4O0. Y} 4. 4. • Out -Of -Town -Points „�„ - ▪ Wherever funeral service is required, to or from any place in Can - ,f, ada, the'United States or other points of the globe, Hoffman's, as 4f members of kcal and national funeral director's associations, can ei. handle all the arrangements. You are always assured the quiet effi- 'ciency of Hoffman's service. • T. HARRY HOFFMAN FUNERAL HOME e. e. Funeral and•Ambulance Service 24 -Hour Service DASHWOOD Telephone 70-Wf y -rw-0- ;-"4,4,4,1ro+k4.4.,c, 44t44b 90,4444.4. w �.4)4,04`�e,a.,, 44.00 t;,....,., ;�.�t�..mmose ammtuatia sc um�: _ k a>�w zr.� 4. 4. 9 4' e Q 4' 4. ` WItt��7 LMarketrr Our St re AND SEETHE MANY FINE U`:EI'UL AND GIFT ARTICLES WE HAVE IN CHINAWARE, ETC. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO SHOW YOU THESE! Weekly Fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Greens Visit our Large Grocery Department and take advantage of the Various Specials on Sale from Time to Tame! BIRD'S EYE FROSTED FOODS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE — FRUITS - VEGETABLES FISH ..COLD MEATS, ETC. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Be sure ttfj take notice to our weekly. Grocery Specials in the Superior Adv. every Thursday in the London Free Press. LOWER PRICES SAVE YOU MONEY Phone 140 - C. H. THIEL - Zurich ni entre GRAND BEN Friday, Saturday Se SITTING BULL Cinemascope Tecli Dale Robertson Diary J. Carroll : iai, h Cartoon and Sports Reel pt. fl 10 nicalor Murphey Monday, Tuesday Sept. 12 1:5 MAMBO Silvana Mangano Michael Rennie Vittorio GassmanNeww -reel and "Popeye' Cartoon Wednesday, Thurs. Sept. 14-15 Jump Into Hell Jack Sernas Ruin :Kamer Arnold Moss Selected Short Subjcctjs MANY AT HENSALL Monday afternoon and evening was Hen:sall's Big Day :of the summer months when the Kinsmen Club of that town taged its second annual Bean Festival and sports Day. A very large number. of people turned out for the bigevent. One could meet their friends from near and far, and while the afternoon program was not overcrowded, it gave the people an opportunity to visit with their frfen:is The tug of war which created eon- iderable interest was won by Hay Township, composed of the folio,•; ine personell: AIphonse Masse, Robert _1lase, Alex 11in us e tu, George B: ' r, Roy Stymie, Ed. Hendrick, and c.p-'l tain Bruce Koehler, who pulled the Ucsborne team. From the bandstand some prominent speakers were heard intruding our Local M. P's, Agricult— ural amen,. and others which was much enjoyed by aII, The parade through the, Main Street on to the park wa= tine big attraction and was infers:- erred with the various bands that as- embied floe the occasion. The loiveiy floats took a lot of work to preptt,'ar, hut did a lot towards making- the event a big success. The Main St. of Hensel] was nicely decorated with no end -to streamers, and tete restd- ences were also touched up a bit, However the big fun was t: get that bean supper under way, which at gretent is Canada's only evcna or it's kind; and this was superb, hunc:teds of people were lined up hi two iiig channels awaiting their turn ."or, the attractive plate of u:puer consrsti:t,; of a liberal helping, of beans whih were superb, then there were otter goodies on the menu that were very appetising. It was a big undortaicit'• to supply :food for so large a crowd, but seemingly they were an ta':ee care off, and l:nt time of the evening program .fuse were well dined as the sa•`>r.ng :goes. The evening propene was well attended. fillies Marilyn Pol- lard, a nurse at South Huron Hosp- ital, Exeter, won an auto trader, don'• sated by General Coach Worts, of }Ieneall, in a draw in conjunction with) the Festival. In all it was a wo11 planned event, end we hope the HatedI sail 1Cin oven will have a {Here bit t.:11 show for their efforts, Single Copies 5 Cents. Subscription in Canada, $2.0a a T E ubseription U.S.A., Year $2.51 NORMA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR APPOINTMENTS Tel. 223 Larich NORMA STEINBACH - P'rog�. YOUR SPECTACLES RAGS, RUGS and CARPETS On a New Madera Loom. Made lel Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zurt Ont. Phone 128. DO YOUR SPECTACLES NEED REPAIRING OR ADJUSTING? Why not bring them in and have them fitted comfortably. BESIDES WE ARE IN A POSITION Ito supply you with new Frames any size, shape or color; your broken (Lenses replaced promptly and accur- ately. IF YOU NEED A NEW PAIR OF Spectacles.. Why not have examined at C. PASSMORE, R.O. 2474, St., London. Bring in the prescription we will fill it promptly with the newest in Spectacle Ware at a price much be- low the rates charged in the larger centres. your eyes Mr. Passmore is regarded as an outstanding Optometrist. . .u�1ppees �qL�i a 5 S FOR SEPTEMBER ROLLIES' BICYCLES & TRICY- CLES 10% OFF SPECIALS '\LL RADIOS 10.q OFF LLECTR.I,S RANGES, All Makes Electsic Washers 20 p.c. Off Gurney; Electra e Stove 20 p.c. Off Power Lawn Mower 20 p.c. Off And Many Other items T -V. Aa•ials and Airal :Material to in- stall your own. Save 50<4. . ROLLIE SPORTS & CYCLE Grand Bend A. G, HESS THE JEWELLER etsee glePa+!WOOS {14'44 r; :,16ms e a INVITES YOU TO JOIN ITS HOST OF FRIENDS LOBNE S. EILLER LOCKER SERVICE - - ROE FEED& WHITE ROSE FUEL OIL Phone 10 •--- HENSALL, ONit PtiMUVAI Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car 'Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent FLOWERS . FOR ALL OCCASIONS Da •...arid Nht Service .; • TELEPHONE: RES. 89W t air;.ti+.Wit'4OCStI:ITt 0.�V.060ai OR 89J, ZURICH 0.0Vt00 A Worthy Act The action of the F. W. Woo worth Company in ordering all brae, cites to discoutiuue the sale of tow 'istols is certainly to be rnrr..n ended This is an effort to prevent crime and many are of the opinion that the handling of toy pistols by little totes is not a good thing. Who has not been accosted on the streets by chile dren pointing toy pistols and order- ing us "Hands up." Only in fun, of course, but the thought is lodged iv the Wind of the child and, the rc,al ping rate.',+, home in liter v ea:'- i'v'( ',iinetbfeat)o creftl,): -lt`iel, 1 ,We are ever at your serrice with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Freeh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies ,LVA Nuts - and Confectionery in auppiy GIVE US -A CALL 1 esch PRODUCE WANTED. EILTMItNNEEZ iust- Ar sick L'hQaaaa 165. MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES Just .Arrived, New Shipment, at Very Low Prices Also some Lines at Special Prices to Clear . n, Men's Surnanei' Shifts, Underwear, Etc, Good Supply of Fresh Groceries always on Handl �t*L4.K.E ST ! fIt Schwartzentruber, Prop.Phone 11-97 .;�; ,.•.,fir:,: � � �... �: ,volougeoavatazonans aVa.